class Run_case(): def __init__(self, excelpath, file_path): = Getdata(excelpath=excelpath) self.opexcel = oper_excel(filename=excelpath) self.file_path = file_path def banch_case(self): rows_count = print("**********", rows_count) # print(rows_count) # 排除表头,从-1开始 for i in range(1, rows_count): url = functionname = # method = isrun = # print("第", i, "条执行记录", isrun, functionname) # print("+++++++",url,isrun,functionname) # 查看运行状态是否运行 if isrun: # print("第", i, "条执行记录", isrun, functionname) res = requests_batch(file_path=self.file_path + "/" + functionname + ".json", params_name=functionname, url=url) try: print(res.json) except Exception as e: print("未返回数据")
def __init__(self,excelpath= None,jsonpath=None): if excelpath: self.excelpath = excelpath else: self.excelpath = '../Test_Case/TestCase.xls' if jsonpath: self.jsonpath = jsonpath else: self.jsonpath='..//data//Tc_alldata.json' self.get = Getdata(self.excelpath,self.jsonpath) self.operation_excel = oper_excel(self.excelpath)
def __init__(self,division= None,classname = None): # 若传参:属性标签以及数据排序方式 if division and classname: self.division = division self.classname = classname #不传参,默认表格数据,div,x-scroll else: self.division = "div" self.classname = "x-scroll" = Getdata() self.cookies = Get_cookies.Get_cookies(2) self.cookies= self.cookies.get_cookies_admin()
def __init__(self, filename=None, new_filename=None, report_path=None): self.tablename = Case_Table().get_tablename() if filename: self.filename = filename else: self.filename = "../Test_Case/" + self.tablename + ".xls" if new_filename: self.new_filename = new_filename else: self.new_filename = "../Test_Case/" + self.tablename + "_bk.xls" if report_path: self.report_path = report_path else: self.report_path = "../Test_Case/TestCase.html" = Getdata()
def __init__(self, txt_path=None, report_path=None, excelpath=None, jsonpath=None): if report_path: self.report_path = report_path else: self.report_path = "../Test_Case/Report.html" if txt_path: self.txt_path = txt_path else: self.txt_path = "../Test_Case/Result.txt" if jsonpath: self.jsonpath = jsonpath else: self.jsonpath = "../Test_Case/TestCase.xls" self.run_method = inter() = Getdata(excelpath=excelpath, jsonfilepath=jsonpath) self.result = isequal() self.opexcel = oper_excel(filename=excelpath) self.sendmail = sendmail() self.page_check = PageCheck() self.de_data = dependata(excelpath=excelpath, jsonpath=jsonpath) self.pass_total = [] self.fail_total = []
class PageCheck: def __init__(self,division= None,classname = None): # 若传参:属性标签以及数据排序方式 if division and classname: self.division = division self.classname = classname #不传参,默认表格数据,div,x-scroll else: self.division = "div" self.classname = "x-scroll" = Getdata() self.cookies = Get_cookies.Get_cookies(2) self.cookies= self.cookies.get_cookies_admin() # 在界面中获取到所有指定属性的数据 def get_allparam(self,html,actualvalue): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") a = [] # 结合业务,界面数据均是在列表中 # 若是按照创建时间倒序排序,则获取当前第二列数据 try: for tag in soup.find_all('div', class_='x-scroll'): # print("*****", tag) data = tag.find_all('tr') # data = data.next_sibling # print("======",data,type(data)) # 初始化返回至 flag = True flag_b = True for i in actualvalue: if i in str(data): flag_b = True else: flag_b = False flag = flag_b and flag return flag except Exception as e: print("找不到界面预期结果",e) # 获取页面html信息 def getHtml(self,url,actualvalue): # 获取登录cookies page = requests.get(url, cookies=self.cookies,verify = False) # 页面转换为html格式输出 html = page.text # 返回比较结果 return self.get_allparam(html,actualvalue) def case_param(self,i,url): #testcase表格界面期望数据整理 #获取表格数据 actualvalue #分号分隔字符串放置在辅助数组 arr = [] for k in range(len(actualvalue.split(";"))): arr.append(actualvalue.split(";")[k]) return self.getHtml(url,arr) # a = PageCheck() # print(a.case_param(3,""))
def __init__(self, excelpath=None, jsonpath=None): self.tablename = Case_Table().get_tablename() if excelpath: self.excelpath = excelpath else: self.excelpath = "../Test_Case/" + self.tablename + ".xls" if jsonpath: self.jsonpath = jsonpath else: self.jsonpath = "../data/" + self.tablename + ".json" self.run_method = inter() = Getdata(self.excelpath, self.jsonpath) self.result = isequal() self.sendmail = sendmail() self.page_check = PageCheck() self.de_data = dependata(self.excelpath, self.jsonpath) self.caserun = Case(excelpath=self.excelpath, jsonpath=self.jsonpath) self.opexcel = oper_excel(filename=excelpath) self.DBCASE = Get_case()
class exceltodb: def __init__(self): self.excelpath= "../Test_Case/Paper_Process.xls" self.db,self.connect = DB_CONNECT(2).connect_db() self.excel = oper_excel(filename="../Test_Case/Paper_Process.xls") = Getdata(excelpath=self.excelpath) def read_excel(self): print("开始") workbook =xlrd.open_workbook("../Test_Case/Paper_Process.xls") table = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) # 获取数据 rows_count = print("hangshu",rows_count) for i in range(30,rows_count): v1 = int(self.excel.get_cell_value(i,0)) v2=str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i,1)) v3 = int(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 2)) v4 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 3)) v5= str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 4)) v6 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 5)) v7 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i,6)) v8 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 7)) v9 = self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 8) v10 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 9)) v11 = self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 10) v12 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 11)) v13 = str(self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 12)) v14 = self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 13) v15 = self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 14) v16 = self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 15) v17 = self.excel.get_cell_value(i, 16) sql = "INSERT INTO Paper_Process VALUES(%s,'%s',%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"%(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,pymysql.escape_string(v10),v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17) print(sql) # print(sql) # self.db.execute(sql) # self.connect.commit() # if __name__ == '__main__': # a = exceltodb().read_excel()
def __init__(self): self.excelpath= "../Test_Case/Paper_Process.xls" self.db,self.connect = DB_CONNECT(2).connect_db() self.excel = oper_excel(filename="../Test_Case/Paper_Process.xls") = Getdata(excelpath=self.excelpath)
def isequalstring(self, expect, result,i): # expect是预期结果一栏中数据,若是None则不做比较 if expect == None: print("无预期结果,接口不做比较") return True # expect是预期结果一栏中数据,若是Select,则执行sql语句 elif expect.startswith("select"): print("select",expect) db = DataBase() # 执行sql获取返回结果sql_value sql_value = db.selectvalue(expect) # expect_compare:获取case表格中sql比对结果的值 ex = Getdata() expect_compare = ex.get_db_value(i) if sql_value == [None]: # print("数据*****", sql_value, type(sql_value),expect_compare) if expect_compare == None: print("数据删除成功,数据库无数据") return True else: print("数据库数据不存在,请检查") return False else: try: expect_compare_len = len(expect_compare) sql_value_len = len(sql_value) except Exception as e: # print("whywhy",expect_compare,sql_value) print("请检查是否数据库链接错误,没有查到数据",expect_compare,sql_value) # sql执行结果与预期比较数据中查找共同字段,且比较值是否相等 # 借助辅助数组 compare_dict = {} for i in range(len(sql_value)): # print("数据*****",sql_value[i],type(sql_value[i])) for k in sql_value[i]: try: if k in expect_compare: #相同值添加至辅助数组 compare_dict[k] = expect_compare.get(k) except Exception as e: print("没有找到expect",expect_compare,"sql_value",sql_value,"coppare_dict",compare_dict) # print("数据*****",compare_dict,type(compare_dict),compare_dict,sql_value,sql_value==compare_dict) # 辅助数组与sql查询数组比较 if operator.eq(compare_dict,sql_value[i]): #sql查询结果与预期比较结果一致 return True else: # print("sql查询数据与预期结果不相等",sql_value,"!=",expect_compare) return False else: # expect是预期结果一栏中数据,若是指定字符,则与请求响应结果比较 if isinstance(result,dict): result = str(result) if expect in result: return True else: return False elif str(result)== expect: return True return False # a = isequal() # # expect = "select activityId,seasonId,uid from ActivitySeasonUser where seasonId =835 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1" # # result = { # # "activityId": 740, # # "seasonId": 835, # # "uid": 18213 # # } # expect = "<Response [302]>" # result ="<Response [302]>" # print(a.isequalstring(expect,expect,3))
class Run_case(): # class执行前执行,且一个class只执行一次 # @classmethod # def setupClass(cls): # print('class执行前执行') # # 每个方法执行前执行一次 # def setUp(self): # print('test前执行') def __init__(self, excelpath=None, jsonpath=None): self.tablename = Case_Table().get_tablename() if excelpath: self.excelpath = excelpath else: self.excelpath = "../Test_Case/" + self.tablename + ".xls" if jsonpath: self.jsonpath = jsonpath else: self.jsonpath = "../data/" + self.tablename + ".json" self.run_method = inter() = Getdata(self.excelpath, self.jsonpath) self.result = isequal() self.sendmail = sendmail() self.page_check = PageCheck() self.de_data = dependata(self.excelpath, self.jsonpath) self.caserun = Case(excelpath=self.excelpath, jsonpath=self.jsonpath) self.opexcel = oper_excel(filename=excelpath) self.DBCASE = Get_case() # 学生登陆cookies def student_cookies(self): cookies = Get_cookies(2) return cookies.getcookies_web() #admin登陆cookies def admin_cookies(self): cookies = Get_cookies(1) return cookies.get_cookies_admin() # 教师登陆cookies def teacher_cookies(self): cookies = Get_cookies(3) return cookies.getcookies_web() def go_run(self): # pass_count = [] # fail_count = [] res = None # 数据库中获取案例,写至表格中 self.DBCASE.create_excel() # 获取需执行案例总数量 rows_count = # book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename=self.excelpath, formatting_info=True).sheet_by_index(0) # # 将上次的执行结果清除 # for i in range(1, rows_count): # self.opexcel.write_value(i, 13, "") # self.opexcel.write_value(i, 16, "") # del book # print("清除原测试结果数据") # 排除表头,从-1开始 for i in range(1, rows_count): caseid = url = functionname = web_admin = method = isrun = data = file = return_value = # 若url为拼接方式 if "+" in url: # 则获取到拼接参数 url_data = self.de_data.depend_data(i) # print("表格里数据",url,url_data) url = url.split("+")[0] + str(url_data) # print("拼接后",url,type(url_data),type(str(url_data))) if file: files = {"logo1": ("aa.jpg", open(file, "rb"), "image/jpeg")} else: files = None # cookies = expect = webexpect = depen_case = depend_data = self.de_data.depend_data(i) # print("*****第",i,"个",data,depen_data,depen_filed) # 查看运行状态是否运行 # 判断是否是后台案例 if isrun and web_admin == 0: # 首先获取cookie,请求代入cookies cookies = self.admin_cookies() # 执行案例 self.caserun.case_run(caseid, rows_count, depen_case, depend_data, url, method, data, cookies, expect, i, webexpect, functionname, files, return_value) # 判断是否是学生端案例 elif isrun and web_admin == 1: cookies = self.student_cookies() self.caserun.case_run(caseid, rows_count, depen_case, depend_data, url, method, data, cookies, expect, i, webexpect, functionname, files, return_value) # 判断是否是教师端案例 elif isrun and web_admin == 2: cookies = self.teacher_cookies() self.caserun.case_run(caseid, rows_count, depen_case, depend_data, url, method, data, cookies, expect, i, webexpect, functionname, files, return_value)
class dependata: def __init__(self,excelpath= None,jsonpath=None): if excelpath: self.excelpath = excelpath else: self.excelpath = '../Test_Case/TestCase.xls' if jsonpath: self.jsonpath = jsonpath else: self.jsonpath='..//data//Tc_alldata.json' self.get = Getdata(self.excelpath,self.jsonpath) self.operation_excel = oper_excel(self.excelpath) def depend_data(self,i): # 判断依赖数据值的获取方式:select?depend[]?请求数据? col = int(unittesttool.Data_config.get_data_depend()) data = self.operation_excel.get_cell_value(i, col) # 获取依赖数据的值以及其所属字段 depen_data = self.get.get_data_depen(i) depen_filed = self.get.get_filed_depen(i) # 获取请求参数 request_data = self.get.get_data_json(i) # 若是查询数据库,则直接取出列表中的字典与请求参数合并 if data.startswith("select") or data.startswith("SELECT") or data.startswith("Select"): # 若是所属字段为No,则不需要合并,反之为None或有值则需要合并 try: if depen_filed == "No": return list(depen_data[0].values())[0] # 若存在数请求数据,则将请求数据与依赖数据合并作为请求数据发送 for i in range(len(depen_data)): # 若请求参数不是空,则合并 if request_data is not None: # return dict(data.items()+depen_data[0].items()) # return dict(request_data, **depen_data[0]) data_combin = request_data.copy() data_combin.update(depen_data[i]) return data_combin # 反之,则直接返回依赖数据作为请求参数 return depen_data[0] except Exception as e: print("请确认数据库查询依赖值是否存在,depen_data=",depen_data,"request_data=",request_data) elif data.startswith("depend["): #若是从depend表格中获取,则将依赖数据的值与所属字段相合并组成字典,且与请求参数合并 #拆分依赖数据值,与所属字段相结合 depend_split =list(depen_data.values())[0] depend_dict = {} depend_dict[depen_filed] = depend_split if depen_filed == "No": return list(depend_dict.values())[0] # print("组合后所属字段",depend_dict) # 若请求参数不是空,则合并 if request_data is not None: data_combin = request_data.copy() data_combin.update(depend_dict) return data_combin # 反之,则直接返回依赖数据作为请求参数 return depend_dict else: # 若是从直接给出值,则直接进行两次合并即可 depend_dict = {} depend_dict[depen_filed] = depen_data # print("oper+depen**",request_data) if request_data is not None: data_combin = request_data.copy() data_combin.update(depend_dict) return data_combin # 反之,则直接返回依赖数据作为请求参数 return depend_dict
class report(): def __init__(self, filename=None, new_filename=None, report_path=None): self.tablename = Case_Table().get_tablename() if filename: self.filename = filename else: self.filename = "../Test_Case/" + self.tablename + ".xls" if new_filename: self.new_filename = new_filename else: self.new_filename = "../Test_Case/" + self.tablename + "_bk.xls" if report_path: self.report_path = report_path else: self.report_path = "../Test_Case/TestCase.html" = Getdata() def order_excel(self): read_excel = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) # 借助辅助数组,rows_mark rows_mark = [] #遍历是否执行列数据 rows_count = for i in range(1, rows_count): isrun = #如果不执行,则将该行数记录 if isrun == False: rows_mark.append(i) return rows_mark #生成报告 def creat_report(self): # 获取不执行案例所在行数 rows = self.order_excel() #读取测试案例表格文件,跳过不执行的行数 xd = pd.read_excel(self.filename, skiprows=rows, usecols=[0, 1, 4, 12, 13, 15, 16]) # 指定读取列 # print(xd) #摘取所需要内容生成新的xls文件 xd.to_excel(self.new_filename, index=False) #将excel转换为html to_html = pd.ExcelFile(self.new_filename) pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 1000) # 设置列的宽度,以防止出现省略号 df = to_html.parse() with, 'w') as html_file: html_file.write( df.to_html(header=True, index=False, table_id="Test_Report")) # 将多余文件删除 os.remove(self.new_filename) #自动打开报告文件 # # 案例表格、数据文件路径 # case_excelpath = "..//Test_Case//Paper_Process.xls" # data_jsonpath="../data/Paper_Process.json" # # # 定义报告文件 # excel_copy = "..//Test_Case//Paper_Process_bk.xls" # html_path = "../Test_Case/Paper_Process.html" # a = report(case_excelpath,excel_copy,html_path) # a.creat_report()
def __init__(self, excelpath, file_path): = Getdata(excelpath=excelpath) self.opexcel = oper_excel(filename=excelpath) self.file_path = file_path