def create(): number_of_errors = 0 if request.method == 'POST': if len(request.form['first_name']) < 2: flash("Please enter a first name.") number_of_errors += 1 if len(request.form['last_name']) < 2: flash("Please enter a last name.") number_of_errors += 1 if not EMAIL_REGEX.match(request.form['email']): flash("Invalid Email Address!") number_of_errors += 1 if number_of_errors > 0: return redirect('/users/new') mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") query = "INSERT INTO friends (first_name, last_name, email, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (%(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(email)s, NOW(), NOW());" data = { 'first_name': request.form['first_name'], 'last_name': request.form['last_name'], 'email': request.form['email'] } print(data) new_friend_id = mysql.query_db(query, data) return redirect('/users')
def update(id): number_of_errors = 0 if request.method == 'POST': if len(request.form['first_name']) < 2: flash("Please enter a first name.") number_of_errors += 1 if len(request.form['last_name']) < 2: flash("Please enter a last name.") number_of_errors += 1 if not EMAIL_REGEX.match(request.form['email']): flash("Invalid Email Address!") number_of_errors += 1 if number_of_errors > 0: return redirect(f'/users/{id}/edit') query = 'UPDATE friends SET first_name = %(first_name)s, last_name = %(last_name)s, email = %(email)s, updated_at = NOW() WHERE id = %(id)s' mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") data = { 'first_name': request.form['first_name'], 'last_name': request.form['last_name'], 'email': request.form['email'], 'id': id } friend = mysql.query_db(query, data) return redirect(f'/users/{id}')
def destroy(id): query = 'DELETE FROM friends WHERE id = %(id)s' mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") data = {'id': id} friend = mysql.query_db(query, data) return redirect('/users')
def show(id): query = 'SELECT * FROM friends WHERE id = %(id)s' mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") data = {'id': id} friend = mysql.query_db(query, data) return render_template('show.html', friend=friend[0])
def new(): mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") return render_template('/new.html')
def index(): mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") all_friends = mysql.query_db("SELECT * FROM friends") print("Fetched all friends", all_friends) return render_template('index.html', friends=all_friends)
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, flash import re EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-copy9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$') # import the function connectToMySQL from the file from users import connectToMySQL app = Flask(__name__) # invoke the connectToMySQL function and pass it the name of the database we're using # connectToMySQL returns an instance of MySQLConnection, which we will store in the variable 'mysql' mysql = connectToMySQL('cr_friends') # now, we may invoke the query_db method app.secret_key = 'KeepItSecretKeepItSafe' print("all the friends", mysql.query_db("SELECT * FROM friends;")) @app.route('/users') def index(): mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") all_friends = mysql.query_db("SELECT * FROM friends") print("Fetched all friends", all_friends) return render_template('index.html', friends=all_friends) @app.route('/users/new') def new(): mysql = connectToMySQL("cr_friends") return render_template('/new.html')