Exemple #1
def parse_authorization_header(header):
    """ Parse requests authorization header into list.
    Raise ValueError if some problem occurs. """
    # digest is marked as part of header and causes problem
    # parsing, so remove its

    if not header.startswith("Digest "):
        raise ValueError("Header do not start with Digest")
    header = header[len("Digest ") :]

    # Convert the auth params to a dict
    items = urllib2.parse_http_list(header)
    params = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(items)

    required = ["username", "realm", "nonce", "uri", "response"]

    for field in required:
        if not params.has_key(field):
            raise ValueError("Required field %s not found" % field)

    # check for qop companions (sect. 3.2.2)
    if params.has_key("qop") and not params.has_key("cnonce") and params.has_key("cn"):
        raise ValueError("qop sent without cnonce and cn")

    return params
Exemple #2
def getYoutubeMovie(url):
		conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
		encoding = conn.headers.getparam('charset')
		content = conn.read().decode(encoding)
		#get available streams
		s = re.findall(r'"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": ?"([^"]+)"', content)
		print s
		if s and len(s):
			s = s[0].split(',')
			values = {}
			for stream in s:
				stream = stream.replace('\\u0026', '&')
				stream = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(stream.split('&'))
				values[stream.get('itag') or "0"] = stream
			itags = values.keys()
			sorted(itags, reverse=True)
			print itags
			link = None
			for itag in itags:
				z = values[itag]
				if itag == '84' or itag == '82' or itag == '38' or itag == '37' or itag == '22' or itag == '18':
						link = urllib.unquote(z['url'] + '&signature=%s' % z['sig'])
						link = urllib.unquote(z['url'])
			return link
	except Exception as e:
		print e
		return None
Exemple #3
def parse_authorization_header(header):
    """ Parse requests authorization header into list.
    Raise ValueError if some problem occurs. """
    # digest is marked as part of header and causes problem
    # parsing, so remove its

    if not header.startswith('Digest '):
        raise ValueError("Header do not start with Digest")
    header = header[len('Digest '):]

    # Convert the auth params to a dict
    items = urllib2.parse_http_list(header)
    params = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(items)

    required = ["username", "realm", "nonce", "uri", "response"]

    for field in required:
        if not params.has_key(field):
            raise ValueError("Required field %s not found" % field)

    # check for qop companions (sect. 3.2.2)
    if params.has_key(
            "qop") and not params.has_key("cnonce") and params.has_key("cn"):
        raise ValueError("qop sent without cnonce and cn")

    return params
Exemple #4
def parse_authorization_header(value):
    """Parse the Authenticate header

    Returns nothing on failure, opts hash on success with type='basic' or 'digest'
    and other params.

        (auth_type, auth_info) = value.split(' ', 1)
        auth_type = auth_type.lower()
    except ValueError as e:
    if (auth_type == 'basic'):
            (username, password) = base64.b64decode(auth_info).split(':', 1)
        except Exception as e:
        return {'type':'basic', 'username': username, 'password': password}
    elif (auth_type == 'digest'):
        auth_map = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(auth_info))
        print auth_map
        for key in 'username', 'realm', 'nonce', 'uri', 'response':
            if not key in auth_map:
            if 'qop' in auth_map:
                if not auth_map.get('nc') or not auth_map.get('cnonce'):
        return auth_map
        # unknown auth type
Exemple #5
def parse_oauth_header(header):
    type, rest = header.split(" ", 1)

    if type != "OAuth":
        raise ValueError("Authorization is not of OAuth type")

    return urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(rest))
def parse_401_response_headers(response_headers):
    Parse the headers from a 401 response into a dictionary that contains the information
    necessary to retrieve a token.
    Www-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://auth.docker.io/token",
    auth_header = response_headers.get("www-authenticate")
    if auth_header is None:
        raise IOError(
            "401 responses are expected to contain authentication information")
    auth_header = auth_header[len("Bearer "):]

    # The remaining string consists of comma separated key=value pairs
    # according to RFC 2617
        items = request.parse_http_list(auth_header)
        return request.parse_keqv_list(items)
    except ValueError as e:
                "401 responses are expected to contain authentication information"
Exemple #7
def youtube_video(url):
        conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        encoding = conn.headers.getparam("charset")
        content = conn.read().decode(encoding)
        s = re.findall(r'"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": ?"([^"]+)"', content)
        if s:
            import HTMLParser

            s = s[0].split(",")
            s = [a.replace("\\u0026", "&") for a in s]
            s = [urllib2.parse_keqv_list(a.split("&")) for a in s]
            n = re.findall(r"<title>(.+) - YouTube</title>", content)
            s, n = (s or [], HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(n[0]))
            for z in s:
                if z["itag"] == "18":
                    if "mp4" in z["type"]:
                        ext = ".mp4"
                    elif "flv" in z["type"]:
                        ext = ".flv"
                        link = urllib.unquote(z["url"] + "&signature=%s" % z["sig"])
                        link = urllib.unquote(z["url"])
            return link
        return False
 def compose(self, digest=None, basic=None, username=None, password=None,
             challenge=None, path=None, method=None):
     assert username and password
     if basic or not challenge:
         assert not digest
         userpass = "******" % (username.strip(), password.strip())
         return "Basic %s" % userpass.encode('base64').strip()
     assert challenge and not basic
     path = path or "/"
     (_, realm) = challenge.split('realm="')
     (realm, _) = realm.split('"', 1)
     auth = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler()
     auth.add_password(realm, path, username, password)
     (token, challenge) = challenge.split(' ', 1)
     chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
     class FakeRequest(object):
         def get_full_url(self):
             return path
         def has_data(self):
             return False
         def get_method(self):
             return method or "GET"
         get_selector = get_full_url
     retval = "Digest %s" % auth.get_authorization(FakeRequest(), chal)
     return (retval,)
Exemple #9
def youtube_video(url):
        conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        encoding = conn.headers.getparam('charset')
        content = conn.read().decode(encoding)
        s = re.findall(r'"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": ?"([^"]+)"', content)
        if s:
            import HTMLParser
            s = s[0].split(',')
            s = [a.replace('\\u0026', '&') for a in s]
            s = [urllib2.parse_keqv_list(a.split('&')) for a in s]
            n = re.findall(r'<title>(.+) - YouTube</title>', content)
            s, n = (s or [], HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(n[0]))
            for z in s:
                if z['itag'] == '18':
                    if 'mp4' in z['type']:
                        ext = '.mp4'
                    elif 'flv' in z['type']:
                        ext = '.flv'
                        link = urllib.unquote(z['url'] +
                                              '&signature=%s' % z['sig'])
                        link = urllib.unquote(z['url'])
            return link
        return False
Exemple #10
 def registry_get(self, api):
     url = "https://%s/v2/%s" % (self.registry, api)
     response = get(
         auth=(self.user, self.password),
     if response.status_code == 401:
         challenge = response.headers['Www-Authenticate']
         if challenge.startswith("Bearer "):
             challenge = challenge[7:]
         opts = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
         authresp = get(
             auth=(self.user, self.password),
         if authresp.ok:
             token = authresp.json()['token']
             response = get(url,
                            headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token},
             raise TaskError(
                 "problem authenticating with docker registry: [%s] %s" %
                 (authresp.status_code, authresp.content))
     return response
Exemple #11
 def _parseHeader(self, authheader, request):
     n = 7 # n = len("Digest ")
         authheader = authheader[n:].strip()
         items = urllib2.parse_http_list(authheader)
         request.env['__DIGEST_PARAMS__'] = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(items)
     except Exception, e:
         request.env['__DIGEST_PARAMS__'] = {}
Exemple #12
 def _parseHeader(self, authheader, request):
     n = 7  # n = len("Digest ")
         authheader = authheader[n:].strip()
         items = urllib2.parse_http_list(authheader)
         request.env['__DIGEST_PARAMS__'] = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(items)
     except Exception, e:
         request.env['__DIGEST_PARAMS__'] = {}
Exemple #13
def parse_authorization_header(authorization_header):
    """Parse an OAuth authorization header into a list of 2-tuples"""
    auth_scheme = 'OAuth '
    if authorization_header.startswith(auth_scheme):
        authorization_header = authorization_header.replace(auth_scheme, '', 1)
    items = urllib2.parse_http_list(authorization_header)
        return urllib2.parse_keqv_list(items).items()
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('Malformed authorization header')
 def _parse(self, authorization):
     scheme, rest = authorization.split(None, 1)
     args = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(rest))
     challengeType = {
         'basic': BasicChallenge,
         'digest': DigestChallenge,
     if challengeType is None:
         return "", None
     return scheme.lower(), challengeType(**args)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, auth_header, http_method, debug=False):
        self.http_method = http_method
        self.debug = debug
        scheme, params = auth_header.split(" ", 1)
        self.scheme = scheme.lower()
        if self.scheme != 'digest':
            raise ValueError('Authorization scheme is not "Digest"')

        self.auth_header = auth_header

        # make a dict of the params
        items = parse_http_list(params)
        paramsd = parse_keqv_list(items)

        self.realm = paramsd.get('realm')
        self.username = paramsd.get('username')
        self.nonce = paramsd.get('nonce')
        self.uri = paramsd.get('uri')
        self.method = paramsd.get('method')
        self.response = paramsd.get('response')  # the response digest
        self.algorithm = paramsd.get('algorithm', 'MD5')
        self.cnonce = paramsd.get('cnonce')
        self.opaque = paramsd.get('opaque')
        self.qop = paramsd.get('qop')  # qop
        self.nc = paramsd.get('nc')  # nonce count

        # perform some correctness checks
        if self.algorithm not in valid_algorithms:
            raise ValueError(
                self.errmsg("Unsupported value for algorithm: '%s'" %

        has_reqd = self.username and \
                   self.realm and \
                   self.nonce and \
                   self.uri and \
        if not has_reqd:
            raise ValueError(
                self.errmsg("Not all required parameters are present."))

        if self.qop:
            if self.qop not in valid_qops:
                raise ValueError(
                    self.errmsg("Unsupported value for qop: '%s'" % self.qop))
            if not (self.cnonce and self.nc):
                raise ValueError(
                        "If qop is sent then cnonce and nc MUST be present"))
            if self.cnonce or self.nc:
                raise ValueError(
                        "If qop is not sent, neither cnonce nor nc can be present"
Exemple #16
    def _digest_login_callback(self, response):


        if response.code == 200:
            self._authenticated = True
            self._alive = True
            print response.headers
            print 'yay'
        elif response.code == 401:
            print 'meh'
            print 'boo'

        #If 401

        if not 'WWW-Authenticate' in response.headers:
            raise InterfaceError()

        if not 'Digest' in response.headers['WWW-Authenticate']:
            raise InterfaceError()

        param_string = response.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate').partition(
        param_list = parse_http_list(param_string)
        params = parse_keqv_list(param_list)

        path = urlsplit(
            response.effective_url)  #asterisk throws query into hash
        digest_path = "%s?%s" % (path.path, path.query)

        digest_cnonce = uuid.uuid1().hex
        digest_nc = '%08d' % self._digest_nc
        digest_qop = "auth"

        digest_response = md5(":".join([
                (self._username, params['realm'], self._secret))).hexdigest(),
            params['nonce'], digest_nc, digest_cnonce, digest_qop,
            md5(":".join(('GET', digest_path))).hexdigest()

        headers = {}
            'Authorization'] = 'Digest username="******", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", cnonce="%s", nc=%s, qop="%s", response="%s", opaque="%s", algorithm="%s"' % (
                self._username, params['realm'], params['nonce'], digest_path,
                digest_cnonce, digest_nc, digest_qop, digest_response,
                params['opaque'], params['algorithm'])

        self._digest_nc += 1

        self.command(self._authentication_request, headers=headers)
    def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, auth):
        token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
        chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
        auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
        if auth:

            auth_val = 'X-Digest %s' % auth
            if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth_val:
                return None
            req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth_val)
            resp = self.parent.open(req, timeout=req.timeout)
            return resp
Exemple #18
    def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, resp, host, auth):
        _token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
        chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
        auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
        if auth:
            auth_val = 'Digest %s' % auth
            if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth_val:
                return None
            req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth_val)
            return 'request', req

        return None
Exemple #19
 def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, auth):
     token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
     chal = parse_keqv_list(parse_http_list(challenge))
     auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
     if auth:
         auth_val = 'Digest %s' % auth
         if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth_val:
             return None
         newreq = copy.copy(req)
         newreq.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth_val)
         newreq.visit = False
         return self.parent.open(newreq)
Exemple #20
def yt_get_all_url_maps_name(url):
    conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    encoding = conn.headers.getparam('charset')
    content = conn.read().decode(encoding)
    s = re.findall(r'"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": "([^"]+)"', content)
    if s:
        s = s[0].split(',')
        s = [a.replace('\\u0026', '&') for a in s]
        s = [urllib2.parse_keqv_list(a.split('&')) for a in s]

    n = re.findall(r'<title>(.+) - YouTube</title>', content)
    return (s or [], HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(n[0]))
Exemple #21
    def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, auth):
        token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
        chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
        auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
        if auth:

            auth_val = 'X-Digest %s' % auth
            if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth_val:
                return None
            req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth_val)
            resp = self.parent.open(req, timeout=req.timeout)
            return resp
Exemple #22
    def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, resp, host, auth):
        _token, challenge = auth.split(" ", 1)
        chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
        auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
        if auth:
            auth_val = "Digest %s" % auth
            if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth_val:
                return None
            req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth_val)
            return "request", req

        return None
Exemple #23
 def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, auth):
     token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
     chal = parse_keqv_list(parse_http_list(challenge))
     auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
     if auth:
         auth_val = 'Digest %s' % auth
         if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth_val:
             return None
         newreq = copy.copy(req)
         newreq.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth_val)
         newreq.visit = False
         return self.parent.open(newreq)
    def _authenticate_quay(self, headers):
        Attempt to perform an authentication with registry's authentication server.

        Once authentication is complete, add the token to the Session object.
        Specifics can be found at https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/auth/token/

            headers (dict):
                Headers of the 401 response received from the registry.
                When there's an issue with the authentication procedure.
        if "WWW-Authenticate" not in headers:
            raise RegistryAuthError(
                "'WWW-Authenticate' is not in the 401 response's header. "
                "Authentication cannot continue.")
        if "Bearer " not in headers["WWW-Authenticate"]:
            raise RegistryAuthError(
                "Different than the Bearer authentication type was requested. "
                "Only Bearer is supported.")

        # parse header to get a dictionary
        params = request.parse_keqv_list(
                headers["WWW-Authenticate"][len("Bearer "):])  # noqa: E203
        host = params.pop("realm")
        session = requests.Session()
        retry = Retry(
            status_forcelist=set(range(500, 512)),
        adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
        session.mount("http://", adapter)
        session.mount("https://", adapter)
        # Make an authentication request to the specified realm with the provided REST parameters.
        # Basic username + password authentication is expected.
        r = session.get(host,
                        auth=(self.username, self.password),

        if "token" not in r.json():
            raise RegistryAuthError(
                "Authentication server response doesn't contain a token.")
Exemple #25
    def authorized(self):
        tcs = self.server.test_case_server

        auth_header = self.headers.get(tcs.auth_header_recv, None)
        if auth_header is None:
            return False
        scheme, auth = auth_header.split(None, 1)
        if scheme.lower() == tcs.auth_scheme:
            auth_dict = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(auth))

            return tcs.digest_authorized(auth_dict, self.command)

        return False
Exemple #26
    def authorized(self):
        tcs = self.server.test_case_server

        auth_header = self.headers.get(tcs.auth_header_recv, None)
        if auth_header is None:
            return False
        scheme, auth = auth_header.split(None, 1)
        if scheme.lower() == tcs.auth_scheme:
            auth_dict = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(auth))

            return tcs.digest_authorized(auth_dict, self.command)

        return False
def yt_get_all_url_maps_name(url):
    conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    encoding = conn.headers.getparam('charset')
    content = conn.read().decode(encoding)
    s = re.findall(r'"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": "([^"]+)"', content)
    if s:
        s = s[0].split(',')
        s = [a.replace('\\u0026', '&') for a in s]
        s = [urllib2.parse_keqv_list(a.split('&')) for a in s]

    n = re.findall(r'<title>(.+) - YouTube</title>', content)
    return  (s or [], 
Exemple #28
    def createAuthObject(authHeader):
        Returns the authentication mechanism, or None if not implemented.
        authType, challenge = authHeader.split(' ', 1)
        _authType_lower = authType.lower()

        challenge = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
        assert _authType_lower in ('digest', 'ssl'), \

        # "basic" authentication is not supported
        return DigestAuthentication(challenge) if _authType_lower == 'digest' \
                                               else None
Exemple #29
 def _parse(self, authorization):
         scheme, rest = authorization.split(None, 1)
     except ValueError:
         # Probably "negotiate", which we don't support
         scheme = authorization
         rest = ""
     args = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(rest))
     challengeType = {
         'basic': BasicChallenge,
         'digest': DigestChallenge,
     if challengeType is None:
         return "", None
     return scheme.lower(), challengeType(**args)
 def _parse(self, authorization):
         scheme, rest = authorization.split(None, 1)
     except ValueError:
         # Probably "negotiate", which we don't support
         scheme = authorization
         rest = ""
     args = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(rest))
     challengeType = {
         'basic': BasicChallenge,
         'digest': DigestChallenge,
     if challengeType is None:
         return "", None
     return scheme.lower(), challengeType(**args)
Exemple #31
    def __init__(self, auth_header, http_method, debug=False):
        self.http_method = http_method
        self.debug = debug
        scheme, params = auth_header.split(" ", 1)
        self.scheme = scheme.lower()
        if self.scheme != 'digest':
            raise ValueError('Authorization scheme is not "Digest"')

        self.auth_header = auth_header

        # make a dict of the params
        items = parse_http_list(params)
        paramsd = parse_keqv_list(items)

        self.realm = paramsd.get('realm')
        self.username = paramsd.get('username')
        self.nonce = paramsd.get('nonce')
        self.uri = paramsd.get('uri')
        self.method = paramsd.get('method')
        self.response = paramsd.get('response') # the response digest
        self.algorithm = paramsd.get('algorithm', 'MD5')
        self.cnonce = paramsd.get('cnonce')
        self.opaque = paramsd.get('opaque')
        self.qop = paramsd.get('qop') # qop
        self.nc = paramsd.get('nc') # nonce count

        # perform some correctness checks
        if self.algorithm not in valid_algorithms:
            raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Unsupported value for algorithm: '%s'" % self.algorithm))

        has_reqd = self.username and \
                   self.realm and \
                   self.nonce and \
                   self.uri and \
        if not has_reqd:
            raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Not all required parameters are present."))

        if self.qop:
            if self.qop not in valid_qops:
                raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Unsupported value for qop: '%s'" % self.qop))
            if not (self.cnonce and self.nc):
                raise ValueError(self.errmsg("If qop is sent then cnonce and nc MUST be present"))
            if self.cnonce or self.nc:
                raise ValueError(self.errmsg("If qop is not sent, neither cnonce nor nc can be present"))
Exemple #32
    def dr(self, url, expected=(), user=None, password=None):
        user = user or self.user
        password = password or self.password

        response = self.get(url,
                            auth=(user, password),
                            expected=expected + (401, ))
        if response.status_code == 401:
            challenge = response.headers['Www-Authenticate']
            if challenge.startswith("Bearer "):
                challenge = challenge[7:]
            opts = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
            token = self.get(
                auth=(user, password)).json()['token']
            response = self.get(url,
                                headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token},
        return response
Exemple #33
def _parseDigestAuthorization (auth_params):
    # Convert the auth params to a dict
    items = urllib2.parse_http_list (auth_params)
    params = urllib2.parse_keqv_list (items)

    # Now validate the params

    # Check for required parameters
    required = ["username", "realm", "nonce", "uri", "response"]
    for k in required:
        if not params.has_key(k):
            return None

    # If qop is sent then cnonce and cn MUST be present
    if params.has_key("qop") and not params.has_key("cnonce") \
                                  and params.has_key("cn"):
        return None

    return params
def get_proxy_authorization_line(auth_type, auth_details, method, url, proxy_username, proxy_password):
    if auth_type.lower() == 'basic':
        response = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (proxy_username, proxy_password)).strip()
    elif auth_type.lower() == 'digest':

        class Passwd:

            def __init__(self, user, passwd):
                self.user, self.passwd = user, passwd

            def add_password(self, user, passwd):

            def find_user_password(self, realm, url):
                return (self.user, self.passwd)

            def get_full_url(self):
                return ''

        class DummyRequest:

            def __init__(self, method, url):
                self.method, self.url = method, url

            def get_method(self):
                return self.method

            def get_selector(self):
                return self.url

            def get_full_url(self):
                return self.url

            def has_data(self):
                return False

        digest_auth_handler = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler(passwd=Passwd(proxy_username or '', proxy_password or ''))
        chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(auth_details))
        response = digest_auth_handler.get_authorization(DummyRequest(method, url), chal)
        raise ValueError('Invalid proxy-authenticate line %r' % auth_type)
    return 'Proxy-Authorization: %s %s' % (auth_type, response)
Exemple #35
 def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
     host = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(req.get_full_url())[1]
     authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
     if authreq == None: return None
     authreq = authreq.split(' ', 1)
     if authreq[0].lower() != 'basic': return None
     chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(authreq[1]))
     realm = chal['realm']
     self.auth = (host, realm)
     self.retried += 1
     if self.retried >= 3:
         self.f.delkey(proto="pass", host=host, realm=realm, role="client")
     self.f.start(proto="pass", host=host, realm=realm, role="client")
     pw = self.f.read().replace(' ', ':', 1)
     val = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(pw).strip()
     if req.headers.get('Authorization', None) == val: return None
     req.add_header('Authorization', val)
     result = self.parent.open(req)
     self.retried = 0
     return result
Exemple #36
def _parse_auth_info(auth_info):
    method, info_str = auth_info.split(' ', 1)
    if method != "Digest":
        raise ProviderError("Unknown authentication method: %s" % method)
    items = parse_http_list(info_str)
    info = parse_keqv_list(items)

        qop = info["qop"]
        realm = info["realm"]
        nonce = info["nonce"]
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ProviderError("Authentication request missing required key: %s" %
    algorithm = info.get("algorithm", "MD5")
    if algorithm != "MD5":
        raise ProviderError("Unsupported digest algorithm: %s" % algorithm)
    if "auth" not in qop.split(","):
        raise ProviderError("Unsupported quality-of-protection: %s" % qop)
    return realm, nonce, "auth", algorithm
Exemple #37
def _parse_auth_info(auth_info):
    method, info_str = auth_info.split(' ', 1)
    if method != "Digest":
        raise ProviderError("Unknown authentication method: %s" % method)
    items = parse_http_list(info_str)
    info = parse_keqv_list(items)

        qop = info["qop"]
        realm = info["realm"]
        nonce = info["nonce"]
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ProviderError(
            "Authentication request missing required key: %s" % e)
    algorithm = info.get("algorithm", "MD5")
    if algorithm != "MD5":
        raise ProviderError("Unsupported digest algorithm: %s" % algorithm)
    if "auth" not in qop.split(","):
        raise ProviderError("Unsupported quality-of-protection: %s" % qop)
    return realm, nonce, "auth", algorithm
Exemple #38
	def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
		host = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(req.get_full_url())[1]
		authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
		if authreq == None: return None
		authreq = authreq.split(' ', 1)
		if authreq[0].lower() != 'basic': return None
		chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(authreq[1]))
		realm = chal['realm']
		self.auth = (host, realm)
		self.retried += 1
		if self.retried >= 3:
			self.f.delkey(proto="pass", host=host, realm=realm, role="client")
		self.f.start(proto="pass", host=host, realm=realm, role="client")
		pw = self.f.read().replace(' ', ':', 1)
		val = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(pw).strip()
		if req.headers.get('Authorization', None) == val: return None
		req.add_header('Authorization', val)
		result = self.parent.open(req)
		self.retried = 0
		return result
Exemple #39
	def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
		self.retried += 1
		host = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(req.get_full_url())[1]
		authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
		if authreq == None: return None
		authreq = authreq.split(' ', 1)
		if authreq[0].lower() != 'digest': return None
		chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(authreq[1]))
		realm = chal['realm']
		nonce = chal['nonce']
		if self.retried >= 6:
			self.f.delkey(proto="httpdigest", realm=realm, host=host)
		self.f.start(proto="httpdigest", role="client", realm=realm, host=host)
		self.f.write(nonce + ' ' + req.get_method() + ' ' + req.get_selector())
		resp = self.f.read()
		user = self.f.attr()["user"]
		val = 'Digest username="******", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s", algorithm=MD5' % (user, realm, nonce, req.get_selector(), resp)
		if req.headers.get('Authorization', None) == val: return None
		req.add_unredirected_header('Authorization', val)
		result = self.parent.open(req)
		self.retried = 0
		return result
Exemple #40
def youtube_video(url):
		conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
		encoding = conn.headers.getparam('charset')
		content = conn.read().decode(encoding)
		s = re.findall(r'"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": ?"([^"]+)"', content)
		if s:
			import HTMLParser
			s = s[0].split(',')
			s = [a.replace('\\u0026', '&') for a in s]
			s = [urllib2.parse_keqv_list(a.split('&')) for a in s]
			n = re.findall(r'<title>(.+) - YouTube</title>', content)
			s, n = (s or [], HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(n[0]))
			for z in s:
				if z['itag'] == '18':
					if 'mp4' in z['type']:
						ext = '.mp4'
					elif 'flv' in z['type']:
						ext = '.flv'
					try: link = urllib.unquote(z['url'] + '&signature=%s' % z['sig'])
					except: link = urllib.unquote(z['url'])
			return link
	except: return False
Exemple #41
def _parseDigestAuthorization (auth_params):
    # Convert the auth params to a dict
    items = parse_http_list(auth_params)
    params = parse_keqv_list(items)

    # Now validate the params

    # Check for required parameters
    required = ["username", "realm", "nonce", "uri", "response"]
    for k in required:
        if k not in params:
            return None

    # If qop is sent then cnonce and nc MUST be present
    if "qop" in params and not ("cnonce" in params \
                                      and "nc" in params):
        return None

    # If qop is not sent, neither cnonce nor nc can be present
    if ("cnonce" in params or "nc" in params) and \
       "qop" not in params:
        return None

    return params
Exemple #42
 def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
     self.retried += 1
     host = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(req.get_full_url())[1]
     authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
     if authreq == None: return None
     authreq = authreq.split(' ', 1)
     if authreq[0].lower() != 'digest': return None
     chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(authreq[1]))
     realm = chal['realm']
     nonce = chal['nonce']
     if self.retried >= 6:
         self.f.delkey(proto="httpdigest", realm=realm, host=host)
     self.f.start(proto="httpdigest", role="client", realm=realm, host=host)
     self.f.write(nonce + ' ' + req.get_method() + ' ' + req.get_selector())
     resp = self.f.read()
     user = self.f.attr()["user"]
     val = 'Digest username="******", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s", algorithm=MD5' % (
         user, realm, nonce, req.get_selector(), resp)
     if req.headers.get('Authorization', None) == val: return None
     req.add_unredirected_header('Authorization', val)
     result = self.parent.open(req)
     self.retried = 0
     return result
Exemple #43
def _parseDigestAuthorization(auth_params):
    # Convert the auth params to a dict
    items = parse_http_list(auth_params)
    params = parse_keqv_list(items)

    # Now validate the params

    # Check for required parameters
    required = ["username", "realm", "nonce", "uri", "response"]
    for k in required:
        if k not in params:
            return None

    # If qop is sent then cnonce and nc MUST be present
    if "qop" in params and not ("cnonce" in params \
                                      and "nc" in params):
        return None

    # If qop is not sent, neither cnonce nor nc can be present
    if ("cnonce" in params or "nc" in params) and \
       "qop" not in params:
        return None

    return params
Exemple #44
def parse_keqv_list(l):
    """A unicode-safe version of urllib2.parse_keqv_list"""
    # With Python 2.6, parse_http_list handles unicode fine
    return urllib2.parse_keqv_list(l)
Exemple #45
    def build_digest_response(self, fields, username, password):
        Takes a Proxy-Authenticate: Digest header and creates a response

        :param fields:
            The string portion of the Proxy-Authenticate header after
            "Digest "

        :param username:
            The username to use for the response

        :param password:
            The password to use for the response

            None if invalid Proxy-Authenticate header, otherwise the
            string of fields for the Proxy-Authorization: Digest header

        fields = parse_keqv_list(parse_http_list(fields))

        realm = fields.get('realm')
        nonce = fields.get('nonce')
        qop = fields.get('qop')
        algorithm = fields.get('algorithm')
        if algorithm:
            algorithm = algorithm.lower()
        opaque = fields.get('opaque')

        if algorithm in ('md5', None):

            def md5hash(string):
                return hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()

            _hash = md5hash

        elif algorithm == 'sha':

            def sha1hash(string):
                return hashlib.sha1(string).hexdigest()

            _hash = sha1hash

            return None

        host_port = '%s:%s' % self.url_info

        a1 = '%s:%s:%s' % (username, realm, password)
        a2 = 'CONNECT:%s' % host_port
        ha1 = _hash(a1)
        ha2 = _hash(a2)

        if qop is None:
            response = _hash('%s:%s:%s' % (ha1, nonce, ha2))
        elif qop == 'auth':
            nc = '00000001'
            cnonce = _hash(os.urandom(8))[:8]
            response = _hash('%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' %
                             (ha1, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop, ha2))
            return None

        resp_fields = OrderedDict()
        resp_fields['username'] = username
        resp_fields['realm'] = realm
        resp_fields['nonce'] = nonce
        resp_fields['response'] = response
        resp_fields['uri'] = host_port
        if algorithm:
            resp_fields['algorithm'] = algorithm
        if qop == 'auth':
            resp_fields['nc'] = nc
            resp_fields['cnonce'] = cnonce
            resp_fields['qop'] = qop
        if opaque:
            resp_fields['opaque'] = opaque

        return ', '.join(
            ['%s="%s"' % (field, resp_fields[field]) for field in resp_fields])
Exemple #46
def parse_keqv_list(l):
    """A unicode-safe version of urllib2.parse_keqv_list"""
    # With Python 2.6, parse_http_list handles unicode fine
    return urllib2.parse_keqv_list(l)
 def parse_digest_challenge(self, challenge_string):
     return urllib2.parse_keqv_list(
Exemple #48
            mode = urllib.unquote_plus(params[mode])
            if mode is None:
                mode = str(params[mode])
            if len(mode) < 1:
                mode = str(params[mode])
            page = str(params['page'])
            page = urllib.unquote_plus(params["page"])
            params = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(sys.argv[2])

if mode == None or url == None or len(url) < 1:
elif mode == 'loadVideoList':
elif mode == 'scrapeVideoListCat':
    indexCatVideos(url, name)
elif mode == 'scrapeVideoList':
    indexVideos(urlpath=basejoin(base_url, str(url +'/'+ page)), page="page{0}".format(page))
elif mode == 'playVideo':
    playVideo(url, name, thumb)

    def build_digest_response(self, fields, username, password):
        Takes a Proxy-Authenticate: Digest header and creates a response

        :param fields:
            The string portion of the Proxy-Authenticate header after
            "Digest "

        :param username:
            The username to use for the response

        :param password:
            The password to use for the response

            None if invalid Proxy-Authenticate header, otherwise the
            string of fields for the Proxy-Authorization: Digest header

        fields = parse_keqv_list(parse_http_list(fields))

        realm = fields.get('realm')
        nonce = fields.get('nonce')
        qop = fields.get('qop')
        algorithm = fields.get('algorithm')
        if algorithm:
            algorithm = algorithm.lower()
        opaque = fields.get('opaque')

        if algorithm in ('md5', None):
            def md5hash(string):
                return hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()
            _hash = md5hash

        elif algorithm == 'sha':
            def sha1hash(string):
                return hashlib.sha1(string).hexdigest()
            _hash = sha1hash

            return None

        host_port = '%s:%s' % self.url_info

        a1 = '%s:%s:%s' % (username, realm, password)
        a2 = 'CONNECT:%s' % host_port
        ha1 = _hash(a1)
        ha2 = _hash(a2)

        if qop is None:
            response = _hash('%s:%s:%s' % (ha1, nonce, ha2))
        elif qop == 'auth':
            nc = '00000001'
            cnonce = _hash(os.urandom(8))[:8]
            response = _hash('%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (ha1, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop, ha2))
            return None

        resp_fields = OrderedDict()
        resp_fields['username'] = username
        resp_fields['realm'] = realm
        resp_fields['nonce'] = nonce
        resp_fields['response'] = response
        resp_fields['uri'] = host_port
        if algorithm:
            resp_fields['algorithm'] = algorithm
        if qop == 'auth':
            resp_fields['nc'] = nc
            resp_fields['cnonce'] = cnonce
            resp_fields['qop'] = qop
        if opaque:
            resp_fields['opaque'] = opaque

        return ', '.join(['%s="%s"' % (field, resp_fields[field]) for field in resp_fields])
Exemple #50
    def http_open(self, req):
        (code, msg, headers, data, timestamp) = self._load(req.get_full_url())

        # some info needed to process everything
        cache_control = parse_http_list(headers.get('cache-control', ()))
        cache_control += parse_http_list(headers.get('pragma', ()))

        cc_list = [x for x in cache_control if '=' not in x]
        cc_values = parse_keqv_list([x for x in cache_control if '=' in x])

        cache_age = time.time() - timestamp

        # list in a simple way what to do when
        if req.get_header(
        ) == 'from_304':  # for whatever reason, we need an uppercase
            # we're just in the middle of a dirty trick, use cache

        elif self.force_min == -2:
            if code is not None:
                # already in cache, perfect, use cache

                headers['Morss'] = 'from_cache'
                resp = addinfourl(BytesIO(), headers, req.get_full_url(), 409)
                resp.msg = 'Conflict'
                return resp

        elif code is None:
            # cache empty, refresh
            return None

        elif self.force_min == -1:
            # force use cache

        elif self.force_min == 0:
            # force refresh
            return None

        elif self.force_min is None and (
                'no-cache' in cc_list or 'no-store' in cc_list or
            ('private' in cc_list and not self.private)):
            # kindly follow web servers indications, refresh
            return None

        elif 'max-age' in cc_values and int(cc_values['max-age']) > cache_age:
            # server says it's still fine (and we trust him, if not, use force_min=0), use cache

        elif self.force_min is not None and self.force_min > cache_age:
            # still recent enough for us, use cache

            # according to the www, we have to refresh when nothing is said
            return None

        # return the cache as a response
            'morss'] = 'from_cache'  # TODO delete the morss header from incoming pages, to avoid websites messing up with us
        resp = addinfourl(BytesIO(data), headers, req.get_full_url(), code)
        resp.msg = msg

        return resp
Exemple #51
def parse_keqv_list(l):
    """A unicode-safe version of urllib2.parse_keqv_list"""
    encoded_list = [u.encode('utf-8') for u in l]
    encoded_parsed = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(encoded_list)
    return dict((k.decode('utf-8'), v.decode('utf-8'))
                for k, v in encoded_parsed.items())
 def parse_digest_challenge(self, challenge_string):
     return urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge_string))
Exemple #53
def http_digest_auth(a, uri, user, pw, method):
   token, challenge = a.split(' ', 1)
   chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
   a = get_authorization(chal, uri, user, pw, method)
   if a: return 'Digest %s' % a
Exemple #54
def putfile(f, uri, username=None, password=None):
    """HTTP PUT the file f to uri, with optional auth data."""
    host, port, path = parseuri(uri)

    redirect = set([301, 302, 307])
    authenticate = set([401])
    okay = set([200, 201, 204])

    authorized = False
    authorization = None
    tries = 0

    while True:
        # Attempt to HTTP PUT the data
        h = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)

        h.putrequest('PUT', path)

        h.putheader('User-Agent', 'put.py/1.0')
        h.putheader('Connection', 'keep-alive')
        h.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
        h.putheader('Expect', '100-continue')
        h.putheader('Accept', '*/*')
        if authorization:
            h.putheader('Authorization', authorization)

        # Chunked transfer encoding
        # Cf. 'All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and
        # decode the "chunked" transfer-coding'
        # - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html
        while True:
            bytes = f.read(1024)
            if not bytes: break
            length = len(bytes)
            # h.send('%X\r\n' % length)
        # h.send('0\r\n\r\n')

        resp = h.getresponse()
        status = resp.status  # an int

        # Got a response, now decide how to act upon it
        if status in redirect:
            location = resp.getheader('Location')
            uri = urlparse.urljoin(uri, location)
            host, port, path = parseuri(uri)

            # We may have to authenticate again
            if authorization:
                authorization = None

        elif status in authenticate:
            # If we've done this already, break
            if authorization:
                # barf("Going around in authentication circles")
                barf("Authentication failed")

            if not (username and password):
                barf("Need a username and password to authenticate with")

            # Get the scheme: Basic or Digest?
            wwwauth = resp.msg['www-authenticate']  # We may need this again
            wauth = wwwauth.lstrip(' \t')  # Hence use wauth not wwwauth here
            wauth = wwwauth.replace('\t', ' ')
            i = wauth.index(' ')
            scheme = wauth[:i].lower()

            if scheme in set(['basic', 'digest']):
                if verbose:
                    msg = "Performing %s Authentication..." % scheme.capitalize(
                    print >> sys.stderr, msg
                barf("Unknown authentication scheme: %s" % scheme)

            if scheme == 'basic':
                import base64
                userpass = username + ':' + password
                userpass = base64.encodestring(userpass).strip()
                authorized, authorization = True, 'Basic ' + userpass

            elif scheme == 'digest':
                if verbose:
                    msg = "uses fragile, undocumented features in urllib2"
                    print >> sys.stderr, "Warning! Digest Auth %s" % msg

                import urllib2  # See warning above

                passwd = type(
                    'Password', (object, ), {
                        lambda self, *args: (username, password),
                        lambda self, *args: None

                req = type(
                    'Request', (object, ), {
                        'get_full_url': lambda self: uri,
                        'has_data': lambda self: None,
                        'get_method': lambda self: 'PUT',
                        'get_selector': lambda self: path

                # Cf. urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.retry_http_digest_auth
                auth = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler(passwd)
                token, challenge = wwwauth.split(' ', 1)
                chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(
                userpass = auth.get_authorization(req, chal)
                authorized, authorization = True, 'Digest ' + userpass

        elif status in okay:
            if (username and password) and (not authorized):
                msg = "Warning! The supplied username and password went unused"
                print >> sys.stderr, msg

            if verbose:
                resultLine = "Success! Resource %s"
                statuses = {200: 'modified', 201: 'created', 204: 'modified'}
                print resultLine % statuses[status]

                statusLine = "Response-Status: %s %s"
                print statusLine % (status, resp.reason)

                body = resp.read(58)
                body = body.rstrip('\r\n')
                body = body.encode('string_escape')

                if len(body) >= 58:
                    body = body[:57] + '[...]'

                bodyLine = 'Response-Body: "%s"'
                print bodyLine % body

        # @@ raise PutError, do the catching in main?
            barf('Got "%s %s"' % (status, resp.reason))

        tries += 1
        if tries >= 50:
            barf("Too many redirects")

    return status, resp
Exemple #55
def putfile(f, uri, username=None, password=None): 
   """HTTP PUT the file f to uri, with optional auth data."""
   host, port, path = parseuri(uri)

   redirect = set([301, 302, 307])
   authenticate = set([401])
   okay = set([200, 201, 204])

   authorized = False
   authorization = None
   tries = 0

   while True: 
      # Attempt to HTTP PUT the data
      h = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)

      h.putrequest('PUT', path)

      h.putheader('User-Agent', 'put.py/1.0')
      h.putheader('Connection', 'keep-alive')
      h.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
      h.putheader('Expect', '100-continue')
      h.putheader('Accept', '*/*')
      if authorization: 
         h.putheader('Authorization', authorization)

      # Chunked transfer encoding
      # Cf. 'All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and 
      # decode the "chunked" transfer-coding'
      # - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html
      while True: 
         bytes = f.read(1024)
         if not bytes: break
         length = len(bytes)
         #h.send('%X\r\n' % length)

      resp = h.getresponse()
      status = resp.status # an int

      # Got a response, now decide how to act upon it
      if status in redirect: 
         location = resp.getheader('Location')
         uri = urlparse.urljoin(uri, location)
         host, port, path = parseuri(uri)

         # We may have to authenticate again
         if authorization: 
            authorization = None

      elif status in authenticate: 
         # If we've done this already, break
         if authorization: 
            # barf("Going around in authentication circles")
            barf("Authentication failed")

         if not (username and password): 
            barf("Need a username and password to authenticate with")

         # Get the scheme: Basic or Digest?
         wwwauth = resp.msg['www-authenticate'] # We may need this again
         wauth = wwwauth.lstrip(' \t') # Hence use wauth not wwwauth here
         wauth = wwwauth.replace('\t', ' ')
         i = wauth.index(' ')
         scheme = wauth[:i].lower()

         if scheme in set(['basic', 'digest']): 
            if verbose: 
               msg = "Performing %s Authentication..." % scheme.capitalize()
               print >> sys.stderr, msg
         else: barf("Unknown authentication scheme: %s" % scheme)

         if scheme == 'basic': 
            import base64
            userpass = username + ':' + password
            userpass = base64.encodestring(userpass).strip()
            authorized, authorization = True, 'Basic ' + userpass

         elif scheme == 'digest': 
            if verbose: 
               msg = "uses fragile, undocumented features in urllib2"
               print >> sys.stderr, "Warning! Digest Auth %s" % msg

            import urllib2 # See warning above

            passwd = type('Password', (object,), {
               'find_user_password': lambda self, *args: (username, password), 
               'add_password': lambda self, *args: None

            req = type('Request', (object,), { 
               'get_full_url': lambda self: uri, 
               'has_data': lambda self: None, 
               'get_method': lambda self: 'PUT', 
               'get_selector': lambda self: path

            # Cf. urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.retry_http_digest_auth
            auth = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler(passwd)
            token, challenge = wwwauth.split(' ', 1)
            chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
            userpass = auth.get_authorization(req, chal)
            authorized, authorization = True, 'Digest ' + userpass

      elif status in okay: 
         if (username and password) and (not authorized): 
            msg = "Warning! The supplied username and password went unused"
            print >> sys.stderr, msg

         if verbose: 
            resultLine = "Success! Resource %s"
            statuses = {200: 'modified', 201: 'created', 204: 'modified'}
            print resultLine % statuses[status]

            statusLine = "Response-Status: %s %s"
            print statusLine % (status, resp.reason)

            body = resp.read(58)
            body = body.rstrip('\r\n')
            body = body.encode('string_escape')

            if len(body) >= 58: 
               body = body[:57] + '[...]'

            bodyLine = 'Response-Body: "%s"'
            print bodyLine % body

      # @@ raise PutError, do the catching in main?
      else: barf('Got "%s %s"' % (status, resp.reason))

      tries += 1
      if tries >= 50: 
         barf("Too many redirects")

   return status, resp
Exemple #56
    def http_open(self, req):
        # Reminder of how/when this function is called by urllib2:
        # If 'None' is returned, try your chance with the next-available handler
        # If a 'resp' is returned, stop there, and proceed with 'http_response'

        (code, msg, headers, data, timestamp) = self.load(req.get_full_url())

        # some info needed to process everything
        cache_control = parse_http_list(headers.get('cache-control', ()))
        cache_control += parse_http_list(headers.get('pragma', ()))

        cc_list = [x for x in cache_control if '=' not in x]
        cc_values = parse_keqv_list([x for x in cache_control if '=' in x])

        cache_age = time.time() - timestamp

        # list in a simple way what to do when
        if self.force_min == -2:
            if code is not None:
                # already in cache, perfect, use cache
                return self.cached_response(req)

                # raise an error, via urllib handlers
                resp = addinfourl(BytesIO(), headers, req.get_full_url(), 409)
                resp.msg = 'Conflict'
                return resp

        elif code is None:
            # cache empty, refresh
            return None

        elif self.force_min == -1:
            # force use cache
            return self.cached_response(req)

        elif self.force_min == 0:
            # force refresh
            return None

        elif code == 301 and cache_age < 7*24*3600:
            # "301 Moved Permanently" has to be cached...as long as we want
            # (awesome HTTP specs), let's say a week (why not?). Use force_min=0
            # if you want to bypass this (needed for a proper refresh)
            return self.cached_response(req)

        elif (self.force_min is None or self.force_min > 0) and ('no-cache' in cc_list or 'no-store' in cc_list or ('private' in cc_list and not self.private_cache)):
            # kindly follow web servers indications, refresh
            # if the same settings are used all along, this section shouldn't be
            # of any use, since the page woudln't be cached in the first place
            # the check is only performed "just in case"
            return None

        elif 'max-age' in cc_values and int(cc_values['max-age']) > cache_age:
            # server says it's still fine (and we trust him, if not, use force_min=0), use cache
            return self.cached_response(req)

        elif self.force_min is not None and self.force_min > cache_age:
            # still recent enough for us, use cache
            return self.cached_response(req)

            # according to the www, we have to refresh when nothing is said
            return None