Exemple #1
def test_latex_repr():
    registry = UnitRegistry()

    # create a fake comoving unit
        registry.lut["pc"][0] / (1 + 2),

    test_unit = Unit("Mpccm", registry=registry)
    assert_almost_equal(test_unit.base_value, m_per_mpc / 3)
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, r"\rm{Mpc}/(1+z)")

    test_unit = Unit("cm**-3", base_value=1.0, registry=registry)
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, "\\frac{1}{\\rm{cm}^{3}}")

    test_unit = Unit("m_geom/l_geom**3")
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, "\\frac{1}{\\rm{M}_\\odot^{2}}")

    test_unit = Unit("1e9*cm")
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, "1.0 \\times 10^{9}\\ \\rm{cm}")

    test_unit = Unit("1.0*cm")
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, "\\rm{cm}")
Exemple #2
def test_create_from_expr():
    Create units from sympy Exprs and check attributes.

    pc_mks = m_per_pc
    yr_mks = sec_per_year

    # Symbol expr
    s1 = Symbol("pc", positive=True)
    s2 = Symbol("yr", positive=True)
    # Mul expr
    s3 = s1 * s2
    # Pow expr
    s4 = s1**2 * s2**(-1)

    u1 = Unit(s1)
    u2 = Unit(s2)
    u3 = Unit(s3)
    u4 = Unit(s4)

    assert u1.expr == s1
    assert u2.expr == s2
    assert u3.expr == s3
    assert u4.expr == s4

    assert_allclose_units(u1.base_value, pc_mks, 1e-12)
    assert_allclose_units(u2.base_value, yr_mks, 1e-12)
    assert_allclose_units(u3.base_value, pc_mks * yr_mks, 1e-12)
    assert_allclose_units(u4.base_value, pc_mks**2 / yr_mks, 1e-12)

    assert u1.dimensions == length
    assert u2.dimensions == time
    assert u3.dimensions == length * time
    assert u4.dimensions == length**2 / time
Exemple #3
def test_invalid_operations():
    u1 = Unit('cm')
    u2 = Unit('m')

    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 + u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 += u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        1 + u1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 + 1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 - u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 -= u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        1 - u1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 - 1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 *= u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 * 'hello!'
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 /= u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 / 'hello!'
Exemple #4
def test_latex_repr():
    registry = UnitRegistry()

    # create a fake comoving unit
                 registry.lut['pc'][0] / (1 + 2),

    test_unit = Unit('Mpccm', registry=registry)
    assert_almost_equal(test_unit.base_value, m_per_mpc / 3)
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, r'\rm{Mpc}/(1+z)')

    test_unit = Unit('cm**-3', base_value=1.0, registry=registry)
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, '\\frac{1}{\\rm{cm}^{3}}')

    test_unit = Unit('m_geom/l_geom**3')
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, '\\frac{1}{M_\\odot^{2}}')

    test_unit = Unit('1e9*cm')
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, '1.0 \\times 10^{9}\\ \\rm{cm}')

    test_unit = Unit('1.0*cm')
    assert_equal(test_unit.latex_repr, '\\rm{cm}')
Exemple #5
def test_invalid_operations():
    u1 = Unit("cm")
    u2 = Unit("m")

    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 + u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 += u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        1 + u1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 + 1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 - u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 -= u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        1 - u1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 - 1
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 *= u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 * "hello!"
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 /= u2
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        u1 / "hello!"
Exemple #6
def test_old_registry_multiple_load():
    # See Issue #157 for details
    reg1 = UnitRegistry()
    reg1.add("code_length", 1.0, length)
    reg1.add("code_mass", 1.0, mass)
    reg1.add("code_time", 1.0, time)
    reg1.add("code_temperature", 1.0, temperature)

    cm = Unit("code_mass", registry=reg1)
    cl = Unit("code_length", registry=reg1)

    (cm / cl).latex_representation()

    with open(OLD_JSON_PATH) as f:
        json_data = f.read()

    reg2 = UnitRegistry.from_json(json_data)
Exemple #7
def test_multiplication():
    Multiply two units.

    msun_mks = mass_sun_kg
    pc_mks = m_per_pc

    # Create symbols
    msun_sym = Symbol("Msun", positive=True)
    pc_sym = Symbol("pc", positive=True)
    s_sym = Symbol("s", positive=True)

    # Create units
    u1 = Unit("Msun")
    u2 = Unit("pc")

    # Mul operation
    u3 = u1 * u2

    assert u3.expr == msun_sym * pc_sym
    assert_allclose_units(u3.base_value, msun_mks * pc_mks, 1e-12)
    assert u3.dimensions == mass * length

    # Pow and Mul operations
    u4 = Unit("pc**2")
    u5 = Unit("Msun * s")

    u6 = u4 * u5

    assert u6.expr == pc_sym**2 * msun_sym * s_sym
    assert_allclose_units(u6.base_value, pc_mks**2 * msun_mks, 1e-12)
    assert u6.dimensions == length**2 * mass * time
Exemple #8
def test_temperature_offsets():
    u1 = Unit('degC')
    u2 = Unit('degF')

    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        operator.mul(u1, u2)
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUnitOperation):
        operator.truediv(u1, u2)
Exemple #9
def test_equal_has_same_hash():
    a = Unit("m")
    b = Unit("m")
    c = Unit("m*s/s")

    assert a == b
    assert b == c
    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
    assert hash(b) == hash(c)
Exemple #10
def test_equality():
    Check unit equality with different symbols, but same dimensions and

    u1 = Unit("km * s**-1")
    u2 = Unit("m * ms**-1")

    assert u1 == u2
Exemple #11
def test_degF():
    assert Unit("degree_fahrenheit") == Unit("degF")
    assert Unit("degree_Fahrenheit") == Unit("degF")
    assert Unit("Fahrenheit") == Unit("degF")
    assert Unit("°F") == Unit("degF")
    a = 1 * Unit("degF")
    assert str(a) == "1 °F"
Exemple #12
def test_degC():
    assert Unit("degree_celsius") == Unit("degC")
    assert Unit("degree_Celsius") == Unit("degC")
    assert Unit("Celsius") == Unit("degC")
    assert Unit("°C") == Unit("degC")
    a = 1 * Unit("degC")
    assert str(a) == "1 °C"
Exemple #13
def test_prefixable_units():
    ureg = UnitRegistry()
    pu = ureg.prefixable_units
    assert 'm' in pu
    assert 'pc' in pu
    assert 'mol' in pu
    ureg.add('foobar', 1.0, length, prefixable=True)
    assert 'foobar' in ureg.prefixable_units
    mfoobar = Unit('mfoobar', registry=ureg)
    foobar = Unit('foobar', registry=ureg)
    assert (1 * foobar) / (1 * mfoobar) == 1000
Exemple #14
def test_prefixable_units():
    ureg = UnitRegistry()
    pu = ureg.prefixable_units
    assert "m" in pu
    assert "pc" in pu
    assert "mol" in pu
    ureg.add("foobar", 1.0, length, prefixable=True)
    assert "foobar" in ureg.prefixable_units
    mfoobar = Unit("mfoobar", registry=ureg)
    foobar = Unit("foobar", registry=ureg)
    assert (1 * foobar) / (1 * mfoobar) == 1000
Exemple #15
 def __getattr__(self, item):
     if item in self._cache:
         return self._cache[item]
     if hasattr(globals(), item):
         ret = Unit(globals()[item].expr, registry=self._registry)
     elif item in self._registry:
         ret = Unit(item, registry=self._registry)
         raise AttributeError(item)
     self._cache[item] = ret
     return ret
Exemple #16
def test_bel_neper():
    assert Unit("B").dimensions == Unit("Np").dimensions
    a = 1 * Unit("B") / (np.log(10) / 2)
    assert_allclose_units(a.to("Np"), 1 * Unit("Np"))
    a = 2 * Unit("B")
    b = 20 * Unit("decibel")
    assert (a == b).all()
    c = 2 * Unit("Np")
    d = 20 * Unit("decineper")
    assert (c == d).all()
    assert Unit("dB")**1 == Unit("dB")
Exemple #17
def test_unit_systems():
    goofy_unit_system = UnitSystem(
        "goofy", "ly", "lbm", "hr", temperature_unit="R",
        angle_unit="arcsec", current_mks_unit="mA",
    assert goofy_unit_system["temperature"] == Unit("R")
    assert goofy_unit_system[dimensions.solid_angle] == Unit("arcsec**2")
    assert goofy_unit_system["energy"] == Unit("lbm*ly**2/hr**2")
    goofy_unit_system["energy"] = "eV"
    assert goofy_unit_system["energy"] == Unit("eV")
    assert goofy_unit_system["magnetic_field_mks"] == Unit("lbm/(hr**2*mA)")
    assert "goofy" in unit_system_registry
Exemple #18
def test_percent():
    a = 300 * Unit("percent")
    b = 3.0 * Unit("dimensionless")
    c = 300.0 * Unit("%")
    d = 300.0 * Unit("V*%/V")

    assert a == b
    assert str(a) == "300 %"
    assert repr(a) == "unyt_quantity(300, '%')"

    assert a == c
    assert c == d
Exemple #19
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        from unyt.unit_object import Unit

        if isinstance(key, str):
            key = getattr(dimensions, key)
        um = self.units_map
        if key not in um or um[key] is None:
            if cmks in key.free_symbols and self.units_map[cmks] is None:
                raise MissingMKSCurrent(self.name)
            units = _get_system_unit_string(key, self.units_map)
            self.units_map[key] = parse_unyt_expr(units)
            return Unit(units, registry=self.registry)
        return Unit(self.units_map[key], registry=self.registry)
Exemple #20
def test_solar_unit_name_alternatives():
    import unyt
    from unyt import Unit

    # check that m_sun, m_Sun, M_sun, M_Sun, msun, and Msun all work
    for lower_name_prefix in "mrltz":
        base_name = lower_name_prefix + "sun"
        for name_prefix in [lower_name_prefix, lower_name_prefix.upper()]:
            alternative_names = [name_prefix + suf for suf in ["sun", "_sun", "_Sun"]]
            for name in alternative_names:
                assert Unit(name) == Unit(base_name)
                assert hasattr(unyt, name)
                # only solar mass units are in physical constants
                if lower_name_prefix == "m":
                    assert hasattr(unyt.physical_constants, name)
Exemple #21
def test_create_fail_on_unknown_symbol():
    Fail to create unit with unknown symbol, without base_value and dimensions.

    with pytest.raises(UnitParseError):
Exemple #22
def add_symbols(namespace, registry):
    """Adds the unit symbols from :mod:`unyt.unit_symbols` to a namespace


    namespace : dict
       The dict to insert unit symbols into. The keys will be string
       unit names and values will be the corresponding unit objects.
    registry : :class:`unyt.unit_registry.UnitRegistry`
       The registry to create units from. Note that if you would like to
       use a custom unit system, ensure your registry was created using
       that unit system.

    >>> from unyt.unit_registry import UnitRegistry
    >>> class MyClass():
    ...     def __init__(self):
    ...         self.reg = UnitRegistry()
    ...         add_symbols(vars(self), self.reg)
    >>> foo = MyClass()
    >>> foo.kilometer
    >>> foo.joule
    from unyt.unit_object import Unit

    for canonical_name, alt_names in name_alternatives.items():
        for alt_name in alt_names:
            namespace[alt_name] = Unit(canonical_name, registry=registry)
Exemple #23
def test_power():
    Take units to some power.

    from sympy import nsimplify
    from unyt import dimensionless

    pc_mks = m_per_pc
    mK_mks = 1e-3
    u1_dims = mass * length**2 * time**-3 * temperature**4
    u1 = Unit("kg * pc**2 * s**-3 * mK**4")

    u2 = u1**2

    assert u2.dimensions == u1_dims**2
    assert_allclose_units(u2.base_value, (pc_mks**2 * mK_mks**4)**2, 1e-12)

    u3 = u1**(-1.0 / 3)

    assert u3.dimensions == nsimplify(u1_dims**(-1.0 / 3))
    assert_allclose_units(u3.base_value, (pc_mks**2 * mK_mks**4)**(-1.0 / 3),

    assert u1**0.0 == dimensionless
Exemple #24
def test_create_with_duplicate_dimensions():
    Create units with overlapping dimensions. Ex: km/Mpc.


    u1 = Unit("J * s**-1")
    u2 = Unit("km/s/Mpc")
    km_mks = m_per_km
    Mpc_mks = m_per_mpc

    assert u1.base_value == 1
    assert u1.dimensions == power

    assert_allclose_units(u2.base_value, km_mks / Mpc_mks, 1e-12)
    assert u2.dimensions == rate
Exemple #25
def test_creation_from_ytarray():
    u1 = Unit(electrostatic_unit)
    assert_equal(str(u1), 'esu')
    assert_equal(u1, Unit('esu'))
    assert_equal(u1, electrostatic_unit.units)

    u2 = Unit(elementary_charge_cgs)
    assert_equal(str(u2), '4.8032056e-10*esu')
    assert_equal(u2, Unit('4.8032056e-10*esu'))
    assert_equal(u1, elementary_charge_cgs.units)

    assert_allclose((u1 / u2).base_value,
                    electrostatic_unit / elementary_charge_cgs)

    with pytest.raises(UnitParseError):
        Unit([1, 2, 3] * elementary_charge_cgs)
Exemple #26
def test_create_fail_on_bad_symbol_type():
    Fail to create unit with bad symbol type.

    with pytest.raises(UnitParseError):
        Unit([1])  # something other than Expr and str
Exemple #27
def test_create_fail_on_bad_dimensions_type():
    Fail to create unit with bad dimensions type.

    with pytest.raises(UnitParseError):
        Unit("a", base_value=1, dimensions="(mass)")
Exemple #28
def test_create_fail_on_base_value_type():
    Fail to create unit with bad base_value type.

    with pytest.raises(UnitParseError):
        Unit("a", base_value="a", dimensions=(mass / time))
Exemple #29
def test_string_representation():
    Check unit string representation.

    pc = Unit("pc")
    Myr = Unit("Myr")
    speed = pc / Myr
    dimensionless = Unit()

    assert str(pc) == "pc"
    assert str(Myr) == "Myr"
    assert str(speed) == "pc/Myr"
    assert repr(speed) == "pc/Myr"
    assert str(dimensionless) == "dimensionless"
    assert repr(dimensionless) == "(dimensionless)"
Exemple #30
def test_create_fail_on_dimensions_content():
    Fail to create unit with bad dimensions expr.

    a = Symbol("a")
    with pytest.raises(UnitParseError):
        Unit("a", base_value=1, dimensions=a)