def login(request): if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST: email = request.POST.get('email') password = request.POST.get('password') user = User().find_one({'email': email}) if user is None: return JsonResponse({'code': 0, 'msg': 'User not exists!'}) if user['password'] != get_password(password): return JsonResponse({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'Incorrect email or password.' }) elif user['is_active'] == 0: return JsonResponse({'code': 0, 'msg': 'Email not activated!'}) else: request.session["user_email"] = email request.session['user_id'] = str(user['_id']) return JsonResponse({ 'code': 1, 'msg': '', 'user_id': str(user['_id']) }) else: return JsonResponse({'code': 0, 'msg': 'Empty Post Data'})
def register(request): if request.method == 'POST': user_name = request.POST.get('user_name') password = request.POST.get('password') email = request.POST.get('email') user = User().find_one({'email': email}) if user is not None: if user['is_active'] == 1: return JsonResponse({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'Email already exists!' }) if ( - user['create_time']).seconds < 60: return JsonResponse({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'Please check your email to activate your account!' }) if user is not None and user['is_active'] == 0: user_id = str(user['_id']) else: user_id = str(User().insert_one({ 'username': user_name, 'email': email, 'password': get_password(password), 'salt': 'example_salt', 'is_active': 0, 'create_time': })) if EMAIL_ACTIVE_ENABLE is False: return JsonResponse({'code': 1, 'msg': 'success'}) account_activation_token = create_token( { 'user_id': user_id, 'user_is_active': 0 }, 60) mail_subject = 'Activate your account.' current_site = get_current_site(request) message = render_to_string( 'acc_active_email.html', { 'user_name': user_name, 'domain': current_site.domain, 'token': account_activation_token, 'reset_password': 0 }) email = EmailMessage(mail_subject, message, to=[email]) email.send() return JsonResponse({ 'code': 1, 'msg': 'Activate your account by the email!' })
def reset_password(request): if request.method == 'POST': is_send_mail = request.POST.get('is_send_mail') if is_send_mail == '1': email = request.POST.get('email') user = User().find_one({'email': email}) if user is None: return JsonResponse({'code': 0, 'msg': 'Email not exists!'}) account_activation_token = create_token( {'user_id': str(user['_id'])}, 60) mail_subject = 'Please reset your password.' current_site = get_current_site(request) message = render_to_string( 'acc_active_email.html', { 'user_name': user['username'], 'domain': current_site.domain, 'token': account_activation_token, 'reset_password': 1 }) email = EmailMessage(mail_subject, message, to=[email]) email.send() return JsonResponse({ 'code': 1, 'msg': 'The email send successfully!' }) else: password = request.POST.get('password') token = request.POST.get('token') if not all([password, token]): return JsonResponse({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'password or token is None!' }) acc, payload = authenticate_token(token) if acc == 0: return HttpResponse(payload) else: user = User().find_one({ '_id': ObjectId(payload['user_id']), 'is_active': 1 }) if user is None: return JsonResponse({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'User not exist or Email not activated!' }) User().collection.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(payload['user_id'])}, {"$set": { 'password': get_password(password) }}) return JsonResponse({ 'code': 1, "msg": "Reset password Successfully, Please Login!" })