async def ffmpegsave(message: Message): if not os.path.exists(FF_MPEG_DOWN_LOAD_MEDIA_PATH): if not os.path.isdir(Config.DOWN_PATH): os.makedirs(Config.DOWN_PATH) if start = reply_message = message.reply_to_message try: downloaded_file_name = await message.client.download_media( message=reply_message, file_name=FF_MPEG_DOWN_LOAD_MEDIA_PATH, progress=progress, progress_args=(message, "trying to download"), ) downloaded_file_name = safe_filename(downloaded_file_name) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=C0103,W0703 await message.edit(str(e)) else: end = ms = (end - start).seconds await message.edit("Downloaded to `{}` in {} seconds.".format( downloaded_file_name, ms)) else: await message.edit("Reply to a Telegram media file") else: await message.edit( "a media file already exists in path. " f"Please remove the media and try again!\n`.term rm {FF_MPEG_DOWN_LOAD_MEDIA_PATH}`" )
async def mediainfo(message: Message): """Get Media Info""" reply = message.reply_to_message if not reply: await message.err("reply to media first", del_in=5) return process = await message.edit("`Processing ...`") x_media = None available_media = ( "audio", "document", "photo", "sticker", "animation", "video", "voice", "video_note", "new_chat_photo", ) for kind in available_media: x_media = getattr(reply, kind, None) if x_media is not None: break if x_media is None: await message.err("Reply To a Vaild Media Format", del_in=3) return media_type = str(type(x_media)).split("'")[1] file_path = safe_filename(await output_ = await runcmd(f'mediainfo "{file_path}"') out = None if len(output_) != 0: out = output_[0] body_text = f""" <h2>JSON</h2> <pre>{x_media}</pre> <br> <h2>DETAILS</h2> <pre>{out or 'Not Supported'}</pre> """ text_ = media_type.split(".")[-1].upper() link = post_to_telegraph(media_type, body_text) if message.client.is_bot: markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text=text_, url=link)]]) await process.edit_text("ℹ️ <b>MEDIA INFO</b>", reply_markup=markup) else: await message.edit(f"ℹ️ <b>MEDIA INFO: [{text_}]({link})</b>") os.remove(file_path)
async def video_note(message: Message): """ Covert to video note """ _cache_path = "userge/xcache/circle" _vid_path = _cache_path + "/temp_vid.mp4" reply = message.reply_to_message if not reply: await message.err("Reply to supported media", del_in=10) return if not ( or reply.animation or await message.err("Only videos, gifs and audio are Supported", del_in=10) return if os.path.exists(_cache_path): rmtree(_cache_path, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(_cache_path) await message.edit("`Processing ...`") if or reply.animation: note = safe_filename(await await crop_vid(note, _vid_path) else: thumb_loc = _cache_path + "/thumb.jpg" audio_loc = _cache_path + "/music.mp3" if audio_thumb =[0].file_id thumb = await userge.download_media(audio_thumb) else: thumb = None music = await os.rename(music, audio_loc) if thumb: os.rename(thumb, thumb_loc) else: await thumb_from_audio(audio_loc, thumb_loc) await runcmd( f"""ffmpeg -loop 1 -i {thumb_loc} -i {audio_loc} -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -b:a 192k -vf \"scale=\'iw-mod (iw,2)\':\'ih-mod(ih,2)\',format=yuv420p\" -shortest -movflags +faststart {_vid_path}""" ) if os.path.exists(_vid_path): await message.client.send_video_note(, _vid_path) await message.delete() rmtree(_cache_path, ignore_errors=True)
async def get_rawaudio_thumb(data: Dict) -> Optional[tuple]: key = data["id"] msg = data["msg"] client = if data["has_bot"] else userge thumb_loc = keypath(key, thumb=True)[1] if data["yt_url"]: song_path = await download_yt_song(key) if thumb := await check_thumb( await pool.run_in_thread(download)(data["thumb"] or await get_ytthumb(key)) ): os.rename(thumb, thumb_loc) thumb = thumb_loc else: song_path = safe_filename(await client.download_media( thumb = await extract_thumb(song_path, key) if song_path and (outf := await convert_raw(song_path, key)): return outf, thumb async def yt_x_bleck_megik(link: str) -> Optional[str]: if not (yt_id := get_yt_video_id(link)): if not ( (output := await get_song_link(link)) and (pf_ := output.get("linksByPlatform")) and (yt_ := pf_.get("youtube")) ): return yt_id = get_yt_video_id(yt_.get("url")) return yt_id
async def spinn(message: Message): """Spin any media""" reply = message.reply_to_message if not reply: return await message.err("Reply To Media First !", del_in=5) if ( in ["group", "supergroup"] and not return await message.err( "can't send gif in this chat, Permission Denied !", del_in=5) # to choose no. of frames i.e step_dict[6] or 60 => 360 / 60 = 6 frames step_dict = {"1": 1, "2": 3, "3": 6, "4": 12, "5": 24, "6": 60} if "-s" in message.flags: step = step_dict.get(message.flags["-s"]) if not step: return await message.err("Not valid value for flag '-s'", del_in=5) else: step = 1 # Haha USERGE-X custom function pic_loc = safe_filename(await media_to_image(message)) if not pic_loc: return await message.err("Reply to a valid media first", del_in=5) await message.edit( "🌀 `Tighten your seatbelts, sh*t is about to get wild ...`") # direction of rotation spin_dir = -1 if "-c" in message.flags else 1 path = "userge/xcache/rotate-disc/" if os.path.exists(path): rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(path) # Converting RGBA to RGB im = if im.mode != "RGB": im = im.convert("RGB") # Rotating pic by given angle and saving for k, nums in enumerate(range(1, 360, step), start=0): y = im.rotate(nums * spin_dir), "spinx%s.jpg" % k)) output_vid = os.path.join(path, "out.mp4") # ;__; Maths lol, y = mx + c frate = int(((90 / 59) * step) + (1680 / 59)) # await runcmd( f'ffmpeg -framerate {frate} -i {path}spinx%d.jpg -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -vf "crop=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p {output_vid}' ) if os.path.exists(output_vid): reply_id = reply.message_id if reply else None if "-r" in message.flags: round_vid = os.path.join(path, "out_round.mp4") # aspect ratio = 1:1 await crop_vid(output_vid, round_vid) await message.client.send_video_note(, round_vid, reply_to_message_id=reply_id) else: await message.client.send_animation(, output_vid, unsave=(not message.client.is_bot), reply_to_message_id=reply_id, ) await message.delete() # Clean up os.remove(pic_loc) rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)