def _constructDOM(self):
		Constructs the XML DOM document that describes the contents of the
		Request instance.
		xd = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
		root_elem = xd.createElement('CityStateLookupRequest')
		root_elem.setAttribute('USERID', USPS_USER_ID)
		# We want to add all our addresses.
		addr_ids = self.__addresses.keys()
		for addr_id in addr_ids:
			zc_elem = xd.createElement('ZipCode')
			zc_elem.setAttribute('ID', addr_id)
			createXmlElement(zc_elem, 'Zip5', self.__addresses[addr_id])
		# Don't forget to append the root element, and we're all set.
		return xd
    def appendToXml(self, address_id, parent_element):
		Generates an XML DOM node beneath the given parent node, forming the
		expected request XML used by the USPS webtools API. The API allows
		the user to verify up to 5 addresses per request, so an ID must be
		assigned to each address which will be verified.
        xd = parent_element.ownerDocument
        address_element = xd.createElement("Address")
        address_element.setAttribute("ID", address_id)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "FirmName", self.__firmName)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "Address1", self.__address1)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "Address2", self.__address2)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "City", self.__city)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "State", self.__state)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "Zip5", self.__zip5)
        createXmlElement(address_element, "Zip4", self.__zip4)