def update(request): # Get username and password and other credentials from posted data and updated into the db if request.method == 'POST': name = request.POST.get('name') code= str(request.POST.get('countryCode')) mobile_no =code+ str(request.POST.get('mobile_no')) ldap_email = request.POST.get('ldap_email') ldap_pass = request.POST.get('ldap_pass') cse_email = request.POST.get('cse_email') cse_email_pass = request.POST.get('cse_email_pass') moodle_id = request.POST.get('moodle_id') moodle_pass = request.POST.get('moodle_pass') try: usr = Users(str(mobile_no)) user = users.objects.get(pk=str(mobile_no)) user_data = usr.getAll() if str(name) != "": user_data["name"] = name if str(ldap_email) != "": user_data["ldap_email"] = ldap_email if str(ldap_pass) != "": ldap_pass = str(encrypt_message(ldap_pass)) user_data["ldap_pass"] = ldap_pass if str(cse_email) != "": user_data["cse_email"] = cse_email if str(cse_email_pass) != "": cse_email_pass = str(encrypt_message(cse_email_pass)) user_data["cse_email_pass"] = cse_email_pass if str(moodle_id) != "": user_data["moodle_id"] = moodle_id if str(moodle_pass) != "": moodle_pass = str(encrypt_message(moodle_pass)) user_data["moodle_pass"] = moodle_pass user_serializer = usersSerializer(user, data=user_data) if user_serializer.is_valid(): #return JsonResponse({'message': 'User has been updated successfully!'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED,safe=False) return render(request, 'timer.html', {'message': {'k1':'User has been updated successfully!\n ', 'k2':'Please send \"join friend-identity\" (without quotes) to "+1 415 523-8886" to register to the whatsapp bot service. Then you can use the whatsapp bot as per your need.'}}) else: #return JsonResponse(user_serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, safe=False) return render(request, 'timer.html', {'message': {'k1':'HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST: Please Try again!','k2':''}}) except users.DoesNotExist: #return JsonResponse({'message': 'The user does not exist'}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, safe=False) return render(request, 'timer.html', {'message': {'k1':'The user does not exist','k2':''}})
def show_quizzes(self, sender_whatsapp_no, course_id): ''' Show quizzes of a course Input: course_id (int) : ID of the course ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" try: payload = {'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'mod_quiz_get_quizzes_by_courses', 'courseids[0]': course_id} res ='',data=payload) i = 1 table = list() for x in json.loads(res.text)['quizzes']: table.append([i, x['id'], x['name'], x['grade'], datetime.fromtimestamp(x['timeopen']), datetime.fromtimestamp(x['timeclose'])]) table.append([]) i += 1 return (tabulate(table, headers = ['sl No', 'id', 'Name', 'Total Score', 'Quiz Opens', 'Quiz Closes'])) except: pass
def show_courses(self, sender_whatsapp_no): ''' Show details of all enrolled courses ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" url = '' payload = { 'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'core_enrol_get_users_courses', 'userid': userid } res =, data=payload) table = list() i = 1 for x in json.loads(res.text): table.append( [i, x['id'], x['progress'], x['shortname'], x['fullname']]) i += 1 return (tabulate(table, headers=[ 'sl No', 'Course id', 'Progress', 'Short Name', 'Full Name' ]))
def show_assignments(self, course, sender_whatsapp_no, show_only_due): ''' Show assignments of a course Input: course (string) : filter for course name show_only_due (boolean) : when set to True, shows only due assignments ''' course = course.lower() token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" payload = { 'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'mod_assign_get_assignments' } res = '', data=payload) table = list() for x in json.loads(res.text)['courses']: i = 1 if course in x['shortname'].lower( ) or course in x['fullname'].lower(): for assignment in x['assignments']: # assignment is not due if show_only_due and datetime.fromtimestamp( assignment['duedate']) < datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()): continue table.append([ i, x['shortname'], assignment['name'], datetime.fromtimestamp(assignment['duedate']) ]) table.append([]) i += 1 table.append([]) break if i > 1: return (tabulate( table, headers=['sl No', 'Course Name', 'Assignment', 'Due Date'])) else: return "No assignments"
def show_all_due_assignments(self, sender_whatsapp_no): ''' Show due assignments of all courses ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" payload = { 'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'mod_assign_get_assignments' } res = '', data=payload) table = list() for x in json.loads(res.text)['courses']: i = 1 cnt = 0 for assignment in x['assignments']: # assignment is not due if datetime.fromtimestamp( assignment['duedate']) < datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()): continue table.append([ i, x['shortname'], assignment['name'], datetime.fromtimestamp(assignment['duedate']) ]) table.append([]) i += 1 cnt += 1 if cnt > 0: table.append([]) return (tabulate( table, headers=['sl No', 'Course Name', 'Assignment', 'Due Date']))
def show_discussions_from_a_forum(self, forum_id, sender_whatsapp_no, n=None): ''' Show all discussions of a particular discussion forum Input: forum_id (int) : ID of the discussion forum n (int) : show only top `n` discussions ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" try: payload = { 'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'mod_forum_get_forum_discussions', 'forumid': forum_id } res = '', data=payload) ret = 'Discussions:\n' i = 1 for x in json.loads(res.text)['discussions']: if n is not None and int(n) < i: break ret += "\t" + f"{i}. [" + str( datetime.fromtimestamp( x['created'])) + '], ' + x['name'] + '\n' ret += bs(x['message'], 'html.parser').get_text() + '\n\n' i += 1 except: pass return ret
def show_course_announcements(self, course_id, sender_whatsapp_no, n = None): ''' Show course announcements of a particular course Input: course_id (int) n (int) ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" payload = {'wstoken': token,'wsfunction':'mod_forum_get_forums_by_courses','courseids[0]': course_id} res ='',data=payload) id = None for x in json.loads(res.text): if 'announce' in x['name'].lower(): id = x['id'] break if id is None: return ("Course does not exist") else: payload = {'wstoken': token,'wsfunction':'mod_forum_get_forum_discussions', 'forumid': id} res ='', data=payload) ret = 'Announcements:\n' i = 1 for x in json.loads(res.text)['discussions']: if n is not None and int(n) < i: break ret += "\t" f"{i}. [" + str(datetime.fromtimestamp(x['created'])) + "] " + x['name'] + '\n' ret += bs(x['message'],'html.parser').get_text() + '\n\n' i += 1 return ret
def show_grades(self, sender_whatsapp_no, course_id): ''' Show grades of a course Input: course_id (int) : ID of the course ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" try: payload = { 'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'gradereport_user_get_grade_items', 'courseid': course_id, 'userid': userid } res = '', data=payload) table = list() for x in json.loads(res.text)['usergrades']: i = 1 for grades in x['gradeitems']: table.append([ i, grades['graderaw'], grades['grademax'], grades['percentageformatted'] ]) i += 1 break return (tabulate(table, headers=['sl No', 'Grade', 'Max', 'Percentage'])) except: pass
def show_course_discussion_forums(self, course_id, sender_whatsapp_no, n=None): ''' Show all discussion forums of a particular course Input: course_id (int) : ID of the course n (int) : show only top `n` discussion forums ''' token, userid = Users(sender_whatsapp_no).getMoodle() if token == -1: return "Please register moodle credentials" print("userid:", token, userid) if token is None: return "Please update Moodle Credentials" try: payload = { 'wstoken': token, 'wsfunction': 'mod_forum_get_forums_by_courses', 'courseids[0]': course_id } res = '', data=payload) table = [] i = 1 for x in json.loads(res.text): if n is not None and int(n) < i: break table.append([x['id'], x['name']]) i += 1 return (tabulate(table, headers=["Forum ID", "Forum Name"])) except: pass
def send_m(self, targets, subject, body, attach, sender_whatsapp_no, filepath=None, cc=[], bcc=[]): try: ret = "" #Fetch username and password from whatsapp number user = Users(sender_whatsapp_no) username, password = user.getLDAP() if username is None or password is None: return "Please register department email credentials" #Smtp url and port host = '' port = int(587) sender = username targets = str(targets) targets = targets.split(',') #Message treated as multipart msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = ', '.join(targets) #If mail contains cc if cc is not None: cc = str(cc) cc = cc.split(',') msg['CC'] = ', '.join(cc) targets = targets + cc #If mail contains bcc if bcc is not None: bcc = str(bcc) bcc = bcc.split(',') msg['BCC'] = ', '.join(bcc) targets = targets + bcc #If mail contains body if body is not None: Body = body txt = MIMEText(Body) msg.attach(txt) #If mail contains attachments if attach == True: filepath = str(filepath) #Split for multiple attachments path = filepath.split(',') for pt in path: type_file = pt.split('.')[-1] #Txt type attachment if type_file == 'txt': with open(pt, "rb") as f: file1 = MIMEApplication(, _subtype='octet-stream', _encoder=encoders.encode_base64, ) file1.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(pt)) msg.attach(file1) #Image type attachment elif type_file == 'jpg' or type_file == 'png': with open(pt, 'rb') as f: file1 = MIMEImage( file1.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(pt)) msg.attach(file1) #All other types of attachment else: with open(pt, "rb") as f: file1 = MIMEApplication(, _subtype=type_file) file1.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(pt)) msg.attach(file1) #Establishing smtp connection using STARTTLS server = smtplib.SMTP(host, port) server.starttls(context=ssl.create_default_context()) #Authentication using username and password server.login(username, password) server.sendmail(sender, targets, msg.as_string()) ret = ret + "Email sent successfully !!!" #Connection close server.quit() except: ret = ret + "Sending failed !! Check username / password / filepath" os.remove("configs/dept_mail") os.remove("configs/dept_mail.key") return ret
def keyword(self, key, sender_whatsapp_no, limit=5): try: ret = "" #Get key string to filter subject s = str(key) #Fetch username and password from whatsapp number user = Users(sender_whatsapp_no) username, password = user.getLDAP() if username is None or password is None: return "Please register IITB email credentials" #Imap url and port imap_url = '' incoming_port = int(993) #Establish connection connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_url, incoming_port) # Authentication using username and password connection.login(username, password) # Select Inbox for the connection status, messages ="INBOX") # Total number of emails messages = int(messages[0]) j = 0 try: for i in range(messages, 0, -1): # Fetch emails by ID res, msg = connection.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)") for response in msg: if isinstance(response, tuple): # Parse a bytes email into a message object msg = email.message_from_bytes(response[1]) # Decode the email subject subject = decode_header(msg["Subject"])[0][0] if isinstance(subject, bytes): # If subject is byte decode it to string subject = subject.decode() # Fetch information of Emails from_ = msg.get("From") dt = msg.get("Date") sub = subject.lower() # If Email has multiple part if msg.is_multipart(): # Span over each part for part in msg.walk(): # Fetch content type content_type = part.get_content_type() content_disposition = str( part.get("Content-Disposition")) try: # Fetch body of Email body = part.get_payload( decode=True).decode() except: pass if content_type == "text/plain" and "attachment" not in content_disposition: body = str(body).lower() #Body matching with given string if body.__contains__(s): #Checking for limit of mails if j >= limit: raise StopIteration j = j + 1 ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25) st = "Message Number :- " + str(j) ret = ret + ("\n" + str(st) + "\n") ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25 + "\n") ret = ret + ("\n" + "Subject : " + str(subject) + "\n" + "Date : " + str(dt) + "\n" + "From : " + str(from_) + "\n") # Print text/plain emails and skip attachments ret = ret + ("\n" + str(body) + "\n") elif "attachment" in content_disposition: # Download attachments and save in local file filename = part.get_filename() if filename: if not os.path.isdir(subject): # Make folder with name as subject os.mkdir(subject) filepath = os.path.join( subject, filename) # Download attachment and save it open(filepath, "wb").write( part.get_payload( decode=True)) else: # Fetch content type content_type = msg.get_content_type() # Fetch body of Email body = msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode() if content_type == "text/plain": body = str(body) #Body matching with given string if body.__contains__(s): #Checking for limit of mails if j >= limit: raise StopIteration j = j + 1 ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25 + "\n") st = "Message Number :- " + str(j) ret = ret + ("\n" + str(st) + "\n") ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25 + "\n") ret = ret + ("\n" + "Subject : " + str(subject) + "\n" + "Date : " + str(dt) + "\n" + "From : " + str(from_) + "\n") ret = ret + ("\n" + str(body) + "\n") else: pass # Stop when limit reached except StopIteration: pass #Close connection and logout connection.close() connection.logout() except: print("Invalid username / password ") os.remove("configs/dept_mail") os.remove("configs/dept_mail.key") return ret
def top(self, sender_whatsapp_no, N=5): ret = "" try: #Fetch username and password from whatsapp number user = Users(sender_whatsapp_no) username, password = user.getLDAP() if username is None or password is None: return "Please register IITB email credentials" #Imap url and port imap_url = '' incoming_port = int(993) #Establish connection connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_url, incoming_port) # Authentication using username and password connection.login(username, password) # Fetch top N mails status, messages ="INBOX") #Total number of mails messages = int(messages[0]) for i in range(messages, messages - N, -1): # fetch the email message by ID ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25) st = "Message Number :- " + str(messages - i + 1) ret = ret + ("\n" + str(st)) ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25 + "\n") # Fetch emails by ID res, msg = connection.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)") for response in msg: if isinstance(response, tuple): # Parse a bytes email into a message object msg = email.message_from_bytes(response[1]) # Decode the email subject subject = decode_header(msg["Subject"])[0][0] if isinstance(subject, bytes): # If subject is byte decode it to string subject = subject.decode() # Fetch information of Emails from_ = str(msg.get("From")) dt = msg.get("Date") ret = ret + ("\n" + "Subject : " + str(subject) + "\n" + "Date : " + str(dt) + "\n" + "From : " + str(from_) + "\n") # If Email has multiple part if msg.is_multipart(): # Span over each part for part in msg.walk(): # Fetch content type content_type = part.get_content_type() content_disposition = str( part.get("Content-Disposition")) try: # Fetch body of Email body = part.get_payload( decode=True).decode() except: pass if content_type == "text/plain" and "attachment" not in content_disposition: # Print text/plain emails and skip attachments ret = ret + (str(body)) elif "attachment" in content_disposition: # Download attachments and save in local file filename = part.get_filename() if filename: if not os.path.isdir(subject): # Make folder with name as subject os.mkdir(subject) filepath = os.path.join( subject, filename) # Download attachment and save it open(filepath, "wb").write( part.get_payload(decode=True)) else: # Fetch content type content_type = msg.get_content_type() # Fetch body of Email body = msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode() if content_type == "text/plain": # Print only text email parts ret = ret + (str(body)) if content_type == "text/html": # If mail is HTML type create a new HTML file if not os.path.isdir(subject): # Make a folder for this email with name as subject os.mkdir(subject) filename = f"{subject[:50]}.html" filepath = os.path.join(subject, filename) # Write the file open(filepath, "w").write(body) #Close connection and logout connection.close() connection.logout() except: print("Invalid username / password ") os.remove("configs/dept_mail") os.remove("configs/dept_mail.key") return ret
def date_(self, date1, date2, sender_whatsapp_no, limit=5): ret = "" try: #Get strings of dates s1 = str(date1) s2 = str(date2) t1 = datetime.datetime(int(s1[4:]), int(s1[2:4]), int(s1[0:2])) t2 = datetime.datetime(int(s2[4:]), int(s2[2:4]), int(s2[0:2])) #Fetch username and password from whatsapp number user = Users(sender_whatsapp_no) username, password = user.getCSEMail() if username is None or password is None: return "Please register department email credentials" #Imap url and port imap_url = '' incoming_port = int(993) #Establish connection connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_url, incoming_port) # Authentication using username and password connection.login(username, password) # Select Inbox for the connection status, messages ="INBOX") # Total number of emails messages = int(messages[0]) j = 0 try: for i in range(messages, 0, -1): # Fetch emails by ID res, msg = connection.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)") for response in msg: if isinstance(response, tuple): # Parse a bytes email into a message object msg = email.message_from_bytes(response[1]) # Decode the email subject subject = decode_header(msg["Subject"])[0][0] if isinstance(subject, bytes): # If subject is byte decode it to string subject = subject.decode() # Fetch information of Emails from_ = msg.get("From") dt = msg.get("Date") date_ = str(msg.get("Date"))[0:16] if date_[7] != ' ': date_ = date_[0:5] + '0' + date_[5:15] date_dt1 = datetime.datetime.strptime( date_, '%a, %d %b %Y') #If you reach date less than first date stop if date_dt1 < t1: raise StopIteration #Check range of dates between t1 and t2 if date_dt1 >= t1 and date_dt1 <= t2: #Checking for limit of mails if j >= limit: raise StopIteration j = j + 1 ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25) st = "Message Number :- " + str(j) ret = ret + ("\n" + str(st)) ret = ret + ("\n" + "=" * 25 + "\n") ret = ret + ("\n" + "Subject : " + str(subject) + "\n" + "Date : " + str(dt) + "\n" + "From : " + str(from_) + "\n") # if the email message is multipart # If Email has multiple part if msg.is_multipart(): # Span over each part for part in msg.walk(): # Fetch content type content_type = part.get_content_type() content_disposition = str( part.get("Content-Disposition")) try: # Fetch body of Email body = part.get_payload( decode=True).decode() except: pass if content_type == "text/plain" and "attachment" not in content_disposition: # Print text/plain emails and skip attachments ret = ret + ("\n" + str(body) + "\n") elif "attachment" in content_disposition: # Download attachments and save in local file filename = part.get_filename() if filename: if not os.path.isdir(subject): # Make folder with name as subject os.mkdir(subject) filepath = os.path.join( subject, filename) # Download attachment and save it open(filepath, "wb").write( part.get_payload( decode=True)) else: # Fetch content type content_type = msg.get_content_type() # Fetch body of Email body = msg.get_payload( decode=True).decode() if content_type == "text/plain": # Print only text email parts ret = ret + ("\n" + str(body) + "\n") if content_type == "text/html": # If mail is HTML type create a new HTML file if not os.path.isdir(subject): # Make a folder for this email with name as subject os.mkdir(subject) filename = f"{subject[:50]}.html" filepath = os.path.join( subject, filename) # Write the file open(filepath, "w").write(body) else: pass # Stop when limit reached except StopIteration: pass #Close connection and logout connection.close() connection.logout() except: print("Invalid username / password ") os.remove("configs/dept_mail") os.remove("configs/dept_mail.key") return ret