def delete_credential(credentials): ''' Function that deletes credentials that are no longer in use ''' return Credential.delete_credentials(credentials)
def test_delete_credentials(self): self.new_credential.save_credentials() twitter = Credential('samuel', 'twitter', 'samuel-sam', '120819985') twitter.save_credentials() twitter.delete_credentials() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.credential_list), 1)
class TestCredentials(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test class that defines test cases for the credentials class behaviours. Args: unittest.TestCase: helps in creating test cases ''' def test_check_user(self): ''' Function to test whether the login in function check_user works as expected ''' self.new_user = User('shadrack', 'maestro', 's1234') self.new_user.save_users() addUser = User('', '', '') # test if another user will be added addUser.save_users() for user in User.user_list: if user.username == addUser.username and user.password == addUser.password: current_user = user.username return current_user self.assertEqual( current_user, Credential.check_user(addUser.password, addUser.username)) def tearDown(self): ''' tearDown method that does clean up after each test case has run. ''' Credential.cred_list = [] def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases. ''' self.new_credential = Credential('shadrack', 'Facebook', 's1234') def test__init__(self): ''' Test to check if the initialization/creation of credential instances is properly done ''' self.assertEqual(self.new_credential.user_name, 'shadrack') self.assertEqual(self.new_credential.site_name, 'Facebook') self.assertEqual(self.new_credential.password, 's1234') def test_save_credentials(self): ''' Test to check if the new credential info is saved into the credentials list ''' self.new_credential.save_credentials() twitter = Credential('shadrack', 'Twitter', 's1234') twitter.save_credentials() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.cred_list), 2) #testing testing def test_user_name_exists(self): ''' test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the sitename. ''' @classmethod def user_name_exist(cls, user_name): ''' Method that checks if a user name exists from the cred list. Args: user_namae: user name to search if it exists Returns : Boolean: True or false depending if the site exists ''' self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_user_name = Credential("user", "site", "pass") # new cred test_user_name.save_credentials() user_name_exists = Credential.user_name_exist("user") self.assertTrue(user_name_exists) for cred in cls.cred_list: if cred.user_name == user_name: return True return False def test_copy_password(self): ''' Test to confirm that we are copying the password ''' @classmethod def copy_password(cls, password): pass_found = Credential.find_by_sitename(site_name) pyperclip.copy(pass_found.password) self.new_contact.save_contact() Credential.copy_password("1234") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.password, pyperclip.paste()) def test_delete_credential(self): """ test method to test if we can remove an account credentials from our cred_list """ self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_credential = Credential("user", "site", "pass") test_credential.save_credentials() self.new_credential.delete_credentials() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.cred_list), 1) #testing def test_find_credential(self): """ test to check if we can find a credential entry by account name and display the details of the credential """ self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_credential = Credential("user", "site", "pass") test_credential.save_credentials() credential = Credential.find_credential("user") self.assertEqual(credential.user_name, test_credential.user_name) def test_credential_exist(self): """ test to check if we can return a true or false based on whether we find or can't find the credential. """ self.new_credential.save_credentials() credential = Credential("user", "site", "pass") credential.save_credentials() credential_is_found = Credential.if_credential_exist("user") self.assertTrue(credential_is_found)
class TestUser(unittest.TestCase): """ Test class that defines test cases for the user class behaviours. Args: unittest.TestCase:TestCase that help in creating test cases """ def setUp(self): """ set up method to run before each test cases. """ # self.new_user = User("owinolawrence", "2019") self.new_credential = Credential("owinolawrence", "twitter", "2018") def test_init(self): """ test_init test case to test if the object is initialized properly """ # self.assertEqual(self.new_user.login_username, "owinolawrence") # self.assertEqual(self.new_user.user_password, "2019") self.assertEqual(self.new_credential.account_name, "twitter") self.assertEqual(self.new_credential.account_password, "2018") def test_save_object(self): """ test_save_object test case to test if the object will be save in user list and credential list """ # self.new_user.save_detail() # self.new_credential.save_credential() # self.assertEqual(len(User.user_list), 1) # self.assertEqual(len(Credential.credential_list), 1) def tearDown(self): """ tearDown method that does clean up after test case has run. """ User.user_list = [] Credential.credential_list = [] def test_delete_user(self): """ test_delete_user to test if we can remove a user from the user list """ def test_delete_credentials(self): """ test to check if the user can delete his or her credentials """ self.new_credential.save_credential() test_credential = Credential("owinolawrence", "instragram", "2017") test_credential.save_credential() self.new_credential.delete_credentials( ) # Deleting a credential object # self.assertEqual(len(Credential.credential_list), 1) def test_find_user_by_name(self): """ test to check if we can find a user by using account name and display information """ self.new_credential.save_credential() test_credential = Credential("owinolawrence", "twitter", "2018") test_credential.save_credential() found_credential = Credential.find_by_name("twitter") self.assertEqual(found_credential.account_password, "2018") def test_credential_exists(self): """ test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the account name """ self.new_credential.save_credential() test_credential = Credential("owinolawrence", "twitter", "2018") test_credential.save_credential() credential_exist = Credential.credential_exists("twitter") self.assertTrue(credential_exist) def test_display_all_credential(self): ''' method that return all the credential saved ''' self.assertEqual(Credential.display_credentials(), Credential.credentials_list)