def Load(self): ret = eve.Message( 'CustomWarning', { 'header': 'Load Settings', 'warning': 'Note that you have to restart after loading new settings' }, uiconst.OKCANCEL) if ret == uiconst.ID_CANCEL: return path = settings.public.ui.Get('LoadSettingsPath', None) selection = uix.GetFileDialog(path=path, fileExtensions=['yaml'], multiSelect=False, selectionType=uix.SEL_FILES) if selection is None or len( selection.files) < 1 or selection.files[0] == '': return fileName = selection.files[0] folder = '\\'.join(fileName.split('\\')[:-1]) save = eve.Message( 'CustomQuestion', { 'header': 'Save Current Settings?', 'question': 'Do you want to save your current settings?' }, uiconst.YESNO) if save == uiconst.ID_YES: self.SaveCurrentSettings(folder) self.LoadSettings(fileName) settings.public.ui.Set('LoadSettingsPath', folder) appUtils.Reboot('Settings loaded')
def SaveRedFile(ball, graphicFile): dlgRes = uix.GetFileDialog(multiSelect=False, selectionType=uix.SEL_FOLDERS) if dlgRes is not None: path = dlgRes.Get('folders')[0] graphicFile = graphicFile.split('/')[-1] graphicFile = graphicFile.replace('.blue', '.red') savePath = path + '\\' + graphicFile trinity.Save(ball.model, savePath) log.LogError('GM menu: Saved object as:', savePath)
def Export(self): path = settings.public.ui.Get('LoadSettingsPath', None) selection = uix.GetFileDialog(path=path, multiSelect=False, selectionType=uix.SEL_FOLDERS) if selection is None or len( selection.folders) < 1 or selection.folders[0] == '': return folder = selection.folders[0] self.SaveCurrentSettings(folder) settings.public.ui.Set('LoadSettingsPath', folder)