def item_searchlist_Event(self, item): session, tag = re.split(" -> ", item.text()) # get all session to compare that is selected tag in playlist or user select tag wrong all_sessions = list(self.PlaylistW.Files.keys()) # there is bug here if mp3 and mp4 has same name all_sessions = [ ".".join(item.split(".")[:-1]) for item in all_sessions ] if session in all_sessions: if session != ".".join(self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[:-1]): # Show confirm window to get accept user for change video self.confirmWin = confrimWin( self, session=session, tag_Text=tag, Text= f"Are you sure to change video to {session} from search") else: try: # concert time format to second for using in change position time_second = tc.to_second(self.allTag[session][tag]) self.change_Position(time_second) except: # handle unexcepted error! pass else: Warning_user_wrongTags = confrimWin( self, Title="Warning", Text="You have opened wrong tag files")
def menuBarCloseTag(self): # close current tags if self.tag_Path: self.confirmCloseTag = confrimWin( self, Title="Close Tag", Text="Are you sure to close current tag") self.actionClose_Tag.setEnabled(False) else: self.confirmCloseTag = confrimWin(self, Title="Warning", Text="There is no tag to close") self.actionClose_Tag.setEnabled(False)
def menuBarCreateTag(self): # create new Tag file if self.tag_Path: self.confirmCloseTag = confrimWin( self, Title="Create Tag", Text="Are you sure to close current tag and create new one") self.actionCreate_Tag.setEnabled(False) else: dialog = QFileDialog(self, 'File tag', directory=os.getcwd()) _path = dialog.getSaveFileName(filter="*.csv")[0] try: if _path: self.tag_Path = _path open(self.tag_Path, "w") except: pass
def del_Tag(self): self.comboBox_Tag.setEnabled(False) try: # handle error of not selected item item = [ self.Edit_tag_Listwidget.currentItem().text(0), self.Edit_tag_Listwidget.currentItem().text(1) ] session = ".".join(self.comboBox_Tag.currentText().split(".")[:-1]) if session in self.MediaPlayer.allTag: # show window to get accept from user self.confirmWin = confrimWin( self.MediaPlayer, session=session, Text=f"are you sure to delete ({item[0]}) tag", tagPartText=item, Title="Delete tag") except: pass
def save_Bookmarks(self): if not self.tag_Path: error_addBookmark = confrimWin( self, Title="Warning", Text="First select or create a tag file and try again") return False try: # use add bookmark function to add bookmarks in tag part add_Bookmark( self.lineEdit_Bookmark.text() + "#" + tc.millis_to_format(self.player.position()), ".".join(self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[:-1]), self.tag_Path) # there isn't any tags for movie we want to add bookmark it if not ".".join( self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[:-1]) in self.allTag: self.allTag.update( {".".join(self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[:-1]): {}}) self.allTag[".".join( self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[:-1])].update({ self.lineEdit_Bookmark.text(): tc.millis_to_format(self.player.position()) }) self.set_TagonListwidget( self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[0]) # update tag listwidget # update combo box of edit and Main window self.pushButton_Start.setFocus(True) index = self.ComboBox_Tags_of_file.findText( self.windowTitle()[16:]) self.ComboBox_Tags_of_file.setCurrentIndex(index) index = self.Setting.comboBox_Tag.findText(self.windowTitle()[16:]) self.Setting.comboBox_Tag.setCurrentIndex(index) # **** except: pass self.lineEdit_Bookmark.clear() self.lineEdit_Bookmark.setVisible(False)
def GoToTagtime(self, item): spliter = len(str(self.ListWidget_Tags_of_file.currentRow() + 1)) + 3 tag_Text = item.text()[spliter:] # change time if clicked on tags that belong to playing session if self.windowTitle()[16:] == self.ComboBox_Tags_of_file.currentText(): session = ".".join(self.windowTitle()[16:].split(".")[:-1]) try: # convert time to seconds using tc mudole(write by own) time_second = tc.to_second(self.allTag[session][tag_Text]) # using change position function to handle sliders and time self.change_Position(time_second) except: pass else: session = ".".join( self.ComboBox_Tags_of_file.currentText().split(".")[:-1]) self.confirmWin = confrimWin( self, session=session, tag_Text=tag_Text, Text=f"Are you sure to change video to {session}")
def error_TimeFormat(self): _Warning = confrimWin(self, Title="Warning", Text="Please enter current format for time")