class GEDAComponentParsingTests(GEDATestCase):

    def test_parse_command(self):
        """ Test parsing commands from a stream. """
        typ, params = self.geda_parser._parse_command(StringIO.StringIO('{'))
        self.assertEquals(typ, '{')
        self.assertEquals(params, {})

        typ, params = self.geda_parser._parse_command(
            StringIO.StringIO('A 49 34 223 30 90')
        self.assertEquals(typ, 'A')
        self.assertEquals(params, {
            'x': 49,
            'y': 34,
            'radius': 223,
            'startangle': 30,
            'sweepangle': 90,
            'style_color': 3,
            'style_width': 10,
            'style_capstyle': 0,
            'style_dashstyle': 0,
            'style_dashlength': -1,
            'style_dashspace': -1,

        expected_params = {
            'x': 18600,
            'y': 21500,
            'selectable': 1,
            'angle': 0,
            'mirror': 0,
            'basename': 'EMBEDDED555-1',
        string = 'C 18600 21500 1 0 0 EMBEDDED555-1'
        typ, params = self.geda_parser._parse_command(
        self.assertEquals(typ, 'C')
        self.assertEquals(params, expected_params)

    def test_parse_component_data(self):
        """ Tests parsing component data from symbol files and embedded
        self.geda_parser = GEDA([
        # need to do this to force setup since parse_schematic isn't being run

        symbol = """v 20110115 2
H 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 5
M 510,240
L 601,200
L 555,295
L 535,265
H 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 2 20 100 -1 -1 6
M 100,100
L 500,100
C 700,100 800,300 800,400
C 800,500 700,700 500,700
L 100,700
        stream = StringIO.StringIO(symbol)
        component = self.geda_parser.parse_component_data(stream, {
            'basename': 'test.sym',

        self.assertEquals(, 'test')
        self.assertEquals(len(component.symbols), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(component.symbols[0].bodies), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(component.symbols[0].bodies[0].shapes), 9)

    def test_parsing_unknown_component(self):
        """ Test parsing unknown component """ =
        stream = StringIO.StringIO('C 18600 21500 1 0 0 invalid.sym')
        component, instance = self.geda_parser._parse_component(
            {'basename': 'invalid',},
        self.assertEquals(component, None)
        self.assertEquals(instance, None)