def test_iri_to_uri_is_sane_for_complex_url(self):
     # test without the added complexity of unicode characters just
     # to sanity check that a complex URL is not mangled
     unicode_string = (u"http://*****:*****"
     encoded_string = url_util.iri_to_uri(unicode_string)
     self.assertIsInstance(encoded_string, str)
     self.assertEqual(unicode_string, encoded_string)
    def test_iri_to_uri_encodes_to_utf8(self):
        original_unicode = u"/\u00fe/\u00f4?\u00ef=\u2021"

        # verify correct encoding
        encoded_string = url_util.iri_to_uri(original_unicode)
        self.assertIsInstance(encoded_string, str)
        self.assertEqual("/%C3%BE/%C3%B4?%C3%AF=%E2%80%A1", encoded_string)

        # verify that we can roundtrip back to the original unicode
        decoded_string = urllib.unquote(encoded_string).decode("utf-8")
        self.assertIsInstance(decoded_string, unicode)
        self.assertEqual(original_unicode, decoded_string)
    def redirect(self, uri, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override to handle locations with non-ASCII unicode characters.

        A URI containing non-ASCII characters is known as an IRI, or
        Internationalized Resource Identifier. This override conveniently
        converts IRIs to URIs for use in the HTTP Location header.

        webapp2.RequestHandler has redirect() and redirect_to(). Since
        redirect_to() calls redirect(), this override handles both cases.
        uri = url_util.iri_to_uri(uri)
        super(RequestHandler, self).redirect(uri, *args, **kwargs)
 def test_iri_to_uri_is_idempotent(self):
     unicode_string = u"/\u00fe/\u00f4?\u00ef=\u2021"