Exemple #1
 def add_file(self,fobj):
     from uliweb.utils import files
     artifact_dpath = self.get_artifact_dpath()
     if not os.path.exists(artifact_dpath):
     fname = "%s"%(int(time.time()*1000000))
     fpath = os.path.join(artifact_dpath,fname)
     return fname,self.normalize_path(fobj.filename)
Exemple #2
 def add_file(self,fobj):
     from uliweb.utils import files
     artifact_dpath = self.get_artifact_dpath()
     if not os.path.exists(artifact_dpath):
         log.info("mkdir %s"%(artifact_dpath))
     fname = "%s"%(int(time.time()*1000000))
     fpath = os.path.join(artifact_dpath,fname)
     fsize = os.path.getsize(fpath)
     filename = getattr(fobj,"filename",None)
     if not filename:
         filename = getattr(fobj,"name")
     fpath_normalized = self.normalize_path(filename)
     log.info("store %s in %s,size: %s"%(repr(fpath_normalized),fpath,fsize))
     return fname,fpath_normalized,fsize
Exemple #3
 def add_file(self, fobj):
     from uliweb.utils import files
     artifact_dpath = self.get_artifact_dpath()
     if not os.path.exists(artifact_dpath):
         log.info("mkdir %s" % (artifact_dpath))
     fname = "%s" % (int(time.time() * 1000000))
     fpath = os.path.join(artifact_dpath, fname)
     files.save_file(fpath, fobj)
     fsize = os.path.getsize(fpath)
     filename = getattr(fobj, "filename", None)
     if not filename:
         filename = getattr(fobj, "name")
     fpath_normalized = self.normalize_path(filename)
     log.info("store %s in %s,size: %s" %
              (repr(fpath_normalized), fpath, fsize))
     return fname, fpath_normalized, fsize
Exemple #4
 def save_file(self, filename, fobj, replace=False, convert=True):
     from uliweb.utils import files
     #get full path and converted filename
     fname = self.get_filename(filename, True, convert=convert)
     #save file and get the changed filename, because the filename maybe change when
     #there is duplicate filename(replace=False, if replace=True, then the filename
     #will not changed
     fname2 = files.save_file(fname, fobj, replace, self.buffer_size)
     s = settings.GLOBAL
     #create new filename according fname2 and filename, the result should be unicode
     return norm_filename(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), files.unicode_filename(fname2, s.FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)))
Exemple #5
 def save_file(self, filename, fobj, replace=False, convert=True):
     from uliweb.utils import files
     #get full path and converted filename
     fname = self.get_filename(filename, True, convert=convert)
     #save file and get the changed filename, because the filename maybe change when
     #there is duplicate filename, if replace=True, then the filename
     #will not changed
     fname2 = files.save_file(fname, fobj, replace, self.buffer_size)
     s = settings.GLOBAL
     #create new filename according fname2 and filename, the result should be unicode
     return norm_filename(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), files.unicode_filename(fname2, s.FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)))
Exemple #6
def save_file(filename, fobj, replace=False):
    from uliweb import application
    from uliweb.utils import files
    assert hasattr(fobj, 'read'), "fobj parameter should be a file-like object"
    #get full path filename
    fname = get_filename(filename)
    s = application.settings.GLOBAL
    #change full path filename to filesystem filename
    fname1 = files.encode_filename(fname, s.HTMLPAGE_ENCODING, s.FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)
    #save file and get the changed filename, because the filename maybe change when
    #there is duplicate filename(replace=False, if replace=True, then the filename
    #will not changed
    fname2 = files.save_file(fname1, fobj, replace, application.settings.UPLOAD.BUFFER_SIZE)
    #create new filename according fname2 and filename, the result should be unicode
    return normfilename(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), files.unicode_filename(fname2, s.FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)))