Exemple #1
def main():
	mc = pylibmc.Client([""], binary=True, behaviors={"tcp_nodelay": True, "ketama": True})
	while True:
		head = mc.get('queue_head')
		tail = mc.get('queue_tail')
		if mc.get('queue_head') < mc.get('queue_tail') or mc.get(str(head)) is not None:
			#there is something in the queue
			item = mc.get(str(head)) #this item needs to be uploaded
			item = str(item)
			item = item.split(',')
			data_to_be_sent = {};
			#for i in range(0,len(item)):
			#	syslog.syslog("AALU: item["+str(i)+"] = "+ item[i])

			data_to_be_sent['i'] = item[0]
			data_to_be_sent['t'] = item[1]
			data_to_be_sent['d'] = item[2] #+","+item[3]+","+item[4]+","+item[5]
                        # logging.info('Item 1 %s' % item[0])
                        # logging.info('Item 2 %s' % item[1])
                        # logging.info('Item 3 %s' % item[2])
			if item[1] == 'MKP':
				data_to_be_sent['d'] = item[2] +","+item[3]+","+item[4]+","+item[5]
				thread = get.get('http://ec2-54-93-162-141.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/server','',data_to_be_sent);
			#	thread = get.get('','',data_to_be_sent);
				syslog.syslog("AALU: in loop.py for MKP: %s,%s" %(str(time.time()),data_to_be_sent['d']))
			#add if else based on the application for which data is being uploaded. 
			elif item[1] == 'IVR':
				data_to_be_sent['d'] = item[2]
                                # thread = uploader.file_uploader('', '', data_to_be_sent['d'])
				thread = uploader.file_uploader('http://ec2-54-93-162-141.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/ivr_server', '', data_to_be_sent['d'])
				syslog.syslog("AALU: in loop.py for IVR: %s,%s" %(str(time.time()),data_to_be_sent['d']))
			elif item[1] == 'SEN':
				data_to_be_sent['d'] = item[2]

				thread = uploader.file_uploader('http://ec2-54-93-162-141.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/random_server', '', data_to_be_sent['d'])
				syslog.syslog("AALU: in loop.py for SEN: %s,%s" %(str(time.time()),data_to_be_sent['d']))

			if head < tail:
			#else there is no need to increase the head location
			#the queue seems to be empty so do nothing. 
			#wait for a half a second and then ho out to the while again
Exemple #2
	def POST(self):
		syslog.syslog("AALU: In get_handler")
		data = web.input(myfile={})
		#syslog.syslog("AALU: Data " + str(data))
		#RUN: change the directory here based on machine
		filedir = '/home/talal/FilesToBeUploadedAWS' 
		if 'myfile' in data: 
			filepath=data.myfile.filename.replace('\\','/') # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones.
			filename=filepath.split('/')[-1] # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension)
			syslog.syslog("AALU: filename = %s" %filename)
			fout = open(filedir +'/'+ filename,'w') # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored
			#syslog.syslog("AALU: in if")
			fout.write(data.myfile.file.read()) # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file.
			fout.close() # closes the file, upload complete.
			syslog.syslog("AALU: get handler: %s,%s" %(str(time.time()),filename))
			if '' in filename:
				syslog.syslog("AALU: in if")
				thread = uploader.file_uploader('', '', filedir + '/' + filename)
			elif '' in filename:
				syslog.syslog("AALU: in if")
				thread = uploader.file_uploader('', '', filedir + '/' + filename)
	def POST(self):
	    syslog.syslog("AALU: In Upload POST")
            data = web.input(myfile={})
            syslog.syslog("AALU: Data " + str(data))
            filedir = '/home/cted-server/FilesToBeUploadedAWS' 
            if 'myfile' in data: 
                filepath=data.myfile.filename.replace('\\','/') # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones.
                filename=filepath.split('/')[-1] # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension)
                syslog.syslog("AALU: File Path " + filedir + '/' + filename)
                fout = open(filedir +'/'+ filename,'w') # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored
                fout.write(data.myfile.file.read()) # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file.
                fout.close() # closes the file, upload complete.
                # thread = uploader.file_uploader('', '', filedir + '/' + filename)
                thread = uploader.file_uploader('http://ec2-54-93-162-141.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/ivr_server', '', filedir + '/' + filename)
Exemple #4
def main():
    new_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    now = new_time
    #RUN: change the ip to mention the source
    filename = "SEN:"+str(now) + ".txt"
    random_text = ("Random text is going into this goddamn file and its so deep" + "\n") * 2000
    #RUN: foldername needs to be changed based on the machine usage. 
    file_path = '/home/openbts/UploadFolder/' + filename.replace(" ", "")
    with open(file_path, "w+") as file_to_send:
        syslog.syslog("RAPID: Random file:%s at time:%s" %(filename.replace(" ",""),str(time.time())))
        #RUN: change the ip and port below based on what is your local server 
        thread = uploader.file_uploader('', '', file_path)
Exemple #5
	def GET(self):
		user_data = web.input()
		global random
		if user_data['do'] == 'search':
			#search on aws for a random file uploaded by someone else. For example if you are calling this from rapidcell you can search with my openvpn IP to try and find a file i have uploaded
			result = "";
			if user_data['key'] in random: #is not None:
				#send a non-empty string to the user_data['ip']
				for i in range(0,min(len(random[user_data['key']]),5)):
					result = result+","+random[user_data['key']][i]
			#send result variable back.
			data_to_be_sent = {};
			data_to_be_sent['result'] = result
			data_to_be_sent['ip'] = user_data['ip'] #this is the openvpn ip coming with the request
			data_to_be_sent['id'] = user_data['id']
			thread = get.get('','',data_to_be_sent); #node_name coming in each request is the ip of the handler 
		elif user_data['do'] == 'get':
			syslog.syslog("BALU: sending file back %s,%s" %(str(time.time()),user_data['key']))
			filedir = '/home/ec2-user/random' # change this to the directory you want to store the file in.
			filename = user_data['key']
			thread = uploader.file_uploader('', '', filedir + '/' + filename)