Exemple #1
 def moveRule(self, context, rule_type, identifier, delta):
     identifier = getInteger(identifier)
     rules = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
     rule = rules[identifier]
     chain = rules.getAclChain(rule)
     new_order = chain.getOrder(rule) + delta
     updates = rules.moveAt(rule, new_order)
     return updates
Exemple #2
 def service_moveRule(self, context, rule_type, identifier, new_order):
     Move a rule to the new specific order (in the same chain).
     identifier = getInteger(identifier)
     rules = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
     updates = rules.moveAt(rules[identifier], new_order)
     return updates
Exemple #3
 def service_ruleClone(self, context, rule_type, acl_id):
     Clone an ACL: acl_id is its identifier.
     acl_id = getInteger(acl_id)
     ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
     rules = ruleset.getRuleList(rule_type)
     updates = rules.clone(acl_id)
     return updates
Exemple #4
 def service_ruleChange(self, context, rule_type, acl_id, new_values):
     Change attributes of an ACL:
      - acl_id: acl identifier (unicode)
      - new_values: dictionary (attribute name => value)
     acl_id = getInteger(acl_id)
     acls = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
     acl = acls[acl_id]
     updates = acls.modifyObject(acl, new_values, False)
     return updates
Exemple #5
    def service_getRule(self, context, rule_type, rule_id, fusion=None):
        Get a ACL or NAT rule. Arguments:

         - rule_type: possible values are

           * "acls-ipv4" (IPv4 ACL)
           * "acls-ipv6" (IPv6 ACL)
           * "nats" (IPv4 NAT)

         - rule_id (integer): rule identifier
         - fusion (boolean): if True, replace generic networks / user groups by
           physical networks / user groups

        Result is a dictionary with the following keys.

        Common keys:

         - mandatory keys

           * id (integer): unique rule identifier
           * mandatory (boolean): True if the rule is mandatory
           * enabled (boolean): ACL is enabled? (bool)
           * sources (list of unicode): List of network identifiers
           * destinations (list of unicode): List of network identifiers

         - optional keys:
           * comment (unicode): Comment

        ACL keys:

         - mandatory keys:

           * decision (unicode): 'ACCEPT', 'DROP' or 'REJECT'
           * protocols (list of unicode): List of protocol identifiers
           * address_type (unicode): IPV4_ADDRESS or IPV6_ADDRESS
           * input (unicode): Identifier of the input interface
           * output (unicode): Identifier of the output interface
           * chain (unicode): 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT' or 'FORWARD'
           * log (boolean): Log connections or not?

         - optional keys:

           * user_groups (list of unicode): List of user group identifiers
           * applications (list of unicode): List of application identifiers
           * operating_systems (list of unicode): List of operating system identifiers
           * periodicities (list of unicode): List of periodicity identifiers
           * durations (list of unicode): List of duration identifiers
           * log_prefix (unciode): Prefix of an log entry

        NAT keys:

         - mandatory keys:

           * filters (list of unicode): List of protocol identifiers
           * nated_sources (list of unicode): List of translated network identifiers
           * nated_destinations (list of unicode): List of translated network identifiers
           * nated_filters (list of unicode): List of translated protocol identifiers
           * chain (unicode): 'PREROUTING' or 'POSTROUTING'

        A rule identifier is only unique in its list. Eg. you can have an IPv4
        ACL and an IPv6 ACL with the same identifier. Use (rule_type, rule_id)
        for a global unique identifier.
        rule_type = getUnicode(rule_type)
        rule_id = getInteger(rule_id)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        rules = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
        rule = rules[rule_id]
        return rule.exportXMLRPC(fusion)