def _write_image_xml(self): xml = "<image>\n" name_attributes = "" if self.appliance_version: name_attributes += " version='%s'" % self.appliance_version if self.appliance_release: name_attributes += " release='%s'" % self.appliance_release xml += " <name%s>%s</name>\n" % (name_attributes, xml += " <domain>\n" # XXX don't hardcode - determine based on the kernel we installed for grub # baremetal vs xen xml += " <boot type='hvm'>\n" xml += " <guest>\n" xml += " <arch>%s</arch>\n" % os.uname()[4] xml += " </guest>\n" xml += " <os>\n" xml += " <loader dev='hd'/>\n" xml += " </os>\n" i = 0 for name in self.__disks.keys(): xml += " <drive disk='%s-%s.%s' target='hd%s'/>\n" % (, name, self.__disk_format, chr(ord('a') + i)) i = i + 1 xml += " </boot>\n" xml += " <devices>\n" xml += " <vcpu>%s</vcpu>\n" % self.vcpu xml += " <memory>%d</memory>\n" % (self.vmem * 1024) for network in xml += " <interface/>\n" xml += " <graphics/>\n" xml += " </devices>\n" xml += " </domain>\n" xml += " <storage>\n" if self.checksum is True: for name in self.__disks.keys(): diskpath = "%s/%s-%s.%s" % (self._outdir,, name, self.__disk_format) disk_size = os.path.getsize(diskpath) meter_ct = 0 meter = progress.TextMeter() meter.start(size=disk_size, text="Generating disk signature for %s-%s.%s" % (, name, self.__disk_format)) xml += " <disk file='%s-%s.%s' use='system' format='%s'>\n" % (, name, self.__disk_format, self.__disk_format) try: import hashlib m1 = hashlib.sha1() m2 = hashlib.sha256() except: import sha m1 = m2 = None f = open(diskpath, "r") while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break m1.update(chunk) if m2: m2.update(chunk) meter.update(meter_ct) meter_ct = meter_ct + 65536 sha1checksum = m1.hexdigest() xml += """ <checksum type='sha1'>%s</checksum>\n""" % sha1checksum if m2: sha256checksum = m2.hexdigest() xml += """ <checksum type='sha256'>%s</checksum>\n""" % sha256checksum xml += " </disk>\n" else: for name in self.__disks.keys(): xml += " <disk file='%s-%s.%s' use='system' format='%s'/>\n" % (, name, self.__disk_format, self.__disk_format) xml += " </storage>\n" xml += "</image>\n" logging.debug("writing image XML to %s/%s.xml" % (self._outdir, cfg = open("%s/%s.xml" % (self._outdir,, "w") cfg.write(xml) cfg.close()
remotekojisession = koji.ClientSession(REMOTEKOJIHUB) localkojisession.ssl_login(CLIENTCERT, CLIENTCA, SERVERCA) tag = 'f18-rebuild' ignorelist = "Agda amtu aunit adobe-source-libraries acpid apmd apmud athcool bunny blktap biosdevname cpuid clean cabal-dev cmospwd cmucl compat-gcc-296 darktable dmidecode darcs dyninst dssi-vst efibootmgr edac-utils edb fedora-ksplice frysk florist firmware-addon-dell groonga ghc-aeson ghc-mwc-random gnu-efi ghc-ForSyDe ghc-Agda GtkAda gprbuild grub ghdl grub2 ghc-hakyll ghc-hamlet gnatcoll gpart gprolog ghc-vector ghc-hashtables ghc-parameterized-data ghc-shakespeare ghc-type-level i8kutils ibmasm imvirt infiniband-diags ioport iprutils ipw2100-firmware ipw2200-firmware ksplice latrace libbsr libipathverbs libseccomp librtas lightning lrmi libsmbios matreshka mactel-boot memtest86+ maxima microcode_ctl mkbootdisk mcelog mono-debugger msr-tools numactl numad openscada openni openni-primesense openalchemist pcc perftest pesign php-pecl-xhprof planets pmtools powerpc-utils powerpc-utils-papr ppc64-utils ps3-utils picprog pvs-sbcl perl-threads-tbb qperf rubygem-virt-p2v s3switch semantik sgabios sbcl syslinux seabios spicctrl stripesnoop spice-xpi sugar-tamtam superiotool svgalib sysprof system-config-boot spice tboot tbb unetbootin virt-v2v vrq wraplinux x86info xen xorg-x11-drv-openchrome xorg-x11-drv-neomagic xorg-x11-drv-geode xorg-x11-drv-vmware xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse xorg-x11-drv-intel yaboot zeromq-ada" pkgs = remotekojisession.listPackages(tagID=tag, inherited=True) # reduce the list to those that are not blocked and sort by package name pkgs = sorted([pkg for pkg in pkgs if not pkg['blocked']], key=operator.itemgetter('package_name')) print 'Checking %s packages...' % len(pkgs) pg = progress.TextMeter() for pkg in pkgs: if pkg['package_name'] in ignorelist: logging.debug("Ignored package: %s" % pkg['package_name']) continue if pkg['blocked']: logging.debug("Blocked pkg: %s" % pkg['package_name']) continue pkginfo = remotekojisession.listTagged(tag, inherit=False, package=pkg['package_name']) pkgindex = 0 if len(pkginfo) > pkgindex:"got build %s" % pkginfo[pkgindex]['nvr']) elif len(pkginfo) == 1: