def test_wrong_config_parse(self):
     """App must print an error and exit on wrong config args
     sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], "-c", self.config_path, "-n", "non_existent"]
     stderr_old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO()
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
         output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
         self.assertTrue("section" in output and "not found" in output)
         sys.stderr = stderr_old
 def test_nonexistent_config_parse(self):
     """App must print an error and exit when no config file was found
     sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], "-c", "/non-existent", "-n", "test1"]
     stderr_old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO()
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
         output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
         self.assertTrue("config" in output and "not found" in output)
         sys.stderr = stderr_old
 def test_default_config_not_found(self):
     """App must print a error if none of the default config files were
     stderr_old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO()
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
         output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
             "neither" in output and "nor" in output and
             main.SYSTEM_CONFIG in output and main.USER_CONFIG in output)
         sys.stderr = stderr_old
 def test_wrong_cmd_args(self):
     """App must print an error and exit on wrong cmd args
     sys.argv = [
         sys.argv[0], "--dir", self.snippets_path,
         "--comment-prefix", "$"]
     stderr_old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO()
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
         output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
         self.assertTrue("file" in output and "required" in output)
         sys.stderr = stderr_old
 def test_system_user_config(self):
     """Options from user config file MUST take precedence over the
     system one
     shutil.copy(utils.CONF_FILE, main.SYSTEM_CONFIG)
     shutil.copy(utils.USER_CONF_FILE, main.USER_CONFIG)
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.expected_file_user)
 def test_long_cmd_args(self):
     """App must sucessfully parse cmd args (full options)
     sys.argv = [
         sys.argv[0], "--file", self.file_path, "--dir", self.snippets_path,
         "--comment-prefix", "$"]
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.file_path)
     self.assertEqual(args.dir, self.snippets_path)
     self.assertEqual(args.comment_prefix, "$")
 def test_short_cmd_args(self):
     """App must sucessfully parse cmd args (short options)
     # Mock 'argv' with the new cmd args
     sys.argv = [
         sys.argv[0], "-f", self.file_path, "-d", self.snippets_path,
         "-p", "$"]
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.file_path)
     self.assertEqual(args.dir, self.snippets_path)
     self.assertEqual(args.comment_prefix, "$")
 def test_config_parse_full(self):
     """App must parse all options from a config file
     sys.argv = [
         sys.argv[0], "-c", self.config_path, "-n", self.section_name_2]
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.config_file_path_2)
     self.assertEqual(args.dir, self.config_dir_path_2)
     self.assertEqual(args.comment_prefix, self.config_comment_prefix_2)
     self.assertEqual(args.config, self.config_path)
     self.assertEqual(, self.section_name_2)
 def test_config_parse(self):
     """App must parse options from a config file (and use defaut values
     from the other options)
     sys.argv = [
         sys.argv[0], "-c", self.config_path, "-n", self.section_name]
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.config_file_path)
     self.assertEqual(args.dir, self.config_dir_path)
     self.assertEqual(args.comment_prefix, "#")
     self.assertEqual(args.config, self.config_path)
     self.assertEqual(, self.section_name)
    def test_default_parse(self):
        """App must set the correct default options

        It must set the default dir if no one is provided too.
        sys.argv = [
            sys.argv[0], "--file", self.file_path]
        args = main._parse_all()
        self.assertEqual(args.file, self.file_path)
        self.assertEqual(args.dir, "{0}.d".format(self.file_path))
        self.assertEqual(args.comment_prefix, "#")
        self.assertEqual(args.config, [main.SYSTEM_CONFIG, main.USER_CONFIG])
    def test_config_and_args_parse(self):
        """App must parse options from config/cmd args

        It must consider that cmd args takes precedence too.
        sys.argv = [
            sys.argv[0], "-c", self.config_path, "-n", "test1",
            "-d", self.snippets_path]
        args = main._parse_all()
        self.assertEqual(args.file, self.config_file_path)
        self.assertEqual(args.dir, self.snippets_path)
        self.assertEqual(args.comment_prefix, "#")
        self.assertEqual(args.config, self.config_path)
        self.assertEqual(, self.section_name)
 def test_user_config(self):
     """App must read config file from user home if it exits
     shutil.copy(utils.USER_CONF_FILE, main.USER_CONFIG)
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.expected_file_user)
 def test_system_config(self):
     """App must read config file from system etc if it exits
     shutil.copy(utils.CONF_FILE, main.SYSTEM_CONFIG)
     args = main._parse_all()
     self.assertEqual(args.file, self.expected_file_global)