def marias_home_before_arrival():
    if not 'Marias_home' in keywords():
        universal.say(universal.format_text([['''While''', name(), '''would like to find Maria's home,''', heshe(), '''has no idea where it is.''']]), justification=0)
        return False
    elif 'grudge_against_Maria' in keywords() and universal.state.player.currentEpisode ==
        universal.say(universal.format_text([[name(), '''has no interest in speaking to Maria right now.''']]), justification=0)
        return False
    return True
Exemple #2
 def clean(self):
     if person.get_PC().current_health() < person.get_PC().health() // 2 or person.get_PC().current_mana() < person.get_PC().mana() // 2:
         universal.say(universal.format_text([[person.get_PC().name, '''considers taking some time to clean, but plops down on''', person.hisher(), '''bed instead.''', 
             person.HeShe(), '''is too darn tired to clean.''']]), justification=0)
         universal.say(universal.format_text([[person.get_PC().name, '''takes some time to do some cleaning.''', person.HeShe(), 
             '''cleans dirty clothing, scrapes the mud off''', person.hisher(), '''boots, washes''', person.hisher(), 
             '''linens, and makes sure''', person.hisher(), '''equipment is in good condition.''']]), justification=0)
         self.dirtiness = 0
    def get_description(self):
        adventurersGuild = universal.state.get_room("Adventurer's Guild")
        if 'visited_adventurers_guild' not in universal.state.player.keywords:
            adventurersGuild.description = universal.format_text([['''The main room of the guild is very''',
'''large, well-lit and exceptionally clean. Chairs line the walls, while in the center are about half a dozen round tables that could sit about six''',
'''people each. About four very rough people sit at the central table. They are dirty, unkempt, and every one of them is armed. They all give''',, '''a wary look before returning to a game of craps. Each roll is accompanied by boisterous laughter and vicious swearing in half a dozen different languages.'''], 
['''At the far end of the room is a long, thick wooden counter. Standing behind the counter is an impeccably clean, immaculately''',
'''dressed, middle-aged man. He waves''',, '''forward. There is a door set into the corner of the northern wall, flush against the end of the counter.''']])
        elif universal.state.player.currentEpisode == and 'first_dungeon_done' in keywords():
            adventurersGuild.description = universal.format_text([['''The main room is empty, save for Adrian at the back. The tables have all been split in two or more pieces, and the chairs are shattered. The''',
            '''counter at the back has been split down the middle, with both ends sloping downwards. The floor is covered in shredded, and ground up parchment.''']])
            adventurersGuild.description = universal.format_text([['''The main room of the guild is very''',
'''large, well-lit and exceptionally clean. Chairs line the walls, while in the center are about half a dozen round tables that could sit about six''',
'''people each. About four very rough people sit at the central table. They are dirty, unkempt, and every one of them is armed. They all give''',, '''a wary look before returning to a large game of dice. Each roll is accompanied by boisterous laughter and vicious swearing in half a dozen different languages.''']]) 
        return adventurersGuild.description
def guild_bedroom_after_arrival():
    guildBedroom = universal.state.get_room('Bedroom')
    thisEpisode = episode.allEpisodes[universal.state.player.currentEpisode]  
    if universal.state.player.currentEpisode == and thisEpisode.currentSceneIndex == 2:
        alondraSleeping = '''Alondra, the girl Vengador Ildri shielded from the city guard, is already curled up in one of the beds, soundly asleep.'''
        if not alondraSleeping  in guildBedroom.description:
            guildBedroom.description = universal.format_text([guildBedroom.description, alondraSleeping])
        if not universal.format_line(['''If''', name(), '''wishes,''', heshe(), '''can rest, and put an end to this seemingly neverending day.''']) in guildBedroom.description:
            guildBedroom.description = universal.format_text([guildBedroom.description, ['''If''', name(), '''wishes,''', heshe(), 
                '''can rest, and put an end to this seemingly neverending day.''']])
        if 'Elise_shows_you_around' in pwutilities.keywords() and universal.state.player.currentEpisode == and not ("should go meet Elise at the Shrine" in 
            guildBedroom.description = universal.format_text([guildBedroom.description, ['''If''', name(), '''hasn't already,''', p.heshe(), 
                '''should go meet Elise at the Shrine. After all,''', p.heshe(), '''shouldn't keep her waiting!''']])
    if guildBedroom.boarding:
def marias_home_after_arrival():
    universal.say_title("Maria's Home")
    maria = universal.state.get_character('Maria.person')
    mariasHome = universal.state.get_room("Maria's Home")
    if mariasHome.has(maria) and universal.state.player.currentEpisode ==
        mariasHome.description = format_text([mariasHomeDesc, ['''Maria is hunched over the small firepit, making some stew. She glances up as''', name(), 
    if 'boarding_with_Maria' in keywords() and universal.state.player.currentEpisode ==
        mariasHome.description = universal.format_text([['''Maria lives in a dinky little room with barely enough room for two people to lie down comfortably. The''',
    '''floor is packed dirt, and the old wooden walls sag, seeming on the verge of collapse at any moment. A small, stone-circled firepit sits in the''',
    '''center, just below a small hole in the ceiling. A small collection of wooden bowls, plates, and  skewers lie next to the pit. A pile of ragged''',
    '''blankets is crumpled up in the corner. A few additional blankets are spread out next to the firepit.''']])
        if 'Elise_shows_you_around' in keywords():
            mariasHome.description = universal.format_text([mariasHome.description, ['''There is a small note written in the dirt. It reads:''',
    '''"Went for a walk. Your blankets are spread out next to the pit. We'll look for a better place tomorrow. Maria"''']])
        mariasHome.description = format_text([mariasHome.description, [''' If''', name(), '''wishes,''', heshe(), 
            '''can Rest, and put an end to this seemingly neverending day.''']])
    if mariasHome.boarding:
def armor_shop_after_arrival():
    wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop = universal.state.get_room("Wesley and Anne's Smithy")
    wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop.description = universal.format_line(['''The shop consists of a single small room. A counter runs the length of the far wall. Hanging on the left wall are a variety of small metal things: nails, buckles, hinges, locks, horseshoes. The right side contains a few samples of larger tools: a large sickle, and a shovel. What really catches''', + "'s", '''attention is a 'suit' of chanmail hanging on the wall above the counter.''', universal.format_line(['''The armor is a two piece affair. The top looks like to be barely big enough to cover (for a sufficiently loose definition of 'cover')''', + "'s", '''breasts, while the bottom is a thong. A thong made out of chainmail.''' if universal.state.player.is_female() else '''The armor is a single, small thong, which is made out of chainmail.'''])])
    if "visited_blacksmith" not in universal.state.player.keywords:
        wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop.description = (
            universal.format_text([wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop.description, [, 
                '''stares at the piece for a few seconds, trying to process''', 
                '''just how or why anyone would ever make something so''', 
                '''patently useless out of valuable steel. Then, remembering''',
                '''a lecture given to''', himher(universal.state.player), 
                '''by Nana about trusting just''', hisher(universal.state.player), '''eyes,''', 
                heshe(universal.state.player), '''studies it with''', hisher(universal.state.player), 
                '''more magical senses.''', HisHer(universal.state.player), 
                '''eyes widen. Useless nothing, the enchantments on that armor''',
                '''make it as protective as mail, and a hundredth as''',
                '''heavy. Whoever made that was cursed good at enchanting''', 
                ['''However, there is something odd about the enchantment.''', 
                '''Peering more closely,''',, '''realizes that the''', 
                '''strength of the enchantment is based on the force of a blow.''',
                '''If the force being exerted is enough to break skin,''', 
                '''bones, etc. (basically enough to trigger one's health)''', 
                '''then the enchantment springs into full force. If the''',
                '''force of the blow would only cause a little bruising, then''',
                '''the enchantment remains dormant. Basically, the magic would''',
      , '''from a spear thrust, but not a spanking. Which''', 
                '''is unfortunate, because if Nana ever caught''',, 
                '''wearing such an absurd suit of armor, she'd put the young''',
                '''Taironan over her knee so fast it'd double as the invention''',
                '''of a new haste spell.''']]))
        wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop.description = universal.format_text([wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop.description, 
            ['''The proprietor of the shop hussles out of the backroom.''',
            '''He is also clearly the smith; he's six feet tall, and has more muscles in one arm than''', 
  , '''has in''', hisher(universal.state.player), '''entire body. He has light skin,''',
            '''dark brown hair, a trimmed beard, and blue eyes. He is wearing''',
            '''a thick leather apron, and a pair of heavily patched trousers.''']])
    wesleyAndAnnesArmorShop.after_arrival = None
def thereses_tailors_after_arrival():
    theresesTailors = universal.state.get_room("Therese's Tailors")
    if 'visited_tailors' not in universal.state.player.keywords:
        theresesTailors.description = universal.format_text([[ + "'s", '''eyes widen when''', 
            heshe(universal.state.player), '''enters the tailors.''', HeShe(universal.state.player) + "'d", 
            '''expected to find a small, mostly bare shop with a''', 
            '''couple of tailors taking custom orders, and maybe a few pieces of clothing''', 
            '''for demonstration purposes. What''', heshe(universal.state.player), '''finds instead is''',
            '''a large, open room with racks of clothing of all shapes and sizes.''', 
            '''Tunics and trousers hang on racks in the middle of the room. Dresses''',
            '''and skirts line the walls.''',, '''even notices in the back''',
            '''what appears to be a display rack for underwear of all sorts.''', 
            '''A variety of people, mostly women, move about the clothing racks.''', 
            '''They riffle through them, occasionally pulling something''', 
            '''off the shelves and holding it against themselves or their''', 
            '''companion.''',, '''also notices several people who appear to''',
            '''be workers. They move about the racks, reorganizing, and''',
            '''rehanging clothing, while keeping an eye on the various customers.''',
            '''One in particular, a woman about''', + "'s", '''age, watches''',
  , '''out of the corner of her eye.'''], 
            ['''The young woman has light brown hair pulled back into a single long''',
                '''braid, and light brown eyes. She is wearing a light red tunic''',
                '''emblazoned on the right chest with a pair of crossed needles, and''',
                '''a matching knee-length skirt.''']])
        theresesTailors.description = universal.format_line([
            '''Tunics and trousers hang on racks in the middle of the room. Dresses''',
            '''and skirts line the walls.''',, '''even notices in the back''',
            '''what appears to be a display rack for underwear of all sorts.''', 
            '''A variety of people, mostly women, move about the clothing racks.''', 
            '''They riffle through them, occasionally pulling something''', 
            '''off the shelves and holding it against themselves or their''', 
            '''companion.''',, '''also notices several people who appear to''',
            '''be workers. They move about the racks, reorganizing, and''',
            '''rehanging clothing, while keeping an eye on the various customers.''',
            '''One in particular, a woman about''', + "'s", '''age, watches''',
  , '''out of the corner of her eye.'''])
    theresesTailors.after_arrival = None
Exemple #8
     #kind of thing without having to dig into this code, but I'm too lazy. I'll rework this the next time I need to have some episode-specific event trigger on
         import episode1
     except ImportError, e:
         #Horrible, horrible hack. Must figure out a better way of implementing this kind of thing.
         if universal.state.player.currentEpisode == "Tension":
             if 'taking_Carrie_home' in person.get_PC().keywords:
             universal.say(universal.format_text([[person.get_PC().name, '''plops down in''', 
                 person.hisher(), '''nice bed, and sleeps the night away.''']]), 
             #TODO: Need to figure out a way to implement the health penalties.
             for char in
                 if char.coins >= universal.state.livingExpenses:
                     char.coins -= 3
                     char.coins = 0
     self.dayNum += 1
     #self.dirtiness += 1
 def clean_check(self):
     if self.dayNum % 7 == 0: