Exemple #1
class RegularPolygon:
    def __init__(self, sides, pos, size, Keyboard, CANVAS_HEIGHT,
        self.Keyboard = Keyboard
        self.sides = sides
        self.pos = pos
        self.vel = Vector()
        self.size = size
        self.generator = Vector(0, -self.size)
        self.vertices = []
        self.botVert = self.generator + self.pos

    def computeVertices(self):
        angle = 360 / self.sides
        gen = self.generator.copy()
        self.vertices = []
        for i in range(self.sides):
            self.vertices.append(self.pos + gen)

    def computeSides(self):
        self.lines = [
            Line(self.vertices[i], self.vertices[(i + 1) % len(self.vertices)])
            for i in range(len(self.vertices))

    def draw(self, canvas):
        for line in self.lines:

    def drawGenerator(self, canvas):
        line = Line(self.pos, self.pos + self.generator)

    def bottomVert(self):  #bottom corner position
        return self.vertices[(self.sides + 1) % len(self.vertices)]

    def bottomVertVec(self):
        return Vector((self.bottomVert().x), (self.bottomVert().y))

    def topVert(self):  #top corner position
        return (self.generator + self.pos)

    def topVertVec(self):
        return Vector((self.topVert().x), (self.topVert().y))

    def forVec(self):
        return Vector((self.topVertVec().x - self.bottomVertVec().x),
                      (self.topVertVec().y - self.bottomVertVec().y))

    def forwardVel(self):
        return Vector(
            self.topVert - self.bottomVert
        )  #self.topVert.x #-self.bottomVert.x #)/10),((self.topVert.y-self.bottomVert.y)/10))

    def print2(self):
        return Vector((self.vertices[(self.sides + 1) % len(self.vertices)]) -
                      (self.generator + self.pos))

    def update(self):

        if self.pos.y > self.CANVAS_HEIGHT:
            self.pos.y = 0
        if self.pos.y < 0:
            self.pos.y = self.CANVAS_HEIGHT
        if self.pos.x > self.CANVAS_WIDTH:
            self.pos.x = 0
        if self.pos.x < 0:
            self.pos.x = self.CANVAS_WIDTH

        if self.Keyboard.right and self.Keyboard.left:
            self.vel.add(Vector(0, 0))
        if self.Keyboard.right and self.Keyboard.up:
            self.vel.add(Vector(1, -1.5))
        if self.Keyboard.left and self.Keyboard.up:
            self.vel.add(Vector(-1, -1.5))

        if self.Keyboard.right and self.Keyboard.down:
            self.vel.add(Vector(1, 1.5))
        if self.Keyboard.left and self.Keyboard.down:
            self.vel.add(Vector(-1, 1.5))

        if self.Keyboard.up:
            self.vel.add(Vector(self.forVec().x / 100, self.forVec().y / 100))
        if self.Keyboard.down:
                Vector(-self.forVec().x / 100, -(self.forVec().y) / 100))
        if self.Keyboard.right:
        if self.Keyboard.left:
class Player:  # to create instances of the player
    def __init__(self, name, vel, pos, radius=50):
        self.name = name  # name of player
        self.pos = pos  # position of player
        self.vel = vel  # velocity of player
        self.image = chickenHead
        self.imageWidth = self.image.get_width()
        self.imageHeight = self.image.get_height()
        self.dimX = 50  # dimentions of image on canvas
        self.dimY = 50
        self.speed = 0.45  # multiplier of players speed
        self.radius = 20
        self.border = 2  # border of circle underneath player sprite
        self.acc = Vector()  # acceleration

    def restart(self):
        self.vel = Vector()  # restart position for players, when scored
        self.acc = Vector()  # similar for acceleration

    def outX(
    ):  # checking if the players are wanting to go out of bound in the x axis
        if self.name == 1:
            return (self.pos.x < WIDTH / 2 + self.radius
                    or self.pos.x > WIDTH - self.radius
                    )  # checks if position of ball is outside canvas
        return (self.pos.x < 0 + self.radius
                or self.pos.x > WIDTH / 2 - self.radius)

    def outY(self):  # checking if players go out of bount y axis
        return (self.pos.y - self.radius < 0
                or self.pos.y + self.radius > HEIGHT)

    def draw(self, canvas):

            self.pos.getP(), self.radius, self.border, 'Red'
        )  # drawing a circle underneath sprite which actually does the colisions

            (self.imageWidth / 2, self.imageHeight / 2),
            # drawing sprite of players, centre source
            (self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight),  # width hight source
            (self.pos.x, self.pos.y),  # centre destination
            (self.dimX, self.dimY))  # width- height destination

    def positionUpdate(
            self, keyboard):  # allowing player moveent using keyboard class
        if self.name == 1:
            if keyboard.right and self.pos.getP()[0] < (
                    WIDTH - self.radius
            ):  # checks to see player isn't out of bounds on far right x axis
                    Vector(1, 0) *
                    self.speed)  # add to velcoity vector to go to the right
            if keyboard.left and self.pos.getP()[0] > (
                    WIDTH / 2 + self.radius
            ):  # only does as long as it is not off bound left xaxis
                self.vel.add(Vector(-1, 0) *
                             self.speed)  # goes 1 position to the left
            if keyboard.up and self.pos.getP()[1] > (
                    0 +
                    self.radius):  # won't pass vector if player is on edge top
                self.vel.add(Vector(0, -1) * self.speed)  # goes up
            if keyboard.down and self.pos.getP()[1] < (
                    HEIGHT - self.radius
            ):  # won't pass vector if going off screen bottom
                self.vel.add(Vector(0, 1) * self.speed)  # goes down
        else:  # for player 2, similar method but for its buttons
            if keyboard.right2 and self.pos.getP()[0] < (WIDTH / 2 -
                self.vel.add(Vector(1, 0) * self.speed)
            if keyboard.left2 and self.pos.getP()[0] > (0 + self.radius):
                self.vel.add(Vector(-1, 0) * self.speed)
            if keyboard.up2 and self.pos.getP()[1] > (0 + self.radius):
                self.vel.add(Vector(0, -1) * self.speed)
            if keyboard.down2 and self.pos.getP()[1] < (HEIGHT - self.radius):
                self.vel.add(Vector(0, 1) * self.speed)

    def update(self, keyboard):
        global WIDTH, HEIGHT
        if self.vel.x > 4:  # 4 is the max velocity allowed, so that players do not go too quick
            self.vel.x = 4
        if self.vel.y > 4:
            self.vel.y = 4
        if self.vel.x < -4:  # likewise, -4 so its not too slow
            self.vel.x = -4
        if self.vel.y < -4:
            self.vel.y = -4
        if self.outX():  # checking for boundries for x axis
            if self.name == 1:  # confining players to their side of their screen
                if self.pos.x < WIDTH / 2 + 20 and self.vel.x < 0:  # player one has the right half
                    self.vel.x = 0  # sets velocity to 0 so they can't move
                if self.pos.x > WIDTH - 40 and self.vel.x > 0:  # so doesn't go off on right ride screen
                    self.vel.x = 0
                if self.pos.x < 0 + 40 and self.vel.x < 0:  # player 2 has left side
                    self.vel.x = 0
                if self.pos.x > WIDTH / 2 - 20 and self.vel.x > 0:  # doesn't allow to go off screen left
                    self.vel.x = 0

        if self.outY():  # checking likewise for y axis
            if self.pos.y < 50 and self.vel.y < 0:  # 50 (2*radius + extra so doesn't glitch)
                self.vel.y = 0
            if self.pos.y > HEIGHT - 40 and self.vel.y > 0:
                self.vel.y = 0
        if self.name == 1:
            if keyboard.pressed1 == 0:
                self.vel = self.vel.subtract(self.vel)
            if keyboard.pressed2 == 0:
                self.vel = Vector()

        self.pos.add(self.vel)  # adding keyboard velocity to chicken

    def collides(
            other):  # checking if two balls passed together are in colision
        return ((self.pos - other.pos).length() <=
                (self.radius + self.border) + (other.radius + other.border)
                )  # border being the border of circles