Exemple #1
def test_senario_1():
    # create ADB instance
    adb = ADB(KEYJAR, 3600, issuer, RESSRV, RSR_PATH)

    # register resource set
    rsd = ResourceSetDescription(name='foo', scopes=[READ, WRITE])
    status = adb.resource_set.create(rsd.to_json(), 'alice')
    rsid = status['_id']

    # assume no authorization decisions has been made
    # accessing a resource set will eventually result in a ticket being issued
    prreq = PermissionRegistrationRequest(resource_set_id=rsid, scopes=[READ])
    ticket = adb.ticket_factory.pack(aud=['client_id'])
    adb.permission_requests[ticket] = [prreq]

    # Still no authz dec. So this should fail
        adb.issue_rpt(ticket, {'sub': 'roger'})
    except TicketError as err:
        assert err.typ == 'not_authorized'
        assert False

    # Authz dec made
    permission = {
        'resource_set_id': rsid,
        'scopes': [READ],
        'require': {
            'sub': 'roger'
    pid = adb.store_permission(permission, 'alice')

    # Get an RPT. This should now work
    rpt = adb.issue_rpt(ticket, {'sub': 'roger'})
    assert rpt

    # later use the RPT, turn into authz descriptions
    ad = adb.introspection(rpt)

    assert len(ad) == 1
    assert ad[0]['resource_set_id'] == rsid
    assert ad[0]['scopes'] == [READ]

    # Get an RPT. This should not work since the ticket is 'one time use'
        adb.issue_rpt(ticket, {'sub': 'roger'})
    except TicketError as err:
        assert err.typ == 'invalid'
        assert False

    # The authz on which issuing the RPT is based is removed
    adb.remove_permission('alice', pid=pid)

    # Now introspections should fail
    assert adb.introspection(rpt) == []
Exemple #2
def test_senario_1():
    # create ADB instance
    adb = ADB(KEYJAR, 3600, issuer, RESSRV, RSR_PATH)

    # register resource set
    rsd = ResourceSetDescription(name='foo', scopes=[READ, WRITE])
    status = adb.resource_set.create(rsd.to_json(), 'alice')
    rsid = status['_id']

    # assume no authorization decisions has been made
    # accessing a resource set will eventually result in a ticket being issued
    prreq = PermissionRegistrationRequest(resource_set_id=rsid, scopes=[READ])
    ticket = adb.ticket_factory.pack(aud=['client_id'])
    adb.permission_requests[ticket] = [prreq]

    # Still no authz dec. So this should fail
        adb.issue_rpt(ticket, {'sub': 'roger'})
    except TicketError as err:
        assert err.typ == 'not_authorized'
        assert False

    # Authz dec made
    permission = {'resource_set_id': rsid, 'scopes': [READ],
                  'require': {'sub': 'roger'}}
    pid = adb.store_permission(permission, 'alice')

    # Get an RPT. This should now work
    rpt = adb.issue_rpt(ticket, {'sub': 'roger'})
    assert rpt

    # later use the RPT, turn into authz descriptions
    ad = adb.introspection(rpt)

    assert len(ad) == 1
    assert ad[0]['resource_set_id'] == rsid
    assert ad[0]['scopes'] == [READ]

    # Get an RPT. This should not work since the ticket is 'one time use'
        adb.issue_rpt(ticket, {'sub': 'roger'})
    except TicketError as err:
        assert err.typ == 'invalid'
        assert False

    # The authz on which issuing the RPT is based is removed
    adb.remove_permission('alice', pid=pid)

    # Now introspections should fail
    assert adb.introspection(rpt) == []