def run_app(path): import buttons buttons.init() if not buttons.has_interrupt("BTN_MENU"): buttons.enable_menu_reset() try: mod = __import__(path) if "main" in dir(mod): mod.main() except Exception as e: import sys import uio import ugfx s = uio.StringIO() sys.print_exception(e, s) ugfx.clear() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) w=ugfx.Container(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height()) ugfx.Label(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height(),s.getvalue(),parent=w) raise(e) import stm stm.mem8[0x40002850] = 0x9C import pyb pyb.hard_reset()
def room_7(): ###Room 7 - exits EW room=7 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(0,1,0,1) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW)
def drawui(): ugfx.init() buttons.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x87F717)) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM) ugfx.fill_circle(50,50, 20, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.fill_circle(50, 100, 20, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(45, 45, "A", ugfx.RED) ugfx.text(45, 95, "B", ugfx.RED) ugfx.text(95, 45, "Flash the lights", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(95, 95, "Disco Inferno", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.fill_polygon(270,50, [ [0,0], [40,0], [40, 175], [0, 175] ], ugfx.RED)# , [230, 100], [230, 60] ugfx.fill_polygon(270,50, [ [0,0], [-20,10], [-20, 50], [0, 40] ], ugfx.RED)# , [230, 100], [230, 60] ugfx.area(283, 61, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 79, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 97, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 115, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 133, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 151, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 169, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.area(283, 187, 14, 10, ugfx.WHITE)
def game_over(reason): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.text(80,40,"Game Over!",ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(20,100,reason,ugfx.RED) playing=0
def room_3(): ###Room 3 - exits north, east room=3 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(1,1,0,0) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW)
def room_4(): ###Room 4 - exits west room=4 print ("here") ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(0,0,0,1) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW)
def room_6(): ###Room 6 - exits EW room=6 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(0,1,0,1) ugfx.area(90,100,20,20,ugfx.BLUE) ugfx.fill_circle(80,100,5,ugfx.YELLOW)
def room_9(): ###Room 9 - exits NES room=9 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(1,0,0,0) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW) if not haskey1==1: ugfx.fill_circle(100,165,5,ugfx.GREEN)
def room_5(): ###Room 5 - exits ES room=5 global btn_a_presses btn_a_presses=0 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(0,1,1,0) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW) if orc2>0: ugfx.fill_circle(70,70,10,ugfx.GREEN) else: ugfx.fill_circle(70,70,10,ugfx.RED)
def room_2(): ###Room 2 - exits south, west, east room=2 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(0,1,1,1) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW) if orc1>0: ugfx.fill_circle(130,70,10,ugfx.GREEN) else: ugfx.fill_circle(130,70,10,ugfx.RED)
def room_8(): ###Room 8 - exits WS global btn_a_presses btn_a_presses=0 room=8 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(0,0,1,1) ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW) if orc3>0: ugfx.fill_circle(70,70,20,ugfx.GREEN) else: ugfx.fill_circle(70,70,30,ugfx.RED)
def do_circle_of_life(): ugfx.init() buttons.init() buttons.disable_menu_reset() colour = get_colour() grid = Grid(ugfx.width(), ugfx.height(), colour_fore = colour, colour_back = COLOUR_BACK) grid.randomise() ugfx.clear(COLOUR_BACK) hash_count = 0 hash_last = None hash_last_last = None while True: # display hash_val = grid.display_badge() # randomise, if needed if hash_val == hash_last_last: hash_count += 1 if hash_count == HASH_COUNT_LIMIT: colour = get_colour(colour) grid.set_colour(colour) grid.randomise() hash_count = 0 else: hash_count = 0 hash_last_last = hash_last hash_last = hash_val # process next generation grid.next_generation() grid.swap_cell_buffers() # buttons pyb.wfi() if buttons.is_triggered("BTN_A") or buttons.is_triggered("BTN_B"): colour = get_colour(colour) grid.set_colour(colour) grid.randomise() if buttons.is_triggered("BTN_MENU"): break
def showPage(): global current_page # avoid out of bounds errors current_page = max(1, min(current_page, total_pages)) start = (current_page - 1) * APPS_PER_PAGE end = start + APPS_PER_PAGE apps_on_current_page = all_apps[start:end] # Refresh page ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)) # Write current page number and arrows ugfx.Label(0, 20, ugfx.width(), 20, "Page {} of {}".format(current_page, total_pages), justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) if current_page > 1: ugfx.fill_polygon(10, 16, [[0, 10], [15, 20], [15, 0]], ugfx.WHITE) if current_page < total_pages: ugfx.fill_polygon(ugfx.width() - 30, 16, [[0, 0], [15, 10], [0, 20]], ugfx.WHITE) # Write app numbers and names i = 0 yOffset = 45 xOffset = 0 for a in apps_on_current_page: # xOffset = (i % 3) * 8 # offset lines to match the physical layout of the keypad ugfx.area(20 + xOffset, yOffset + 2, 20, 20, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(23 + xOffset, yOffset + 3, keypadLabels[i] + " ", EMF_PURPLE) ugfx.Label(46 + xOffset, yOffset + 3, ugfx.width(), 20, a['title'], justification=ugfx.Label.LEFT) yOffset = yOffset + 22 i = i + 1 while True: for key in keypad: keyIndex = keypad.index(key) if buttons.is_pressed(key) and (keyIndex < len(apps_on_current_page)): apps_on_current_page[keyIndex]['app'].boot() break if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Right) and (current_page is not total_pages): current_page = current_page + 1 return if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Left) and (current_page is not 1): current_page = current_page - 1 return
def messageCentered(message, firstLineTitle=True, png=None): try: font1 = "Roboto_Regular18" font2 = "Roboto_Regular12" color = ugfx.BLACK ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) parts = message.split("\n") lines = [] font = font1 for part in parts: if len(part) < 1: lines.append("") else: lines.extend(lineSplit(part, ugfx.width(), font)) if firstLineTitle: font = font2 offset_y = int(ugfx.height() / 2) #Half of the screen height offset_y -= 9 #Height of the first line divided by 2 if firstLineTitle: offset_y -= 6 * len(lines) - 1 #Height of font1 divided by 2 else: offset_y -= 9 * len(lines) - 1 #Height of font2 divided by 2 if png != None: try: img_info = badge.png_info(png) offset_y -= int(img_info[1] / 2) + 4 img_x = int((ugfx.width() - img_info[0]) / 2) ugfx.display_image(img_x, offset_y, png) offset_y += img_info[1] + 8 except: pass lineCentered(offset_y, lines[0], font1, color) offset_y += 18 for i in range(len(lines) - 1): if not firstLineTitle: lineCentered(offset_y, lines[i + 1], font1, color) offset_y += 18 else: lineCentered(offset_y, lines[i + 1], font2, color) offset_y += 12 ugfx.flush() except: print("!!! Exception in easydraw.messageCentered !!!")
def setup(): global background badge.init() ugfx.init() ugfx.input_init() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, reboot) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, reboot) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, invert) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, invert) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, invert) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, invert) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, invert) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, invert) ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_NORMAL) ugfx.clear(background) ugfx.flush() flip()
def switchme(pushed): global switch if (pushed): if switch: print("ToorCamp") switch = False #clearGhosting() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) badge.eink_png(0, 0, '/lib/toorcamp/toorcamp.png') badge.eink_busy_wait() else: print("ToorCon") switch = True #clearGhosting() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) badge.eink_png(0, 0, '/lib/toorcamp/toorcon.png') badge.eink_busy_wait()
def draw(y, sleep=2): global message enabled = badge.nvs_get_u8("sweary","enable", 0) if enabled and seeded and sleep: nick = badge.nvs_get_str("owner", "name", 'Offensive Owner') ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.string_box(0,10,296,26, nick + " says:", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(0,45,296,38, message, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) return [interval, 0] return [9999999999, 0]
def show_category(pressed=True): if not pressed: return ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) global category categories_list.visible(False) categories_list.enabled(False) slug = repo.categories[categories_list.selected_index()]["slug"] showMessage("Loading " + slug + "...") #Clean up list while category_list.count() > 0: category_list.remove_item(0) try: try: category = repo.getCategory(slug) except: showMessage("Failed to open category " + slug + "!", True) time.sleep(1) show_categories() gc.collect() for package in category: category_list.add_item("%s rev. %s" % (package["name"], package["revision"])) category_list.selected_index(0) category_list.visible(True) category_list.enabled(True) #Input handling ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, btn_exit) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, install_app) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, show_categories) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, btn_unhandled) #Hint easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(0, "START: Exit") easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(1, "A: Install app") easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(2, "B: Back") #Flush screen ugfx.flush() except BaseException as e: sys.print_exception(e) showMessage(e, True) time.sleep(1) show_categories()
def cuss(): t = easyrtc.string() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) #ugfx.string(x, y, string, font, colour) ugfx.string(10, 5, str(random.choice(first)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(30, 30, str(random.choice(second)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(100, 55, str(random.choice(third)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) # ugfx.string(110, 85, str(herp), "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(30, 85, " it's ", "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(140, 85, t, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(3)
def main(): #h = DHT11(machine.Pin(33)) # J8 h = DHT11(machine.Pin(26)) # J7 ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexMono_Bold24') ugfx.clear() ugfx.Label(40, 0, 240, 60, text='DHT11/22 Demo') ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexMono_Regular24') l = ugfx.Label(40, 60, 240, 120, text='') while True: h.measure() h.temperature() l.text('temperature:{},humidity:{}'.format(h.temperature(), h.humidity())) time.sleep(1)
def cuss(): ## t = easyrtc.string() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) herp = str(random.choice(first)) ###ugfx.string(x, y, string, font, colour) ugfx.string(10, 5, str(random.choice(first)), "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(30, 25, str(random.choice(second)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) len = ugfx.get_string_width(str(random.choice(second)),"PermanentMarker36") ugfx.line(25, 59, 72 + len, 59, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(135, 68, str(random.choice(third)), "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK) # ugfx.string(110, 85, str(herp), "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(30, 95, " it's ", "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ## ugfx.string(140, 85, t, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(3)
def show_category(pressed=True, fromAppInstall=False): global lastCategory if not pressed: return ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_C, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BOOT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) global category if not fromAppInstall: lastCategory = myList.selected_index() slug = repo.categories[lastCategory]["slug"] showMessage("Loading " + slug + "...") display.drawFill() myList.clear() try: try: category = repo.getCategory(slug) except BaseException as e: showMessage("Failed to open category " + slug + "!", True) display.drawFill() print("CAT OPEN ERR", e) time.sleep(1) show_categories() return gc.collect() for package in category: myList.add_item("%s rev. %s" % (package["name"], package["revision"])) myList.visible(True) myList.enabled(True) #Input handling ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, install_app) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_C, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BOOT, show_categories) display.flush(display.FLAG_LUT_NORMAL) except BaseException as e: sys.print_exception(e) print("ERROR", e) showMessage("Internal error", True) display.drawFill() time.sleep(1) show_categories()
def draw(mode, goingToSleep=False): ugfx.orientation(0) if mode: # We flush the buffer and wait ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) badge.eink_busy_wait() else: # We prepare the screen refresh ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) if goingToSleep: info1 = 'Sleeping...' info2 = 'Press any key to wake up' else: info1 = 'Press start to open the launcher' if otac.available(False): info2 = 'Press select to start OTA update' else: info2 = '' def disp_string_right(y, s): l = ugfx.get_string_width(s, "Roboto_Regular12") ugfx.string(296 - l, y, s, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) disp_string_right(0, info1) disp_string_right(12, info2) if badge.safe_mode(): disp_string_right(92, "Safe Mode - services disabled") disp_string_right(104, "Sleep disabled - will drain battery quickly") disp_string_right(116, "Press Reset button to exit") nickname() on_usb = pm.usb_attached() vBatt = badge.battery_volt_sense() vBatt += vDrop charging = badge.battery_charge_status() battery(on_usb, vBatt, charging) if vBatt > 500: ugfx.string(52, 0, str(round(vBatt / 1000, 1)) + 'v', 'Roboto_Regular12', ugfx.BLACK)
def render(self): global game_state print('render '+game_state) ugfx.clear() if game_state == 'SEARCH': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 5, ugfx.width(), 20, "Scanning for hackers!...") ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width(), 40, self.current_battle.status()) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 20, "Press (A) to battle, (B) to try to escape") elif game_state == 'BATTLE': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width(), 40, self.current_battle.status()) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 20, "Press (A) to continue, (B) to try to escape") elif game_state == 'ATTACK': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width(), 40, self.current_battle.status()) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 20, "Press (A) to continue, (B) to try to escape") elif game_state == 'ESCAPE': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width(), 40, self.current_battle.status()) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 20, "Press (A) to continue, (B) to try to escape") elif game_state == 'WIN': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width(), 40, self.current_battle.status()) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 20, "Press (A) to continue, (B) to try to escape") elif game_state == 'LOSE': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width(), 40, self.current_battle.status()) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 20, "Press (A) to continue, (B) to try to escape") elif game_state == 'INACTIVE': ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(5, 5, ugfx.width(), 25, "Hello agent,") ugfx.Label(5, 25, ugfx.width(), 25, "Captures: %i" % self.gumshoe.captures) ugfx.Label(5, 50, ugfx.width(), 25, "XP: %i" % self.gumshoe.xp) ugfx.Label(5, 75, ugfx.width(), 25, "Instructions:") ugfx.Label(5, 100, ugfx.width(), 25, "(1) Explore the EMF site") ugfx.Label(5, 125, ugfx.width(), 50, "(2) When in position, press A to start a search for nearby hackers...") ugfx.Label(5, 175, ugfx.width(), 50, "Beware of confronting more experienced hackers!")
def draw_screen(): global bar, stock ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(65, 5, "what's on tap?", ugfx.RED) ugfx.line(5, 20, ugfx.width(), 20, ugfx.GREY) for idx, beer in enumerate(bar['location']): remaining = 0 for item in stock['stock']: if item['description'] == beer['description']: remaining = float(item['remaining']) ugfx.text(5, 22 + idx*15, beer['description'][:28], ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(202, 22 + idx*15, '!' if (remaining < 30) else ' ', ugfx.RED) ugfx.text(210, 22 + idx*15, "{:>4}".format(beer['price']), ugfx.WHITE)
def attempt_unlock_secret_entered(secret): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(15, 10, "SHA2017 - Ransomware", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK) if secret == ransom_secret: badge.nvs_set_str('boot', 'splash', 'splash') cry = __import__("/lib/ascii_porn/wannacry") cry.restore() write(40, "Dobby is free!") ugfx.flush() time.sleep(4) appglue.home() else: write(40, "INVALID RANSOM SECRET!") ugfx.flush() time.sleep(4) write_lock()
def draw_ship(self): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(10, SCREEN_Y-15, "You are playing on a ", "RobotoRegular12", ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.string(10, SCREEN_Y-28, "r: "+str(self.r), # "RobotoRegular12", ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.string(10, SCREEN_Y-41, "y: "+str(self.y), # "RobotoRegular12", ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.string(10, SCREEN_Y-54, "x: "+str(self.x), # "RobotoRegular12", ugfx.BLACK) self.draw_line(self.x+4*self.size, self.y, self.x-6*self.size, self.y-5*self.size) self.draw_line(self.x+4*self.size, self.y, self.x-6*self.size, self.y+5*self.size) self.draw_line(self.x-3*self.size, self.y, self.x-6*self.size, self.y-5*self.size) self.draw_line(self.x-3*self.size, self.y, self.x-6*self.size, self.y+5*self.size) ugfx.flush()
def room_1(): ### Room 1 - exit north room=1 ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) setup_right_menu() build_room_walls(1,0,0,0) #corridor N ugfx.thickline(90,34,90,0,ugfx.WHITE,7,0) ugfx.thickline(110,34,110,0,ugfx.WHITE,7,0) #door ugfx.thickline(90,180,110,180,ugfx.BLUE,7,0) #PC ugfx.fill_circle(100,150,5,ugfx.YELLOW)
def start_launcher(pushed): global splashTimer if (pushed): splashTimer.deinit() #By importing it... #import launcher #Or by sleeping... ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(0, 0, "Starting launcher...", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() import time time.sleep(0.5) import esp esp.rtcmem_write_string("launcher") esp.start_sleeping(1)
def draw(mode, goingToSleep=False): info1 = '' info2 = '' if mode: # We flush the buffer and wait ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE) else: # We prepare the screen refresh ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) easydraw.nickname() if goingToSleep: info = 'Sleeping...' elif badge.safe_mode(): info = "(Services disabled!)" elif otac.available(False): info = 'Update available!' else: info = '' easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(0, info)
def show_categories(pressed=True, fromAppInstall=False): if not pressed: return ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_C, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BOOT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) myList.clear() for category in repo.categories: myList.add_item("%s (%d) >" % (category["name"], category["eggs"])) myList.enabled(True) myList.visible(True) #Input handling ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, show_category) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_C, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BOOT, btn_exit) display.flush(display.FLAG_LUT_NORMAL)
def main(): print("emf_hub_mon: Starting emf_hub_mon") # Init GFX and Buttons ugfx.init() buttons.init() # Config config = database.Database(filename='apps/emf_hub_mon/emf_hub_mon.json') # Status bar service status_service = status_bar(config) # LED service led_service = led(config) # Display service mon_service = mon_display(config, status_service, led_service) # Display welcome screen on first boot if config.get('first_boot'): mon_service.welcome() # MQTT service mqtt_service = mqtt_handler(config, mon_service) # Initialise the monitor display mon_service.init() while True: # Handle MQTT operations mqtt_service.handle() # Handle Display operations mon_service.update() # Give the CPU a break pyb.delay(200) # clean up some stuff, not sure if this is required but w/e ugfx.clear()
def show_category(pressed=True, fromAppInstall=False): global lastCategory if not pressed: return ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BACK, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_OK, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) global category if not fromAppInstall: lastCategory = selectBox.selected_index() slug = repo.categories[lastCategory]["slug"] easydraw.messageCentered("Loading category...\n" + slug, True, "/media/busy.png") display.drawFill() selectBox.clear() try: category = repo.getCategory(slug) gc.collect() for package in category: selectBox.add_item(package["name"]) selectBox.visible(True) selectBox.enabled(True) #Input handling ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_OK, install_app) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BACK, show_categories) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, btn_unhandled) #Flush screen display.flush(display.FLAG_LUT_NORMAL) except BaseException as e: sys.print_exception(e) easydraw.messageCentered("An error occured!", False, "/media/alert.png") display.drawFill() time.sleep(1) show_categories()
def show_names(): global names c = False y = 10 ugfx.clear() term.header(True, "About") print("Developers:") for n in range(0, len(names)): if (names[n]==" "): break print(" - "+names[n]) easydraw.msg("Your badge has been made possible by the following people:", "About", True) for n in range(0, len(names)): if easydraw.msg(names[n]): time.sleep(0.5) easydraw.msg("Press back or start to quit!")
def show_manual(): ugfx.clear(APP_COLOUR) window = ugfx.Container(0, 0, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()) window.text(5, 10, "TiNDA: Dating app for TiLDA", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 30, "Find your perfect EMF match", ugfx.BLACK) window.line(0, 50, ugfx.width(), 50, ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 60, "Step 1: Answer all questions", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 80, "and receive an emoji card.", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 110, "Step 2: Compare cards with", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 130, "other people and count", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 150, "matching emoji.", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 180, "Step 3: <3", ugfx.BLACK) while ((not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu))): sleep.wfi()
def start(): ugfx.input_init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) # Instructions if orientation.isLandscape(): ugfx.line(148, 78, 296, 78, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(148,78,148,18, " A: Run", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(148,78,148,18, " B: Return to home", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyRight) ugfx.string_box(148,92,148,18, " SELECT: Uninstall", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.line(148, 110, 296, 110, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(148,110,148,18, " " +, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) else: ugfx.line(0, ugfx.height()-18*4, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()-18*4, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(0,ugfx.height()-18*4,ugfx.width(),18, " A: Run", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(0,ugfx.height()-18*3,ugfx.width(),18, " B: Return to home", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(0,ugfx.height()-18*2,ugfx.width(),18, " SELECT: Uninstall", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.line(0, ugfx.height()-18*1, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()-18*1, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(0,ugfx.height()-18*1,ugfx.width(),18, " " +, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) global options global install_path options = None install_path = None ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, input_a) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, input_b) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, input_select) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, input_other) populate_apps() populate_category() populate_options() # do a greyscale flush on start ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE)
def draw_home(percent, cstate, status): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) if (cstate): ugfx.string(0, 0, str(percent) + "% & Charging... | " + status, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) else: ugfx.string(0, 0, str(percent) + "% | " + status, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) htext = badge.nvs_get_str("owner", "htext", "") if (htext != ""): draw_logo(160, 25, htext) nick = badge.nvs_get_str("owner", "name", "Anonymous") ugfx.string(0, 40, nick, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FULL) ugfx.flush() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER)
def print_page(self): self.content = ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x", "xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx x xxx x x xx x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x x x x x x xxxx x xxxx x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxx x x xx xx x x xxxx x xx x x x xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx x xxxxxxx x xxxx xxxxxxx x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", " x xxxxxxx x x xxxx x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"] ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.area(0, 5, 320, 45, ugfx.BLUE) for i,line in enumerate(self.content): for j,c in enumerate(line): if c=="x": ugfx.area(4*j, 5*i+5, 4, 5, ugfx.YELLOW) ugfx.area(0, 220, 320, 15, ugfx.YELLOW) ugfx.text(35, 221, "EMFFAX: The World at Your Fingertips", ugfx.BLUE)
def show_shift_list(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() global shift_list global shifts shift_list = ugfx.List(0, 0, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()) if not shifts: shifts = get_shifts(api_key) for shift in shifts: shift_list.add_item("{} - {}, {}".format( generate_timedelta_text(int(shift['start']), int(shift['end'])), shift['name'], shift["Name"])) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_NORMAL) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, nothing) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, nothing) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, nothing) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, nothing) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, lambda pressed: show_shift_detail() if pressed else None) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, lambda pressed: appglue.home() if pressed else None)
def install_app(active): if active: global options global text global packages global selected_app index = options.selected_index() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, 0) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, 0) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, 0) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, 0) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, 0) ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(40, 25, "Installing:", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(100, 55, packages[index]["name"], "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() import woezel selected_app = packages[index]["slug"] woezel.install(selected_app) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(40, 25, "Installed:", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(100, 55, packages[index]["name"], "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(0, 115, "[ A: START | B: BACK ]", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, start_app) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, start_categories) ugfx.input_attach( ugfx.BTN_START, lambda pushed: appglue.start_app("") if pushed else False) ugfx.flush() gc.collect()
def download_avatar(): avatar_url = db.get("avatar_url", "") if avatar_url: if (avatar_url.endswith(".png") or avatar_url.startswith("http")): try: image = http.get(avatar_url).raise_for_status().content ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.display_image(0, 0, bytearray(image)) #f = open(avatar_file_name, 'w') #f.write(image) #f.close() #ugfx.display_image(0,0,bytearray(image)) except: ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x000000)) ugfx.orientation(270) ugfx.text(3, 65, "Couldn't download the avatar.", ugfx.RED) return False else: ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x000000)) ugfx.orientation(270) ugfx.text(3, 65, "Invalid avatar url.", ugfx.RED) return False else: ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x000000)) ugfx.orientation(270) ugfx.text(3, 65, "No avatar url.", ugfx.RED) return True
def show_categories(pressed=True, fromAppInstall=False): if not pressed: return ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BACK, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_OK, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) selectBox.clear() for category in repo.categories: selectBox.add_item(category["name"]) selectBox.enabled(True) selectBox.visible(True) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BACK, btn_exit) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_OK, show_category) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, btn_update) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, btn_unhandled) display.flush(display.FLAG_LUT_NORMAL)
def show_trains(self): ugfx.clear() ugfx.area(0, 0, 240, 25, ugfx.RED if self.has_error else ugfx.GRAY) title = get_title(self.station_data['locationName'], self.has_error) ugfx.text(5, 5, title, ugfx.WHITE if self.has_error else ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(195, 5, time_as_string(), ugfx.BLUE) names = self._get_names_container() row_num = 0 for service in self.station_data['trainServices']: departure = get_departure(service) if departure: names.text(5, 15 * row_num, service['destination'][0]['locationName'], ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(195, 25 + (15 * row_num), departure, ugfx.RED if is_red(service) else ugfx.BLUE) row_num += 1 ugfx.display_image(0, 300, 'trains/bottom.gif') self.should_redraw = False
def __init__(self): # initialize ugfx ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) # Buttons ugfx.input_init() self.init_buttons() # Container width = ugfx.width() height = ugfx.height() ind_height = 46 container_height = height - ind_height self.indicator = ugfx.Container(0, 0, width, ind_height, style=styles.ibm_st) self.container = ugfx.Container(0, ind_height, width, container_height, style=styles.ibm_st) self.graph_basepos = container_height - 5 # Sensor self.gas_sensor = ADC(Pin(34)) self.gas_sensor.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.gas_sensor.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) # Smooth self.Vos = 0 # Buzzer self.buzzer = Buzzer()
def list_categories(): global options global categories try: categories except: ugfx.input_init() easydraw.msg('Getting categories', "Loading...", True) try: f = urequests.get("", timeout=30) categories = f.json() except: easydraw.msg('Failed :(') appglue.start_app('launcher', False) f.close() easydraw.msg('Success :)') options = ugfx.List(0, 0, int(ugfx.width()), ugfx.height()) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, dummy_button_cb) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, dummy_button_cb) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, select_category) ugfx.input_attach( ugfx.BTN_B, lambda pushed: appglue.start_app("launcher", False) if pushed else False) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() while options.count() > 0: options.remove_item(0) for category in categories: options.add_item("%s (%d) >" % (category["name"], category["eggs"])) options.selected_index(0) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) gc.collect()
import pyb import ugfx import buttons imu = IMU() buttons.init() ugfx.init() h = ugfx.height() w = ugfx.width() bgcolor = ugfx.BLACK # foreground colour fgcolor = ugfx.WHITE # background colour ugfx.clear(bgcolor) pw = 40 # progress bar width ph = h - 20 # progress bar height pm = 5 # progress bar margin # draw the boxes for the progress bars, (h//2)-(ph//2), pw, ph, fgcolor), (h//2)-(ph//2), pw, ph, fgcolor), (h//2)-(ph//2), pw, ph, fgcolor) # label the progress bars ugfx.text((w//2)-(w//4)-(pw//2)-15, (h//2), 'x', fgcolor) ugfx.text((w//2)-(pw//2)-15, (h//2), 'y', fgcolor) ugfx.text((w//2)+(w//4)-(pw//2)-15, (h//2), 'z', fgcolor)
def get_color(val): return ((val & 0x1f) << 11) | ((val & 0x1f) << 6) | (val & 0x1f) def m(x, y): # Normalised coordinates a = 4.0 * (x/size[0] - 0.66) b = 3.0 * (y/size[1] - 0.50) z = 0 for n in range(32): z = z**2 + a + b*1j if abs(z) > 4: break return 31-n ugfx.clear(ugfx.GREY) ugfx.text(30, int(size[1])-30, 'Computing...', ugfx.BLACK) for y in range(size[1]): for x in range(size[0]): c = m(x, y) ugfx.area(x, y, 1, 1, get_color(c)) if buttons.is_triggered("BTN_B"): break while playing: ugfx.text(30, int(size[1])-30, 'Mandelbrot done :)', ugfx.WHITE) while True: # pyb.wfi() # Some low power stuff
def redraw_whole_bg(): ugfx.clear(SKIES[level]) ugfx.area(0, 191, 320, 10, GRASS) ugfx.area(0, 201, 320, 40, GROUND_2) redraw_bg_range(0, 201, 320, 240)
def print_page(self): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.area(0, 5, 320, 45, ugfx.BLUE) ugfx.area(0, 220, 320, 15, ugfx.YELLOW) ugfx.text(35, 221, "EMFFAX: The World at Your Fingertips", ugfx.BLUE)
# uses the accelerator for input of the buzzer and displays a circle from imu import IMU import pyb import ugfx import buttons imu = IMU() ugfx.init() bgcolor = ugfx.BLACK fgcolor = ugfx.YELLOW ugfx.clear(bgcolor) ugfx.backlight(20) buttons.init() t4 = pyb.Timer(4, freq=100, mode=pyb.Timer.CENTER) while not buttons.is_pressed("BTN_MENU"): accel = imu.get_acceleration() accel_x = accel.get('x') accel_y = accel.get('y') accel_z = accel.get('z') accel_use = accel_y t4.freq(700 + accel_use * 200) ch1 =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("BUZZ"), pulse_width=(t4.period() + 1) // 2)
tone(d,bp,pp) tone(d,bp,pp) tone(d,bp,pp) tone(g,bp*4,pp) tone(d,bp,pp) tone(d,bp,pp) tone(d,bp,pp) tone(g,bp*4,pp) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(80,40,"Adventure!",ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(20,100,"Escape from the Castle!",ugfx.RED) play_theme() pyb.delay(2000) room_1() ###start at this room while True: playing=1 while playing: if buttons.is_triggered("JOY_UP"): if room == 1:
while True: # set orientation flip = 1 ival = imu.get_acceleration() if ival['y'] < 0: ugfx.orientation(0) else: ugfx.orientation(180) if ival['y'] < 0: flip = -1 # estimate 10 characters per screen... ugfx.clear(backgrounds[colorIndex]) colorIndex += 1 colorIndex %= len(backgrounds) accel = ival['x']*flip # -1 to 1 # Center middle # estimate 32px per character... ugly position += int(accel*speed) if (position > name_len): position = -name_len if (position < -name_len): position = name_len ugfx.text(position-name_len, cy, name, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(position, cy, name, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(position+name_len, cy, name, ugfx.BLACK)
def screen_3(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x7c1143)) ugfx.text(27, 90, "Thank you!", ugfx.WHITE)
### Description: Wearables Controller ### Category: Flashy ### License: MIT ### Appname : Wearables ### Built-in: no import ugfx from database import * import dialogs import buttons buttons.init() buttons.disable_menu_reset() ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x7c1143)) pin_options = [ {"title": "Onboard NeoPixel", "value":"PB13"}, {"title": "Servo Header 2", "value":"X2"}, ] led_pin_name = database_get("led-port", "PB13") pinnm = dialogs.prompt_option(pin_options, text="What connector are your neopixels on?", title="Wearables Controller") if pinnm: database_set("led-port", pinnm['value']) menu_items = [ {"title": "Rainbow", "value":"rainbow"}, {"title": "Matrix", "value":"matrix"}, {"title": "Colour", "value":"colour"},
tone(150,50,30) tone(180,50,30) tone(100,250,30) redraw_whole_bg() for copter in quadcopters: copter.draw() A = 880 AS = 932.33 C = 1046.50 CS = 1108.73 D = 1174.66 SPEED = 500 ugfx.clear(SKIES[level]) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) ugfx.text(110, 10, "EMF", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM) ugfx.text(100, 80, "It's unbelievable!", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(15, 140, "There are too many toys in the skies.", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(95, 160, "Shoot them down.", ugfx.WHITE) tone(A, SPEED*0.75, SPEED*0.25) tone(A, SPEED*0.5, SPEED*0.5) tone(C, SPEED*0.2, SPEED*0.1) tone(A, SPEED*0.3, SPEED*0.3) tone(C, SPEED*0.4, SPEED*0.25) tone(C, SPEED*0.5, SPEED*0.4)
buf = while len(buf) > 0: sha256.update(buf) buf = return str(binascii.hexlify(sha256.digest()), "utf8") except: return "ERR" def download(url, target, expected_hash): while True: get(url).raise_for_status().download_to(target) if calculate_hash(target) == expected_hash: break ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(5, 5, "Downloading TiLDA software", ugfx.BLACK) label = ugfx.Label(5, 30, ugfx.width() - 10, ugfx.height() - 60, "Please wait") ugfx.Label(5, ugfx.height() - 30, ugfx.width() - 10, 30, "If nothing happens for 2 minutes please press the reset button on the back") w = {} try: if "wifi.json" in os.listdir(): with open("wifi.json") as f: w = json.loads( except ValueError as e: print(e) if type(w) is dict: # convert original format json (dict, one network) to new (list, many networks) w = [w]
def clear(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x7c1143))
import pyb import stm import buttons import dialogs from database import * from filesystem import * import uio import sys import gc import onboard from app import * ugfx.init() buttons.init() ugfx.set_default_style(dialogs.default_style_badge) ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(dialogs.default_style_badge.background())) def update_options(options, category, pinned): options.disable_draw() apps = get_local_apps(category) out = [] while options.count(): options.remove_item(0) for app in apps: if app.get_attribute("built-in") == "hide": continue # No need to show the home app if app.folder_name in pinned: options.add_item("*%s" % app.title) else:
### Author: core ### Description: Simple visual morse widget ### Category: morse ### License: MIT ### Appname: cw_flash import ugfx, pyb, buttons ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.area(0,0,320,240,ugfx.html_color(0x00FF00)) buttons.init() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) t4 = pyb.Timer(4, freq=300, mode=pyb.Timer.CENTER) SIGN_SCALING = 100 DOT = 1 DASH = 3 PAUSE_ELEMENT = DOT PAUSE_CHARACTER = 3 * DOT - DOT PAUSE_WORD = 7 * DOT - DOT AF = True def dot(): if AF: ch1 =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("BUZZ"), pulse_width=(t4.period() + 1) // 2) ugfx.area(100,75,90,90,ugfx.BLACK) pyb.delay(SIGN_SCALING*DOT) if AF: