Exemple #1
from ..si.base import *
from ..si.derived import *
from unum import new_unit

__all__ = [
    'kN', 'MN', 'kNm', 'MNm', 'kNcm', 'kG', 'T', 'kPa', 'MPa', 'GPa'

kN = new_unit('kN', N * 1e3, 'kilonewton')
MN = new_unit('MN', N * 1e6, 'meganewton')

gravity = 9.81 * m / s ** 2

gf = new_unit('gf', g * gravity, 'gram force')
kgf = kG = new_unit('kgf', kg * gravity, 'kilogram force')
tf = new_unit('tf', kg * 10e3 * gravity, 'tone force')

kPa = new_unit('kPa', Pa * 1e3, 'kilopascal')
MPa = new_unit('MPa', Pa * 1e6, 'megapascal')
GPa = new_unit('GPa', Pa * 1e9, 'gigapascal')

kNm = new_unit('kNm', kN * m, 'kilonewton meter')
MNm = new_unit('MNm', MN * m, 'meganewton meter')
kNcm = new_unit('kNcm', kN * cm, 'kilonewton centimeter')
Exemple #2
    def test_NewUnit_NameConflict_Throws(self):
        unum.new_unit("a_unit", 0, "my_new_unit")

        with self.assertRaises(unum.NameConflictError):
            unum.new_unit("a_unit", 0, "my_new_unit")
Exemple #3
from unum import new_unit
from unum.units import g

lb = pound = new_unit("lb", 453.59237 * g, "Pound")
gr = grain = new_unit("gr", 0.06479891 * g, "Grain")
dr = dram = new_unit("dr", lb / 256, "Dram")
#dram now meant only avoirdupois drams, which were ​1⁄16 of an avoirdupois ounce of 437.5 grains, thus equal to 27.34 grains
#drachm now meant only apothecaries' drachms, which were ​1⁄8 of an apothecaries' ounce of 480 grains, thus equal to 60 grains
oz = ounce = new_unit("oz", lb / 16, "Ounce")
st = stone = new_unit("st", 14 * lb, "Stone")
qr = qtr = quarter = new_unit("qtr", 28 * lb, "Quarter")
cwt = hundredweight = new_unit("cwt", 112 * lb, "Long Hundredweight")
cwt_s = short_hundredweight = new_unit("s cwt", 100 * lb,
                                       "Short Hundredweight")
t = ton = new_unit("ton", 2240 * lb, "Long Ton")
t_s = short_ton = new_unit("short ton", 2000 * lb, "Short Ton")
slug = new_unit("slug", 32.17404856 * lb, "Slug")
Exemple #4
US Customary units.
Author: L Selter, 2020
Maintainer: L Selter

Much of these units are based off: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/English_Length_Units_Graph.svg/348px-English_Length_Units_Graph.svg.png
and its parent page: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Imperial_units
as well as: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Imperial-unit

from unum import new_unit
from unum.units import cm
from unum.units.imp_UK import short_ton as ton_s_UK
from unum.units.imp_UK import short_hundredweight as hundred_weight_s_UK

fl_dr_US = us_fluid_dram = new_unit("fl dr (US)", 3.6966911953125 * cm**3,
                                    "Fluid Dram (US)")
ton = ton_s_UK
hundredweight = hundred_weight_s_UK
Exemple #5
from unum import new_unit
from unum.units import g
ounce = oz_t = new_unit("oz t", 31.1034768 * g, "Troy ounce")
pound = lb_t = new_unit("lb t", 12 * oz_t, "Troy Pound")
pennyweight = pwt = new_unit("pwt", oz_t / 20, "Troy Pennyweight")
grain = gr_t = new_unit("gr t", pwt / 24, "Troy Grain")
Exemple #6
This is one of those lovely confusing messes we are left with when people try to standardise.

from unum import new_unit
from unum.units import g

metric_pound = lb_m = new_unit("lb m", 500 * g, "Metric Pound")
Exemple #7
    def test_NewUnit_NameConflict_Throws(self):
        unum.new_unit("a_unit", 0, "my_new_unit")

        with self.assertRaises(unum.NameConflictError):
            unum.new_unit("a_unit", 0, "my_new_unit")
Exemple #8
from unum import new_unit
from unum.units.imp_UK.troy import gr_t

mite = new_unit("mite", gr_t / 20, "Mint Mite")
droit = new_unit("droit", mite / 24, "Mint Droit")
perit = new_unit("perit", droit / 20, "Mint Perit")
blank = new_unit("blank", perit / 24, "Mint blank")
Exemple #9

## Apothecary
from unum import new_unit
from unum.units.imp_UK import fl_oz
from unum.units.imp_UK.troy import lb_t, oz_t, gr_t

apothecary_fluid_drachm = fl_dr_ap = new_unit("fl drachm ap", fl_oz / 8,
                                              "Fluid Drachm")
fl_s_ap = apothecary_fl_scruple = new_unit("fl scruple ap", fl_dr_ap / 3,
                                           "Fluid Scruple")
min_ap = apothecary_minim = new_unit("minim ap", fl_s_ap / 20, "Minim")

apothecary_pound = lb_ap = new_unit(
    "lb ap", lb_t, "Apothecary Pound"
)  # some sources state that apothecary weight measure are a set of subdivisions of the troy system
apothecary_ounce = oz_ap = new_unit("oz ap", oz_t, "Apothecary Ounce")
gr_ap = apothecary_grain = new_unit("gr ap", gr_t, "Apothecary Grain")
s_ap = apothecary_scruple = new_unit("s ap", 20 * gr_ap, "Apothecary Scruple")
dr_ap = apothecary_drachm = drachm = new_unit("dr ap", apothecary_ounce / 8,
                                              "Apothecary Drachm")
#dram now meant only avoirdupois drams, which were ​1⁄16 of an avoirdupois ounce of 437.5 grains, thus equal to 27.34 grains
#drachm now meant only apothecaries' drachms, which were ​1⁄8 of an apothecaries' ounce of 480 grains, thus equal to 60 grains
Exemple #10

from unum import new_unit
from unum.units import m, mg, g, s
from unum.units.others import g0

# << define your units hereafter, e.g.
#    M  = new_unit(  'm' , 0          , 'meter'     )
#    KM = new_unit( 'km' , 1000. * M  , 'kilometer' ) >>

## Length


inch = new_unit('inch', 0.0254 * m, 'Inch')
th = thou = new_unit('th', inch / 1000, 'Thousandth Inch')
ft = foot = new_unit("ft", 12 * inch, "Foot")
yd = yard = new_unit("yd", 3 * ft, "Yard")
ch = chain = new_unit("ch", 22 * yd, "Chain")
fur = furlong = new_unit("fur", 10 * ch, "Furlong")
mi = mile = new_unit("mi", 8 * fur, "Mile (statute")
lea = league = new_unit("lea", 3 * mi, "League")
ftm = fathom = new_unit("ftm", 6.08 * ft, "Fathom")
cable = new_unit("cable", 100 * ftm, "Cable")
link = new_unit("link", chain / 100, "Link")
rod = pole = new_unit("rod", 25 * link, "Rod")
namile = british_nautical_mile = admirality_mile = new_unit(
    "namile", 10 * cable, "British Nautical Mile")
line = new_unit("line", inch / 12, "Line")
point = new_unit("point", 6 * line, "Point")