def supply_demand(cfg, hh_demand, alternatives, price_col, reg_col=None, units_col=None, iterations=1):
    lcm = yaml_to_class(cfg).from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfg)
    demand_frame = hh_demand.to_frame()
    alts_frame = alternatives.to_frame(columns=[units_col, price_col])
    alts_seg = alts_frame.index.values
    new_price, zone_ratios = supplydemand.supply_and_demand(lcm, demand_frame, alts_frame, alts_seg,
                                                            price_col, iterations=iterations, reg_col=reg_col, clip_change_low=1,
    alternatives.update_col_from_series(price_col, new_price)
    #update building prices from zones
    buildings = orca.merge_tables('buildings', tables=['buildings','parcels'], columns=['unit_price_residential',
    new_price_name = {'avg_unit_price_zone' : 'unit_price_residential',
                      'avg_nonres_unit_price_zone': 'unit_price_non_residential'}

    new_price = new_price.fillna(0)

    new_price_df = pd.DataFrame(new_price)

    merged = pd.merge(buildings, new_price_df, left_on='zone_id', right_index=True)
    orca.get_table('buildings').update_col_from_series(new_price_name[price_col], merged[price_col])
Exemple #2
def lcm_simulate(cfg, choosers, buildings, join_tbls, out_fname,
                 supply_fname, vacant_fname,
    Simulate the location choices for the specified choosers

    cfg : string
        The name of the yaml config file from which to read the location
        choice model
    choosers : DataFrameWrapper
        A dataframe of agents doing the choosing
    buildings : DataFrameWrapper
        A dataframe of buildings which the choosers are locating in and which
        have a supply
    join_tbls : list of strings
        A list of land use dataframes to give neighborhood info around the
        buildings - will be joined to the buildings using existing broadcasts.
    out_fname : string
        The column name to write the simulated location to
    supply_fname : string
        The string in the buildings table that indicates the amount of
        available units there are for choosers, vacant or not
    vacant_fname : string
        The string in the buildings table that indicates the amount of vacant
        units there will be for choosers
    enable_supply_correction : Python dict
        Should contain keys "price_col" and "submarket_col" which are set to
        the column names in buildings which contain the column for prices and
        an identifier which segments buildings into submarkets
    cfg = misc.config(cfg)

    choosers_df = to_frame(choosers, [], cfg, additional_columns=[out_fname])

    additional_columns = [supply_fname, vacant_fname]
    if enable_supply_correction is not None and \
            "submarket_col" in enable_supply_correction:
        additional_columns += [enable_supply_correction["submarket_col"]]
    if enable_supply_correction is not None and \
            "price_col" in enable_supply_correction:
        additional_columns += [enable_supply_correction["price_col"]]
    locations_df = to_frame(buildings, join_tbls, cfg,

    available_units = buildings[supply_fname]
    vacant_units = buildings[vacant_fname]

    print "There are %d total available units" % available_units.sum()
    print "    and %d total choosers" % len(choosers)
    print "    but there are %d overfull buildings" % \
          len(vacant_units[vacant_units < 0])

    vacant_units = vacant_units[vacant_units > 0]

    # sometimes there are vacant units for buildings that are not in the
    # locations_df, which happens for reasons explained in the warning below
    indexes = np.repeat(vacant_units.index.values,
    isin = pd.Series(indexes).isin(locations_df.index)
    missing = len(isin[isin == False])
    indexes = indexes[isin.values]
    units = locations_df.loc[indexes].reset_index()

    print "    for a total of %d temporarily empty units" % vacant_units.sum()
    print "    in %d buildings total in the region" % len(vacant_units)

    if missing > 0:
        print "WARNING: %d indexes aren't found in the locations df -" % \
        print "    this is usually because of a few records that don't join "
        print "    correctly between the locations df and the aggregations tables"

    movers = choosers_df[choosers_df[out_fname] == -1]
    print "There are %d total movers for this LCM" % len(movers)

    if enable_supply_correction is not None:
        assert isinstance(enable_supply_correction, dict)
        assert "price_col" in enable_supply_correction
        price_col = enable_supply_correction["price_col"]
        assert "submarket_col" in enable_supply_correction
        submarket_col = enable_supply_correction["submarket_col"]

        lcm = yaml_to_class(cfg).from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfg)

        if enable_supply_correction.get("warm_start", False) is True:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        multiplier_func = enable_supply_correction.get("multiplier_func", None)
        if multiplier_func is not None:
            multiplier_func = orca.get_injectable(multiplier_func)

        kwargs = enable_supply_correction.get('kwargs', {})
        new_prices, submarkets_ratios = supply_and_demand(

        # we will only get back new prices for those alternatives
        # that pass the filter - might need to specify the table in
        # order to get the complete index of possible submarkets
        submarket_table = enable_supply_correction.get("submarket_table", None)
        if submarket_table is not None:
            submarkets_ratios = submarkets_ratios.reindex(
            # write final shifters to the submarket_table for use in debugging
            orca.get_table(submarket_table)["price_shifters"] = submarkets_ratios

        print "Running supply and demand"
        print "Simulated Prices"
        print buildings[price_col].describe()
        print "Submarket Price Shifters"
        print submarkets_ratios.describe()
        # we want new prices on the buildings, not on the units, so apply
        # shifters directly to buildings and ignore unit prices
                        price_col+"_hedonic", buildings[price_col])
        new_prices = buildings[price_col] * \
        buildings.update_col_from_series(price_col, new_prices)
        print "Adjusted Prices"
        print buildings[price_col].describe()

    if len(movers) > vacant_units.sum():
        print "WARNING: Not enough locations for movers"
        print "    reducing locations to size of movers for performance gain"
        movers = movers.head(vacant_units.sum())

    new_units, _ = yaml_to_class(cfg).predict_from_cfg(movers, units, cfg)

    # new_units returns nans when there aren't enough units,
    # get rid of them and they'll stay as -1s
    new_units = new_units.dropna()

    # go from units back to buildings
    new_buildings = pd.Series(units.loc[new_units.values][out_fname].values,

    choosers.update_col_from_series(out_fname, new_buildings)
    _print_number_unplaced(choosers, out_fname)

    if enable_supply_correction is not None:
        new_prices = buildings[price_col]
        if "clip_final_price_low" in enable_supply_correction:
            new_prices = new_prices.clip(lower=enable_supply_correction[
        if "clip_final_price_high" in enable_supply_correction:
            new_prices = new_prices.clip(upper=enable_supply_correction[
        buildings.update_col_from_series(price_col, new_prices)

    vacant_units = buildings[vacant_fname]
    print "    and there are now %d empty units" % vacant_units.sum()
    print "    and %d overfull buildings" % len(vacant_units[vacant_units < 0])
Exemple #3
def lcm_simulate(cfg,
    Simulate the location choices for the specified choosers

    cfg : string
        The name of the yaml config file from which to read the location
        choice model
    choosers : DataFrameWrapper
        A dataframe of agents doing the choosing
    buildings : DataFrameWrapper
        A dataframe of buildings which the choosers are locating in and which
        have a supply
    join_tbls : list of strings
        A list of land use dataframes to give neighborhood info around the
        buildings - will be joined to the buildings using existing broadcasts.
    out_fname : string
        The column name to write the simulated location to
    supply_fname : string
        The string in the buildings table that indicates the amount of
        available units there are for choosers, vacant or not
    vacant_fname : string
        The string in the buildings table that indicates the amount of vacant
        units there will be for choosers
    enable_supply_correction : Python dict
        Should contain keys "price_col" and "submarket_col" which are set to
        the column names in buildings which contain the column for prices and
        an identifier which segments buildings into submarkets
    cfg = misc.config(cfg)

    choosers_df = to_frame(choosers, [], cfg, additional_columns=[out_fname])

    additional_columns = [supply_fname, vacant_fname]
    if enable_supply_correction is not None and \
            "submarket_col" in enable_supply_correction:
        additional_columns += [enable_supply_correction["submarket_col"]]
    if enable_supply_correction is not None and \
            "price_col" in enable_supply_correction:
        additional_columns += [enable_supply_correction["price_col"]]
    locations_df = to_frame(buildings,

    available_units = buildings[supply_fname]
    vacant_units = buildings[vacant_fname]

    print "There are %d total available units" % available_units.sum()
    print "    and %d total choosers" % len(choosers)
    print "    but there are %d overfull buildings" % \
          len(vacant_units[vacant_units < 0])

    vacant_units = vacant_units[vacant_units > 0]

    # sometimes there are vacant units for buildings that are not in the
    # locations_df, which happens for reasons explained in the warning below
    indexes = np.repeat(vacant_units.index.values,
    isin = pd.Series(indexes).isin(locations_df.index)
    missing = len(isin[isin == False])
    indexes = indexes[isin.values]
    units = locations_df.loc[indexes].reset_index()

    print "    for a total of %d temporarily empty units" % vacant_units.sum()
    print "    in %d buildings total in the region" % len(vacant_units)

    if missing > 0:
        print "WARNING: %d indexes aren't found in the locations df -" % \
        print "    this is usually because of a few records that don't join "
        print "    correctly between the locations df and the aggregations tables"

    movers = choosers_df[choosers_df[out_fname] == -1]
    print "There are %d total movers for this LCM" % len(movers)

    if enable_supply_correction is not None:
        assert isinstance(enable_supply_correction, dict)
        assert "price_col" in enable_supply_correction
        price_col = enable_supply_correction["price_col"]
        assert "submarket_col" in enable_supply_correction
        submarket_col = enable_supply_correction["submarket_col"]

        lcm = yaml_to_class(cfg).from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfg)

        if enable_supply_correction.get("warm_start", False) is True:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        multiplier_func = enable_supply_correction.get("multiplier_func", None)
        if multiplier_func is not None:
            multiplier_func = orca.get_injectable(multiplier_func)

        kwargs = enable_supply_correction.get('kwargs', {})
        new_prices, submarkets_ratios = supply_and_demand(

        # we will only get back new prices for those alternatives
        # that pass the filter - might need to specify the table in
        # order to get the complete index of possible submarkets
        submarket_table = enable_supply_correction.get("submarket_table", None)
        if submarket_table is not None:
            submarkets_ratios = submarkets_ratios.reindex(
            # write final shifters to the submarket_table for use in debugging
                submarket_table)["price_shifters"] = submarkets_ratios

        print "Running supply and demand"
        print "Simulated Prices"
        print buildings[price_col].describe()
        print "Submarket Price Shifters"
        print submarkets_ratios.describe()
        # we want new prices on the buildings, not on the units, so apply
        # shifters directly to buildings and ignore unit prices
        orca.add_column(, price_col + "_hedonic",
        new_prices = buildings[price_col] * \
        buildings.update_col_from_series(price_col, new_prices)
        print "Adjusted Prices"
        print buildings[price_col].describe()

    if len(movers) > vacant_units.sum():
        print "WARNING: Not enough locations for movers"
        print "    reducing locations to size of movers for performance gain"
        movers = movers.head(vacant_units.sum())

    new_units, _ = yaml_to_class(cfg).predict_from_cfg(movers, units, cfg)

    # new_units returns nans when there aren't enough units,
    # get rid of them and they'll stay as -1s
    new_units = new_units.dropna()

    # go from units back to buildings
    new_buildings = pd.Series(units.loc[new_units.values][out_fname].values,

    choosers.update_col_from_series(out_fname, new_buildings)
    _print_number_unplaced(choosers, out_fname)

    if enable_supply_correction is not None:
        new_prices = buildings[price_col]
        if "clip_final_price_low" in enable_supply_correction:
            new_prices = new_prices.clip(
        if "clip_final_price_high" in enable_supply_correction:
            new_prices = new_prices.clip(
        buildings.update_col_from_series(price_col, new_prices)

    vacant_units = buildings[vacant_fname]
    print "    and there are now %d empty units" % vacant_units.sum()
    print "    and %d overfull buildings" % len(vacant_units[vacant_units < 0])