def next_level(self): self.level_n += 1 self.enemy_planes.clear() self.planes_spawned.clear() if self.level_n == 0: # First level pass elif self.level_n >= len(levels): for n in range(50): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) message("You've won the game! :)") ugfx.flush() buzzer(8000, 0.1) buzzer(4000, 0.1) time.sleep(0.1) self.is_running = False return else: for n in range(5): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) message("You've cleared level %s/%s" % ( self.level_n, len(levels), )) ugfx.flush() buzzer(5000, 0.1) time.sleep(0.1) self.level = levels[self.level_n]
def connectClick(pushed): if pushed: selected = options.selected_text().encode() print('selected') options.destroy() ssidType = scanResults[ssidList.index(selected)][4] print(ssidType) print(ssidList.index(selected)) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(100, 50, selected, 'Roboto_Regular18', ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() if ssidType == 5: clearGhosting() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(20, 50, 'WPA Enterprise unsupported...', 'Roboto_Regular18', ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FULL) ugfx.flush() badge.eink_busy_wait() system.reboot() badge.nvs_set_str("system", "wifi.ssid", selected) if ssidType == 0: badge.nvs_set_str("system", "wifi.password", '') system.reboot() else: clearGhosting() dialogs.prompt_text("WiFi password", cb=passInputDone)
def clearscreen(): # clear the screen 3 times for x in range(0, 3): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush()
def cuss(): ## t = easyrtc.string() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) one = str(random.choice(first)) two = str(random.choice(second)) three = str(random.choice(third)) len1 = ugfx.get_string_width(one, "Roboto_BlackItalic24") len2 = ugfx.get_string_width(two, "PermanentMarker36") len3 = ugfx.get_string_width(three, "Roboto_BlackItalic24") ugfx.string_box(90, 0, len1, 24, one, "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string_box(40, 25, len2, 36, two, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string_box(90, 63, len3, 34, three, "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ###ugfx.string(x, y, string, font, colour) #ugfx.string(20, 5, str(random.choice(first)), "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) #ugfx.string(30, 20, str(random.choice(second)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) #len = ugfx.get_string_width(str(random.choice(second)),"PermanentMarker36") #ugfx.line(25, 57, 64 + len, 57, ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.line(140 + len, 52, 140 + len, 70, ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.string(120, 60, str(random.choice(third)), "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.string(30, 95, " it's ", "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ## ugfx.string(140, 95, t, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(3)
def render(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) lenny.render_creation( lambda w, h: (lenny.BADGE_EINK_WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, lenny. BADGE_EINK_HEIGHT // 2 - h // 2), lenny.creation, cursor_position) ugfx.flush()
def get_tweets(pushed): if (pushed): print("Downloading JSON...") gc.collect() try: data = requests.get("https://example/twitter.php") except: print("Could not download JSON!") sleep(1) return try: global tweets tweets = data.json() except: data.close() print("Could not decode JSON!") sleep(1) return data.close() print("Rendering list...") ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() #get 1 tweet only, but possible to convert to scroll/something x = 1 tweet_text = str(tweets['statuses'][x]['text']) ugfx.string(45, 85, tweet_text, "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush()
def start(): ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) x0 = int(display.width()/2) display.drawText(x0+10, 0, "Recovery mode!", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") global options global install_path options = None install_path = None ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, input_a) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, input_b) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, input_select) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, input_other) populate_apps() populate_category() populate_options() # do a greyscale flush on start ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE)
def pixelflood_handler(client_sock): while True: line = client_sock.readline().decode('ascii') if line == '' or line == '\r\n': break line_parts = line.split(' ') if len(line_parts) != 4 or line_parts[0] != 'PX': break try: int(line_parts[1]) int(line_parts[2]) int(line_parts[3], 16) except ValueError: break x, y = int(line_parts[1]), int(line_parts[2]) col = ugfx.BLACK if int(line_parts[3], 16) < 0x800000 else ugfx.WHITE if x in range (0, 296) and y in range(0, 128): ugfx.pixel(x, y, col) ugfx.flush() client_sock.close()
def re_draw(): global scroll, max_scroll print("redraw:"+str(scroll)) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) y=0 ugfx.string(0, y, "SSID", "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(110, y, "Enc", "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(150, y, "Ch", "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(175, y, "dB", "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(210, y, "BSSID", "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(270, y, '{:d}/{:d}'.format(scroll, max_scroll), "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.line(0, 12, 296, 12, ugfx.BLACK) y+=15 for net in scanResults[scroll:]: # (ssid, bssid, channel, RSSI, authmode, hidden) # (b'SHA2017-legacy', b"\xa8\xbd'z\xd1\xc0", 1, -55, 5, False) print(net) bssid = ubinascii.hexlify(net[1]).upper() ssid = net[0] if net[5] == True: ssid = "<hidden>" ugfx.string(0, y, '{:40}'.format(ssid), "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(110, y, '{}'.format(encription.get(net[4],"?")), "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(150, y, '{:2d}'.format(net[2]), "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(175, y, '{:3d}'.format(net[3]), "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(210, y, '{:2}:{:2}:{:2}:{:2}:{:2}:{:2}'.format(bssid[0:2],bssid[2:4],bssid[4:6],bssid[6:8],bssid[8:10],bssid[10:12]), "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK) y += 14 ugfx.flush()
def passInputDone(passIn): badge.nvs_set_str("system", "wifi.password", passIn) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(100, 50, 'Restarting!', 'Roboto_Regular18', ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() badge.eink_busy_wait() system.reboot()
def move_view(button_direction, pressed): global view, article_length, start, max_onscreen, f, eof if pressed: if button_direction == "down": start_position = view[0] + 1 action = "next" elif button_direction == "up": start_position = view[0] - 1 action = "next" elif button_direction == "right": start_position = view[1] action = "next" elif button_direction == "left": start_position = view[0] action = "prev" else: raise ValueError("this direction doesn't exist") if start_position <= 0: start_position = 0 action = "next" elif start_position >= article_length: start_position = article_length action = "prev" if start_position + max_onscreen >= article_length: if f: ugfx.fill_circle(291, 5, 10, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() if not eof: if not read_data(): eof = True print('EOF') else: print('File not yet read!') print("scroll: " + str(start_position) + " " + str(article_length)) view = create_view(start_position, action)
def toggle_focus(pressed): if pressed: if focus == 0: edit.set_focus() kb.enabled(1) ugfx.input_attach( version.btn_cancel, lambda pressed: vkey_backspace() if pressed else 0) ugfx.input_attach( version.btn_ok, lambda pressed: 0 if pressed else ugfx.flush()) focus = 1 elif focus == 1 or not button_no: button_yes.set_focus() kb.enabled(0) ugfx.input_attach(version.btn_ok, asyncSuccess if cb else syncSuccess) ugfx.input_attach(version.btn_cancel, asyncCancel if cb else syncCancel) focus = (2 if button_no else 0) else: button_no.set_focus() kb.enabled(0) ugfx.input_attach(version.btn_ok, asyncCancel if cb else syncCancel) ugfx.input_attach(version.btn_cancel, asyncCancel if cb else syncCancel) focus = 0 ugfx.flush()
def run_step(self, step_size): self.increment() if (self.snake.started == True and self.snake.should_render(self.steps)): self.snake.move(step_size) self.do_game() ugfx.flush()
def clear_ghosting(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() badge.eink_busy_wait() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() badge.eink_busy_wait()
def start(): ugfx.input_init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) # Instructions if orientation.isLandscape(): if display.width() > 128: x0 = int(display.width()/2) currentY = 20 display.drawText(x0+((display.width()-x0)//2)-(display.getTextWidth("BADGE.TEAM", "fairlight12")//2), currentY, "BADGE.TEAM\n", 0x000000, "fairlight12") currentY += display.getTextHeight("BADGE.TEAM", "fairlight12") display.drawText(x0+int((display.width()-x0)/2)-int(display.getTextWidth("ESP32 platform", "roboto_regular12")/2), currentY, "ESP32 platform\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawLine(x0,0,x0,display.height()-1,0x000000) pixHeight = display.getTextHeight(" ", "roboto_regular12") currentY = pixHeight*5 lineY = display.height()-pixHeight*6-pixHeight//2 display.drawLine(x0, lineY, display.width()-1, lineY, 0x000000) display.drawText(x0+5, display.height()-pixHeight*6, "A: Run\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawText(x0+5, display.height()-pixHeight*5, "START: Return to home\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawText(x0+5, display.height()-pixHeight*4, "SELECT: Uninstall app\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") lineY = display.height()-pixHeight*2-pixHeight//2 display.drawLine(x0, lineY, display.width()-1, lineY, 0x000000) display.drawText(x0+5, display.height()-pixHeight*2, consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME, 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawText(x0+5, display.height()-pixHeight, "Build "+str(consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_BUILD), 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") else: pixHeight = display.getTextHeight(" ", "roboto_regular12") display.drawLine(0, display.height()-18*4, display.width(), display.height()-18*4, ugfx.BLACK) display.drawText(0, display.height()-pixHeight*6, "A: Run\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawText(0, display.height()-pixHeight*5, "START: Home\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawText(0, display.height()-pixHeight*4, "SELECT: Uninstall\n", 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") lineY = display.height()-pixHeight*2-pixHeight//2 display.drawLine(0, lineY, display.width()-1, lineY, 0x000000) display.drawText(0, display.height()-pixHeight*2, consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME, 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.drawText(0, display.height()-pixHeight, "Build "+str(consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_BUILD), 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") global options global install_path options = None install_path = None ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_OK, input_a) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_BACK, input_b) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, input_a) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, input_select) populate_apps() populate_category() populate_options() # do a greyscale flush on start ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE)
def FailGame(this_game): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(20, 50, "Game Over - Score: {}".format(this_game.snake.score), "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(5) sys.exit(0)
def start(): ugfx.input_init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) badge.backlight(255) global options global install_path options = None install_path = None ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, input_run) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, input_home) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, input_uninstall) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, input_other) populate_apps() populate_category() populate_options() # do a greyscale flush on start ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE)
def show_shift_detail(): global shifts global shift_list shift_list.visible(False) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() i = shift_list.selected_index() title = shifts[i]["name"] title_height = 20 if ugfx.get_string_width( title, "PermanentMarker22") <= ugfx.width() else 60 title = ugfx.string_box(0, 0, ugfx.width(), title_height, title, "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) location = ugfx.string(0, title_height + 5, "Location: " + shifts[i]["Name"], "Roboto_Regular18", ugfx.BLACK) description = ugfx.string_box(0, title_height + 25, ugfx.width(), 40, "Description: " + shifts[i]["title"], "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) time = ugfx.string( 0, ugfx.height() - 20, "Time: " + generate_timedelta_text( int(shifts[i]["start"]), int(shifts[i]["end"])), "Roboto_Regular18", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, lambda pressed: show_shift_list() if pressed else None)
def cuss(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) #ugfx.string(0,0,"Hey, look at my c*ock!","PermanentMarker24",ugfx.BLACK) ## t = easyrtc.string() # n1 = random.getrandbits(2) # n2 = random.getrandbits(2) # n3 = random.getrandbits(2) #herp = len(first) herp = str(random.choice(first)) # ugfx.string(50, 10, str(first[n1]), "PermanentMarker24", ugfx.BLACK) # ugfx.string(70, 35, str(second[n1]), "PermanentMarker24", ugfx.BLACK) # ugfx.string(90, 60, str(third[n1]), "PermanentMarker24", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(30, 5, str(random.choice(first)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(50, 30, str(random.choice(second)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(100, 55, str(random.choice(third)), "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) # ugfx.string(110, 85, str(herp), "PermanentMarker24", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(110, 85, " it's ", "PermanentMarker24", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(130, 50, t, "PermanentMarker36", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(3) cuss()
def msg_nosplit(message, title='Loading...', reset=False): global NUM_LINES """Show a terminal style loading screen with title title can be optionaly set when resetting or first call """ global messageHistory try: messageHistory if reset: raise exception except: ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(0, 0, title, version.font_header, ugfx.BLACK) messageHistory = [] if len(messageHistory) < NUM_LINES: ugfx.string(0, 19 + (len(messageHistory) * 13), message, version.font_default, ugfx.BLACK) messageHistory.append(message) else: messageHistory.pop(0) messageHistory.append(message) ugfx.area(0, 15, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height() - 15, ugfx.WHITE) for i, message in enumerate(messageHistory): ugfx.string(0, 19 + (i * 13), message, version.font_default, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FASTER)
def show_categories(pressed=True): if not pressed: return ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) #Hide category list category_list.visible(False) category_list.enabled(False) #Show categories list categories_list.visible(True) categories_list.enabled(True) #Input handling ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, btn_exit) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, btn_update) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, show_category) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, btn_unhandled) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, btn_unhandled) #Hint easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(0, "START: Exit app") easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(1, "A: Open category") easydraw.disp_string_right_bottom(2, "SELECT: Update repo") #Flush screen ugfx.flush()
def draw(mode, goingToSleep=False): if mode: # We flush the buffer and wait ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) badge.eink_busy_wait() else: # We prepare the screen refresh ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) if goingToSleep: info1 = 'Sleeping...' info2 = 'Press any key to wake up' else: info1 = 'Press start to open the launcher' if otac.available(False): info2 = 'Press select to start OTA update' else: info2 = '' l = ugfx.get_string_width(info1,"Roboto_Regular12") ugfx.string(296-l, 0, info1, "Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) l = ugfx.get_string_width(info2,"Roboto_Regular12") ugfx.string(296-l, 12, info2, "Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) easydraw.nickname() vUsb = badge.usb_volt_sense() vBatt = badge.battery_volt_sense() vBatt += vDrop charging = badge.battery_charge_status() easydraw.battery(vUsb, vBatt, charging) if vBatt>500: ugfx.string(52, 0, str(round(vBatt/1000, 1)) + 'v','Roboto_Regular12',ugfx.BLACK)
def loop(): sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # Activate standalone interface sta_if.scan() # Scan for available access points sta_if.connect("SHA2017-insecure" ) # Connect to the public SHA2017 AP without a password sta_if.isconnected() # Check for successful connection sta_if.ifconfig() # Print connection information r = urequests.get( '' ) lines = r.text.splitlines() raindata = [int(lines[i].split('|')[0]) for i in range(len(lines))] if sum(raindata) > 0: # Plot graph ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) for i in range(len(raindata)): ugfx.area(12 * i, 127 - (raindata[i] // 2), 11, 127, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() badge.leds_init() badge.leds_send_data(bytes([0, 0, raindata[0] // 2, 0] * 6), 24) # all blue with intensity of current rain badge.vibrator_init() badge.vibrator_activate(9) time.sleep(2) badge.leds_disable() return 15 * 60 * 1000
def start(): ugfx.input_init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) # Instructions if orientation.isLandscape(): ugfx.line(148, 78, 296, 78, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(148, 78, 148, 18, " A: Run", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(148, 78, 148, 18, " B: Return to home", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyRight) ugfx.string_box(148, 92, 148, 18, " SELECT: Uninstall", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.line(148, 110, 296, 110, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(148, 110, 148, 18, " " +, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) else: ugfx.line(0, ugfx.height() - 18 * 4, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height() - 18 * 4, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(0, ugfx.height() - 18 * 4, ugfx.width(), 18, " A: Run", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(0, ugfx.height() - 18 * 3, ugfx.width(), 18, " B: Return to home", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(0, ugfx.height() - 18 * 2, ugfx.width(), 18, " SELECT: Uninstall", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.line(0, ugfx.height() - 18 * 1, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height() - 18 * 1, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(0, ugfx.height() - 18 * 1, ugfx.width(), 18, " " +, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) global options global install_path options = None install_path = None ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, input_a) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, input_b) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, input_select) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, input_other) populate_apps() populate_category() populate_options() # do a greyscale flush on start ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE)
def msg(message, title='Still Loading Anyway...', reset=False): """Show a terminal style loading screen with title title can be optionaly set when resetting or first call """ global messageHistory try: messageHistory if reset: raise exception except: ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(0, 0, title, "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) messageHistory = [] if len(messageHistory) < 6: ugfx.string(0, 30 + (len(messageHistory) * 15), message, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) messageHistory.append(message) else: messageHistory.pop(0) messageHistory.append(message) ugfx.area(0, 30, 296, 98, ugfx.WHITE) for i, message in enumerate(messageHistory): ugfx.string(0, 30 + (i * 15), message, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FASTER)
def display_next(tweets,pressed): if (pressed): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) tweet_text = str(tweets[x]) ugfx.string(45,85,tweet_text,"Roboto_Black22",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() x=x+1
def reset_game(): global round, bullet ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() round = 0 bullet = random.randint(1, 6) bullet = random.randint(1, 6) print_start()
def show_description(active): if active: easydraw.msg(packages[options.selected_index()]["description"], "Details", True) else: options.visible(0) options.visible(1) ugfx.flush()
def program_main(): print("--- SPONSORS APP ---") ugfx.init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FULL) ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() show_sponsors() appglue.start_app("") # Return home
def wait_sauna(): clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(50, 25, "STILL", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(30, 50, "Connecting to sauna", "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.WHITE) len = ugfx.get_string_width("Connecting to sauna", "PermanentMarker22") ugfx.line(30, 72, 30 + 14 + len, 72, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(140, 75, "Anyway", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush()