def test_get_subdir(tmp_path): empty_filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "empty.root") nonempty_filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "nonempty.root") empty = ROOT.TFile(empty_filename, "recreate") empty.mkdir("subdir") empty.Close() nonempty = ROOT.TFile(nonempty_filename, "recreate") nonempty.mkdir("subdir")"subdir") x = ROOT.TObjString("hello") x.Write() nonempty.Close() with uproot.update(empty_filename) as f1: f1["subdir"].mkdir("another") with uproot.update(nonempty_filename) as f2: f2["subdir"].mkdir("another") assert == [ "subdir;1", "subdir/another;1" ] assert == [ "subdir;1", "subdir/hello;1", "subdir/another;1", ] f3 = ROOT.TFile(empty_filename, "update")"subdir/another") y = ROOT.TObjString("there") y.Write() f3.Close() f4 = ROOT.TFile(nonempty_filename, "update")"subdir/another") z = ROOT.TObjString("you") z.Write() f4.Close() assert == [ "subdir;1", "subdir/another;1", "subdir/another/there;1", ] assert == [ "subdir;1", "subdir/hello;1", "subdir/another;1", "subdir/another/you;1", ]
def test_writable_vs_readable_tree(tmp_path): newfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "newfile.root") f1 = ROOT.TFile(newfile, "recreate") f1.SetCompressionLevel(0) t1 = ROOT.TTree("t1", "title") d1 = array.array("i", [0]) t1.Branch("branch1", d1, "branch1/I") d1[0] = 5 t1.Fill() d1[0] = 4 t1.Fill() d1[0] = 3 t1.Fill() d1[0] = 2 t1.Fill() d1[0] = 1 t1.Fill() d1[0] = 5 t1.Fill() t1.Write() f1.Close() b1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] b2 = [0.0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9.9] with uproot.update(newfile) as fin: with pytest.raises(TypeError): oldtree = fin["t1"] fin.mktree("t2", {"b1": np.int32, "b2": np.float64}, "title") for _ in range(5): fin["t2"].extend({"b1": b1, "b2": b2}) f1 = ROOT.TFile(newfile) t2root = f1.Get("t2") assert t2root.GetEntries() == len(b1) * 5 assert [x.b1 for x in t2root] == b1 * 5 assert [x.b2 for x in t2root] == b2 * 5 t1root = f1.Get("t1") assert [x.branch1 for x in t1root] == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5] with as finagin: t2uproot = finagin["t2"] assert t2uproot.num_entries == len(b1) * 5 assert t2uproot["b1"].array(library="np").tolist() == b1 * 5 assert t2uproot["b2"].array(library="np").tolist() == b2 * 5 assert finagin["t1/branch1"].array(library="np").tolist() == [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 ] f1.Close()
def test_get_string(tmp_path): filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "whatever.root") f1 = ROOT.TFile(filename, "recreate") x = ROOT.TObjString("hello") x.Write() f1.Close() with uproot.update(filename) as f2: assert str(f2["hello"]) == "hello"
def test_get_histogram(tmp_path): filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "whatever.root") f1 = ROOT.TFile(filename, "recreate") x = ROOT.TH1F("name", "title", 100, -5, 5) x.Write() f1.Close() with uproot.update(filename) as f2: h = f2["name"] assert == "name" assert h.title == "title"
def test_delete(tmp_path): newfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "newfile.root") h1 = uproot.writing.identify.to_TH1x( fName="h1", fTitle="title", data=np.array([1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 4.0], np.float64), fEntries=5.0, fTsumw=7.0, fTsumw2=27.0, fTsumwx=7.3, fTsumwx2=55.67, fSumw2=np.array([1.0, 2.0, 25.0, 16.0], np.float64), fXaxis=uproot.writing.identify.to_TAxis( fName="xaxis", fTitle="", fNbins=2, fXmin=-3.14, fXmax=2.71, ), ) with uproot.recreate(newfile) as fout: fout["one"] = h1 fout["two"] = h1 with uproot.update(newfile) as fin: del fin["one"] f3 = ROOT.TFile(newfile) h3 = f3.Get("two") assert h3.GetEntries() == 5 assert h3.GetSumOfWeights() == 7 assert h3.GetBinLowEdge(1) == pytest.approx(-3.14) assert h3.GetBinWidth(1) == pytest.approx((2.71 - -3.14) / 2) assert h3.GetBinContent(0) == pytest.approx(1) assert h3.GetBinContent(1) == pytest.approx(2) assert h3.GetBinContent(2) == pytest.approx(5) assert h3.GetBinContent(3) == pytest.approx(4) assert h3.GetBinError(0) == pytest.approx(1) assert h3.GetBinError(1) == pytest.approx(1.4142135623730951) assert h3.GetBinError(2) == pytest.approx(5) assert h3.GetBinError(3) == pytest.approx(4) f3.Close()
def test_get_nested(tmp_path): filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "whatever.root") f1 = ROOT.TFile(filename, "recreate") one = f1.mkdir("one") two = one.mkdir("two") x = ROOT.TObjString("hello") x.Write() f1.Close() with uproot.update(filename) as f2: assert str(f2["one/two/hello"]) == "hello" assert f2.keys() == ["one;1", "one/two;1", "one/two/hello;1"] assert f2.classnames() == { "one;1": "TDirectory", "one/two;1": "TDirectory", "one/two/hello;1": "TObjString", }
def test_update(tmp_path): filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "whatever.root") f1 = ROOT.TFile(filename, "recreate") f1.mkdir("subdir")"subdir") x = ROOT.TObjString("wowie") x.Write() f1.Close() with as f2: assert f2["subdir/wowie"] == "wowie" assert list(f2.file.streamers) == ["TObjString"] with uproot.update(filename) as f3: f3["hey"] = "you" f3["subdir/there"] = "you guys" with as f4: assert f4["hey"] == "you" assert f4["subdir/there"] == "you guys" assert f4["subdir/wowie"] == "wowie" assert list(f4.file.streamers) == ["TObjString"] f5 = ROOT.TFile(filename, "update") assert [x.GetName() for x in f5.GetStreamerInfoList()] == ["TObjString"] assert f5.Get("hey") == "you" assert f5.Get("subdir/there") == "you guys""subdir") y = ROOT.TObjString("zowie") y.Write() f5.Close() with as f6: assert f6["hey"] == "you" assert f6["subdir/there"] == "you guys" assert f6["subdir/wowie"] == "wowie" assert f6["subdir/zowie"] == "zowie" assert list(f6.file.streamers) == ["TObjString"]
def data_mc_comparison_plot(tag, ymin=0, ymax=1.1, distribution='recoil', jeteta_config=None, output_format='pdf'): if 'gamma' in tag: regions = [ 'g_HLT_PFHT1050', 'g_HLT_PFHT590', 'g_HLT_PFHT680', 'g_HLT_PFHT780', 'g_HLT_PFHT890' ] elif 'recoil' in tag: regions = ['1m', '2m'] else: regions = ['1m', '2m', '1e', '2m_hlt'] opts = markers('data') # opts['markersize'] = 5 # opts['fillstyle'] = 'none' emarker = opts.pop('emarker', '') outdir = f"./output/{tag}" outpath = pjoin(outdir, f'trig_sf.root') try: outfile = uproot.recreate(outpath) except OSError: outfile = uproot.update(outpath) for year in [2017, 2018]: for region in regions: fig, ax, rax = fig_ratio() if '1e' in region: fnum = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_met_EGamma_{year}.txt' fden = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_met_WJetsToLNu_HT_MLM_{year}.txt' xlabel = "$p_{T}^{miss}$ (GeV)" elif '1m' in region: fnum = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_recoil_SingleMuon_{year}{"_"+jeteta_config if jeteta_config else ""}.txt' fden = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_recoil_WJetsToLNu_HT_MLM_{year}{"_"+jeteta_config if jeteta_config else ""}.txt' xlabel = "Recoil (GeV)" elif '2m' in region: fnum = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_recoil_SingleMuon_{year}{"_"+jeteta_config if jeteta_config else ""}.txt' fden = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_recoil_VDYJetsToLL_M-50_HT_MLM_{year}{"_"+jeteta_config if jeteta_config else ""}.txt' xlabel = "Recoil (GeV)" elif 'g_' in region: fnum = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_photon_pt0_JetHT_{year}.txt' fden = f'output/{tag}/table_{region}_photon_pt0_GJets_HT_MLM_{year}.txt' xlabel = "Photon $p_{T}$ (GeV)" if not os.path.exists(fnum): print(f"File not found {fnum}") continue if not os.path.exists(fden): print(f"File not found {fden}") continue xnum, xedgnum, ynum, yerrnum = get_xy(fnum) xden, xedgden, yden, yerrden = get_xy(fden) xsf = xnum ysf = ynum / yden ysferr = ratio_unc(ynum, yden, yerrnum, yerrden) opts['color'] = 'k' ax.errorbar(xnum, ynum, yerr=yerrnum, label=f'Data, {region} region', **opts) opts['color'] = 'r' ax.errorbar(xden, yden, yerr=yerrden, label=f'MC, {region} region', **opts) # rax.plot([0,1000],[0.98,0.98],color='blue') # rax.plot([0,1000],[0.99,0.99],color='blue',linestyle='--') if 'g_' in region: ax.plot([215, 215], [0.9, 1.1], color='blue') rax.plot([215, 215], [0.95, 1.05], color='blue') elif distribution == 'recoil': ax.plot([250, 250], [0.0, 1.1], color='blue') rax.plot([250, 250], [0.95, 1.05], color='blue') else: ax.plot([250, 250], [0.9, 1.1], color='blue') rax.plot([250, 250], [0.95, 1.05], color='blue') opts['color'] = 'k' rax.errorbar(xsf, ysf, ysferr, **opts) ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel("Efficiency") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(200)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(50)) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.grid(1) if distribution == 'mjj': ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.01)) elif distribution == 'recoil': ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.05)) rax.set_xlabel(xlabel) rax.set_ylabel("Data / MC SF") rax.set_ylim(0.95, 1.05) rax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.05)) rax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.01)) rax.grid(1) plt.text(1., 1., r"$\approx$ %.1f fb$^{-1}$ (13 TeV)" % lumi_by_region(region, year), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.text(1., 0.95, f'{jeteta_config if jeteta_config else ""}', fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.text(0., 1., f'{year}', fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) fig.savefig( pjoin( outdir, f'data_mc_comparison_{region}_{year}{"_"+jeteta_config if jeteta_config else ""}.{output_format}' )) fig.clear() plt.close(fig) vals = np.array(sorted(list(set(list(xedgnum.flatten()))))) ysf[np.isnan(ysf) | np.isinf(np.abs(ysf))] = 1 outfile[f'{tag}_{region}_{year}'] = (ysf, vals)