def save_sino_summaries(gen='g2'):
    """Create and save the sinogram summaries

    gen : str
        Must be in ['g1', 'g2'], string to identify which data gen

    # Load the data and metadata
    if gen in ['g1']:

        data = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g1/g1_fd.pickle'))
        metadata = load_pickle(
            os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g1/g1_metadata.pickle'))

    else:  # If Gen-2

        data = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g2/g2_fd.pickle'))
        metadata = load_pickle(
            os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g2/g2_metadata.pickle'))

    # Convert to the time-domain
    data = np.abs(to_td(data))
    metadata = np.array(metadata)

    # Get the sinogram summaries (average and stdev signals)
    sino_summaries, sino_md = get_sino_summaries(dataset=data,

    # Save to .pickle files
                os.path.join(__OUT_DIR, '%s_sino_summaries.pickle' % gen))
                os.path.join(__OUT_DIR, '%s_sino_summaries_md.pickle' % gen))
Exemple #2
    # Load the G1 validation data
    g1_tr_d = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR,
    g1_tr_md = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR,

    # Set the G1 data to be the validation data
    val_data = g1_tr_d
    val_md = g1_tr_md

    # Correct the initial antenna position used in G1 scans
    val_data = correct_g1_ini_ant_ang(val_data)

    # Preprocess data, take magnitude and apply time-window, augment
    # training dataset
    val_data = np.abs(to_td(val_data))
    val_data = resize_features_for_keras(val_data)
    train_data = np.abs(to_td(train_data))
    train_data, train_md = full_aug(train_data, train_md)
    train_data = resize_features_for_keras(train_data)

    # Get the validation and train set class labels and make categorical
    val_labels = get_class_labels(val_md)
    val_labels = to_categorical(val_labels)
    train_labels = get_class_labels(train_md)
    train_labels = to_categorical(train_labels)

    # Create arrays for storing the AUC on the train and validation
    # sets for this regularization parameter after training with
    # correct labels
    train_set_aucs = np.zeros([__N_RUNS, __N_EPOCHS])
__N_RUNS = 20


if __name__ == "__main__":

    logger = get_script_logger(__file__)

    # Load the training data and metadata from Gen-2
    g2_d = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g2/g2_fd.pickle'))
    g2_md = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g2/g2_metadata.pickle'))
    g2_md = np.array(g2_md)

    # Convert to the time-domain, crop the signals, take magnitude
    g2_d = np.abs(to_td(g2_d))

    # Get all of the Adipose IDs
    adi_ids = np.array([md['phant_id'].split('F')[0] for md in g2_md])
    unique_adi_ids = np.unique(adi_ids)

    adi_results = dict()  # Init dict for storing results

    # Init lists for storing metadata of samples which are
    # incorrectly / correctly classified
    incor_preds = []
    cor_preds = []

    for adi_id in unique_adi_ids:  # For each adipose ID'\tWorking on Adi ID:\t%s' % adi_id)

__DATA_DIR = os.path.join(get_proj_path(), 'data/umbmid/g2/')

__FIG_OUT_DIR = os.path.join(get_proj_path(), 'output/figs/')


if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Load phantom dataset (UM-BMID Gen1)
    phant_data = load_pickle(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, 'g2_fd.pickle'))

    # Convert dataset to the time-domain
    sinograms = to_td(phant_data)

    # Take sample sinogram
    sinogram = sinograms[201, :, :]

    # Define scan times
    scan_ts = np.linspace(0.5e-9, 5.5e-9, 35)

              save_str=os.path.join(__FIG_OUT_DIR, 'sino_example'),