def process_files(folder, subset_folder): s3 = boto3.resource("s3") source_bucket = s3.Bucket("tide-source-data") data_bucket = s3.Bucket("maccoss-tide") objects = list(source_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=folder)) for obj in objects: obj_folder = subset_folder + "/" + obj.key.split("/")[-1] if not os.path.isdir(obj_folder): os.mkdir(obj_folder) upload.upload("maccoss-tide", obj.key, "tide-source-data") keys = [] while len(keys) < 1: keys = list( map(lambda o: o.key, list(data_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix="5/")))) time.sleep(10) match_file = obj_folder + "/match" with open(match_file, "wb+") as f: data_bucket.download_fileobj(keys[0], f) top_match = open(match_file).read().strip() with open(obj_folder + "/confidence", "wb+") as f: data_bucket.download_fileobj(top_match, f) clear.clear("maccoss-tide") clear.clear("maccoss-log")
def scanfiles(self): for root, dirs, files in os.walk("files"): for file_ in files: check = root+"/"+file_ if check not in self.files: try: self.files[check] = hash(open(check).read()) sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((, self.port)) upload.upload(sock, check, self.username, self.password) print "{0} Outgoing file transfer {1}".format(, check) except Exception, e: #print e del self.files[check] time.sleep(0.5) else: with open(check, 'rb') as file: hashc = hash( if hashc != self.files[check]: try: sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((, self.port)) upload.upload(sock, check, self.username, self.password) print "{0} Outgoing file transfer {1}".format(, check) self.files[check] = hash(open(check).read()) except Exception, e: pass time.sleep(0.5)
def scanfiles(self): for root, dirs, files in os.walk("files"): for file_ in files: check = root + "/" + file_ if check not in self.files: try: self.files[check] = hash(open(check).read()) sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((, self.port)) upload.upload(sock, check, self.username, self.password) print "{0} Outgoing file transfer {1}".format(, check) except Exception, e: #print e del self.files[check] time.sleep(0.5) else: with open(check, 'rb') as file: hashc = hash( if hashc != self.files[check]: try: sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((, self.port)) upload.upload(sock, check, self.username, self.password) print "{0} Outgoing file transfer {1}".format(, check) self.files[check] = hash(open(check).read()) except Exception, e: pass time.sleep(0.5)
def parsetraces(self, traits: TestTraits): directory = TRACEDIR if traits.tracefolder: directory = TRACEDIR + '/' + traits.tracefolder getLogger().info("Parse Directory: " + directory) startup_args = [ self.startuppath, '--app-exe', traits.apptorun, '--parse-only', '--metric-type', traits.startupmetric, '--trace-name', traits.tracename, '--report-json-path', self.reportjson, '--trace-directory', directory ] if traits.scenarioname: startup_args.extend(['--scenario-name', traits.scenarioname]) upload_container = UPLOAD_CONTAINER try: RunCommand(startup_args, verbose=True).run() except CalledProcessError: getLogger().info("Run failure registered") # rethrow the original exception raise if runninginlab(): copytree(TRACEDIR, os.path.join(helixuploaddir(), 'traces')) if uploadtokenpresent(): import upload upload.upload(self.reportjson, upload_container, UPLOAD_QUEUE, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI)
def sense_ds18b20(sensor_name): data_list = [] temperature = 0 os.system('modprobe w1-gpio') os.system('modprobe w1-therm') temp_sensor = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-03168b33a0ff/w1_slave' t = open(temp_sensor, 'r') lines = t.readlines() t.close() temp_output = lines[1].find('t=') if temp_output != -1: temp_string = lines[1].strip()[temp_output+2:] temp_c = float(temp_string)/1000.0 temperature = temp_c data_list.append(sensor_name) data_list.append(round(temperature, 1)) data_list.append(None) # Humidity data_list.append(None) # Moisture now = data_list.append(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) time.sleep(2) print(data_list) upload(data_list)
def do_test(ip, file_size_kb, test_count=5, port=80): file_size = file_size_kb * 1024 time_results = [] for i in range(test_count): start_time = time.time() upload(ip, 'test_file', make_test_file(file_size), port=port, timeout=3600) delta_time = time.time() - start_time time_results.append(delta_time) log_tpl = 'Test {i}/{total_tests}: finished_for={delta_time:0.2f}s file_size={file_size:0.2f}kb' logger.debug( log_tpl.format(i=i + 1, total_tests=test_count, delta_time=delta_time, file_size=file_size / 1024)) average_time = sum(time_results) / len(time_results) logger.debug( 'Done: avg_time={:0.2f}s, file_size={:0.2f}kb, speed={:0.2f}kb/s'. format(average_time, file_size / 1024, file_size / average_time / 1024)) return average_time
def run(upload_path, local_path, mail_receiver): upload.upload(upload_path, local_path) # run upload share_path = get_zip.get_zip(upload_path) # get the zip share_info = share.share(share_path) # get share url and password print(share_info) send_email.send_email(mail_receiver, share_info) # send share_info via email
def go(): for benchmark in benchmarks: for param in raw[benchmark].keys(): for statistic in options['statistics'].split(): stat, samples = select( raw, benchmark, param, statistic) samples = stat.squash(samples) yield upload( reactor, options['url'], options['project'], options['revision'], options['revision-date'], benchmark, param, statistic, options['backend'], options['environment'], samples) # This is somewhat hard-coded to the currently # collected stats. if statistic == 'SQL': stat, samples = select( raw, benchmark, param, 'execute') samples = stat.squash(samples, 'count') yield upload( reactor, options['url'], options['project'], options['revision'], options['revision-date'], benchmark, param, statistic + 'count', options['backend'], options['environment'], samples)
def __main(args: list) -> int: validate_supported_runtime() args = __process_arguments(args) verbose = not args.quiet setup_loggers(verbose=verbose) if not args.frameworks: raise Exception("Framework version (-f) must be specified.") target_framework_monikers = dotnet \ .FrameworkAction \ .get_target_framework_monikers(args.frameworks) # Acquire necessary tools (dotnet) init_tools(architecture=args.architecture, dotnet_versions=args.dotnet_versions, target_framework_monikers=target_framework_monikers, verbose=verbose) # WORKAROUND # The MicroBenchmarks.csproj targets .NET Core 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 5.0 # to avoid a build failure when using older frameworks (error NETSDK1045: # The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core $XYZ) # we set the TFM to what the user has provided. os.environ['PERFLAB_TARGET_FRAMEWORKS'] = ';'.join( target_framework_monikers) # dotnet --info BENCHMARKS_CSPROJ = dotnet.CSharpProject(project=args.csprojfile, bin_directory=args.bin_directory) if not args.run_only: # .NET micro-benchmarks # Restore and build micro-benchmarks, args.configuration, target_framework_monikers, args.incremental, verbose) # Run micro-benchmarks if not args.build_only: upload_container = UPLOAD_CONTAINER try: for framework in args.frameworks:, args.configuration, framework, verbose, args) globpath = os.path.join( get_artifacts_directory() if not args.bdn_artifacts else args.bdn_artifacts, '**', '*perf-lab-report.json') except CalledProcessError: getLogger().info("Run failure registered") # rethrow the caught CalledProcessError exception so that the exception being bubbled up correctly. raise dotnet.shutdown_server(verbose) if args.upload_to_perflab_container: import upload upload.upload(globpath, upload_container, UPLOAD_QUEUE, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI)
def test_upload_directory_private(self): """Test that objects uploaded with a private ACL are inaccessible to the public.""" upload('test-dir', test_bucket, acl='private', s3_dest='uploads') s3_url = '{}/uploads/test-file.txt'.format(test_bucket) r = requests.get(s3_url) self.assertEquals(r.status_code, 403) self.assertIn('<Message>Access Denied</Message>', r.text)
def window_state(state_name, window_gpio): counter = 0 value = 0 data_list = [] while counter < 5: gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) gpio.setup(window_gpio, gpio.IN, gpio.PUD_UP) gpio.setup(window_gpio, gpio.IN, gpio.PUD_UP) if gpio.input(window_gpio) == 1: print("window open") else: print("window closed") value += 1 gpio.cleanup() counter += 1 time.sleep(2.0) if value >= 4: position = False else: position = True data_list.append(state_name) data_list.append(position) data_list.append(None) #Value now = data_list.append(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) print(data_list) upload(data_list)
def runtests(self, scenarioname, dirs, artifact=None): ''' Runs tests through sod tool ''' if not os.path.exists(TRACEDIR): os.mkdir(TRACEDIR) reportjson = os.path.join(TRACEDIR, 'perf-lab-report.json') sod_args = [ self.sodexe, '--report-json-path', reportjson, '--scenario-name', (scenarioname or "Empty Scenario Name"), '--dirs' ] sod_args += dirs.split(';') RunCommand(sod_args, verbose=True).run() if artifact: if not os.path.exists(artifact): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Artifact {artifact} is not found.') else: copy(artifact, TRACEDIR) if runninginlab(): copytree(TRACEDIR, os.path.join(helixuploaddir(), 'traces')) if uploadtokenpresent(): import upload upload.upload(reportjson, UPLOAD_CONTAINER, UPLOAD_QUEUE, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI)
def main(): global args try: if args.upload: upload.upload() if args.stopall: stopall.stopall() if args.rename: upload.rename() if args.cleanUp: cleanupDB() if args.restart: stopall.restart() if args.kitchenSink: upload.upload() stopall.stopall() upload.rename() stopall.restart() print("finished") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: print(e)
def __main(args: list) -> int: validate_supported_runtime() args = __process_arguments(args) verbose = not args.quiet setup_loggers(verbose=verbose) # This validation could be cleaner if args.generate_benchview_data and not args.benchview_submission_name: raise RuntimeError("""In order to generate BenchView data, `--benchview-submission-name` must be provided.""") target_framework_monikers = micro_benchmarks \ .FrameworkAction \ .get_target_framework_monikers(args.frameworks) # Acquire necessary tools (dotnet, and BenchView) init_tools(architecture=args.architecture, dotnet_versions=args.dotnet_versions, target_framework_monikers=target_framework_monikers, verbose=verbose) # WORKAROUND # The MicroBenchmarks.csproj targets .NET Core 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and 3.0 # to avoid a build failure when using older frameworks (error NETSDK1045: # The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core $XYZ) # we set the TFM to what the user has provided. os.environ['PYTHON_SCRIPT_TARGET_FRAMEWORKS'] = ';'.join( target_framework_monikers) # dotnet --info BENCHMARKS_CSPROJ = dotnet.CSharpProject(project=args.csprojfile, bin_directory=args.bin_directory) if not args.run_only: # .NET micro-benchmarks # Restore and build micro-benchmarks, args.configuration, target_framework_monikers, args.incremental, verbose) # Run micro-benchmarks if not args.build_only: for framework in args.frameworks:, args.configuration, framework, verbose, args) benchview.run_scripts(args, verbose, BENCHMARKS_CSPROJ) if args.upload_to_perflab_container: if args.architecture == 'arm64': globpath = os.path.join( get_artifacts_directory() if not args.bdn_artifacts else args.bdn_artifacts, '**', '*perf-lab-report.json') upload.upload(globpath, 'results', 'PERFLAB_UPLOAD_TOKEN', '') else: AzCopy.upload_results('', args.bdn_artifacts, verbose=verbose)
def __main(args: list) -> int: validate_supported_runtime() args = __process_arguments(args) verbose = not args.quiet setup_loggers(verbose=verbose) target_framework_monikers = micro_benchmarks \ .FrameworkAction \ .get_target_framework_monikers(args.frameworks) # Acquire necessary tools (dotnet) init_tools(architecture=args.architecture, dotnet_versions=args.dotnet_versions, target_framework_monikers=target_framework_monikers, verbose=verbose) # WORKAROUND # The MicroBenchmarks.csproj targets .NET Core 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and 3.0 # to avoid a build failure when using older frameworks (error NETSDK1045: # The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core $XYZ) # we set the TFM to what the user has provided. os.environ['PERFLAB_TARGET_FRAMEWORKS'] = ';'.join( target_framework_monikers) # dotnet --info BENCHMARKS_CSPROJ = dotnet.CSharpProject(project=args.csprojfile, bin_directory=args.bin_directory) if not args.run_only: # .NET micro-benchmarks # Restore and build micro-benchmarks, args.configuration, target_framework_monikers, args.incremental, verbose) # Run micro-benchmarks if not args.build_only: for framework in args.frameworks:, args.configuration, framework, verbose, args) dotnet.shutdown_server(verbose) if args.upload_to_perflab_container: import upload globpath = os.path.join( get_artifacts_directory() if not args.bdn_artifacts else args.bdn_artifacts, '**', '*perf-lab-report.json') #No queue insertion upload.upload(globpath, UPLOAD_CONTAINER, None, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI) #With queue insertion upload.upload(globpath, 'resultsandbox', UPLOAD_QUEUE, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI)
def runtests(self, traits: TestTraits): ''' Runs tests through startup ''' # make sure required arguments are present for key in ['apptorun', 'startupmetric', 'guiapp']: if not getattr(traits, key): raise Exception('startup tests require %s' % key) reportjson = os.path.join(TRACEDIR, 'perf-lab-report.json') defaultiterations = '1' if runninginlab() and not uploadtokenpresent( ) else '5' # only run 1 iteration for PR-triggered build # required arguments & optional arguments with default values startup_args = [ self.startuppath, '--app-exe', traits.apptorun, '--metric-type', traits.startupmetric, '--trace-name', '%s_startup' % (traits.scenarioname or '%s_%s' % (traits.exename, traits.scenariotypename)), '--gui-app', traits.guiapp, '--process-will-exit', (traits.processwillexit or 'true'), '--iterations', '%s' % (traits.iterations or defaultiterations), '--timeout', '%s' % (traits.timeout or '50'), '--warmup', '%s' % (traits.warmup or 'true'), '--working-dir', '%s' % (traits.workingdir or sys.path[0]), '--report-json-path', reportjson, '--trace-directory', TRACEDIR ] # optional arguments without default values if traits.scenarioname: startup_args.extend(['--scenario-name', traits.scenarioname]) if traits.appargs: startup_args.extend(['--app-args', traits.appargs]) if traits.environmentvariables: startup_args.extend( ['--environment-variables', traits.environmentvariables]) if traits.iterationsetup: startup_args.extend(['--iteration-setup', traits.iterationsetup]) if traits.setupargs: startup_args.extend(['--setup-args', traits.setupargs]) if traits.iterationcleanup: startup_args.extend( ['--iteration-cleanup', traits.iterationcleanup]) if traits.cleanupargs: startup_args.extend(['--cleanup-args', traits.cleanupargs]) if traits.measurementdelay: startup_args.extend( ['--measurement-delay', traits.measurementdelay]) if traits.skipprofile: startup_args.extend(['--skip-profile-iteration']) RunCommand(startup_args, verbose=True).run() if runninginlab(): copytree(TRACEDIR, os.path.join(helixuploaddir(), 'traces')) if uploadtokenpresent(): import upload upload.upload(reportjson, UPLOAD_CONTAINER, UPLOAD_QUEUE, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI)
def runtests(self, apptorun: str, **kwargs): ''' Runs tests through startup ''' for key in ['startupmetric', 'guiapp']: if not kwargs[key]: raise Exception('startup tests require %s' % key) reportjson = os.path.join(TRACEDIR, 'perf-lab-report.json') defaultiterations = '1' if runninginlab() and not uploadtokenpresent( ) else '5' # only run 1 iteration for PR-triggered build startup_args = [ self.startupexe, '--app-exe', apptorun, '--metric-type', kwargs['startupmetric'], '--trace-file-name', '%s_startup.etl' % (kwargs['scenarioname'] or '%s_%s' % (kwargs['exename'], kwargs['scenariotypename'])), '--process-will-exit', (kwargs['processwillexit'] or 'true'), '--iterations', '%s' % (kwargs['iterations'] or defaultiterations), '--timeout', '%s' % (kwargs['timeout'] or '50'), '--warmup', '%s' % (kwargs['warmup'] or 'true'), '--gui-app', kwargs['guiapp'], '--working-dir', '%s' % (kwargs['workingdir'] or sys.path[0]), '--report-json-path', reportjson, '--trace-directory', TRACEDIR ] # optional arguments if kwargs['scenarioname']: startup_args.extend(['--scenario-name', kwargs['scenarioname']]) if kwargs['appargs']: startup_args.extend(['--app-args', kwargs['appargs']]) if kwargs['environmentvariables']: startup_args.extend( ['--environment-variables', kwargs['environmentvariables']]) if kwargs['iterationsetup']: startup_args.extend( ['--iteration-setup', kwargs['iterationsetup']]) if kwargs['setupargs']: startup_args.extend(['--setup-args', kwargs['setupargs']]) if kwargs['iterationcleanup']: startup_args.extend( ['--iteration-cleanup', kwargs['iterationcleanup']]) if kwargs['cleanupargs']: startup_args.extend(['--cleanup-args', kwargs['cleanupargs']]) if kwargs['measurementdelay']: startup_args.extend( ['--measurement-delay', kwargs['measurementdelay']]) RunCommand(startup_args, verbose=True).run() if runninginlab(): copytree(TRACEDIR, os.path.join(helixuploaddir(), 'traces')) if uploadtokenpresent(): import upload upload.upload(reportjson, UPLOAD_CONTAINER, UPLOAD_QUEUE, UPLOAD_TOKEN_VAR, UPLOAD_STORAGE_URI)
def regenerate_graphs(conn): last_update, queue_contracts, accepted_contracts = queue.load(conn) try: log("Regenerating 60-min queue graph") queue_60mins = last_update.strftime('graphs/queue_3600_%Y%m%d%H%M%S.png') graph.make_queue_graph(last_update = last_update, queue_contracts = queue_contracts, accepted_contracts = accepted_contracts, filename=queue_60mins, scale=3600) log("Uploading 60-min queue graph") upload.upload(f=queue_60mins, key_name='queue.png') except: log("Exception generating 60-min graph (ignored)") traceback.print_exc() try: log("Regenerating 15-min queue graph") queue_15mins = last_update.strftime('graphs/queue_900_%Y%m%d%H%M%S.png') graph.make_queue_graph(last_update = last_update, queue_contracts = queue_contracts, accepted_contracts = accepted_contracts, filename=queue_15mins, scale=900) log("Uploading 15-min queue graph") upload.upload(f=queue_15mins, key_name='queue15.png') except: log("Exception generating 15-min graph (ignored)") traceback.print_exc() try: log("Regenerating 1-day delivery time graph") delivery_1day = last_update.strftime('graphs/delivery_1day_%Y%m%d%H%M%S.png') contracts = db.Contract.load_completed_after(conn = conn, cutoff = last_update - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) graph.make_delivery_graph(last_update = last_update, done_contracts = contracts, filename=delivery_1day, scale=3600, title="Red Frog delivery times - last day") log("Uploading 1-day delivery time graph") upload.upload(f=delivery_1day, key_name='delivery_1day.png') except: log("Exception generating 1-day delivery graph (ignored)") traceback.print_exc() try: log("Regenerating 7-day delivery time graph") delivery_7day = last_update.strftime('graphs/delivery_7day_%Y%m%d%H%M%S.png') contracts = db.Contract.load_completed_after(conn = conn, cutoff = last_update - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) graph.make_delivery_graph(last_update = last_update, done_contracts = contracts, filename=delivery_7day, scale=3600, title="Red Frog delivery times - last week") log("Uploading 7-day delivery time graph") upload.upload(f=delivery_7day, key_name='delivery_7day.png') except: log("Exception generating 7-day delivery graph (ignored)") traceback.print_exc() try: log("Regenerating 7-day queue history graph") history_7day = last_update.strftime('graphs/queue_history_7day_%Y%m%d%H%M%S.png') history = db.load_queue_history(conn = conn, first_update = last_update - datetime.timedelta(days=7), last_update = last_update) graph.make_history_graph(queue_history = history, filename=history_7day, title="Red Frog queue size - last week") log("Uploading 7-day queue history graph") upload.upload(f=history_7day, key_name='queue_history_7day.png') except: log("Exception generating 7-day queue history graph (ignored)") traceback.print_exc()
def downloadFile(self, path, repository, branch, filename): repository_path = "C:\\Windows\\cache\\cachedata\\" + repository flag = os.path.exists(path) if flag: self.checkPath(path) upload().check_localpath(repository_path, repository, branch) self.copy_files(repository_path + "\\" + branch, path, filename) else: print("path " + path + " not exit") os.system('pause') sys.exit()
def usersFilter(self, user, branch, local_repository): upload().check_localpath(local_repository, "users", "master") path = local_repository + "\\" + "master" + "\\" + "users.json" lst = self.readJson(path) companies = self.check_user(lst, user) if companies: self.check_barnch(companies, branch) else: print "no such user" os.system('pause') sys.exit()
def image(): x = request.form['image_data'] with open("imageToSave.jpg", "wb") as fh: fh.write(base64.b64decode(x)) upload("imagessplitus", 'imageToSave.jpg', 'test1.jpg') food_items = {"result": detect_text('test1.jpg', 'imagessplitus')} print (food_items) return jsonify( food_items )
def prog(): n = 1 filename = 'picture' + str(n) + '.png' while os.path.exists(filename): n += 1 filename = 'picture' + str(n) + '.png' cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) ret, frame = upload(frame) cv2.imwrite(filename, frame) cap.release()
def saveRecordThread(self): """ 记录保存线程 当记录队列中有数据时保存队列中的数据 """ while True: track, frames, fps, size = self.__record_queue.get() save_path = path.join(self.__save_path, # 创建保存目录 os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True) files = [] # 保存图片 try: for i, img in enumerate([track.plate_image, track.smoke_image]): p = path.join(save_path, '.jpg'.format(i)) cv2.imwrite(p, img) files.append(p) except: print("image error") tb.print_exc() return # 保存视频 try: p = path.join(save_path, 'video.mp4') cmd = "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -an -s {width}*{height} -i - -r {fps} -b:v 4096k -bufsize 4096k -c:a avc -c:v h264 {file}".format( fps=fps, file=p, width=size[0], height=size[1]) sub = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, shell=True) while frames: sub.stdin.write(frames.pop(0)) sub.stdin.close() sub.wait() files.append(p) except: print("video error") tb.print_exc() return # 转换格式 更新数据 record = RecordData.fromTrackObject(track, self.__station_id, self.__station_name, self.sliderLevel.value(), *files) # 保存信息 if not, 'record.json')): print("record error") tb.print_exc() return self.addRecord(record) if self.is_upload: upload(record) self.__playback_queue.put(record.video_path)
def uploadOne(tname, lock, args): (file_queue, board_name) = args lock.acquire() print('[%s][%s] Thread start !' % (time.asctime()[11:19], tname)) lock.release() while True: if file_queue.empty() == True: break file_path = file_queue.get() upload(file_path, board_name, lock=lock, tname=tname) lock.acquire() print('[%s][%s] Thread exit !' % (time.asctime()[11:19], tname)) lock.release()
def main(): parser = build_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if (args.sub_command == 'push'): if (len(args.files) == 0): logger.die('Must include at least one file') else: for f in args.files: upload.upload(f, args.MediaFire_Path) elif (args.sub_command == 'pull'): if (len(args.files) == 0): logger.die('Must include at least one file') else: for f in args.files: elif (args.sub_command == 'del'): if (len(args.files) == 0): logger.die('Must include at least one file') else: for f in args.files: delete.delete(f) elif (args.sub_command == 'init'): if (user.is_user_signed_in()): logger.end('User is already initialized') else: user.get_auth() elif (args.sub_command == 'list'): if (len(args.files) == 0): lister.list_files('') else: for f in args.files: lister.list_files(f) elif (args.sub_command == 'diff'): if (len(args.files) == 0): logger.die('Must include at least one file') else: for f in args.files: diff.diff(f, args.MediaFire_Path) elif (args.sub_command == 'out'): user.log_out() elif (args.sub_command == 'change'): user.change_user() elif (args.sub_command == 'share'): if (len(args.files) == 0): logger.die('Must include at least on file') else: for f in args.files: share.share(f)
def schedule(): """ Holds function that will be called on by APScheduler and repeated every 24 hours Attributes: stocks: list of lists containing stock dataframes and names days: list of ints of prediction windows. Returns: None """ make_graphs() upload()
def dropEvent(self, e): #Method To handle dropped file to upload to dropbox filepath = e.mimeData().text().replace("file://","") for url in e.mimeData().urls(): localfilepath = url.toLocalFile() strfilepath = "" for x in localfilepath: strfilepath += str(x) #to convert from QString to str of python if encryptradiobox.isChecked(): optstrfilepath = edecrypt('encrypt',strfilepath) #returns encrypted file path response = upload(client,optstrfilepath) # upload encrypted file to dropbox elif decryptradiobox.isChecked(): optstrfilepath = edecrypt('decrypt',strfilepath) #returns encrypted file path else: response = upload(client,strfilepath) #uploads file to dropbox without any encryption
def main(): python = getPython() if len(sys.argv) > 1: for state in sys.argv[1:]: print('Generuji mapu', state) # FIXME elegantneji print(python + ' --logging --area ' + state) ret = os.system(python + ' --logging --area ' + state) # TODO Spustit jako druhe vlakno if ret == 0: upload([state]) else: exit()
def main(): # 读取配置 config = readConfig() # 找到所有满足条件的文件 files = findFileList(config.get("fileDir"), config.get("fileType")) # 查找文件信息 fileInfo = findFileTime(files) # 最新文件index index = findLatestFileIndex(fileInfo) # 上传获得七牛Key qiniu = Qiniu(config.get("access_key"), config.get("secret_key"), config.get("bucket_name")) key = upload.upload(files[index], qiniu) link = config.get("qiniuBaseUrl") + key # 获取表格 teambition = Teambition(config.get("cookies"), config.get("getUrl"), config.get("postId")) content = teambition.get() # 在表格最后一行加入一行数据 firstHalfTable = content.split('</tbody>', 1)[0] secondHalfTable = content.split('</tbody>', 1)[1] type = sys.argv[1] testModule = ' <tr><td><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></td><td><br/></td></tr></tbody>' releaseModule = ' <tr><td><br/></td><td><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></td></tr></tbody>' firstHalfTable = firstHalfTable + (releaseModule if type == "release" else testModule) % (link, sys.argv[2]) data = firstHalfTable + secondHalfTable # 更新teambition teambition.update(data)
def post(self, request, format=None): # if serializer.is_valid(): # res = neo4j.utils.create_node("project_index",, "Project", "project_id",["project_id"]) # if res == None: # return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) # else: # return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) data = json.dumps(data) print(data) proj = json.loads(str(data)) # try: upload(proj) return Response("", status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
def pre_upload(bot: Bot, update: Update, user_data): data =" ") chat_id = file_id = data.pop() service_name = data.pop() if not file_id in user_data: msg = session_expire_tpl() bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return file_target = user_data[file_id]["file_target"] message_id = user_data[file_id]["message_id"] user_data.pop(file_id, None) upload(bot, chat_id, service_name, file_target, message_id)
def detect_shit(self, img_after): img_origin = cv.imread('origin.jpg') diff = get_canny_sum_diff(img_origin, img_after) if diff > self.threshold: print('Difference: {} > threshold: {}'.format( diff, self.threshold)) file_name ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace( ' ', '_') cv.imwrite('face.jpg', self.face) upload('.', 'face.jpg', file_name + '_face.jpg') cv.imwrite('shit.jpg', img_after) upload('.', 'shit.jpg', file_name + '_shit.jpg') self.yellow_led.turn_on() else: print('Difference: {} < threshold: {}'.format( diff, self.threshold)) self.yellow_led.turn_off()
def sense_dht22(sensor_name, device): counter = 0 avg_temp = 0 avg_hum = 0 data_list = [] # Initial measurement could be false temperature = device.temperature humidity = device.humidity time.sleep(2.0) # Try to take 3 measurements for better accuracy while counter < 3: try: temperature = device.temperature humidity = device.humidity # Not counting false temperature spikes if temperature > -8 and temperature < 45 and humidity > 0 and humidity < 100: avg_temp += temperature avg_hum += humidity counter += 1 print("Temp: {:.1f} C Humidity: {}% ".format( temperature, humidity)) except RuntimeError as error: # Errors happen fairly often, DHT's are hard to read, just keep going print(error.args[0]) logging.error('RuntimeError@sense_dht22:', exc_info=error) time.sleep(4.0) data_list.append(sensor_name) data_list.append(round(avg_temp / counter, 1)) data_list.append(round(avg_hum / counter, 1)) data_list.append(None) # Moisture = None now = data_list.append(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) print("{}, Temp: {:.1f} C Humidity: {:.1f}%, {}".format( sensor_name, avg_temp / counter, avg_hum / counter, now)) upload(data_list)
def main(args): dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) generatePages(dir) print("Starting tests") if + "/compiled", dir + "/compiled"): print("Completed tests") else: print("Not uploaded, failed test") return print("Starting upload") if (len(args) > 1 and args[1] == "prodset"): upload.upload("real") else: upload.upload()
def upload(request): import upload if request.GET.get('autorestart', ''): user = request.COOKIES.get('user', '') requestNum = request.COOKIES.get('requestNum', '') servername = request.COOKIES.get('servername', '') filnal_command = request.COOKIES.get('filnal_command', '') return upload.autorestart(requestNum, servername, filnal_command, user) return upload.upload(request)
def main(): exitStatus = 0 try: events.main() upload.upload( os.path.join( os.environ['WEEK_IN_CONGRESS_LOCATION'], 'data', 'workspace', 'events.json' ), 'events.json' )'Successfull uploaded events.json') except Exception as e: logging.error(e) exitStatus = 1 sys.exit(exitStatus)
def main(self): print "Safty Vault is running." while True: if self.check_directories(): send_dirs.send_dirs(self.dirs) check = self.check_files() if check: for x in check: upload.upload(x) for x in get_dirs.get_dirs(): if not os.path.exists(x): os.mkdir(x) for x in get_names.get_names(): if not os.path.exists(x): print self.files time.sleep(1)
def default(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' This is the main handler for any requests recieved on this mount point. ''' if cherrypy.request.method != "GET" and cherrypy.session.get("user",None) is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, "Not authorized to %s to this source" %(cherrypy.request.method)) if "action" in kwargs: action = kwargs['action'] else: action = "view" self.parsePath(args) if cherrypy.request.method == "POST": action=self._handlePost(args,**kwargs) if action == "edit": import edit cherrypy.request.template = template = edit.edit() elif action == "upload": import upload cherrypy.request.template = template = upload.upload() elif action == "bare": if 'id_prefix' in kwargs: print "id_prefix: "+ kwargs["id_prefix"] return cherrypy.request.rst.render(settings_overrides={'id_prefix': kwargs['id_prefix']}) return cherrypy.request.rst.render() else: action = "view" import master cherrypy.request.template = template = master.master() template.action = action if cherrypy.request.resourceFileExt != ".rst": mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath) cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = mimetype[0] return open(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath).read() elif os.path.isfile(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath): template.rst = RstDocument(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) return self.render()
def main(self, url, ie_key, subtitles, filename, filedesc, convertkey, username, oauth): outputdir = generate_dir() s = stats() def statuscallback(text, percent): if text is not None: s.text = text if percent is not None: s.percent = percent print '%d: %s' % (s.percent, s.text) self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'text': s.text, 'percent': s.percent}) def errorcallback(text): raise TaskError(text) statuscallback('Downloading...', -1) d =, ie_key, 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best', subtitles, outputdir, statuscallback, errorcallback) if not d: errorcallback('Download failed!') file = d['target'] if not file: errorcallback('Download failed!') subtitles = subtitles and d['subtitles'] statuscallback('Converting...', -1) file = encode.encode(file, convertkey, statuscallback, errorcallback) if not file: errorcallback('Convert failed!') ext = file.split('.')[-1] statuscallback('Configuring Pywikibot...', -1) import pywikibot pywikibot.config.authenticate[''] = oauth pywikibot.config.usernames['commons']['commons'] = username pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons', user=username).login() statuscallback('Uploading...', -1) fileurl = '' + '/'.join(file.split('/')[3:]) filename += '.' + ext filename, wikifileurl = upload.upload(file, filename, url, fileurl, filedesc, username, statuscallback, errorcallback) if not wikifileurl: errorcallback('Upload failed!') if subtitles: statuscallback('Uploading subtitles...', -1) try: subtitleuploader.subtitles(subtitles, filename, username, statuscallback, errorcallback) except Exception, e: statuscallback(type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e), None) print e pass'watch', frame) key = cv2.waitKey(10) ch = chr(key & 255) if ch in ['q', 'Q', chr(127)]: break if ch in [chr(13)]: student_number = input('请输入你的编号:')'default.png', frame) filepath = save_face(img, '%d' % student_number) if not filepath: continue #person_name = create_person('%d' % student_number) url = upload('./images/%d.png' % student_number) face_id = face_detect(url) if face_id != -1: add_face_to_faceset(face_id) session_id = train_faceset() print(session_id) else: confidence = -1 #add_face(face_id, person_name) #session_id = train_verify(person_name) # 训练模型 #datas = [] #labels = []
def nodeRun(): with open("config/sensors.json") as sensorConfigFile: sensorCfgs = json.load(sensorConfigFile)['sensors'] # Check the correctness of sensor config file and whether corresponding # plugins exist for sensorCfg in sensorCfgs: try: try: filename = sensorCfg['filename'] enabled = sensorCfg['enabled'] sensorname = sensorCfg['sensorname'] except Exception: loggingSave("Missing option(s) in config file.", logging.ERROR, logging.error) raise loggingSave("Successfully load sensor {0} config file!".format( sensorname), logging.INFO, except Exception as e: # TODO: define exception for this loggingSave("Failed to load sensor config file! Please make sure" + " it's correct.", logging.ERROR, logging.error) raise e preTime = 0 recvCommands() global cfgs with open('config/node.json') as nodeConfigFile: nodeCfgs = json.load(nodeConfigFile)['node'] nodeName = nodeCfgs['name'] nodeID = nodeCfgs['node_id'] for key in nodeCfgs.keys(): if key != "name" and key != "node_id": cfgs[key] = nodeCfgs[key] if nodeID == 0: loggingSave("Not register at server yet. Please run" " first.", logging.ERROR, logging.error) raise Exception("ERROR: Not register at server yet.") while True: curTime = time.time() if preTime > curTime: # in case somehow current time in system is modified preTime = 0 if (curTime - preTime) > cfgs["intervalTime"]: preTime = curTime # Collect data form each sensor data = [{"name": nodeName, "node_id" : nodeID}] for sensorCfg in sensorCfgs: dataDict = {} sensorname = sensorCfg['sensorname'] filename = sensorCfg['filename'] enabled = sensorCfg['enabled'] if enabled: try: # the following code works as long as fromlist is not empty plugin = __import__('sensors.' + filename, fromlist=['a']) except Exception: loggingSave("Could not find sensor {0}'s plugin file!".format( sensorname), logging.ERROR, logging.error) dataDict = {} try: dataDict["value"] = plugin.getValue() dataDict["unit"] = plugin.getUnit() dataDict["value_name"] = plugin.getValueName() dataDict["sensor"] = sensorname dataDict["time"] = str( data.append(dataDict) except Exception: loggingSave("Missing function(s) in {0}'s plugin file".format( sensorname), logging.ERROR, logging.error) global logs loggingData = {"value_name": "log", "value": str(logs)} logs = [] print "" print "Time: " + str( data.append("upload") upload.upload(json.dumps(data) + '\r\n\r\n') time.sleep(1)
def mainLoop(): url_info = GetPosts() if url_info is None: url_info = GetMentions() # GetPosts returns this list if it finds a url match if url_info: ID = url_info["ID"] POST = url_info["POST"] TITLE = url_info["TITLE"] title_matched =, TITLE) new_time = 0 if title_matched: minutes = int( seconds = int( new_time = MakeTime(Hours=0,Minutes=minutes, Seconds=seconds) # Sets video length to time found in title video_length = new_time if new_time < 600 and new_time > 30 else VIDEOLENGTH # Truncates the title to match youtube's 95 character limit TITLE = (TITLE[:90] + '...') if len(TITLE) > 90 else TITLE URL = url_info["URL"] STime = MakeTime(url_info["HRS"], url_info["MIN"], url_info["SEC"]) LINK = "" StartingTime = None try: StartingTime = DownloadTwitchANDReturnStartingTime(ID, STime, url_info["TYPE"], URL) except Exception as e: print("Twitch Error is: "+str(e)) LINK = "Twitch Error " + str(e) if StartingTime: try: if url_info["TYPE"] is 'b': CutVideo(ID+".flv", StartingTime, StartingTime+video_length) #elif url_info["TYPE"] is 'v': #CompressVideo(ID+".flv") # Need to email this file to the mobile upload link # Old command replaced with google api now # se.send_mail(EUSERNAME, UPLOADLINK, TITLE, VIDEODESCRIPTION.format(URL), files=[ID+".flv_edited.mp4"]) # LINK = LoopVideoCheck(TITLE) # Keeps Looping until uploaded video is detected # Uploads with google api try: LINK = upl.upload(ID+".flv_edited.mp4", TITLE, VIDEODESCRIPTION.format(URL)) except Exception as err: print(err) if LINK is None: print("upload returned none, running LoopVideoCheck") LINK = LoopVideoCheck(TITLE) # Keeps Looping until uploaded video is detected try: POST.add_comment(REPLYMESSAGE.format(LINK)) except: url_info["REPLYTO"].reply(REPLYMESSAGE.format(LINK)) print("Comment reply success") except Exception as e: LINK = "ERROR: " + str(e) else: pass cur.execute('INSERT INTO posts VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', [ID, TITLE, URL, LINK]) sql.commit() # os.remove(ID+".flv") # os.remove(ID+".flv_edited.mp4") # print("Deleted Files") else: print("No link found this time")
def default(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' This is the main handler for any requests recieved on this mount point. ''' usar = cherrypy.session.get("user", None) if usar is not None: print usar.keys() if cherrypy.request.method != "GET" and usar is None: # if we've setup a post-recieve hook, check out this first. if self._triggerurl == cherrypy.request.path_info and is not None: # perhaps do some exception handling and put a warning on .app that merge conflict happened? return "" else: # otherwise: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, "Not authorized to %s to this source" % (cherrypy.request.method)) if "action" in kwargs: action = kwargs['action'] else: action = "view" self.parsePath(args) if cherrypy.request.method == "POST": action = self._handlePost(args, **kwargs) if action == "create" and usar is not None and cherrypy.request.resourceFileExt == ".rst": import create cherrypy.request.template = template = create.create() print "Showing create page %s" % (cherrypy.request.path_info) filename = cherrypy.request.path_info[1:] title = filename.replace("/", ".") heading = "=" * len(title) somerst = ".. _%s:\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\nTODOC!\n\n.. contents ::\n :depth: 2\n\n=============\nFirst Section\n=============\n\n" % ( filename, heading, title, heading ) template.rst = RstDocument() template.rst.update(somerst) template.encoded_rst = cgi.escape(template.rst.document) template.title = "Creating: %s" % (template.rst.gettitle()) template.action = action cherrypy.response.status = 404 return self.render() elif action == "edit": import edit cherrypy.request.template = template = edit.edit() elif action == "upload": import upload cherrypy.request.template = template = upload.upload() elif action == "bare": if 'id_prefix' in kwargs: print "id_prefix: " + kwargs["id_prefix"] return cherrypy.request.rst.render(settings_overrides={'id_prefix': kwargs['id_prefix']}) return cherrypy.request.rst.render() else: action = "view" import master cherrypy.request.template = template = master.master() cherrypy.request.githublink = self.githubroot template.action = action if cherrypy.request.resourceFileExt != ".rst": mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath) cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = mimetype[0] return open(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath).read() elif os.path.isfile(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath): template.rst = RstDocument(cherrypy.request.resourceFilePath) template.encoded_rst = cgi.escape(template.rst.document) template.title = template.rst.gettitle() else: get_parmas = urllib.quote(cherrypy.request.request_line.split()[1]) creating = get_parmas.find("action%3Dcreate") print get_parmas if creating == -1: redir = get_parmas + "?action=create" raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redir) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) return self.render()
""" Register node at server. Run before uploading data. Usage in README""" import json import upload with open("config/node.json") as nodeConfigFile: nodeCfgs = json.load(nodeConfigFile) nodeName = nodeCfgs["node"]["name"] if nodeName == "default": print """Please update node name in node.json file. For more information, check README.""" else: data = [{"name": nodeName}] data.append("register") ack = upload.upload(json.dumps(data) + "\r\n\r\n") print ack if ack.startswith("SUCCESS"): node_id = (int) (ack.split()[-1]) with open("config/node.json", "w") as nodeCfgFilew: nodeCfgs["node"]["node_id"] = node_id json.dump(nodeCfgs, nodeCfgFilew)
def main( self, url, ie_key, subtitles, filename, filedesc, downloadkey, convertkey, username, oauth ): """Main worker code.""" # Get a lock to prevent double-running with same task ID lockkey = 'tasklock:' + if redisconnection.exists(lockkey): raise TaskError("Task has already been run") else: redisconnection.setex(lockkey, 'T', 7 * 24 * 3600) # Generate temporary directory for task for i in range(10): # 10 tries id = os.urandom(8).encode('hex') outputdir = '/srv/v2c/output/' + id if not os.path.isdir(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir) break else: raise TaskError("Too many retries to generate a task id") s = Stats() def statuscallback(text, percent): if text is not None: s.text = text if percent is not None: s.percent = percent print '%d: %s' % (s.percent, s.text) self.update_state( state='PROGRESS', meta={'text': s.text, 'percent': s.percent} ) def errorcallback(text): raise TaskError(text) try: statuscallback('Downloading...', -1) d = url, ie_key, downloadkey, subtitles, outputdir, statuscallback, errorcallback ) if not d: errorcallback('Download failed!') file = d['target'] if not file: errorcallback('Download failed!') subtitles = subtitles and d['subtitles'] statuscallback('Converting...', -1) file = encode.encode(file, convertkey, statuscallback, errorcallback) if not file: errorcallback('Convert failed!') ext = file.split('.')[-1] statuscallback('Configuring Pywikibot...', -1) pywikibot.config.authenticate[''] = \ (consumer_key, consumer_secret) + oauth pywikibot.config.usernames['commons']['commons'] = username pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons', user=username).login() statuscallback('Uploading...', -1) filename += '.' + ext filename, wikifileurl = upload.upload( file, filename, url, http_host, filedesc, username, statuscallback, errorcallback ) if not wikifileurl: errorcallback('Upload failed!') if subtitles: statuscallback('Uploading subtitles...', -1) try: subtitleuploader.subtitles( subtitles, filename, username, statuscallback, errorcallback ) except Exception, e: statuscallback(type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e), None) print e pass except pywikibot.Error: # T124922 workaround exc_info = sys.exc_info() raise TaskError( ( u'pywikibot.Error: %s: %s' % ( exc_info[0].__name__, exc_info[1] ) ).encode('utf-8')), None, exc_info[2] else: statuscallback('Done!', 100) return filename, wikifileurl finally: statuscallback('Cleaning up...', -1) pywikibot.config.authenticate.clear() pywikibot.config.usernames['commons'].clear() pywikibot._sites.clear() shutil.rmtree(outputdir)
#!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 import metaxml import conf import os import sys import upload import conf import lookup from archive import Item import archive import getpass import assembly if __name__ == '__main__': item = Item(conf.iTMSTransporter, conf.distribute_account, conf.distribute_pwd, conf.bundle_short_version_string, conf.bundle_version, conf.project_path, conf.scheme, conf.configuration, conf.provisioning_profile_name, conf.vendor_id) # 开始打包 archive.archive(item) # 获取itmsp lookup.lookup(item) # 准备上传 assembly.assembly(item) # 开始上传 upload.upload(item)
self.log.flush() def close(self): self.stdout.close() self.log.close() sys.stdout = MyOutput("AM_Log.txt") for adv in advertisers: print("Now processing %s" %adv) try: upload_rows = [] dailyfiles = os.listdir(basepath + adv + '/Data/') for file in dailyfiles: reader = csv.reader(open(basepath + adv + '/Data/' + file,'rb')) date = file[-14:-4] for row in reader: if ('Advertiser' in row): continue else: new_row = [date] for element in row: if element=="n/a": element=0 if element == "Unknown Advertiser ": element = adv new_row.append(element) upload_rows.append(new_row) if not len(upload_rows)==0: upload(upload_rows,"advertiser_daily_ad_summary") except: print(traceback.print_exc())
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Testdroid test script') parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', action='store_true', help='Test on local device instead of Testdroid cloud') parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-upload', action='store_true', help='Not upload APK to testdroid before running test (uses the latest uploaded)') parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', type=int, help='The device group to run tests on. If neither group nor device supplied, will pick whichever free device') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', type=str, help='The specific device to run tests on. If neither group nor device supplied, will pick whichever free device') parser.add_argument('apk', type=str, nargs='?', help='The path of APK file') args = parser.parse_args() apk_path = args.apk if apk_path is None: apk_path = DEFAULT_APK_PATH if args.local: local_android.test() else: testdroid_api_key = os.environ.get('TESTDROID_APIKEY') if testdroid_api_key is None: print "TESTDROID_APIKEY environment variable is not set!" sys.exit(1) cloud_path = "latest" if args.no_upload is not True: cloud_path = upload(testdroid_api_key, apk_path) testdroid_android.executeTests(testdroid_api_key, cloud_path,, args.device)
sensorname), logging.ERROR, logging.error) global logs loggingData = {"value_name": "log", "value": str(logs)} logs = [] print "" print "Time: " + str( data.append("upload") upload.upload(json.dumps(data) + '\r\n\r\n') time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': # ensures the main process doesn't terminate becasue of exceptions(neither # expected nor unexpected). Report the error message and let the # server handle exceptions. import traceback import sys try: nodeRun() except Exception, e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() tb = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) logging.critical(tb) with open('config/node.json') as nodeConfigFile: nodeCfgs = json.load(nodeConfigFile)['node'] nodeName = nodeCfgs['name'] nodeID = nodeCfgs['node_id'] data = [{"name": nodeName, "node_id" : nodeID}] data.append(tb) data.append("exception") upload.upload(json.dumps(data) + '\r\n\r\n') nodeRun()
auth = lg_authority.AuthRoot() auth__doc = "The object that serves authentication pages" @cherrypy.expose def index(self): output = "" output += getIndexContent() output = getPage(output, '') return output if __name__ == '__main__': #cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port':index_port}) cherrypy.config.update(cherry_settings) index = index() index.upload = upload.upload() index.manage = manage.manage() index.modify = modify.modify() = index.learn = learn.learn() = index.visualize = visualize.visualize() #index.dashboard = dashboard.dashboard() cherrypy.quickstart(index)
def do_upload(self, fn, cs): 'Upload to one or both accounts from local' upload(fn, cs)
def main(): log = logging.getLogger('stderr') elog = logging.getLogger('view') # error logger # here is the contents of the doc ids file saved, # if its given with --docs allhashes = '' squery = None # load defaults muttrc = config.muttrc boxpath = config.temp_mailbox sentpath = config.sent_mailbox changedhashesfile = None doupload = False verbose = False uploadsent = False # load command line args i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[i] if arg == '--docs': i += 1 allhashes = open(sys.argv[i], 'r').read() elif arg == '--verbose': verbose = True elif arg == '--tmp': i += 1 boxpath = sys.argv[i] elif arg == '--muttrc': i += 1 muttrc = sys.argv[i] elif arg == '--changed': i += 1 changedhashesfile = sys.argv[i] elif arg == '--upload': doupload = True elif arg == '--sent': uploadsent = True elif arg == '--search': i+= 1 squery = sys.argv[i] else: common.fatal("Unknown arg %s"%arg) i += 1 if squery and allhashes: common.fatal("Arguments --docs and --search are exclusive!") if not squery and not allhashes: common.fatal("No documents given. Try --docs FILE or --search QUERY .") # open temporary mailbox if boxpath == None: common.fatal("No temporary mailbox given.") boxpath = os.path.expanduser(boxpath) log.debug("Using temporary mailbox: %s"%boxpath) # try to delete old temporary mailbox try: os.remove(boxpath) except OSError: pass # open box = mailbox.mbox(boxpath) if muttrc: muttrc = '-F '+muttrc else: muttrc = '' if allhashes: ids = [] # read hashes re_id = re.compile('([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s+') for count, line in enumerate(allhashes.splitlines(True)): mo = re_id.match(line) if mo == None:"Ignoring line %d: %s" % (count+1, line)) continue docid = ids.append(docid) if squery: try: ids =, 'stderr') except lrparsing.ParseError: common.fatal("Could not parse query:\n%s\n%s"%(squery, traceback.format_exc())) except IOError: common.fatal(traceback.format_exc()) if len(ids) == 0: common.fatal("No documents found.") if len(ids) > 100: sys.stdout.write("Download %d mails? (y/n): "%len(ids)) resp = raw_input() if resp.lower() != 'y' and resp.lower() != 'yes': common.fatal("OK. Exit.") # download docs"Downloading %d mails."%len(ids)) for doc in ids: try:, box=box, logger='stderr') except IOError as e: common.fatal("Couldnt download mail %s\n %s" % (docid, traceback.format_exc(e))) if len(ids) != box.__len__(): common.fatal("Something strange happened. Not enough mails in mailbox!") hashes_before = hash_mails(box) box.close() # open mutt cmd = "mutt %s -f %s" % (muttrc, boxpath) retval =, shell=True)"Mutt returned with status %d."%retval) if retval: common.fatal("Mutt error %d. EXIT. No changes to DB"%retval) box = mailbox.mbox(boxpath) # detect changes in mbox hashes_after = hash_mails(box) if len(hashes_before) != len(hashes_after) or len(hashes_before) != len(ids): common.fatal("Some mails were deleted (or added). Aborting. No changes made to DB.") # filter differing hashes changed = filter(lambda pair: pair[1] != pair[2], zip(ids, hashes_before, hashes_after)) # get (mbox key, docid) only changed = map(lambda pair: (pair[1][0], pair[0]), changed)"Raw data of %d mails changed."%len(changed)) # changed is now a list of tuples of (mbox key, docid) if verbose: uploadlogger = 'stderr' else: uploadlogger = 'none' olddocs = [] changeddocs = [] metachanged = [] metachangeddocs = [] # check real changes in metadata if changedhashesfile or doupload:"Checking for meta changes ...") # parse changed mails for key, docid in changed: if not changedhashesfile: sys.stdout.write('.') try: changeddocs.append(upload.parsemail(box.get_string(key), logger=uploadlogger)) except: elog.error("Exception while parsing mail:\n %s" % traceback.format_exc()) upload.save_mail(docid, box.get_string(key)) logging.shutdown() sys.exit(1) if not changedhashesfile: sys.stdout.flush() if not changedhashesfile: sys.stdout.write('\n') # download old docs for _, docid in changed: try: olddocs.append(common.get_doc(docid, "Could not get doc.", uploadlogger)) except IOError: common.fatal(traceback.format_exc()) # compare docs for chan, changd, oldd in zip(changed, changeddocs, olddocs): if not common.eq_mail_meta(changd, oldd): metachanged.append(chan) metachangeddocs.append(changd)"Metadata of %d mails changed."%len(metachanged)) changed = metachanged # write changed mails file if changedhashesfile: f = open(changedhashesfile, 'w+') for key, docid in changed: f.write(docid) f.write('\n') f.close() # upload changed mails if doupload: # TODO ask for upload?"Uploading %d mails"%len(changed)) for (key, docid), mdata in zip(changed, metachangeddocs): if not changedhashesfile: sys.stdout.write('.') try: #FIXME upload.upload(docid, mdata, override=True, preserveread=False, logger=uploadlogger) except: elog.error("Exception while parsing or uploading mail:\n %s" % traceback.format_exc()) upload.save_mail(docid, box.get_string(key)) logging.shutdown() sys.exit(1) if not changedhashesfile: sys.stdout.flush() if not changedhashesfile: sys.stdout.write('\n') box.close() # upload sent mails if uploadsent and sentpath: # open mailbox sentpath = os.path.expanduser(sentpath) log.debug("Opening sent mailbox: %s"%sentpath) try: box = mailbox.mbox(sentpath, create=False) except mailbox.NoSuchMailboxError as e: common.fatal("Given mailbox for sent mails does not exist: %s"%sentpath)"Uploading %d mails in sent mbox %s"%(box.__len__(), sentpath)) # upload for key in box.iterkeys(): try: mail = box.get_string(key) mdata = upload.parsemail(mail, logger=uploadlogger) doc_id = upload.hash_mail(mail) upload.upload(doc_id, mdata, mail, logger=uploadlogger) except: elog.error("Exception while parsing or uploading mail:\n %s" % traceback.format_exc()) upload.save_mail(docid, box.get_string(key)) continue box.close() # truncate file log.debug("Truncating sent mbox: %s"%sentpath) open(sentpath, 'w').close() logging.shutdown() sys.exit(0)
from upload import upload basepath = 'C:/cygwin64/home/Damir/ProjectRescue/AdConnect/Publishers/' publishers = os.listdir(basepath) #writer = csv.writer(open('C:/cygwin64/home/Damir/Publisher_Source_Daily.csv','wb')) #header = 0 for pub in publishers: upload_rows = [] try: sources = os.listdir(basepath + pub + '/Sources/') for source in sources: dailyfiles = os.listdir(basepath + pub + '/Sources/' + source) for file in dailyfiles: if "Daily" in file: reader = csv.reader(open(basepath + pub + '/Sources/' + source + '/' + file,'rb')) for row in reader: if ('Date' in row): continue else: new_row = [pub, source] for element in row: new_row.append(element) upload_rows.append(new_row) except: print("ERROR") traceback.print_exc() #upload rows upload(upload_rows,"publisher_source_daily_summary")
import android import time from upload import upload DOC= "take a picture, saves to /sdcard/rootPictures and uploads to webserver." droid = android.Android() cur_time = str(time.clock()) path = '/sdcard/rootPictures/%s.jpg'%cur_time droid.cameraCapturePicture(path) upload( path, '/AndroidUploads')