def test (): from uncertainties import ufloat from uncertainties import unumpy from uncertainties.umath import * numbers = unumpy.uarray(([1,2,3,4,5],[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5])) print numbers print "Mean: {}".format(numbers.mean()) print unumpy.sin(numbers) for i in numbers: print "Number: {}, Uncertainty: {}, Square of number: {}".format(i.nominal_value, i.std_dev(), i**2)
def inertia_components(jay, beta): '''Returns the 2D orthogonal inertia tensor. When at least three moments of inertia and their axes orientations are known relative to a common inertial frame of a planar object, the orthoganl moments of inertia relative the frame are computed. Parameters ---------- jay : ndarray, shape(n,) An array of at least three moments of inertia. (n >= 3) beta : ndarray, shape(n,) An array of orientation angles corresponding to the moments of inertia in jay. Returns ------- eye : ndarray, shape(3,) Ixx, Ixz, Izz ''' sb = unumpy.sin(beta) cb = unumpy.cos(beta) betaMat = unumpy.matrix(np.vstack((cb**2, -2 * sb * cb, sb**2)).T) eye = np.squeeze(np.asarray(, jay))) return eye
def dsin(number): if isinstance(number, fr.Fraction): number = Mixed(number) elif isinstance(number, uc.UFloat): number = Mixed(number) elif isinstance(number, float): number = Mixed(number) elif isinstance(number, int): number = Mixed(number) assert isinstance(number, Mixed), \ "Connot calculate cos of an object of type %s." % (type(number)) if isinstance(number.value, fr.Fraction): x = number.value % 360 if x == 0: return Mixed(0) elif x == 30: return Mixed(fr.Fraction(1,2)) elif x == 90: return Mixed(1) elif x == 150: return Mixed(fr.Fraction(1,2)) elif x == 180: return Mixed(0) elif x == 210: return Mixed(-fr.Fraction(1, 2)) elif x == 270: return Mixed(-1) elif x == 330: return Mixed(-fr.Fraction(1, 2)) else: return Mixed(np.sin(float(deg2rad(number).value))) elif isinstance(number.value, uc.UFloat): return Mixed(unumpy.sin(deg2rad(number).value).item()) elif isinstance(number.value, float): return Mixed(np.sin(deg2rad(number).value)) elif isinstance(number.value, int): x = number.value % 360 if x == 0: return Mixed(0) elif x == 30: return Mixed(fr.Fraction(1,2)) elif x == 90: return Mixed(1) elif x == 150: return Mixed(fr.Fraction(1,2)) elif x == 180: return Mixed(0) elif x == 210: return Mixed(-fr.Fraction(1, 2)) elif x == 270: return Mixed(-1) elif x == 330: return Mixed(-fr.Fraction(1, 2)) else: return Mixed(np.sin(deg2rad(number).value))
def sin(number): if isinstance(number, fr.Fraction): number = Mixed(number) elif isinstance(number, uc.UFloat): number = Mixed(number) elif isinstance(number, float): number = Mixed(number) elif isinstance(number, int): number = Mixed(number) assert isinstance(number, Mixed), \ "Connot calculate cos of an object of type %s." % (type(number)) if isinstance(number.value, fr.Fraction): return Mixed(np.sin(float(number.value))) elif isinstance(number.value, uc.UFloat): return Mixed(unumpy.sin(number.value).item()) elif isinstance(number.value, float): return Mixed(np.sin(number.value)) elif isinstance(number.value, int): return Mixed(np.sin(number.value))
import numpy as np import math import pandas as pd from uncertainties import ufloat from uncertainties import unumpy as unp R = 13.6 alpha = 7.297e-3 z = 79 c=3*10**8 h=4.135*10**(-15) d=201.4*10**(-12) theta3 = ufloat(15.2, 0.35) theta2 = ufloat(12.8, 0.35) lam3 = 2 * d * unp.sin(theta3*(np.pi/180)) lam2 = 2 * d * unp.sin(theta2*(np.pi/180)) E3 = c * h /lam3 E2 = c * h /lam2 dE = E2 - E3 print("E2", E2, "E3", E3, "dE", dE) sigma = z - unp.sqrt(4/alpha * unp.sqrt(dE/R) - (5* dE)/(R)) * unp.sqrt(1 + 19/32 * alpha**2 * dE/R) print(sigma)
return I_max*(((x-d)/w)**2)*np.exp(-2*((x-d)/w)**2) #Gitter #100 Spalte/mm -> 1*10^5 Spalte pro m d_1=ufloat(6.3, 0.2) #cm d_2=ufloat(6.2, 0.2) #cm l=ufloat(95.7, 0.2) #cm g=10**(-5) #HIER DIE AUSWERTUNG FÜR DIE WELLENLÄNGE d_1=d_1*1e-2 d_2=d_2*1e-2 l=l*1e-2 d=np.mean([d_1, d_2]) print('Mittelwert der Abstände:', d) lamda=g*unp.sin(unp.arctan(d/l)) print('lambda= ', lamda) print('Abweichung von der Theorie:', (lamda*1e9/632.8-1)*100) #plankonkav print('plankonkav:') l, I = np.genfromtxt('data/plankonkav.txt', unpack=True) hr = ['$L$/cm', '$I$/µA'] m = np.zeros((21, 2)) m[:,0] = l m[:,1] = I t=matrix2latex(m, headerRow=hr, format='%.2f') print(t) params, covariance_matrix = optimize.curve_fit(linfit, l, I)
A_error = sigma_y * np.sqrt(N / Delta) B_error = sigma_y * np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2) / Delta) return A, A_error, B, B_error #Innenwinkel des Prismas: phil = 320 phir = 72.3 phi = (360-phil+phir)/2 #Daten: lamda, eta = np.genfromtxt('Daten/Datenb.txt',unpack=True) n = np.sin((eta+phi)*2*np.pi/720)/np.sin(phi*2*np.pi/720) n = n**2 nausgabe = unp.sin((eta+phi)*2*np.pi/720)/unp.sin(phi*2*np.pi/720) plt.plot(lamda,n,'kx', label = r'Messwerte') lc = 656 ld = 589 lf = 486 #erste Regression: lamda1 = 1/(lamda**2) m1,dm1,b1,db1 = linregress(lamda1,n) s1 = 7/5 * np.mean((n-b1-m1*lamda1)**2) #Summe Abweichungsquadrate: x = np.linspace(400,800) plt.plot(x,m1*(1/(x**2)) + b1,'r-',label = r'Ausgleichsfunktion')
def main(): print('\n#################### Analyse für Salz ####################\n') Xi2_best = [ 'SC', 20, 'CuF' ] # SC ist in dem Fall ein Platzhalter. Die 20 garantiert, dass ein jedes Xi zunächst kleiner ist. # daten1, daten2 = np.genfromtxt('SalzRadius.txt', unpack=True) # daten = np.array([23, 34.50, 41, 43, 51, 57, 58.5, 65, 70, 78, 83, 84.5, 90,95.5, 103, 108,110,116, 123, 133, 116 +43]) daten = np.array([ 23, 34.50, 43, 51, 57, 65, 78, 83, 90, 95.5, 103, 108, 123, 133, 116 + 43 ]) # daten = np.array([23, 34.50, 43, 51, 57, 65, 78, 83,95.5, 103, 108, 123, 133, 116 +43]) #9. raus # maske = [True,True,False,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True] # daten = daten[maske] daten = daten + 4.5 # daten = daten[daten != 0] daten = (daten * np.pi) / (360) print('Daten: ', daten) # theta = theta_radiant(radius()) theta = daten print('Theta mit Fehler: ', theta) netzebenenabstand = bragg(lambda_1, noms(theta)) reflexe_Zinkblende = [] reflexe_Steinsalz = [] reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = [] reflexe_Fluorit = [] verhaeltnisse_temp = [] for gitter in gitter_moegl: if gitter == 'Zinkblende': ############## CuF ################## argg = 'CuF' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + ':') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(28, 10, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] ############## CuCl ################## argg = 'CuCl' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + ':') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(28, 18, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': ############## KF ################## argg = 'KF' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + ':') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(18, 10, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] ############## KCl ################## argg = 'KCl' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + ':') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(18, 18, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': ############## CsJ ################## argg = 'CsJ' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + ':') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(54, 54, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] ############## CsCl ################## -> könnte komisch sein argg = 'CsCl' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + '(könnte komisch sein):') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(54, 18, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] elif gitter == 'Fluorit': ############## CaF ################## argg = 'CaF' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + ':') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(18, 10, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] ############## CaCl ################## -> könnte komisch sein argg = 'CaCl' print('Berechnung ' + gitter + ' für ' + argg + '(könnte komisch sein):') infos = Strukturamplitude_Salz(18, 18, gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'Zinkblende': reflexe_Zinkblende = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Steinsalz': reflexe_Steinsalz = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Caesiumchlorid': reflexe_Caesiumchlorid = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Fluorit': reflexe_Fluorit = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print( 'Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Struktur für ' + argg + ': ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [ gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d), argg ] print('Struktur mit der kleinsten Abweichung: ', Xi2_best[0], ' für ', Xi2_best[2]) print('Abweichung Xi^2: ', Xi2_best[1]) m = Strukturamplitude_Salz(18, 18, gitter=Xi2_best[0])[1] a = np.array(gitterkonstanteBragg(m, netzebenenabstand)) print('Gitterkonstanten für ' + Xi2_best[0] + ' Struktur: ', ' für ', Xi2_best[2], a) #################################################################################################### # Systematischer Fehler #################################################################################################### # systematischer Fehler Absorption der Röntgenstrahlung DeltaA = (radius_rohr / (2 * Radius_kamera)) * (1 - Radius_kamera / Abstand_FP) * ( np.cos(noms(theta))**2 / noms(theta)) * a a_mitFehler = unp.uarray(a, DeltaA) print('Gitterkonstanten mit Fehler durch die Absorption: ', a_mitFehler) #################################################################################################### # curve_fit zeugs #################################################################################################### # linearer fit für a gegen cos^2 # params, cov = curve_fit(lin,np.cos(noms(theta))**2,noms(a_mitFehler), sigma = stds(a_mitFehler)) params, cov = curve_fit(lin, np.cos(noms(theta))**2, noms(a_mitFehler)) err = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) a_extrp = ufloat(params[1], err[1]) print('Extrapolierte Gitterkonstante: ', a_extrp) #################################################################################################### # Plots #################################################################################################### cos2Theta = unp.cos(theta)**2 cos2Theta_fit = np.linspace(0, 1) ####### ab hier der a gegen cos^2 Plot ######## plt.errorbar(np.cos(noms(theta))**2, a, xerr=stds(cos2Theta), yerr=DeltaA, fmt='x', label='Daten') plt.plot(cos2Theta_fit, lin(cos2Theta_fit, *params), label='Fit') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('cos$^2(\Theta)$') plt.ylabel('$a$ in Angtröm') # plt.xlim(0.6,1) # plt.ylim(4.8e-10,5.8e-10) plt.tight_layout() plt.grid() plt.savefig('Plots/Salz_Fit_Egor.pdf') plt.close() i = np.linspace(1, len(daten), len(daten)) verhaeltnisse_daten = [] for j in range(0, len(daten)): verhaeltnisse_daten.append(unp.sin(daten[j]) / unp.sin(daten[0])) plt.plot(i, reflexe_Zinkblende, 'x', label='Zinkblende') plt.plot(i, reflexe_Steinsalz, 'x', label='Steinsalz') plt.plot(i, reflexe_Caesiumchlorid, 'x', label='Caesiumchlorid') plt.plot(i, reflexe_Fluorit, 'o', label='Fluorit') plt.plot(i, noms(verhaeltnisse_daten), 'x', label='data') plt.xlabel('i') # plt.xlim(0,7) # plt.ylim(0,4.5) plt.ylabel('verhältnisse') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() plt.grid() plt.savefig('Plots/verhaeltnisse_Salz.pdf') plt.close()
I_K = I_K[0] print(f'Intensitätsmax. = {I_K}') test = np.abs(N - I_K) mask_test = test == np.amin(test) theta_K = theta[mask_test] # Sonderbehandlung für Gallium if Z == 31: theta_K = 17.35 theta_K = ufloat(theta_K, 0.5) print(f'Winkel = {theta_K}') # energias E_K = h_ev * c / (2 * d_lif * unp.sin(theta_K * np.pi / 180)) E_K_array[i] = unp.nominal_values(E_K) E_K_errs[i] = unp.std_devs(E_K) E_dev = 100 * (theo - E_K) / theo print(f'Absorptionsenergie = {E_K}, Abweichung = {E_dev}') # Abschirmkonstanten sigma_K = Z - unp.sqrt(E_K / R_inf - a**2 * Z**4 / 4) sigma_theo = Z - unp.sqrt(theo / R_inf - a**2 * Z**4 / 4) sigma_dev = 100 * (sigma_K - sigma_theo) / sigma_theo print( f'Abschirmkonstante = {sigma_K}, Theoriewert = {sigma_theo}, Abweichung = {sigma_dev}' ) i += 1
def lam(x, n=1, s=s, d=d): alpha = unp.arctan(x/d) return s / n * unp.sin(alpha)
def discrete_time_modeling_function(n, p): Vp = p[0] phi = p[1] Vos = p[2] return Vp * unp.sin(2 * np.pi * generator_frequency / sampling_frequency * n + phi) + Vos
d = misura(value=_d, name="$d$") thetaI = misura(value=_thetaI, name="$\\theta_i$") l_h2o = misura(value=_l_h2o, name="$l$") #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-/////////////////////// CALCULATIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////-# #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _thetaT_h2o = [] _nT_h2o = [] _index = [] _thetaT_Th = [] for i in range(len(_l_h2o)): _thetaT_h2o.append(unp.arctan2(_l_h2o[i], _h1_h2o[i]) * 180 / np.pi) _nT_h2o.append( unp.sin(_thetaI[i] / 180 * np.pi) / unp.sin(_thetaT_h2o[i] / 180 * np.pi)) _index.append((1.334 - _nT_h2o[i]) / 1.334) _thetaT_Th.append( asin(0.749625 * unp.sin(_thetaI[i] / 180 * np.pi)) / np.pi * 180) thetaT_h2o = misura(value=_thetaT_h2o, name="$\\theta_t$") nT_h2o = misura(value=_nT_h2o, name="$n_{exp}$") index = misura(value=_index, name="$(n - n_{exp}) / n$") thetaT_Th = misura(value=_thetaT_Th, name="$\\theta_t$") ### Correlazione lineare tra due valori (x,y) fitLine = poly_fit(thetaI, thetaT_h2o) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-/////////////////////// RESULTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////-#
from uncertainties import unumpy as unp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit h = 4.136e-15 c = 299792458 d = 2.014e-10 theta = ufloat(13.0, 0.35) * np.pi / 180 #theta = 22.5 *np.pi/180 #theta = 20.29 *np.pi/180 thetab = ufloat(20.00, 0, 35) * np.pi / 180 thetaa = ufloat(22.21, 0.35) * np.pi / 180 K = 8979 R = 13.8 E = h * c / (2 * d * unp.sin(theta)) Ea = h * c / (2 * d * unp.sin(thetaa)) Eb = h * c / (2 * d * unp.sin(thetab)) print(Eb) #sig1 = 38 - unp.sqrt(17998/R) #print("sig11", sig1) #Wellenlänge #l = h *c / E #print(l) #Abschirmkonstante Kupfer sig1 = 29 - unp.sqrt(K / R) print("sig1", sig1) Eb = Eb - 22 sig2 = 29 - 2 * unp.sqrt((R * (29 - sig1)**2 - Ea) / R) print("sig2", sig2)
def XYfun(a): return a[0], unumpy.sin(pi / 2 - unumpy.arctan((a[1] - zero) / D))
def lambdamittel(phi1,phi2): return(unp.sin(phimittelwert(phi1,phi2))*g)
def wavelen(gconst, dist, dn): arr = np.array(dn) for n in range(1, 1 + len(dn)): arr[n - 1] = gconst * unp.sin(unp.arctan(dn[n - 1] / dist)) / n return (arr)
x = 57.2958 e = 1.602176487 * 1e-16 E = E * e R = 13.6 * 1.602176487 * 1e-19 sigma = z - np.sqrt(E / R) h = 6.626 * 1e-34 c = 299792458 d = 201.4 * 1e-12 theta = np.arcsin((h * c) / (E * 2 * d)) * 57.2958 t = ufloat(10, 0.75) / 2 lambdamin = 2 * d * unp.sin(t / 57.2958) Emax = h * c / lambdamin lambdamintheo = h * c /(e * 35) Emaxtheo = h * c / lambdamintheo #print(Emax / e) a = ufloat(11.89, 0.31) b = ufloat(14.1, 0.4) g = b - a #print((b - a)) # Mehr Energie!!! t = ufloat(15.0 , 0.4) E1 = (h * c / (2 * d * unp.sin(t / x)))/ e #E2 = h * c / (2 * d * np.sin(20.0 / 57.2958)) / e #print(E1)
planck = const.physical_constants["Planck constant"][0] print(planck) light = const.physical_constants["speed of light in vacuum"][0] print(light) d = 201.4 * 10**(-12) elem = const.physical_constants["elementary charge"][0] print(elem) alphamain = ufloat(0.39269908169872414, winkelfehler) betamain = ufloat(0.35255650890285456, winkelfehler) Ealpha = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(alphamain)) / elem Ebeta = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(betamain)) / elem print(f"{Ealpha:.0f}") print(F"{Ebeta:.0f}") alphaleft = ufloat(0.3501130479500625, winkelfehler) alpharight = ufloat(0.3586651612848347, winkelfehler) betaleft = ufloat(0.3900810878207327, winkelfehler) betaright = ufloat(0.3988077340807043, winkelfehler) alphaleft2 = ufloat(20.06, 0.1) alpharight2 = ufloat(20.55, 0.1) betaleft2 = ufloat(22.35, 0.1) betaright2 = ufloat(22.85, 0.1)
winkelzink = np.deg2rad(18.9) winkelgallium = np.deg2rad(18.1) winkelbrom = np.deg2rad(14.0) winkelrubidium = np.deg2rad(11.9) winkelstrontium = np.deg2rad(11.3) winkelzirkonium = np.deg2rad(10.2) winkelzinkfehler = ufloat(np.deg2rad(18.9), winkelfehler) winkelgalliumfehler = ufloat(np.deg2rad(18.1), winkelfehler) winkelbromfehler = ufloat(np.deg2rad(14.0), winkelfehler) winkelrubidiumfehler = ufloat(np.deg2rad(11.9), winkelfehler) winkelstrontiumfehler = ufloat(np.deg2rad(11.3), winkelfehler) winkelzirkoniumfehler = ufloat(np.deg2rad(10.2), winkelfehler) Eabszink = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(winkelzinkfehler)) / elem Eabsgallium = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(winkelgalliumfehler)) / elem Eabsbrom = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(winkelbromfehler)) / elem Eabsrubidium = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(winkelrubidiumfehler)) / elem Eabsstrontium = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(winkelstrontiumfehler)) / elem Eabszirkonium = planck * light / (2 * d * unp.sin(winkelzirkoniumfehler)) / elem print(F"Zink Energie ist: {Eabszink} in eV") print(F"Gallium Energie ist: {Eabsgallium} in eV") print(F"Brom Energie ist: {Eabsbrom} in eV") print(F"Rubidium Energie ist: {Eabsrubidium} in eV") print(F"Strontium Energie ist: {Eabsstrontium} in eV") print(F"Zirkonium Energie ist: {Eabszirkonium} in eV")
plt.clf() print(d_selbst) d_selbst -= 1.5 d_selbst[0] += 1.5 #d_dort -= 1.5 plt.plot(d_selbst, dB_selbst, 'rx', mew=0.5, label='Eigene Messung') plt.plot(d_dort, dB_dort, 'bo', mew=0.5, markersize=4, label='Herstellerangabe') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r'$d/$mm') plt.ylabel(r'$D/$dB') plt.savefig('build/daempfungMitKorrektur.pdf') # 3db Methode x_1 = 69.6 x_2 = 67.9 S_3db = unp.sqrt(1 + 1 / (unp.sin(np.pi * (x_1 - x_2) / lam_g))**2) print('S durch 3db Methode', S_3db) # Abschwächermethode A_1 = 20 A_2 = 42 S_ab = 10**((A_2 - A_1) / 20) print('S durch Abschwächermethode', S_ab)
def lamb(l, L, g, n): return (g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(l / L))) / n
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.stats import sem import scipy.constants as const import uncertainties.unumpy as unp A, B = np.genfromtxt("../data/A4rot.dat", unpack=True) a = np.deg2rad(A) #ist alpha_1 b = np.deg2rad(B) #ist alhpa_2 c = const.physical_constants["speed of light in vacuum"] n = ufloat(1.45108, 0.01991) aERR = np.array([]) bERR = np.array([]) for i in range(len(a)): aERR = np.append(aERR, ufloat(a[i], 0.00872665)) for i in range(len(b)): bERR = np.append(bERR, ufloat(b[i], 0.00872665)) #bestimme beta 1 beta = unp.arcsin(unp.sin(aERR) / n) beta2 = np.deg2rad(60) - beta print(beta * 180 / np.pi) print(beta2 * 180 / np.pi) delta = (aERR + bERR) - (beta + beta2) deltamean = np.mean(delta) print("###### delta rot:") print(delta * 180 / np.pi) print(f"Abweichung delta= {(deltamean*180/np.pi):.4f}")
def y_bragg(b, n=1): global d return 2 * d * unp.sin(b / 360. * 2. * const.pi) / n
plt.legend(loc="best") plt.annotate('$K_{\\beta}$', xy=(20.1, 1700), size=15) plt.annotate('$K_{\\alpha} $', xy=(23, 5050), size=15) plt.annotate('Bremsspektrum', xy=(10, 700), size=20) plt.xlabel(r'Winkel $\theta \:/\:°$') plt.ylabel(r'Intensität $I\:/\:Imp/s$') plt.grid() plt.tight_layout plt.savefig('build/plot_Cu.pdf') plt.close() lambda_20 = ufloat(np.deg2rad(20.1), np.deg2rad(0.1)) lambda_22 = ufloat(np.deg2rad(22.5), np.deg2rad(0.1)) print(2 * 201.4 * 1e-12 * unp.sin(lambda_20)) print(const.h * const.c / (2 * 201.4 * 1e-12 * unp.sin(lambda_20) * const.e)) print(2 * 201.4 * 1e-12 * unp.sin(lambda_22)) print(const.h * const.c / (2 * 201.4 * 1e-12 * unp.sin(lambda_22) * const.e)) #Plot des Absorptionsspektrum ohne Absorber #Totzeitkorrektur I_Al = R_Al / (1 - 90 * 1e-06 * R_Al) I_Ohne = R_Ohne / (1 - 90 * 1e-06 * R_Ohne) T = I_Al / I_Ohne par, covm = np.polyfit(lambda1, unp.nominal_values(T), deg=1, cov=True)
from uncertainties import ufloat import scipy.odr as sodr file = sys.argv[1] data = genfromtxt(file, delimiter=';') w_B = unumpy.uarray(data[1:, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) w_G = unumpy.uarray(data[1:, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) w_B_value = unp.nominal_values(w_B) w_G_value = unp.nominal_values(w_G) lamda = np.array([ 600.752, 671.643, 623.440, 579.066, 576.960, 546.074, 491.607, 435.833, 434.749, 433.922, 410.805, 407.783, 404.656 ]) * 1e-9 d = lamda / (unp.sin(unp.radians(w_G)) - unp.sin(unp.radians(w_G) + unp.radians(w_B))) d_no_error = unp.nominal_values(d) d_error = unumpy.std_devs(d) d_avarage = np.sum(d_no_error) / len(d_no_error) d_avarage_error = 1 / np.sqrt(len(d_error)) * np.sqrt(np.sum( d_error * d_error)) print( '$\lambda$ / nm & $w_G$ / $^\circ$ & $w_B$ / $^\circ$ & d / nm & $\Delta$ d / nm' ) for i in range(0, len(lamda)): print('%.3f & %.3f \pm %.3f& %.3f \pm %.3f& %.3f \pm %.3f \\\\' % (lamda[i] * 1e9, w_G_value[i], 1, w_B_value[i], 1, d_no_error[i] * 1e9, d_error[i] * 1e9)) print('d=(%.3f \pm %.3f)\cdot 10^{-9}m' % (d_avarage * 1e9, d_avarage_error * 1e9))
def angular_dispersion_uncertainties(tdata, n, position_angles, redshift=False, PT=False): N = len(tdata) RAs = np.asarray(tdata['RA']) DECs = np.asarray(tdata['DEC']) # hard fix for when n > N if n > len(tdata): print('n = %i, but this tdata only contains N=%i sources' % (n, len(tdata))) n = len(tdata) - 1 print('Setting n=%i' % n) #convert RAs and DECs to an array that has following layout: [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],etc] if redshift: Z = tdata['z_best'] ''' H = 73450 # m/s/Mpc = 73.45 km/s/Mpc # but is actually unimportant since only relative distances are important from scipy.constants import c # m/s # assume flat Universe with q0 = 0.5 (see Hutsemekers 1998) # I think assuming q0 = 0.5 means flat universe r = 2.0*c/H * ( 1-(1+Z)**(-0.5) ) # comoving distance ''' from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 r = Planck15.comoving_distance(Z) #better to just use this calculator x = r * np.cos(np.radians(RAs)) * np.cos(np.radians(DECs)) y = r * np.sin(np.radians(RAs)) * np.cos(np.radians(DECs)) z = r * np.sin(np.radians(DECs)) else: x = np.cos(np.radians(RAs)) * np.cos(np.radians(DECs)) y = np.sin(np.radians(RAs)) * np.cos(np.radians(DECs)) z = np.sin(np.radians(DECs)) coordinates = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T #make a KDTree for quick NN searching coordinates_tree = cKDTree(coordinates, leafsize=16) # for every source: find n closest neighbours, calculate max dispersion using PT position_angles_array = np.zeros( (N, n)) # array of shape (N,n) that contains position angles position_angles_array = unumpy.uarray(position_angles_array, 0) for i in range(N): if PT: index_NN = coordinates_tree.query( coordinates[i], k=n, p=2, n_jobs=-1)[1] # include source itself # print index_NN # if this gives an error we should check whether we have the right sources (redshift selection) # Transport every nearest neighbour to the current source i angles_transported = parallel_transport_uncertainties( RAs[i], DECs[i], RAs[index_NN[1:]], DECs[index_NN[1:]], position_angles[index_NN[1:]]) # Then concatenate the transported angles to the current source position angle and store it position_angles_array[i] = np.concatenate( ([position_angles[i]], angles_transported)) else: index_NN = coordinates_tree.query( coordinates[i], k=n, p=2, n_jobs=-1)[1] # include source itself position_angles_array[i] = position_angles[index_NN] assert position_angles_array.shape == (N, n) n_array = np.asarray(range( 1, n + 1)) # have to divide different elements by different n x = unumpy.radians( 2 * position_angles_array ) # used to use numexpr to speed it up quite significantly di_max = 1. / n_array * ((np.cumsum(unumpy.cos(x), axis=1))**2 + (np.cumsum(unumpy.sin(x), axis=1))**2)**0.5 assert di_max.shape == (N, n ) # array of max_di for every source, for every n Sn = 1. / N * np.sum( di_max, axis=0) # array of shape (1xn) containing S_1 (nonsense) # to S_n return Sn
def E(grad): return const.h * const.c / (2 * 201.4e-12 * unp.sin(grad) * const.e)
def main(): print('\n#################### Analyse für Metall ####################\n') print('radius', radius()) Xi2_best = [ 'SC', 20 ] # SC ist in dem Fall ein Platzhalter. Die 20 garantiert, dass ein jedes Xi zunächst kleiner ist. daten = np.array([44.5, 64.5, 81.5, 98.5, 114.5, 134.5]) daten = (daten * np.pi) / (360) # theta = theta_radiant(radius()) theta = daten print('Theta mit Fehler: ', theta) netzebenenabstand = bragg(lambda_1, noms(theta)) reflexe_SC = [] reflexe_FCC = [] reflexe_BCC = [] reflexe_Diamant = [] verhaeltnisse_temp = [] for gitter in gitter_moegl: infos = Strukturamplitude(gitter=gitter) reflexe = np.array(infos[0]) # print(gitter +': ',reflexe[np.argsort(infos[1])]) m = infos[1] m = np.sort(m) verhaeltnisse = findStructure(m, netzebenenabstand) verhaeltnisse_temp = verhaeltnisse[0] # verhaeltnis_m = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[0]) verhaeltnis_m = verhaeltnisse[0] if gitter == 'SC': reflexe_SC = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'FCC': reflexe_FCC = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'BCC': reflexe_BCC = verhaeltnis_m elif gitter == 'Diamant': reflexe_Diamant = verhaeltnis_m verhaeltnis_d = np.sort(verhaeltnisse[1]) print('sqrt(m_i/m_1): ', verhaeltnis_m) print('d_1/d_i: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Verhältnisse für die m Werte: ', verhaeltnis_m) print('Verhältnisse für die d Werte: ', verhaeltnis_d) print('Abweichung Xi^2 für die ' + gitter + ' Sturktur: ', abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)) if abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d) < Xi2_best[1]: Xi2_best = [gitter, abweichung(verhaeltnis_m, verhaeltnis_d)] print('Struktur mit der kleinsten Abweichung: ', Xi2_best[0]) print('Abweichung Xi^2: ', Xi2_best[1]) m = Strukturamplitude(gitter=Xi2_best[0])[1] a = np.array(gitterkonstanteBragg(m, netzebenenabstand)) print('Gitterkonstanten für ' + Xi2_best[0] + ' Struktur: ', a) #################################################################################################### # Systematischer Fehler #################################################################################################### # systematischer Fehler Absorption der Röntgenstrahlung DeltaA = (radius_rohr / (2 * Radius_kamera)) * (1 - Radius_kamera / Abstand_FP) * ( np.cos(noms(theta))**2 / noms(theta)) * a a_mitFehler = unp.uarray(a, DeltaA) print('Gitterkonstanten mit Fehler durch die Absorption: ', a_mitFehler) #################################################################################################### # curve_fit zeugs #################################################################################################### # linearer fit für a gegen cos^2 # params, cov = curve_fit(lin,np.cos(noms(theta))**2,noms(a_mitFehler), sigma = stds(a_mitFehler)) params, cov = curve_fit(lin, np.cos(noms(theta))**2, noms(a_mitFehler)) err = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) a_extrp = ufloat(params[1], err[1]) print('Extrapolierte Gitterkonstante: ', a_extrp) #################################################################################################### # Plots #################################################################################################### cos2Theta = unp.cos(theta)**2 cos2Theta_fit = np.linspace(0, 1) ####### ab hier der a gegen cos^2 Plot ######## plt.errorbar(np.cos(noms(theta))**2, a, xerr=stds(cos2Theta), yerr=DeltaA, fmt='x', label='Daten') plt.plot(cos2Theta_fit, lin(cos2Theta_fit, *params), label='Fit') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('cos$^2(\Theta)$') plt.ylabel('$a$ in Angtröm') # plt.xlim(0.6,1) # plt.ylim(4.8e-10,5.8e-10) plt.tight_layout() plt.grid() plt.savefig('Plots/Metall_Fit.pdf') plt.close() i = np.linspace(1, 6, 6) verhaeltnisse_daten = [] for j in range(0, len(daten)): verhaeltnisse_daten.append(unp.sin(daten[j]) / unp.sin(daten[0])) plt.plot(i, reflexe_SC, 'o', label='SC') plt.plot(i, reflexe_FCC, 'o', label='FCC') plt.plot(i, reflexe_BCC, 'o', label='BCC') plt.plot(i, reflexe_Diamant, 'o', label='Diamant') plt.plot(i, noms(verhaeltnisse_daten), 'x', label='data') plt.xlabel('i') plt.xlim(0, 7) plt.ylim(0, 4) plt.ylabel('verhältnisse') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() plt.grid() plt.savefig('Plots/verhaeltnisse.pdf') plt.close()
d_LiF = 201.4 d_LiF *= 10**(-12) # ------ Emissionsspektrum ------- # read values for Emission spectrum theta, N = np.genfromtxt('EmissionCu.txt', unpack=True) # set k_alpha and k_beta line variables kbeta = 20.2 kalpha = 22.5 kalpha_ = unp.uarray(kalpha, 0.1) kbeta_ = unp.uarray(kbeta, 0.1) # K_alpha y K_beta energias lam_alpha = 2 * d_LiF * unp.sin(kalpha_ * np.pi / 180) lam_beta = 2 * d_LiF * unp.sin(kbeta_ * np.pi / 180) E_alpha = h * c / lam_alpha E_beta = h * c / lam_beta E_alpha *= 6.242 * 10**(18) E_beta *= 6.242 * 10**(18) print(f'E_a = {E_alpha}') print(f'E_b = {E_beta}') #plot Emission spectrum plt.plot(theta, N, 'r.', label='Messwerte') plt.plot(theta, N, 'b-', linewidth=0.5)
def y_bragg(b, n=1): global d return 2*d*unp.sin(b/360.*2.*const.pi)/n
from uncertainties import ufloat from uncertainties.unumpy import sin x = ufloat(4.56, 0.2) y = ufloat(2.11, 0.3) z = ufloat(10, 1) Q = x**2 * sin(y) + z print('Q = {}'.format(Q)) from sympy import var, sin x, y, z = var('x y z') Q = x**2 * sin(y) + z print(Q.diff(x)) print(Q.diff(y)) print(Q.diff(z))
r12 = (kz1 - kz2) / (kz1 + kz2) * np.exp(-2 * kz1 * kz2 * sigma1**2) r23 = (kz2 - kz3) / (kz2 + kz3) * np.exp(-2 * kz2 * kz3 * sigma2**2) x2 = np.exp(- 1j *2 * kz2 * z2) * r23 # print("test",(r12 + x2),"durch", (1 + r12 * x2)) x1 = (r12 + x2) / (1 + r12 * x2) antwort = np.log(np.abs(x1)**2) return antwort params_det, cov_det = curve_fit(Gaus ,THETA_det_scan,Int_det_scan,p0=[0.9e8,0,0.02]) uparams_det = unp.uarray(params_det, np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_det))) detektor_radius = 100 # Schätzwert!!!!!! strahl_durchmesser = detektor_radius * 2 * unp.sin(uparams_det[2]*np.pi/180) # noch nicht richtig !!!!! print("strahl_durchmesser=",strahl_durchmesser) print("Intesität=",uparams_det[0]) params_rock, cov_rock = curve_fit(Betragsfunktion ,Theta_rock[(Theta_rock > -0.25) & (Theta_rock < 0.7) ], Int_rock[(Theta_rock > -0.25) & (Theta_rock < 0.7)], p0=[14e7,-0.25,7e7]) uparams_rock = unp.uarray(params_rock, np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_rock))) print("Rocking_scan_params",uparams_rock) # finde nullstelle von rockingscan def betragsfunktion_params(x): return(Betragsfunktion(x, params_rock[0], 0, params_rock[2])) Winkel_rock = - uparams_rock[2]/uparams_rock[0] print("\n\nGeometry winkel ",Winkel_rock) Winkel_rock_rad = Winkel_rock * np.pi / 180
# arrays mit der richtigen Größe initialisieren phi_kalium_mean = unp.uarray(np.zeros(np.size(phi_kalium)/2), np.zeros(np.size(phi_kalium)/2)) phi_natrium_mean = unp.uarray(np.zeros(np.size(phi_natrium)/2), np.zeros(np.size(phi_natrium)/2)) phi_rubidium_mean = unp.uarray(np.zeros(np.size(phi_rubidium)/2), np.zeros(np.size(phi_rubidium)/2)) lambda_kalium_mean = unp.uarray(np.zeros(np.size(phi_kalium)/2), np.zeros(np.size(phi_kalium)/2)) lambda_natrium_mean = unp.uarray(np.zeros(np.size(phi_natrium)/2), np.zeros(np.size(phi_natrium)/2)) lambda_rubidium_mean = unp.uarray(np.zeros(np.size(phi_rubidium)/2), np.zeros(np.size(phi_rubidium)/2)) # Mittelwerte aus den 2 Dublettwinkeln bilden phi_kalium_mean = make_mean_from_two_values_in_array(phi_kalium, phi_kalium_mean) # in rad phi_natrium_mean = make_mean_from_two_values_in_array(phi_natrium, phi_natrium_mean) # in rad phi_rubidium_mean = make_mean_from_two_values_in_array(phi_rubidium, phi_rubidium_mean) # in rad # Daraus die zugehörigen Wellenlängen errechnen lambda_kalium_mean = g*unp.sin(phi_kalium_mean) + offset # in m lambda_natrium_mean = g*unp.sin(phi_natrium_mean) + offset # in m lambda_rubidium_mean = g*unp.sin(phi_rubidium_mean) + offset # in m # zur Berechnung von Delta_s def get_difference_between_two_values_in_array(array_in, array_out): i=0 for bla in array_out: j = 2*i array_out[i] = array_in[j] - array_in[j+1] i += 1 return array_out # mehr arrays initialisieren! delta_s_kalium = np.array(np.zeros(np.size(s_kalium)/2)) delta_s_natrium = np.array(np.zeros(np.size(s_natrium)/2))
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.stats import sem import scipy.constants as const import uncertainties.unumpy as unp d100 = (1 / 100) * 10**(-3) d300 = (1 / 300) * 10**(-3) d600 = (1 / 600) * 10**(-3) ##### GRÜNES LAMBDA k, phi = np.genfromtxt("../data/A5grün100.dat", unpack=True) phiERR = np.array([]) for i in range(len(phi)): phiERR = np.append(phiERR, ufloat(np.deg2rad(phi[i]), 0.00872665)) lambda100g = d100 * unp.sin(phiERR / k) print(f"lamda_grün/100 ={lambda100g}") k, phi = np.genfromtxt("../data/A5grün300.dat", unpack=True) phiERR = np.array([]) for i in range(len(phi)): phiERR = np.append(phiERR, ufloat(np.deg2rad(phi[i]), 0.00872665)) lambda300g = d300 * unp.sin(phiERR / k) print(f"lamda_grün/300 ={lambda300g}") k, phi = np.genfromtxt("../data/A5grün600.dat", unpack=True) phiERR = np.array([]) for i in range(len(phi)): phiERR = np.append(phiERR, ufloat(np.deg2rad(phi[i]), 0.00872665)) lambda600g = d600 * unp.sin(phiERR / k) print(f"lamda_grün/600 ={lambda600g}")
def test_uncertainties_cov(y=Y): return unumpy.sin(y)
plt.plot(l * 2, I01, 'kx', label='Messwerte') plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta X/\si{\milli\meter}$') plt.ylabel(r'$I/\si{\nano\ampere}$') params, covariance_matrix = curve_fit(Mode_01, l * 2, I01, p0=(-0.46568761, 3.29542082, 12.97749986, 5)) errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance_matrix)) x_plot = np.linspace(np.min(l * 2), np.max(l * 2), 1000) plt.plot(x_plot, Mode_01(x_plot, *params), 'b-', label='Fit') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) print("Mode_01: x_0 I_0 \omega") print(params) print(errors) plt.savefig('build/Moden_01.pdf') plt.clf() print("Wellenlänge") d = 0.7 g = 100 * 10**3 x = unp.uarray([0.045, 0.045], [0.001, 0.001]) l = 1 / g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(x / d)) print(unp.nominal_values(l)) print(unp.std_devs(l))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from uncertainties import ufloat import uncertainties.unumpy as unp z, E = np.genfromtxt('mess1.txt', unpack=True) x = 57.2958 e = 1.602176487 * 1e-16 E = E * e R = 13.6 * 1.602176487 * 1e-19 h = 6.626 * 1e-34 c = 299792458 d = 201.4 * 1e-12 t = ufloat(15.0, 0.4) E1 = (h * c / (2 * d * unp.sin(t / x))) / e Ex = ufloat(9.58, 0.2) sigma1 = 29 - unp.sqrt(E1 * e / R) sigma3 = 29 - 2 * unp.sqrt((R * (29 - sigma1)**2 - Ex * e) / R) print(sigma3)
print('phi_Mittel:', phi_Mittel) write('build/Messwerte1.tex', make_table([phi_1, phi_2, phi],[1,1,1])) write('build/Winkel_Prisma.tex', make_SI(phi_Mittel,r'',figures=1)) write('build/Messwerte2.tex', make_table([wavelength*10**9, eta_1, eta_2, eta],[2,1,1,1])) ################################################################ phi_Mittel = 60 ################################################################ ### Brechzahl ################################################################ n = unp.sin( 0.5 * 2 * np.pi / 360 * (eta + phi_Mittel) ) / unp.sin( 0.5 * 2 * np.pi / 360 * phi_Mittel) print('Brechzahl:', n) n_nom = unp.nominal_values(n) n_std = unp.std_devs(n) write('build/Brechzahlen.tex', make_table([wavelength*10**9, n_nom, n_std],[2,3,3])) ################################################################ ################################################################ ### Plotten ################################################################
def logg_southworth(P_days, K_ms, aRp, ecc=0., inc_deg=90.): '''Compute the surface gravity in m/s^2 from the equation in Southworth et al 2007.''' P, inc = days2sec(P_days), unumpy.radians(inc_deg) return 2 * np.pi * K_ms * aRp * aRp * unumpy.sqrt(1 - ecc * ecc) / ( P * unumpy.sin(inc))
def RV_mp(P_days, Ms_Msun, K_ms, ecc=0., inc_deg=90.): '''Compute the planet mass from RV semiamplitude in Earth masses.''' P, Ms, inc = days2sec(P_days), Msun2kg(Ms_Msun), unumpy.radians(inc_deg) return kg2Mearth(K_ms * (P*Ms*Ms/(2*np.pi*G))**(1./3) * \ unumpy.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/unumpy.sin(inc))
def test_uncertainties_std(x=X): return unumpy.sin(x)