def saveUpdate(self, evt): judge = 1 '''保存修改后的信息''' password = self.password.GetValue().strip() # 获得修改后的值 confirmpd = self.confirmpd.GetValue().strip() name = self.XingMing.GetValue().strip() certNo = self.certNo.GetValue().strip() gender = self.gender # birthday = self.birth.GetValue() birthday_time = self.datetime_to_str(str(birthday)) # job = self.data_translate(self.job.GetValue(), 1) # 职业 graduschool = self.data_translate(, 2) degree = self.data_translate(self.degreeType.GetValue(), 3) danwei = self.data_translate(self.danwei.GetValue(), 4) # zhicheng = self.zhicheng.GetValue() shoujihao = qq = self.QQ.GetValue().strip() email = # 判断注册时输入的格式是否正确 password_test ="^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,10}$", password) # 密码 true_name ="^[\u4E00-\u9FA5]{2,4}$", name) # 姓名 shenfenzheng = r"^(\d{6})(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})([0-9]|X)$", certNo) # 身份证号 if name == "": warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="姓名不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif true_name == None: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="真实姓名填写有误", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif certNo == "": warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="身份证号不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif shenfenzheng == None: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="身份证输入不合法", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif password == "": # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="登录密码不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif password_test == None: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="密码不能含有非法字符,长度在4-10之间", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif confirmpd == "": # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="确认密码不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif password != confirmpd: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="两次密码不同,请重新输入", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 if shoujihao != '': phone ="^1[3-9]\d{9}$", shoujihao) # 验证手机号 if phone == None: warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="手机号码不正确,请重新输入", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 if qq != '': QQ ="^[1-9][0-9]{4,11}$", qq) # 验证QQ号 if QQ == None: warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="QQ号不正确,例如843278021", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 if email != '': email_test ="^\w+@\w+(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}){1,2}$", email) # 验证邮箱 if email_test == None: warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="Email格式不正确,例如[email protected]", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 if password != "" and name != "" and certNo != "" and judge == 1: print("开始将修改后的数据保存到数据库中") applicant = UserInfo('', password, name, certNo, gender, birthday_time, job[0][0], graduschool[0][0], degree[0][0], danwei[0][0], zhicheng, shoujihao, qq, email) try: param_2 = (applicant.getpassword(), applicant.getApplicantName(), applicant.getApplicantID(), applicant.getgender(), applicant.getbirthday(), applicant.getprofession(), applicant.getgraduationschool(), applicant.getdegree(), applicant.getdepartment(), applicant.getzhicheng(), applicant.getCellPhoneNumber(), applicant.getQQ(), applicant.getzhicheng(), applicant.getemail(), applicant.getApplicantID()) sql_2 = "update user_info set Password=%s, TrueName=%s, IDCard=%s, Gender=%s, Birthday=%s, " \ "Job=%s,School=%s, Degree=%s, Unit=%s, Title=%s, Phone=%s , QQ=%s, Title=%s, Email=%s" \ " where IDCard=%s" self.dbhelper.UpdateData(sql_2, param_2) # 对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="提交成功", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示 warn.Destroy() except Exception as e: print("查询记录失败:", e)
def savePatent(self, evt): judge = 1 '''第一步:获取text中文本;第二步,连接数据库;第三步插入并获得主键;第四步添加到系统中''' password = self.password.GetValue().strip() confirmpd = self.confirmpd.GetValue().strip() name = self.XingMing.GetValue().strip() certNo = self.certNo.GetValue().strip() gender = self.gender # birthday = self.birth.GetValue() birthday_time = self.datetime_to_str(str(birthday)) # job = self.data_translate(self.job.GetValue(), 1) # 职业 graduschool = self.data_translate(, 2) # 毕业学校 degree = self.data_translate(self.degreeType.GetValue(), 3) # 学历/学位 danwei = self.data_translate(self.danwei.GetValue(), 4) # 单位 # zhicheng = self.zhicheng.GetValue().strip() shoujihao = qq = self.QQ.GetValue().strip() email = self.Email.GetValue().strip() print('电子邮箱', email) # userState = self.data_translate(self.user_state, 5) userClass = self.data_translate(self.user_class, 6) # 判断注册时输入的格式是否正确 true_name ="^[\u4E00-\u9FA5]{2,4}$", name) # 姓名 password_test ="^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,10}$", password) # 密码 shenfenzheng = r"^(\d{6})(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})([0-9]|X)$", certNo) # 身份证号 if name == "": warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="姓名不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif true_name == None: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="真实姓名填写有误", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif certNo == "": warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="身份证号不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif shenfenzheng == None: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="身份证输入不合法", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif password == "": # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="登录密码不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif password_test == None: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="密码不能含有非法字符,长度在4-10之间", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif confirmpd == "": # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="确认密码不能为空!!!", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 elif password != confirmpd: # 消息对话框 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="两次密码不同,请重新输入", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 # if shoujihao != "": phone ="^1[3-9]\d{9}$", shoujihao) # 验证手机号 if phone == None: warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="手机号码不正确,请重新输入", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() judge = 0 if qq != "": QQ ="^[1-9][0-9]{4,11}$", qq) # 验证QQ号 if QQ == None: judge = 0 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="QQ号不正确,例如843278021", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() if email != "": email_test = r"^[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?\.)+[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?$", email) # 验证邮箱 if email_test == None: judge = 0 warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="Email格式不正确,例如[email protected]", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示错误 warn.Destroy() if password != "" and name != "" and certNo != "" and judge == 1: print('进来了') # 对Applicant进行实例化 user = UserInfo('', password, name, certNo, gender, birthday_time, job[0][0], graduschool[0][0], degree[0][0], danwei[0][0], zhicheng, shoujihao, qq, email) # 判断是否能找到相同身份证号 try: param_1 = (certNo, ) sql_1 = "select IDCard from user_info where IDCard=%s" i = self.dbhelper.SelectRecord(sql_1, param_1) print(i) if i != (): print(i) if i[0][0] == certNo: warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="身份证号已存在,请重新输入", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示 warn.Destroy() else: print("开始将用户注册信息插入到数据库中") # 进行数据库的插入 try: param_2 = (userClass[0][0], user.getpassword(), user.getApplicantName(), user.getApplicantID(), user.getgender(), user.getbirthday(), user.getprofession(), user.getgraduationschool(), user.getdegree(), user.getdepartment(), user.getzhicheng(), user.getCellPhoneNumber(), user.getQQ(), user.getemail(), userState[0][0]) sql_2 = "insert into user_info(UserCategory,Password,TrueName,IDCard, Gender, Birthday, Job, School,\ Degree, Unit, Title, Phone, QQ, Email, UserStatus) \ values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" self.dbhelper.AddRecord(sql_2, param_2) warn = wx.MessageDialog(self, message="注册成功", caption="温馨提示", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warn.ShowModal() # 提示 warn.Destroy() self.parent.notebook.DeleteAllPages() self.parent._mgr.Update() self.parent.register_state = 0 except Exception as e: print("添加记录失败:", e) except Exception as e: print("查询记录失败:", e)