def _create_mappings(self, rotations, translations):
        structure_analyzer = StructureAnalyzer(self._atoms)

        mappings = []
        for r, t in zip(rotations, translations):
            mapping = structure_analyzer.extract_mapping_for_symopr(r, t)
        self._mappings = np.array(mappings)
        self._mappings_modifier = MappingsModifier(mappings)
Exemple #2
    def test_expand_mappings2(self):
        mappings = [
                [0, 1, 2, 3],
                [0, 2, 1, 3],
                [1, 2, 3, 0],
                [2, 3, 0, 1],
        n = 3
        expanded_mappings_expected = [
                [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
                [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11],
                [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2],  # Good
                [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],  # Good

        expanded_mappings = MappingsModifier(mappings).expand_mappings(n)
            np.all(expanded_mappings == expanded_mappings_expected))
Exemple #3
    def reduce_vectors_to_primitive(self, vectors, primitive):
        Reduce size of vectors to primitive.

        vectors : (..., natoms_u * ndims, nbands) array
            Vectors which will be reduced.
            Phase factors must be removed in advance.
        primitive : Phonopy Primitive object.

        reduced_vectors : (..., natoms_p, ndims, nbands) array
            Reduced vectors.
        ndim = 3
        p2s_map = primitive.get_primitive_to_supercell_map()
        indices = MappingsModifier(p2s_map).expand_mappings(ndim)
        reduced_vectors = vectors[..., indices, :]

        # Renormalization of the reduced vectors
        relative_size = vectors.shape[-2] / reduced_vectors.shape[-2]
        reduced_vectors *= np.sqrt(relative_size)

        return reduced_vectors
Exemple #4
    def test_expand_mappings_inv(self):
        mappings = [
            [0, 1, 2, 3],
            [0, 2, 1, 3],
            [1, 2, 3, 0],
        n = 3
        expanded_mappings_inv_expected = [
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
            [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11],
            [9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],

        mappings_modifier = MappingsModifier(mappings)
        expanded_mappings_inv = mappings_modifier.expand_mappings(
            n, is_inverse=True)
            np.all(expanded_mappings_inv == expanded_mappings_inv_expected))
    def test_expand_mappings_inv(self):
        mappings = [
            [0, 1, 2, 3],
            [0, 2, 1, 3],
            [1, 2, 3, 0],
        n = 3
        expanded_mappings_inv_expected = [
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
            [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11],
            [9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],

        mappings_modifier = MappingsModifier(mappings)
        expanded_mappings_inv = mappings_modifier.expand_mappings(
            n, is_inverse=True)
            np.all(expanded_mappings_inv == expanded_mappings_inv_expected))
Exemple #6
    def test_invert_mappings(self):
        mappings = [
            [0, 1, 2, 3],
            [0, 2, 1, 3],
            [1, 2, 3, 0],
        mappings_inv_expected = [
            [0, 1, 2, 3],
            [0, 2, 1, 3],
            [3, 0, 1, 2],

        mappings_inv = MappingsModifier(mappings).invert_mappings()
        self.assertTrue(np.all(mappings_inv == mappings_inv_expected))
Exemple #7
    def project_vectors(self, vectors, kpoint):
        """Project vectors onto kpoint

        vectors : (..., natoms * ndim, nbands) array
            Vectors for SC at kpoint.  Each "column" vector is an eigenvector.
        kpoint : (ndim) array
            Reciprocal space point in fractional coordinates for SC.

        projected_vectors : (..., natoms_primitive * ndim, nbands) array
            Projection of the given vectors.
            This is reduced into the primitive cell.
        ncells = self._ncells
        ndim = self._ndim
        primitive = self._primitive

        p2s_map = primitive.get_primitive_to_supercell_map()
        indices = MappingsModifier(p2s_map).expand_mappings(ndim)

        expanded_mappings = self._expanded_mappings

        shape = list(vectors.shape)
        shape[-2] //= ncells
        projected_vectors = np.zeros(shape, dtype=vectors.dtype)

        for expanded_mapping in expanded_mappings:
            jndices = expanded_mapping.take(indices)
            projected_vectors += vectors.take(jndices, axis=-2)

        # The following intend;
        #     # Definition of projection operators
        #     projected_vectors /= ncells
        #     # Reduction into primitive
        #     projected_vectors *= np.sqrt(ncells)
        projected_vectors /= np.sqrt(ncells)

        return projected_vectors
Exemple #8
    def project_vectors(self, vectors, ndims=3):
        map_atoms_u2p = self._map_atoms_u2p
        map_elements = self._map_elements

        natoms_p = len(map_atoms_u2p)
        num_elements = len(map_elements)

        tmp = np.zeros_like(vectors[None, None])  # Add two dimensions
        projected_vectors = (np.repeat(np.repeat(tmp, natoms_p, axis=0),

        for ip, lp in enumerate(map_atoms_u2p):
            for ie, le in enumerate(map_elements):
                indices_tmp = sorted(set(lp) & set(le))
                indices = MappingsModifier(indices_tmp).expand_mappings(ndims)
                if len(indices
                       ) > 0:  # The element "le" exists on the sublattice.
                    projected_vectors[ip, ie, indices] = vectors[indices]

        return projected_vectors
class RotationalProjector(object):
    def __init__(self, atoms):
        Decomposer of vectors according to rotations

            atoms : Phonopy Atoms object.
        self._atoms = atoms
        self._symmetry = UnfolderSymmetry(atoms)

    def create_standard_rotations(self, kpoint):
        Create standard rotations for IR labels

        kpoint : 1d array
            Reciprocal space point in fractional coordinates for PC.
            This is the representative of the star.
            IR labels are determined using this.

        To be modified for nonsymmorphic space groups.
        symmetry = self._symmetry
        rotations, translations = symmetry.get_group_of_wave_vector(kpoint)
        self._standard_rotations = rotations

        # self.print_symmetry_operations(rotations, translations)

    def calculate_factor_system(rotations, translations, kpoint):
        """Calculate factor system

        Here the factor system is defined as

        .. math::
            e^{-i (\mathbf{R}_i^T \mathbf{k} - \mathbf{k}) \cdot \mathbf{w}_j,

        nsyms = len(rotations)
        factor_system = np.zeros((nsyms, nsyms), dtype=complex)
        for i, rotation in enumerate(rotations):
            for j, translation in enumerate(translations):
                kdiff =, kpoint) - kpoint
                factor_system[i, j] = np.exp(-2.0j * np.pi *
                                   , translation))
        return factor_system

    def print_factor_system(factor_system):
        nsyms = factor_system.shape[0]
        print('Factor system:')
        for i in range(nsyms):
            for j in range(nsyms):
                v = factor_system[i, j]
                print('({:10.6f}{:+10.6f}i) '.format(v.real, v.imag), end='')

    def is_trivial_factor_system(factor_system, prec=1e-6):
        if np.any(np.abs(factor_system - 1.0) > prec):
            return False
        return True

    def print_symmetry_operations(rotations, translations):
        print('Symmetry operations:')
        for r, t in zip(rotations, translations):
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    print('{:10.6f}'.format(r[i, j]), end='')
                print('  {:10.6f}'.format(t[i]))

    def _assign_characters_to_rotations(self, rotations, arm_transformation):
        irreps = self._irreps

        rotation_labels = self._assign_class_labels_to_rotations(
            rotations, arm_transformation)
        characters = irreps.assign_characters_to_rotations(rotation_labels)

        return characters

    def _assign_class_labels_to_rotations(self, rotations, arm_transformation):
        standard_rotation_labels = self._standard_rotation_labels

        modulated_standard_rotations = (

        rotation_labels = []
        for r in rotations:
            for i, sr in enumerate(modulated_standard_rotations):
                if np.all(r == sr):

        if len(rotation_labels) != len(standard_rotation_labels):
            raise ValueError("Rotation labels cannot be correctly assigned.")

        return rotation_labels

    def _modulate_standard_rotations(self, arm_transformation):
        standard_rotations = self._standard_rotations

        modulated_standard_rotations = np.zeros_like(standard_rotations)
        for i, r in enumerate(standard_rotations):
            modulated_standard_rotations[i] = (
      , r),

        return np.array(modulated_standard_rotations, dtype=int)

    def _create_mappings(self, rotations, translations):
        structure_analyzer = StructureAnalyzer(self._atoms)

        mappings = []
        for r, t in zip(rotations, translations):
            mapping = structure_analyzer.extract_mapping_for_symopr(r, t)
        self._mappings = np.array(mappings)
        self._mappings_modifier = MappingsModifier(mappings)

    def _invert_mappings(self):
        return self._mappings_modifier.invert_mappings()

    def _create_irreps(self, rotations):
        irreps = Irreps(rotations)
        character_table_data = irreps.get_character_table_data()

        self._ir_labels = character_table_data["ir_labels"]
        character_table = np.array(character_table_data["character_table"])
        self._ir_dimensions = character_table[:, 0]

        self._standard_rotation_labels = irreps.get_rotation_labels()

        self._irreps = irreps

    def _create_rotations_cart(self, rotations):
        rotations_cart = []
        cell = self._atoms.get_cell()
        for r in rotations:
            rotation_cart =, r), np.linalg.inv(cell.T))
        return np.array(rotations_cart)

    def project_vectors(self, vectors, kpoint, arm_transformation):

        vectors : Vectors without phase factors.
        kpoint : K point in fractional coordinates for SC.
        arm_transformation : 3 x 3 array
            Matrix to get "kpoint" from the representative of the star.

        To be modified for nonsymmorphic space groups.
        rotations, translations = self._symmetry.get_group_of_wave_vector(

        factor_system = self.calculate_factor_system(rotations, translations,
        if not self.is_trivial_factor_system(factor_system):
            errmsg = (
                "The current factor system is not trivial.\n"
                "So far the code cannot treat nontrivial factor system correctly\n"
                "(even if it is p-equivalent to the trivial system).")
            raise ValueError(errmsg)

        self._create_mappings(rotations, translations)

        characters = self._assign_characters_to_rotations(
            rotations, arm_transformation)

        rotations_cart = self._create_rotations_cart(rotations)

        ir_dimensions = self._ir_dimensions

        natoms = self._atoms.get_number_of_atoms()
        ndim = kpoint.shape[0]  # The number of dimensions of space
        order = rotations.shape[0]

        expanded_mappings_inv = self._mappings_modifier.expand_mappings(
            ndim, is_inverse=True)

        # scaled_positions = self._atoms.get_scaled_positions()
        # phases = np.exp(2.0j * np.pi *, kpoint))
        # phases = np.repeat(phases, ndim)

        shape = (len(ir_dimensions), ) + vectors.shape
        projected_vectors = np.zeros(shape, dtype=vectors.dtype)
        for i, (r, expanded_mapping_inv) in enumerate(
                zip(rotations_cart, expanded_mappings_inv)):
            tmp = vectors[..., expanded_mapping_inv, :]

            tmp2 = np.zeros_like(vectors)
            for iatom in range(natoms):
                tmp2[..., (3 * iatom):(3 * (iatom + 1)), :] = np.einsum(
                    'ij,...jk->...ik', r,
                    tmp[..., (3 * iatom):(3 * (iatom + 1)), :])

            projected_vectors += (tmp2[None].T * np.conj(characters[i, :])).T

        # projected_vectors *= phases[None, :, None]
        projected_vectors = (projected_vectors.T * ir_dimensions[:]).T
        projected_vectors /= order

        return projected_vectors

    def get_ir_labels(self):
        return self._ir_labels

    def get_num_irs(self):
        return len(self._ir_labels)

    def get_pointgroup_symbol(self):
        return self._irreps.get_pointgroup_symbol()
Exemple #10
 def _create_expanded_mappings(self, mappings, ndim):
     mappings_modifier = MappingsModifier(mappings)
     self._expanded_mappings = mappings_modifier.expand_mappings(ndim)
 def _create_expanded_mappings(self, mappings, ndim):
     mappings_modifier = MappingsModifier(mappings)
     self._expanded_mappings = mappings_modifier.expand_mappings(ndim)