Exemple #1
def prepareTrees(year):
    d_sig = {}
    d_bkg = {}
    for signal in signals_original:
        # if(opt.AC==False):
        fname = eos_path_sig + '%i_MELA' % year
        # else:
        # fname = eos_path_sig + 'AC%i' %year
        if (year == 2017) & (signal == 'VBFH125'):
            fname += '/' + signal + 'ext/' + signal + 'ext_reducedTree_MC_' + str(
                year) + '.root'
            fname += '/' + signal + '/' + signal + '_reducedTree_MC_' + str(
                year) + '.root'
        d_sig[signal] = uproot.open(fname)[key]

    for bkg in bkgs:
        fname = eos_path_sig + '%i_MELA' % year
        #         if year == 2016:
        #             fname += '_CorrectBTag'
        if (year == 2018) & (bkg == 'ZZTo4lext'):
            fname += '/' + bkg + '1/' + bkg + '1_reducedTree_MC_' + str(
                year) + '.root'
            fname += '/' + bkg + '/' + bkg + '_reducedTree_MC_' + str(
                year) + '.root'
        d_bkg[bkg] = uproot.open(fname)[key]

    return d_sig, d_bkg
Exemple #2
    def test_issue55(self):
        withoffsets = uproot3.open(
        nooffsets = uproot3.open(
        assert numpy.array_equal(withoffsets.array("nJet"),
        assert numpy.array_equal(withoffsets.array("nMuon"),

        def equal(left, right):
            if len(left) != len(right):
                return False
            for x, y in zip(left, right):
                if not numpy.array_equal(x, y):
                    return False
            return True

        assert equal(withoffsets.array("Jet_jetId"),
        assert equal(withoffsets.array("Jet_pt"), nooffsets.array("Jet_pt"))
        assert equal(withoffsets.array("MET_pt"), nooffsets.array("MET_pt"))
        assert equal(withoffsets.array("Muon_charge"),
        assert equal(withoffsets.array("Muon_pt"), nooffsets.array("Muon_pt"))
        assert equal(withoffsets.array("event"), nooffsets.array("event"))
Exemple #3
    def test_merge_root_pet_incrementRun(self):
            import uproot3 as uproot
            print("uproot3 is mandatory to merge root file. Please, do:")
            print("pip install uproot3")

        logger.info('Test_MergeRoot test_merge_root_pet')
        tmpdirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        filenameRoot = wget.download(
        gt.merge_root([filenameRoot, filenameRoot],
                      os.path.join(tmpdirpath, "output.root"), True)
        input = uproot.open(filenameRoot)
        output = uproot.open(os.path.join(tmpdirpath, "output.root"))
        inputTree = input[input.keys()[0]]
        outputTree = output[output.keys()[0]]
        inputRunBranch = inputTree.array(inputTree.keys()[0])
        outputRunBranch = outputTree.array(outputTree.keys()[0])
        self.assertTrue(2 * max(inputRunBranch) + 1 == max(outputRunBranch))
        self.assertTrue(2 * len(inputRunBranch) == len(outputRunBranch))
        inputEventBranch = inputTree.array(inputTree.keys()[1])
        outputEventBranch = outputTree.array(outputTree.keys()[1])
        self.assertTrue(max(inputEventBranch) == max(outputEventBranch))
        self.assertTrue(2 * len(inputEventBranch) == len(outputEventBranch))
    def test_compression_branches(self):
        branches = list(
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches

        branches = list(
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
        assert list(
            ["events"].keys()) == branches
Exemple #5
def compare(p: Path, orig: Path, key: str):
    f_new = uproot.open(p)["kernel"]
    f_old = uproot.open(orig)["kernel"]

    d_new = f_new[key].array()
    d_old = f_old[key].array()

    return plot(d_new, d_old, 2000)
Exemple #6
def create_dataframe(file, family):

    # --- import trees and variables
    T_pot = uproot.open(file)['wcpselection/T_pot']
    df_pot = T_pot.pandas.df(pot_vars, flatten=False)

    T_KINE = uproot.open(file)['wcpselection/T_KINEvars']
    df_KINE = T_KINE.pandas.df(kine_vars, flatten=False)

    T_BDT = uproot.open(file)['wcpselection/T_BDTvars']
    df_BDT = T_BDT.pandas.df(bdt_vars, flatten=False)

    T_PFeval = uproot.open(file)['wcpselection/T_PFeval']
    df_PFeval = T_PFeval.pandas.df(pfeval_vars, flatten=False)

    T_eval = uproot.open(file)['wcpselection/T_eval']
    df_eval = T_eval.pandas.df(eval_vars, flatten=False)

    # --- merge dataframes
    df = pd.concat([df_KINE, df_PFeval, df_BDT, df_eval, df_pot], axis=1)

    # --- calculate POT
    POT = sum(df_pot.pot_tor875)

    # --- fix weight variables, make sure they are valid numbers
    df.loc[df['weight_cv'] <= 0, 'weight_cv'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_cv'] > 30, 'weight_cv'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_cv'] == np.nan, 'weight_cv'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_cv'] == np.inf, 'weight_cv'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_cv'].isna(), 'weight_cv'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_spline'] <= 0, 'weight_spline'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_spline'] > 30, 'weight_spline'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_spline'] == np.nan, 'weight_spline'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_spline'] == np.inf, 'weight_spline'] = 1
    df.loc[df['weight_spline'].isna(), 'weight_spline'] = 1

    # --- calculate weight
    if (family == 'NUE'): W_ = 1
    elif (family == 'MC'): W_ = 1

    df.loc[:, 'weight_genie'] = df['weight_cv'] * df[
        'weight_spline']  # calculate GENIE weight
    df.loc[:, 'weight'] = [
    ] * df.shape[0] * df['weight_genie']  # should I POT normalise it?

    # --- create variable to track file of origin
    if (family == 'NUE'): df.loc[:, 'original_file'] = 0
    elif (family == 'MC'): df.loc[:, 'original_file'] = 1

    # --- delete dataframes to save memory space
    del df_pot
    del df_KINE
    del df_BDT
    del df_PFeval
    del df_eval

    return df, POT
Exemple #7
    def test_vector_of_numbers(self):
        branch = uproot3.open("tests/samples/small-evnt-tree-fullsplit.root")["tree"]["StlVecU32"]
        a = branch.array()
        for i in range(100):
            assert a[i].tolist() == [i] * (i % 10)

        branch = uproot3.open("tests/samples/small-evnt-tree-fullsplit.root")["tree"]["StlVecF64"]
        a = branch.array()
        for i in range(100):
            assert a[i].tolist() == [i] * (i % 10)
 def test_compression_content2(self):
     array = uproot3.open("tests/samples/HZZ-uncompressed.root"
     assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/HZZ-zlib.root")["events"].array(
         "Electron_Px").tolist() == array
     assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/HZZ-lzma.root")["events"].array(
         "Electron_Px").tolist() == array
     assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/HZZ-lz4.root")["events"].array(
         "Electron_Px").tolist() == array
     assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/HZZ-zstd.root")["events"].array(
         "Electron_Px").tolist() == array
def prepareTrees(year):
    d_sig = {}
    d_sig_failed = {}
    for signal in signals_original:
        # if opt.AC_HYP: fname = eos_path_sig + 'AC%i_MELA' %year
        # else: fname = eos_path_sig + '%i_MELA' %year
        fname = eos_path_sig + '%i_MELA' %year
        if not opt.NNLOPS: fname += '/'+signal+'/'+signal+'_reducedTree_MC_'+str(year)+'.root'
        else: fname += '/'+signal+'_NNLOPS/'+signal+'_NNLOPS_reducedTree_MC_'+str(year)+'.root'
        d_sig[signal] = uproot.open(fname)[key]
        d_sig_failed[signal] = uproot.open(fname)[key_failed]

    return d_sig, d_sig_failed
 def test_compression_content1(self):
     for name, array in uproot3.open(
                 ["Type", "Event", "E1", "px1", "Q1", "M"]).items():
         array = array.tolist()
         assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/Zmumu-zlib.root"
                             )["events"].array(name).tolist() == array
         assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/Zmumu-lzma.root"
                             )["events"].array(name).tolist() == array
         assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/Zmumu-lz4.root"
                             )["events"].array(name).tolist() == array
         assert uproot3.open("tests/samples/Zmumu-zstd.root"
                             )["events"].array(name).tolist() == array
Exemple #11
    def test_issue38(self):
        before_hadd = uproot3.open(
        after_hadd = uproot3.open(

        before = before_hadd.arrays()
        after = after_hadd.arrays()

        assert set(before.keys())
        assert set(after.keys())

        for key in before.keys():
            assert before[key].tolist() * 3 == after[key].tolist()
Exemple #12
    def test_issue21(self):
        t = uproot3.open("tests/samples/issue21.root")["nllscan"]

        ### Explicit recover removed
        # assert t.array("mH").tolist() == []
        # t.recover()

        assert t["mH"].numbaskets == 1
        assert t["mH"].basket_entrystart(0) == 0
        assert t["mH"].basket_entrystop(0) == 61
        assert t["mH"].basket_numentries(0) == 61
        assert t.array("mH").tolist() == [
            124.0, 124.09089660644531, 124.18180084228516, 124.27269744873047,
            124.36360168457031, 124.45449829101562, 124.54550170898438,
            124.63639831542969, 124.72730255126953, 124.81819915771484,
            124.87000274658203, 124.87550354003906, 124.88089752197266,
            124.88639831542969, 124.89179992675781, 124.89730072021484,
            124.90270233154297, 124.908203125, 124.90910339355469,
            124.9135971069336, 124.91909790039062, 124.92449951171875,
            124.93000030517578, 124.98739624023438, 124.9906997680664,
            124.99349975585938, 124.99590301513672, 124.9977035522461,
            124.9990005493164, 124.99970245361328, 125.0, 125.00029754638672,
            125.0009994506836, 125.0022964477539, 125.00409698486328,
            125.00650024414062, 125.0093002319336, 125.01260375976562,
            125.06999969482422, 125.07550048828125, 125.08090209960938,
            125.0864028930664, 125.09089660644531, 125.091796875,
            125.09729766845703, 125.10269927978516, 125.10820007324219,
            125.11360168457031, 125.11910247802734, 125.12449645996094,
            125.12999725341797, 125.18180084228516, 125.27269744873047,
            125.36360168457031, 125.45449829101562, 125.54550170898438,
            125.63639831542969, 125.72730255126953, 125.81819915771484,
            125.90910339355469, 126.0
Exemple #13
 def get_df(Class,
     tree = uproot.open(file)[treepath]
     if debug:
         ddd = tree.pandas.df(branches=branches,
         ddd = tree.pandas.df(branches=branches,
     ddd["Class"] = Class
     if type(xsecwt) == type(('xsec', 2)):
         ddd["xsecwt"] = ddd[xsecwt[0]] * xsecwt[1]
     elif type(xsecwt) == type("hello"):
         ddd["xsecwt"] = ddd[xsecwt]
     elif type(xsecwt) == type(0.1):
         ddd["xsecwt"] = xsecwt
     elif type(xsecwt) == type(1):
         ddd["xsecwt"] = xsecwt
             "CAUTION: xsecwt should be a branch name or a number or a tuple... Assigning the weight as 1"
     return ddd
Exemple #14
def inputfile(nanofile):
    tested = False
    forceaaa = False
    pfn = os.popen("edmFileUtil -d %s" % (nanofile)).read()
    pfn = re.sub("\n", "", pfn)
    print((nanofile, " -> ", pfn))
    if (os.getenv("GLIDECLIENT_Group", "") != "overflow"
            and os.getenv("GLIDECLIENT_Group", "") != "overflow_conservative"
            and not forceaaa):
        if not tested:
            print("Testing file open")
            testfile = uproot.open(pfn)
            if testfile:
                print("Test OK")
                nanofile = pfn
                if "root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch/" not in nanofile:
                    nanofile = "root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch/" + nanofile
                forceaaa = True
            nanofile = pfn
        if "root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch/" not in nanofile:
            nanofile = "root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch/" + nanofile
    return nanofile
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, example_file):

        # Define jet constants
        self.delta_r = .4
        self.delphes = uproot.open(example_file)['Delphes']
        self.min_eta = -3
        self.max_eta = 3
        self.min_pt = {'q': 30., 'h': 200., 't': 200., 'W': 200}
        self.settings = {
            't': {
                'id': 0,
                'pid': [6],
                'cut_m': [105., 210.]
            'V': {
                'id': 1,
                'pid': [23, 24],
                'cut_m': [65., 105.]
            'H': {
                'id': 2,
                'pid': [25],
                'cut_m': [105., 140.]
Exemple #16
    def test_strings_array(self):
        branch = uproot3.open("tests/samples/sample-6.10.05-uncompressed.root")["sample"]["str"]
        expectation = [b"hey-0", b"hey-1", b"hey-2", b"hey-3", b"hey-4", b"hey-5", b"hey-6", b"hey-7", b"hey-8", b"hey-9", b"hey-10", b"hey-11", b"hey-12", b"hey-13", b"hey-14", b"hey-15", b"hey-16", b"hey-17", b"hey-18", b"hey-19", b"hey-20", b"hey-21", b"hey-22", b"hey-23", b"hey-24", b"hey-25", b"hey-26", b"hey-27", b"hey-28", b"hey-29"]

        cache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(cache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(cache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            cache = {}

        basketcache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(basketcache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(basketcache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            basketcache = {}

        keycache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(keycache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(keycache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            keycache = {}
Exemple #17
    def test_flat_array(self):
        branch = uproot3.open("tests/samples/sample-6.10.05-uncompressed.root")["sample"]["i8"]
        expectation = [-15, -14, -13, -12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

        cache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(cache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(cache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            cache = {}

        basketcache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(basketcache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(basketcache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            basketcache = {}

        keycache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(keycache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(keycache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            keycache = {}
Exemple #18
def tree_to_pandas(file_name,
                   **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
        file_name : str
            Path to root file
        tree_name : str
            Name of TTree
        columns: sequence of str
            Names of branches or aliases to be read. Can also use wildcards like ["*"]
            for all branches or ["*fluc*"] for all branches containing the string "fluc".
        exclude_columns: str
            Regular expression of columns to be ignored, e.g. ".*Id".

            Data frame with specified columns
    with uproot3.open(file_name) as file:
        data = file[tree_name].pandas.df(columns, **kwargs)
    if exclude_columns != "":
        data = data.filter([
            col for col in data.columns
            if not re.compile(exclude_columns).match(col)
    return data
    def writeOutPrediction(self, predicted, features, truth, weights,
                           outfilename, inputfile):
        # predicted will be a list
        spectator_branches = ['jet_pt', 'jet_eta']
        from root_numpy import array2root
        if inputfile[-5:] == 'djctd':
                "storing normed pt and eta... run on root files if you want something else for now"
            spectators = features[0][:, 0:2].transpose()
            import uproot3 as uproot
            urfile = uproot.open(inputfile)["deepntuplizer/tree"]
            spectator_arrays = urfile.arrays(spectator_branches)
            spectators = [
                spectator_arrays[a.encode()] for a in spectator_branches

        out = np.core.records.fromarrays(
                (predicted[0].transpose(), truth[0].transpose(), spectators)),
            'prob_isB, prob_isBB, prob_isC,prob_isUDSG,isB, isBB, isC,isUDSG,jet_pt, jet_eta'
        array2root(out, outfilename, 'tree')
Exemple #20
def get_geometry_df(fname):
    Get pixel geometry from inputs made in `geometry/`
    import uproot3
    import numpy as np
    f = uproot3.open(fname)
    t = f["idToGeo"]
    df = t.pandas.df(branches=["shape", "translation", "matrix"],
    df["translation_x"] = df["translation"].str[0]
    df["translation_y"] = df["translation"].str[1]
    df["translation_z"] = df["translation"].str[2]
    df["translation_rho"] = np.hypot(df["translation_x"], df["translation_y"])
    df = df[df["shape"].apply(lambda x: x[0]) == 2.]
    df["endcap"] = df.eval("abs(translation_z)>25")
    # layer 1-4 for barrel, 5,7,8 for z disks
    layers = []
    for rho, z in df[["translation_rho", "translation_z"]].values:
        ilayer = -1
        if abs(z) < 25:
            if 0 < rho < 5: ilayer = 1
            if 5 < rho < 9: ilayer = 2
            if 9 < rho < 14: ilayer = 3
            if 14 < rho < 25: ilayer = 4
            if 25 < abs(z) < 35: ilayer = 5
            if 35 < abs(z) < 45: ilayer = 6
            if 45 < abs(z) < 70: ilayer = 7
    df["layer"] = np.array(layers)
    df = df.query("translation_rho<18")  # 4 pixel layers
    return df
Exemple #21
def get_config(sdir):

    config = {}
    folders = [f for f in listdir(sdir) if not isfile(join(sdir, f))]

    for folder_name in folders:

        print('Processing %s folder' % folder_name)

        current_path = join(sdir, folder_name)
        config[current_path] = {}
        config[current_path]['files'] = {}
        total_events_in_file = 0

        files = [f for f in listdir(current_path) if f[-5:] == '.root']

        for file_name in files:
                file_path = join(current_path, file_name)
                rfile = uproot.open(file_path)
                events = len(rfile['Delphes']['Event'].array())
                config[current_path]['files'][file_path] = events
                total_events_in_file = total_events_in_file + events
            except ValueError:
            except KeyError:
            except OSError:
        config[current_path]['events'] = total_events_in_file
    return config
Exemple #22
def test_export1d():
    with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
        import uproot3
    import os
    from coffea.hist.export import export1d

    counts, test_eta, test_pt = dummy_jagged_eta_pt()
    h_regular_bins = hist.Hist("regular_joe", hist.Bin("x", "x", 20, 0, 200))

    hout = export1d(h_regular_bins)

    filename = 'test_export1d.root'

    with uproot3.create(filename) as fout:
        fout['regular_joe'] = hout

    with uproot3.open(filename) as fin:
        hin = fin['regular_joe']

    assert (np.all(hin.edges == hout.edges))
    assert (np.all(hin.values == hout.values))

    del hin
    del fin

    if os.path.exists(filename):
Exemple #23
def test_selection_jagged_index(config_jagged_index, filename):
    selection = filters.build_selection("test_selection_jagged", config_jagged_index)
    infile = uproot3.open(filename)["events"]
    mask = selection(infile, is_mc=False)
    # Compare to: events->Draw("", "Muon_Px[1] > 0.300")
    assert len(mask) == len(infile)
    assert np.count_nonzero(mask) == 144
Exemple #24
 def test_issue371(self):
     t = uproot3.open("tests/samples/issue371.root")["Event"]
     obj = t["DRIFT_0."].array()[0]
     assert obj._samplerName == b'DRIFT_0'
     assert obj._n == 1
     assert obj._energy[0] == numpy.array([2.3371024],
Exemple #25
 def test_issue243_new(self):
     t = uproot3.open("tests/samples/issue243-new.root")["triggerList"]
     first = t["triggerMap.first"].array()
     second = t["triggerMap.second"].array()
     for i in range(t.numentries):
         x = dict(zip(first[i], second[i]))
         assert all(y == 1.0 for y in x.values())
Exemple #26
def test_selection_1(config_1, filename):
    selection = filters.build_selection("test_selection_1", config_1)
    infile = uproot3.open(filename)["events"]
    mask = selection(infile, is_mc=False)
    assert np.count_nonzero(mask) == 289

    columns = selection.columns
    values = selection.values
    index = selection.index_values
    assert len(values) == 1
    assert len(index) == 1
    assert index[0][0] == "0"
    assert index[0][1] == 0
    assert index[0][2] == "NMuon > 1"
    assert values[0][columns[0].index("passed_incl")] == 289
    assert values[0][columns[0].index("passed_only_cut")] == 289
    assert values[0][columns[0].index("totals_incl")] == 4580

    df = selection.to_dataframe()
    assert len(df) == 1
    assert all(df.index.get_level_values("depth") == [0])
    assert all(df.index.get_level_values("cut") == ["NMuon > 1"])
    row = ("0", 0, "NMuon > 1")
    assert df.loc[row, ("passed_incl", "unweighted")] == 289
    assert df.loc[row, ("passed_only_cut", "unweighted")] == 289
    assert df.loc[row, ("totals_incl", "unweighted")] == 4580
Exemple #27
 def test_issue124_and_followup_issue419_with_pr420(self):
     f = uproot3.open("tests/samples/issue124.root")
     branch = f[b'KM3NET_TIMESLICE;1'][b'KM3NET_TIMESLICE']
     assert branch.interpretation is None
     assert 0 == branch.compressedbytes()
     assert 0 == branch.uncompressedbytes()
     assert 0 == branch.numbaskets
Exemple #28
    def test_regular_array(self):
        branch = uproot3.open("tests/samples/sample-6.10.05-uncompressed.root")["sample"]["ai8"]
        expectation = [[-14, -13, -12], [-13, -12, -11], [-12, -11, -10], [-11, -10, -9], [-10, -9, -8], [-9, -8, -7], [-8, -7, -6], [-7, -6, -5], [-6, -5, -4], [-5, -4, -3], [-4, -3, -2], [-3, -2, -1], [-2, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9], [8, 9, 10], [9, 10, 11], [10, 11, 12], [11, 12, 13], [12, 13, 14], [13, 14, 15], [14, 15, 16], [15, 16, 17]]

        cache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(cache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(cache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            cache = {}

        basketcache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(basketcache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(basketcache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            basketcache = {}

        keycache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(keycache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(keycache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            keycache = {}
Exemple #29
    def test_irregular_array(self):
        branch = uproot3.open("tests/samples/sample-6.10.05-uncompressed.root")["sample"]["Ai8"]
        expectation = [[], [-15], [-15, -13], [-15, -13, -11], [-15, -13, -11, -9], [], [-10], [-10, -8], [-10, -8, -6], [-10, -8, -6, -4], [], [-5], [-5, -3], [-5, -3, -1], [-5, -3, -1, 1], [], [0], [0, 2], [0, 2, 4], [0, 2, 4, 6], [], [5], [5, 7], [5, 7, 9], [5, 7, 9, 11], [], [10], [10, 12], [10, 12, 14], [10, 12, 14, 16]]
        assert [len(x) for x in expectation] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 6

        cache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(cache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(cache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, cache=cache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            cache = {}

        basketcache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(basketcache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(basketcache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, basketcache=basketcache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            basketcache = {}

        keycache = {}
        for entrystart, entrystop in [(None, None), (1, None), (1, 2), (1, 10), (10, 11), (10, 20), (6, 12), (6, 13)]:
            assert len(keycache) == 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            assert len(keycache) > 0
            assert branch.array(entrystart=entrystart, entrystop=entrystop, keycache=keycache).tolist() == expectation[entrystart:entrystop]
            keycache = {}
Exemple #30
 def convertFromSourceFile(self, filename, weighterobjects, istraining, treename="Events"):
     fileTimeOut(filename, 10)#10 seconds for eos to recover 
     tree = uproot.open(filename)[treename]
     rechitcoll = RecHitCollection(use_true_muon_momentum=self.include_tracks,
     #in a similar manner, we can also add tracks from conversions etc here
     if self.include_tracks:
         trackcoll = TrackCollection(tree=tree)
     # adds t_is_unique
     # converts to DeepJetCore.SimpleArray
     farr = rechitcoll.getFinalFeaturesSA()
     t = rechitcoll.getFinalTruthDictSA()
     return [farr, 
             t['t_idx'], t['t_energy'], t['t_pos'], t['t_time'], 
             t['t_pid'], t['t_spectator'], t['t_fully_contained'],
             t['t_rec_energy'], t['t_is_unique'] ],[], []