Exemple #1
def check(target):
    url = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0], target[1])
        r = requests.get(url, verify=False)
        head_check = str(r.headers['microsoftsharepointteamservices'])
        return head_check
        print (red + "[!] " + endc + "No SharePoint found at the given URL.  Check your URL and port specification.")
        return None
Exemple #2
def check(target):
    url = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0], target[1])
        r = requests.get(url, verify=False)
        head_check = str(r.headers['microsoftsharepointteamservices'])
        return head_check
            red + "[!] " + endc +
            "No SharePoint found at the given URL.  Check your URL and port specification."
        return None
Exemple #3
def changetarget(full):
    # If the full flag is True, just erase the existing Target[] for simplicity
    if full:
        target[0] = None
        target[1] = None

    # Do the changes
    while True:

        tarout = ["", ""]
        t = raw_input(cyan + "[?] Please enter a target URL now: " + endc)
        tarout[0] = t
        target[0] = t  # Put on global var...cause I gotta

        # First run: No port set, and full = False
        if full is not True and target[1] is None:
            tarout[1] = changeport()

        # Runtime change: Full is true and port has been cleared
        elif full is True and target[1] is None:
            tarout[1] = changeport()  # Call changeport() for runtime change

        # If we were just here to get a url, but the port was specified...
        elif full is not True and target[1] is not None:
            tarout[1] = target[1]

        # If we get here, likely the user failed to specify a valid URL the first time and we're rewriting target[]
            tarout[1] = changeport()

        # Assign that new port to the global variable
        target[1] = tarout[1]

        tarout[0] = url_processor.checkhttp(
            t, tarout[1])  # Process the target string

        if check(tarout) is not None:
            # With the new port, go ahead and correct the target specification for the protocol
            return tarout

            # Loop again, but set full to True, b/c we need to overwrite what was previously specified.
            full = True
Exemple #4
def changeport():
    while True:
            port = raw_input(cyan + "[?] Enter target port (80 or 443): " + endc)
            port = int(port)
            if port == 80 or 443:
            print(yellow + "[!] Bad Port.  Try again." + endc)

    # Check for a standard port number
    var = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0], port)
    if var is not None:
        target[1] = var
    # If a non standard port was identified, call self
        port = changeport()

    return port
Exemple #5
def changetarget(full):
    # If the full flag is True, just erase the existing Target[] for simplicity
    if full:
        target[0] = None
        target[1] = None

    # Do the changes
    while True:

        tarout = ["", ""]
        t = raw_input(cyan + "[?] Please enter a target URL now: " + endc)
        tarout[0] = t
        target[0] = t  # Put on global var...cause I gotta

        # First run: No port set, and full = False
        if full is not True and target[1] is None:
            tarout[1] = changeport()

        # Runtime change: Full is true and port has been cleared
        elif full is True and target[1] is None:
            tarout[1] = changeport()  # Call changeport() for runtime change

        # If we were just here to get a url, but the port was specified...
        elif full is not True and target[1] is not None:
            tarout[1] = target[1]

        # If we get here, likely the user failed to specify a valid URL the first time and we're rewriting target[]
            tarout[1] = changeport()

        # Assign that new port to the global variable
        target[1] = tarout[1]

        tarout[0] = url_processor.checkhttp(t, tarout[1])  # Process the target string

        if check(tarout) is not None:
            # With the new port, go ahead and correct the target specification for the protocol
            return tarout

            # Loop again, but set full to True, b/c we need to overwrite what was previously specified.
            full = True
Exemple #6
def changeport():
    while True:
            port = raw_input(cyan + "[?] Enter target port (80 or 443): " +
            port = int(port)
            if port == 80 or 443:
            print(yellow + "[!] Bad Port.  Try again." + endc)

    # Check for a standard port number
    var = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0], port)
    if var is not None:
        target[1] = var
    # If a non standard port was identified, call self
        port = changeport()

    return port
Exemple #7
    # Handle target specification.  This can come in the following combinations:
    # 1; Port but no target
    # 2; target but no port
    # 3; Neither target nor port
    # 4; Both provided
    # Right now, if the target is blank, then both must be set manually, eliminating (2)

    # A Target was provided
    if args.t is not None:
        # A port was also provided
        if args.p is not None:
            target[0] = args.t  # Assign values
            target[1] = int(args.p)
            target[0] = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0], target[1])  # check URL

        # If the user provided a target but no port
        elif args.p is None:
            print(red + "[!]" + " Target specified on command line, but no port!  Use -p to specify the port!")

    # No Target was provided...
    elif args.t is None:
        # A port was provided, but no target
        if args.p is not None:
            print(red + "[!]" + " Port specified on command line, but no target!  Use -t to specify the target!")

        # Nothing was provided...
        elif args.p is None:
Exemple #8
def enumusers(target, start=None, end=None, creds=None):
    results = []  # Results Container
    failures = []  # Failure Container to retry with Force

    if start is None:  # Assign default Start and End values
        start = 1
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "[!] " + endc + "No start value provided, starting at UID=%d" % start + endc)
    if end is None:
        end = 10
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "[!] " + endc + "No stop value provided, stopping at UID=%d" % end + endc)

    # Ensure proper target specification
    target = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0], target[1])  # Check traget formatting

    # Begin requesting pages
    for i in range(start, end):  # From start to end...

        r = target + "/UserDisp.aspx?ID=" + str(i)  # Compiled request string
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "\r[...] Trying %s" % r + endc)

            if creds is not None:
                page = requests.get(r, HttpNtlmAuthentication=creds)  # Open the page
            if creds is None:
                page = requests.get(r)

            # Check for 2xx HTTP response and false positive indicators
            code_match = re.search("[2**]", str(page.status_code))
            nf_match = re.search("Not Found",
                                 page._content)  # Gotta regex for Not Found to avoid capitalization variations

            if code_match is not None and page._content.__contains__("404") is False and nf_match is None:
                results.append(i)  # Add to results if successful
                failures.append(i)  # Add to Failures to retry with Force
        except:  # Handle things that go badly...
            sys.stdout.write(red + "\n[X] " + endc + "Unexpected Error in enumusers()\n" + endc)

            yellow + "\n[!] " + endc + "Re-attempting failed IDs with the Force parameter set to True..." + endc)

    # Re-request all users with ?Force = True
    for user in failures:

        r = target + "/UserDisp.aspx?ID=" + str(user) + "?Force=True"  # Request string with True parameter
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "\r[...] Retrying %s" % r + endc)

            if creds is not None:
                page = requests.get(r, HttpNtlmAuthentication=creds)  # Open the page
            if creds is None:
                page = requests.get(r)

            code_match = re.search("[2**]", str(page.status_code))  # Check for success code 2xx
            nf_match = re.search("Not Found",
                                 page._content)  # Gotta regex for Not Found to avoid capitalization variations

            if code_match is not None and page._content.__contains__("404") is False and nf_match is None:
                results.append(user)  # Add to results if successful, remove from Failures
        except:  # Handle things that go badly...
            sys.stdout.write(red + "\n[X] " + endc + "Unexpected Error in enumusers(), failures loop" + endc)


    logging.info("UserID Brute Force Completed.")

    return results  # Return array of successful IDs
Exemple #9
    # Handle target specification.  This can come in the following combinations:
    # 1; Port but no target
    # 2; target but no port
    # 3; Neither target nor port
    # 4; Both provided
    # Right now, if the target is blank, then both must be set manually, eliminating (2)

    # A Target was provided
    if args.t is not None:
        # A port was also provided
        if args.p is not None:
            target[0] = args.t  # Assign values
            target[1] = int(args.p)
            target[0] = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0],
                                                target[1])  # check URL

        # If the user provided a target but no port
        elif args.p is None:
                red + "[!]" +
                " Target specified on command line, but no port!  Use -p to specify the port!"

    # No Target was provided...
    elif args.t is None:
        # A port was provided, but no target
        if args.p is not None:
                red + "[!]" +
Exemple #10
def enumusers(target, start=None, end=None, creds=None):
    results = []  # Results Container
    failures = []  # Failure Container to retry with Force

    if start is None:  # Assign default Start and End values
        start = 1
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "[!] " + endc +
                         "No start value provided, starting at UID=%d" %
                         start + endc)
    if end is None:
        end = 10
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "[!] " + endc +
                         "No stop value provided, stopping at UID=%d" % end +

    # Ensure proper target specification
    target = url_processor.checkhttp(target[0],
                                     target[1])  # Check traget formatting

    # Begin requesting pages
    for i in range(start, end):  # From start to end...

        r = target + "/UserDisp.aspx?ID=" + str(i)  # Compiled request string
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "\r[...] Trying %s" % r + endc)

            if creds is not None:
                page = requests.get(
                    r, HttpNtlmAuthentication=creds)  # Open the page
            if creds is None:
                page = requests.get(r)

            # Check for 2xx HTTP response and false positive indicators
            code_match = re.search("[2**]", str(page.status_code))
            nf_match = re.search(
                "Not Found", page._content
            )  # Gotta regex for Not Found to avoid capitalization variations

            if code_match is not None and page._content.__contains__(
                    "404") is False and nf_match is None:
                results.append(i)  # Add to results if successful
                failures.append(i)  # Add to Failures to retry with Force
        except:  # Handle things that go badly...
            sys.stdout.write(red + "\n[X] " + endc +
                             "Unexpected Error in enumusers()\n" + endc)

        yellow + "\n[!] " + endc +
        "Re-attempting failed IDs with the Force parameter set to True..." +

    # Re-request all users with ?Force = True
    for user in failures:

        r = target + "/UserDisp.aspx?ID=" + str(
            user) + "?Force=True"  # Request string with True parameter
        sys.stdout.write(yellow + "\r[...] Retrying %s" % r + endc)

            if creds is not None:
                page = requests.get(
                    r, HttpNtlmAuthentication=creds)  # Open the page
            if creds is None:
                page = requests.get(r)

            code_match = re.search("[2**]", str(
                page.status_code))  # Check for success code 2xx
            nf_match = re.search(
                "Not Found", page._content
            )  # Gotta regex for Not Found to avoid capitalization variations

            if code_match is not None and page._content.__contains__(
                    "404") is False and nf_match is None:
                    user)  # Add to results if successful, remove from Failures
        except:  # Handle things that go badly...
            sys.stdout.write(red + "\n[X] " + endc +
                             "Unexpected Error in enumusers(), failures loop" +


    logging.info("UserID Brute Force Completed.")

    return results  # Return array of successful IDs