def my_slideshow(new_img, img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect): if not gl.TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN_SET: screen = set_mode(screen.get_size()) set_caption("Slideshow Options - imgv") speed = get_speed(screen, new_img, rect, gl.files[file], file, num_imgs) if not speed == -1: # didn't hit Esc from get_speed: gl.SLIDE_SHOW_RUNNING = 1 disable_screensaver() dont_call = 0 pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL, K_p, K_PAUSE, K_TAB, K_SPACE, K_BACKSPACE): stopped_msg(screen) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) file = file - 1 break if hit_key(event, K_p) or hit_key(event, K_PAUSE): pause(screen) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) if dont_call == 1: break if not gl.WRAP_SLIDESHOW: if file < num_imgs: (new_img, file, rect, dont_call) = show_slideshow_img(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, speed) if gl.WRAP_SLIDESHOW: if file >= num_imgs: file = 0 (new_img, file, rect, dont_call) = show_slideshow_img(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, speed) pygame.time.delay(5) # don't hog CPU if not gl.TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN_SET: screen = set_mode(screen.get_size(), RESIZABLE) return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect)
def do_view_tagged(screen, num_imgs, file): "show all tagged dir names" paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) line = 5 if len(gl.MULT_DIRS) == 0: show_message(screen, "[No directories are currently tagged]", "bottom", 12) for d in gl.MULT_DIRS: font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 9) ren = font.render(d, 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = 5 ren_rect[1] = line screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) line = line + 12 update(ren_rect) pygame.event.set_allowed(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: ev = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(ev) hover_cursor(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), (esc_rect,)) if ev.type == KEYDOWN and ev.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_TAB, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL) or ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 (num_imgs, file) = show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file) break # break event loop
def view_filter(screen): paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) show_message(screen, "Current filter", "top", 20, ("underline", "bold")) show_message(screen, "Imgv will only display files whose filenames:", (5, 30), 15, ("bold")) line = 60 for k in gl.FILTER_COMMAND.keys(): font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 12) if k == "startwith": ren = font.render("Start with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["startwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "notstartwith": ren = font.render("Do not start with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["notstartwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "endwith": ren = font.render("End with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["endwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "notendwith": ren = font.render("Do not end with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["notendwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "contain": ren = font.render("Contain: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["contain"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "notcontain": ren = font.render("Do not contain: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["notcontain"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = 5 ren_rect[1] = line screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) line = line + 30 update(ren_rect) while 1: ev = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(ev) if ev.type == KEYDOWN or ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return
def save_remote_img(screen, file): save_path = gl.DATA_DIR + "downloads" + sep filename = gl.files[file] paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) try: im = show_message(screen, "Saving: %s" % basename(gl.files[file]), (20, 50), 12, ("bold")) show_message(screen, "From: %s" % filename[:filename.rindex('/')] + '/', (20, 70), 12, ("bold")) show_message(screen, "To: %s" % save_path, (20, 90), 12, ("bold")) + basename(filename)) show_message(screen, "Done", (20, 120), 12, ("bold", "underline")) show_message(screen, "[Press any key]", "bottom", 15) gl.ALREADY_DOWNLOADED = 1 normal_cursor() except: return while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(event) #if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT): return
def print_version(screen, screen_height): imgvlogo = load_img(gl.IMGV_LOGO_SMALL, screen, False) imgvlogo_rect = imgvlogo.get_rect() imgvlogo_rect[0] = 5 imgvlogo_rect[1] = screen_height - 50 screen.blit(imgvlogo, imgvlogo_rect) update(imgvlogo_rect) msg = "Version %s" % gl.IMGV_VERSION msg_font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 11) msg_font.set_bold(1) char = 0 i = 0 pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) if char < len(msg): if msg[char] != ' ': # don't delay on spaces pygame.time.delay(75) ren = msg_font.render(msg[char], 1, gl.RED) # one char at a time ren_rect = ren.get_rect() # center it ren_rect[0] += (i + 7) ren_rect[1] = screen_height - 15 screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) i += ren.get_width() # make letters space evenly char += 1 update(ren_rect) else: break
def get_confirmation(screen, confirm_msg): paint_screen(screen, gl.IMGV_COLOR) pygame.display.update() normal_cursor() show_message(screen, confirm_msg, "top", 12, ("bold")) yes_rect = imgv_button(screen, " YES ", 0, 30, "midtop") no_rect = imgv_button(screen, " NO ", 0, 60, "midtop") pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_button(yes_rect, cursor, screen, " YES ", 0, 30, "midtop") hover_button(no_rect, cursor, screen, " NO ", 0, 60, "midtop") hover_cursor(cursor, (yes_rect, no_rect)) check_quit(event) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): return if hit_key(event, K_y): return "yes" if hit_key(event, K_n): return "no" if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if yes_rect.collidepoint(cursor): return "yes" if no_rect.collidepoint(cursor): return "no"
def error_screen(screen, msg): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() show_message(msg, "top", 12) check_quit(event) if (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL)) or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return
def verbose_info(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs): # main engine wait_cursor() paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) try: (uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, row, font, im, verb) = print_verbose_info(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs) except: print 'print verbose' #(uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, row, font, im, verb) = junk_rect()# # uniquecolors_rect = junk_rect()# # total_colors = ""# verb = verbose(screen, file)# (uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, row, font, im) = verb.colors() #return if gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON: exif_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Exif Data ", 5, gl.ROW_SEP + 435, None) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) normal_cursor() transparency = 0 while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_cursor(cursor, (esc_rect, exif_rect, uniquecolors_rect)) if gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON: hover_button(exif_rect, cursor, screen, " Exif Data ", 5, gl.ROW_SEP + 435, None) if gl.UNIQUE_COLORS == None and gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON and total_colors != "": hover_button(uniquecolors_rect, cursor, screen, " Unique colors ", (font.size(total_colors)[0] + 230), row, None) show_message(screen, convert_times(ctime(), 0), "bottom", 15, ("transparent")) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if uniquecolors_rect != junk_rect(): if uniquecolors_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() gl.UNIQUE_COLORS = comma_it(len(dict.fromkeys(im.getdata()))) # determine unique colors before_color = gl.MSG_COLOR if gl.MSG_COLOR == gl.SILVER: gl.MSG_COLOR = (142, 142, 142) else: gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.SILVER show_message(screen, "Unique colors: %s%s" % (gl.UNIQUE_COLORS, ' ' * 12), ((font.size(total_colors)[0] + 235), row), 12, (""), (14, before_color)) gl.MSG_COLOR = before_color normal_cursor() if exif_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() try: verb.exif_data(file) except: break normal_cursor() if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): before_exit() break if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL, K_TAB): before_exit() break
def remote_img_details(screen, new_img, rect, file): # show no details if image is on a web server paint_screen(gl.BLACK) while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() show_message(gl.REMOTE_IMG, (0, 30, 0, 0), 12) check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return
def pause(screen): while 1: set_caption("[Slideshow Paused] - imgv") ren_rect = show_message(screen, "Paused", 30, 23, ("bold")) event = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in(K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL, K_TAB): set_caption("Slideshow = imgv") paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK, ren_rect) break
def play_list_options_msg(screen, msg): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message(msg, 100, 10) normal_cursor() while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: wait_cursor() break
def start(self): # start with menu open self.gfx = command_main_menu(self.gfx) # main loop while 1: self.event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) # so pygame doesn't use 100% CPU cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.last_rect = Rect(self.gfx['rect']) # drag image code: if gl.HAND_TOOL: if left_click(self.event): # calculate drag coordinates: if gl.IMG_BORDER: self.border_fix() # erase the current border grab_hand_cursor() self.minus1 = cursor[0] - self.gfx['rect'][0] self.minus2 = cursor[1] - self.gfx['rect'][1] gl.DO_DRAG = 1 if self.event.type == MOUSEMOTION and gl.DO_DRAG: # move the image when dragged: grab_hand_cursor() self.gfx['rect'][0] = cursor[0] - self.minus1 self.gfx['rect'][1] = cursor[1] - self.minus2 self.gfx['screen'].fill(gl.IMGV_COLOR, self.last_rect) self.gfx['screen'].blit(self.gfx['new_img'], self.gfx['rect']) update(self.gfx['rect'].union(self.last_rect)) if self.event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: # released mouse button, redisplay status bars: drag_hand_cursor() my_update_screen(self.gfx['new_img'], self.gfx['rect'], self.gfx['file']) gl.DO_DRAG = 0 if self.event.type == VIDEORESIZE: self.gfx['screen'] = pygame.display.set_mode(self.event.dict['size'], RESIZABLE) self.gfx['rect'] = get_center(self.gfx['screen'], self.gfx['new_img']) my_update_screen(self.gfx['new_img'], self.gfx['rect'], self.gfx['file']) if self.event.type == KEYDOWN: gl.HAND_TOOL = 0 if self.event.key not in (K_DOWN, K_UP, K_RIGHT, K_LEFT): normal_cursor() # stop displaying hand tool (self.gfx, self.last_rect) = handle_keyboard(self.event, self.gfx, self.last_rect) if self.event.type == KEYUP: self.stop_auto_repeat() check_quit(self.event) if self.event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and right_click(self.event): self.open_main_menu() # Re-open the purposely closed window that frees up RAM if (gl.KEEP_MENU_OPEN == "1" and gl.COUNT_CLICKS == 1) or gl.JUST_RESIZED: gl.COUNT_CLICKS = 0 gl.JUST_RESIZED = 0 self.gfx = command_main_menu(self.gfx) self.start_auto_repeat()
def get_dirnum(screen, key_type): BACKSPACED = 0 keyz = {K_1:1, K_2:2, K_3:3, K_4:4, K_5:5, K_6:6, K_7:7, K_8:8, K_9:9, K_0:0, K_KP1:1, K_KP2:2, K_KP3:3, K_KP4:4,\ K_KP5:5, K_KP6:6, K_KP7:7, K_KP8:8, K_KP9:9, K_KP0:0} dirnum = ['0'] dirnum.append(str(keyz[key_type])) show_message(screen, " " * screen.get_width(), (0, screen.get_height() - 15), 11, ("bold")) if not gl.BEEN_THERE_DONE_THAT: msg1 = "You can type in a directory number or shortcut (L/T/A/D/C/V/S/Q) instead of clicking: _" msg2 = "You can type in a directory number or shortcut (L/T/A/D/C/V/S/Q) instead of clicking: %s" % dirnum[1] else: msg1 = "Directory number or shortcut: _" msg2 = "Directory number or shortcut: %s" % dirnum[1] # start with num showing show_message(screen, msg2, "bottom", 11) my_digits = [] # keypad number list. for num in range(10): my_digits.append('[%d]' % num) # [0],[1],..[9] # pass control to input gathering while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN: dirnum_input = try: if dirnum_input in my_digits or dirnum_input in digits: # only echo digits (0-9) for i in dirnum_input: # extract n from brackets, [n] if i in digits: dirnum_input = i dirnum.append(dirnum_input) if BACKSPACED: show_message(screen, msg2 + ''.join(dirnum[1:]), "bottom", 11) else: show_message(screen, msg2 + ''.join(dirnum[2:]), "bottom", 11) except TypeError: pass if hit_key(event, K_RETURN) or hit_key(event, K_KP_ENTER) or hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or hit_key(event, K_l): break if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): return if hit_key(event, K_BACKSPACE) or hit_key(event, K_DELETE) or hit_key(event, K_KP_PERIOD): # erase whatever text was inputed" BACKSPACED = 1 dirnum = ['0'] msg2 = msg1 show_message(screen, " " * screen.get_width(), (0, screen.get_height() - 15), 11) show_message(screen, msg1, "bottom", 11) return 'backspaced' # get control back so you can click directories dirnum = int(''.join(dirnum)) # convert to valid number return dirnum
def errorbox(title, msg): "display a pygame error box" clean_screen() init_screen() screen = set_mode((450, 150)) normal_cursor() set_caption(title) show_message(msg, (10, 10), 12, ("bold")) ok_rect = imgv_button(screen, " OK ", 20, screen.get_height() - 40, "midtop") while 1: event = wait() cursor = get_pos() check_quit(event) hover_button(ok_rect, cursor, screen, " OK ", 20, screen.get_height() - 40, "midtop") hover_cursor(cursor, [ok_rect]) if left_click(event): if ok_rect.collidepoint(cursor): clean_screen() raise SystemExit if hit_key(event, K_SPACE): clean_screen() raise SystemExit
def my_fourslideshow(screen, new_img, rect, filename, file, num_imgs, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file, ns): if not gl.TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN_SET: screen = set_mode(screen.get_size()) set_caption("Slideshow Options - imgv") speed = get_speed(screen, new_img, rect, filename, file, num_imgs) if not speed == -1: # didn't hit Esc from get_speed: gl.SLIDE_SHOW_RUNNING = 1 disable_screensaver() dont_call = 0 while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL,\ K_p, K_PAUSE, K_TAB, K_SPACE, K_BACKSPACE): stopped_msg(screen) file = file - 1 (file, new_img, start) = four(screen, file, new_img, ns) # needed to repaint break if hit_key(event, K_p) or hit_key(event, K_PAUSE): pause(screen) if dont_call == 1: break if not gl.WRAP_SLIDESHOW: if file < num_imgs: (file, dont_call, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file) =\ show_fourslideshow_imgs(screen, file, speed) if gl.WRAP_SLIDESHOW: if file >= num_imgs: file = 0 (file, dont_call, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file) =\ show_fourslideshow_imgs(screen, file, speed) pygame.time.delay(5) else: # escaped file = file + 4 return (file, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file) if not gl.TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN_SET: screen = set_mode(screen.get_size(), RESIZABLE) return (file, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file)
def hide(screen): paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) set_icon(pygame.image.load(gl.DATA_DIR + "imgv-icon-blank.png")) normal_cursor() while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(150) check_quit(event) if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL, K_TAB): if gl.CORRECT_PASSWORD.lower() not in ("none", None): pw = ask(screen, "Password") if pw == gl.CORRECT_PASSWORD: break else: show_message(screen, "Incorrect Password", (150), 24, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message(screen, "Press any key to try again", (175), 12, ("bold", "transparent")) f = open(gl.DATA_DIR + "security.log", "a") f.write("Password failure: %s\n" % ctime()) f.close() continue else: break set_icon(pygame.image.load(gl.DATA_DIR + "imgv-icon.png"))
def main(): pygame.time.delay(5) # to make start_timer() work initially start = start_timer() num_imgs = len(gl.files) pygame.init() # needed for Mac OSX? init_screen() wait_cursor() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(gl.DEFAULT_RES, RESIZABLE) set_caption(gl.TITLE) if gl.REMOTE == 1: show_message(screen, "Loading image. Please wait..", 34, 42) file = 0 if num_imgs < 1: gl.files = [gl.IMGV_LOGO] num_imgs = 1 img = load_img(gl.files[file], screen) else: img = load_img(gl.files[file], screen) wait_cursor() img_width = img.get_width() img_height = img.get_height() refresh_img = img new_img = img rect = get_center(screen, new_img) ns = check_timer(start) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) normal_cursor() if gl.START_FULLSCREEN: command_fullscreen(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) # start with menu open screen_width = screen.get_width() screen_height = screen.get_height() new_img_width = new_img.get_width() new_img_height = new_img.get_height() (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img,\ new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) = command_main_menu(refresh_img, screen,\ file, len(gl.files), rect, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, ns) minus1 = minus2 = 0 # main loop while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) # so pygame doesn't use 100% CPU cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() last_rect = Rect(rect) screen_width = screen.get_width() screen_height = screen.get_height() new_img_width = new_img.get_width() new_img_height = new_img.get_height() # drag image code: if gl.HAND_TOOL: if left_click(event): # calculate drag coordinates: if gl.IMG_BORDER: border_fix(screen) # erase the current border grab_hand_cursor() minus1 = cursor[0] - rect[0] minus2 = cursor[1] - rect[1] gl.DO_DRAG = 1 if event.type == MOUSEMOTION and gl.DO_DRAG: # move the image when dragged: grab_hand_cursor() rect[0] = cursor[0] - minus1 rect[1] = cursor[1] - minus2 screen.fill(gl.IMGV_COLOR, last_rect) screen.blit(new_img, rect) update(rect.union(last_rect)) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: # released mouse button, redisplay status bars: drag_hand_cursor() my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) gl.DO_DRAG = 0 if event.type == VIDEORESIZE:# print 'resize'# screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'], RESIZABLE) rect = get_center(screen, new_img) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) if event.type == KEYDOWN: gl.HAND_TOOL = 0 if event.key not in (K_DOWN, K_UP, K_RIGHT, K_LEFT): normal_cursor() # stop displaying hand tool (screen, rect, new_img, img, refresh_img, file, num_imgs,\ screen_width, screen_height, new_img_width, new_img_height, last_rect) =\ handle_keyboard(event, screen, rect, new_img, img, refresh_img, file, len(gl.files),\ screen_width, screen_height, new_img_width, new_img_height, last_rect, ns) if event.type == KEYUP: stop_auto_repeat() check_quit(event) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # open main menu: if right_click(event): gl.HAND_TOOL = 0 (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img,\ new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) = command_main_menu(refresh_img, screen,\ file, num_imgs, rect, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, ns) if (gl.KEEP_MENU_OPEN == "1" and gl.COUNT_CLICKS == 1) or gl.JUST_RESIZED: # Re-open the purposely closed window that frees up RAM gl.COUNT_CLICKS = 0 gl.JUST_RESIZED = 0 (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img,\ new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) = command_main_menu(refresh_img, screen,\ file, num_imgs, rect, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, ns) start_auto_repeat(rect, last_rect, new_img, screen, file, len(gl.files), screen_width, screen_height, event) clean_screen()
def four(screen, file, new_img, ns): paint_screen(screen, gl.IMGV_COLOR) # so transparent status bars don't mess up on VIDEOEXPOSE repaints old_file = file (img_one_rect, img_two_rect, img_three_rect, img_four_rect) = (0, 0, 0, 0) (img_one_name, img_two_name, img_three_name, img_four_name) = (0, 0, 0, 0) (show_img_one, show_img_two, show_img_three, show_img_four) = (0, 0, 0, 0) rect = show_message(screen, "", "bottom", 9, ("bold")) # needed to not paint on esc_rect first time (file, img_one_rect, img_one_name, img_one_file) = square_one(screen, file) (file, img_two_rect, img_two_name, img_two_file) = square_two(screen, file) (file, img_three_rect, img_three_name, img_three_file) = square_three(screen, file) (file, img_four_rect, img_four_name, img_four_file) = square_four(screen, file) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) start = ns while 1: flag = 0 event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == VIDEORESIZE: pygame.event.set_blocked(VIDEOEXPOSE) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'], RESIZABLE) file = file - 4 pygame.event.set_allowed(VIDEOEXPOSE) (file, new_img, start) = four(screen, file, new_img, ns) flag = 1 break if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.ESCAPED = 1 file = old_file break check_quit(event) if hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or hit_key(event, K_n) or hit_key(event, K_4) or right_click(event): # show next 4 images paint_screen(screen, gl.IMGV_COLOR) flag = 1 if hit_key(event, K_BACKSPACE) or hit_key(event, K_b) or middle_click(event): # show previous 4 images paint_screen(screen, gl.IMGV_COLOR) file = file - 8 flag = 1 if flag == 1: (file, img_one_rect, img_one_name, img_one_file) = square_one(screen, file) if flag == 1: (file, img_two_rect, img_two_name, img_two_file) = square_two(screen, file) if flag == 1: (file, img_three_rect, img_three_name, img_three_file) = square_three(screen,\ file) if flag == 1: (file, img_four_rect, img_four_name, img_four_file) = square_four(screen, file) (show_img_one, show_img_two, show_img_three, show_img_four, rect) = hover_square(\ screen, show_img_one, show_img_two, show_img_three, show_img_four, img_one_rect,\ img_two_rect, img_three_rect, img_four_rect, img_one_name, img_two_name, img_three_name,\ img_four_name, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file, rect, event) hover_fx(screen, img_one_name, img_two_name, img_three_name, img_four_name, img_one_rect, img_two_rect, img_three_rect, img_four_rect, cursor) if show_img_one == None: file = old_file break if hit_key(event, K_w): if len(gl.files) <= 1: # nothin to slideshow file = old_file break # kick 'em out (file, img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file) =\ my_fourslideshow(screen, new_img, rect, gl.files[file], file - 4,\ len(gl.files), img_one_file, img_two_file, img_three_file, img_four_file, ns) paint_screen(screen, gl.IMGV_COLOR) (file, new_img, start) = four(screen, file - 4, new_img, ns) flag = 1 break if left_click(event): start = start_timer() if img_one_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[img_one_file], screen) return (img_one_file, new_img, start) if img_two_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[img_two_file], screen) return (img_two_file, new_img, start) if img_three_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[img_three_file], screen) return (img_three_file, new_img, start) if img_four_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[img_four_file], screen) return (img_four_file, new_img, start) if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): file = old_file gl.ESCAPED = 1 break if event.type == VIDEOEXPOSE: # if event.type == VIDEOEXPOSE and not pygame.mouse.get_focused():# # repaint the screen in case other windows painted over it: file = file - 4 (file, new_img, start) = four(screen, file, new_img, ns) flag = 1 break return (file, new_img, start)
def help(screen): paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) (screen_width, screen_height) = (screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()) (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) show_message(screen, "Main Keyboard Commands", "top", 11, ("bold", "underline", "transparent")) key_list = [" Space/N/Ctrl+Tab=Next image, Backspace/B=Previous Image. Ctrl+B=Toggle Image Border ", " D=Change Directory ", " I=Image Browser ", " T=Thumbnails (Space/N/Right-Click=Next. Backspace/B/Middle-Click=Prev. P/Pause=Pause), Ctrl+T=Transparent font ", " 4=View four images at a time (Space/N/Right-Click=Next. Backspace/B/Middle-Click=Previous. W=Slideshow) ", " W=Slideshow (Space=Skip forward. Backspace=Skip backward. P/Pause=Pause) ", " P=Add to Playlist, Ctrl+P=Playlist Options ", " C=Close Menu ", " F=First Image (Jump to the first image), L=Last Image (Jump to the last image), Ctrl+L=Lock Zoom ", " '+'=Zoom In. '-'=Zoom Out. Ctrl+'+'=Zoom In (Double). Ctrl+'-'=Zoom Out (Double). Ctrl+Alt+'+'=Zoom In (Scale2X) ", " R=Rotate Right. Ctrl+R=Rotate Left ", " Escape=Refresh (Reverts images to original state or reloads after directory changes) ", " M=Flip Horizontal (Mirror), V=Flip Vertical ", " S=Shuffle, U=Unshuffle ", " A=Download Image (Saves remote images to your imgv download directory) ", " Delete/Ctrl+W=Close Image, Ctrl+Delete=Permanently delete image from harddisk", " X=Hide Image, Ctrl+X=Toggle displaying the main and on-the-fly-Exif status bars ", " O=Open URL to extract images from a Website ", " F1=Help, F2=640x480, F3=800x600, F4=1024x768, F5=1280x1024, F6/Alt+Enter=Fullscreen, F7=Resize Options ", " H=Hand Tool (Allows you to pan/move images on the screen) ", " Q=Exit imgv at any time (except when prompted for input) ", " Arrow keys=Scroll the image left/right/up/down. PgUp/PgDown/Home/End=full up/full down/full left/full right, (Mouse Wheel=up/down) ", " E=Edit ", " Z=Image Properties ", " 1=Toggle scaling large images to fit the window ", " Ctrl+Zero=Fit image to the window, Alt+Zero=Actual Size (Show image at its real size) "] key_list.sort() if screen_width == 640: linesep = 13 font_size = 9 else: linesep =15 font_size = 11 pos = linesep for line in key_list: show_message(screen, line, (2, pos), font_size, ("transparent")) pos += linesep mouse_msg = "Main Mouse Commands" show_message(screen, mouse_msg, ((screen_width / 2) - (font.size(mouse_msg)[0] / 2), pos, 0, 0), 11, ("bold", "underline", "transparent")) mouse_list = [" Left-Click=Select menu options/Load images in Four at a Time, Thumbnail and Image browser/Click buttons and links/Change directories ", " Right-Click=Open or move the main menu/Go forward a page in Four at a Time, Thumbnail and Image Browser/Tag directories ", " Middle-Click=Close the main menu/Go back a page in Four at a Time, Thumbnail and Image Browser ", " Mouse Scroll Wheel=Scroll images that are larger than the screen up or down/Activate the Hand Tool "] pos += linesep for line in mouse_list: show_message(screen, line, (2, pos), font_size, ("transparent")) pos += linesep gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.BLUE doc_msg = "View imgv's online documentation" doc_rect = show_message(screen, doc_msg, ((screen_width / 2) - (font.size(doc_msg)[0] / 2), screen_height - 20, 0, 0), 12, ("underline", "bold")) donate_msg = "Donate!" donate_rect = show_message(screen, donate_msg, ((screen_width) - (font.size(donate_msg)[0] + 70), screen_height - 35, 0, 0), 12, ("bold", "underline")) gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.SILVER author_msg = "Author: Ryan Kulla" show_message(screen, author_msg, ((screen_width) - (font.size(author_msg)[0] - 10), screen_height - 15, 0, 0), 9, ("bold", "transparent"), (7, gl.WHITE)) normal_cursor() print_version(screen, screen_height) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() check_quit(event) hover_cursor(cursor, (doc_rect, esc_rect, donate_rect)) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE) or hit_key(event, K_SPACE): gl.ESCAPED = 1 gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.MENU_COLOR break if left_click(event): wait_cursor() if doc_rect.collidepoint(cursor):"", 1, 1) if donate_rect.collidepoint(cursor):"", 1, 1) elif esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ESCAPED = 1 gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.MENU_COLOR break
def command_file_master(screen, file_names, msg, down, button_op, disable_right_click, again): set_caption("Image Browser - imgv") screen_pause = place = marker = 0 menu_items = [] edit_rect = back_rect = forward_rect = sort_rect = junk_rect() (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) create_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Create New List ", 0, 18, "midtop") if len(file_names) < 1: my_string = ask(screen, "Create playlist first (Enter a name)") if my_string == None or my_string == []: return ([], [], [], []) # don't create a list if my_string != []: # create list if (len(my_string) > 0) and my_string != "\n": return (file_names, None, None, my_string) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) if screen_pause == 1: while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_fx(screen, menu_items, cursor) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect, edit_rect, sort_rect, back_rect, forward_rect, create_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items]) if button_op: hover_button(create_rect, cursor, screen, " Create New List ", 0, 18, "midtop") if (place + 1) < len(file_names): hover_button(forward_rect, cursor, screen, " Next ", 10, 18, "topright") if (((place + 1) - gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES) > 1): hover_button(back_rect, cursor, screen, " Previous ", 10, 18, "topleft") if not gl.SORT_HIT: hover_button(sort_rect, cursor, screen, " Sort ", 13, 42, "midtop") check_quit(event) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): return (None, None, None, None) if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): return (None, None, None, None) if left_click(event): for item in menu_items: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and (pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_LCTRL] or\ pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_RCTRL]): return (file_names, item[1], "deleteit", None) if again == "do again": return (file_names, item[1], "do again", None) return (file_names, item[1], menu_items, None) if right_click(event): if not disable_right_click: for item in menu_items: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): if not os.path.isfile(gl.DATA_DIR + item[1]): if edit_rect != junk_rect(): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) edit_rect = show_message( "%s doesn't exist in %s" % (item[1], gl.DATA_DIR), "top", 9, ("bold", "transparent")) else: return (None, item[1], "rclicked", None) if hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or right_click(event): if not place >= len(file_names): screen_pause = 0 marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if forward_rect.collidepoint(cursor): if not place >= len(file_names): screen_pause = 0 marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if hit_key(event, K_BACKSPACE) or middle_click(event): if ((place - marker) > 0): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) screen_pause = 0 place = place - (gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES + marker) marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if back_rect.collidepoint(cursor): if ((place - marker) > 0): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) screen_pause = 0 place = place - (gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES + marker) marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if sort_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.SORT_HIT = 1 file_names = basename_sort(file_names) (file_names, menu_items, screen_pause, place, marker, forward_rect, back_rect, sort_rect) = file_master(screen, file_names, place, marker, menu_items, msg, down, button_op) screen_pause = place = marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if create_rect.collidepoint(cursor): my_string = ask(screen, "Enter name of list") if my_string != None: if (len(my_string) > 0) and my_string != "\n": return (file_names, None, menu_items, my_string) (file_names, menu_items, screen_pause, place, marker, forward_rect, back_rect, sort_rect) =\ file_master(screen, file_names, place, marker, menu_items, msg, down, button_op) pygame.time.delay(5)
def command_get_filter_info(screen): paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) set_caption("imgv") menu_items = [] (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) show_message(screen, 'To build a search filter click as many options below as you need and then click "Done"', (21, 15), 12, ("bold")) show_message(screen, 'Example: If you don\'t want to view movies then just choose "Do not end with" and input: .mpg, .mpeg', (21, 45), 12) show_message(screen, "Option number: _", "bottom", 12) (menu_items, filt_ops) = get_filter_info(screen, menu_items) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 return if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_5, K_6, K_7, K_8, K_9, K_KP1, K_KP2, K_KP3, K_KP4, K_KP5, K_KP6, K_KP7, K_KP8, K_KP9): if hit_key(event, K_1) or hit_key(event, K_KP1): do_startwith(screen) if hit_key(event, K_2) or hit_key(event, K_KP2): do_donot_startwith(screen) if hit_key(event, K_3) or hit_key(event, K_KP3): do_endwith(screen) if hit_key(event, K_4) or hit_key(event, K_KP4): do_donot_endwith(screen) if hit_key(event, K_5) or hit_key(event, K_KP5): do_contain(screen) if hit_key(event, K_6) or hit_key(event, K_KP6): do_donot_contain(screen) if hit_key(event, K_7) or hit_key(event, K_KP7): do_view_filter(screen) if hit_key(event, K_8) or hit_key(event, K_KP8): do_erase_filter(screen) if hit_key(event, K_9) or hit_key(event, K_KP9): gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 return break cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 return hover_fx(screen, menu_items, cursor, font) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items]) if gl.NOT_HOVERED: show_message(screen, "%sOption number: _%s" % (" " * 100, " " * 100), "bottom", 12) blank_fx(screen, 0) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: for it in menu_items: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor) and it[1] in filt_ops: if it[1] == "1) Start with": do_startwith(screen) if it[1] == "2) Do not start with": do_donot_startwith(screen) if it[1] == "3) End with": do_endwith(screen) if it[1] == "4) Do not end with": do_donot_endwith(screen) if it[1] == "5) Contain": do_contain(screen) if it[1] == "6) Do not contain": do_donot_contain(screen) if it[1] == "7) View filter": do_view_filter(screen) if it[1] == "8) Erase filter": do_erase_filter(screen) if it[1] == "9) Done": gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 return break else: continue break gl.NOT_HOVERED = 1
def preferences(screen): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) set_caption("imgv preferences") font_size = 12 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) pref_items = print_preferences(screen) (transparent_text_crect, transparent_text_ucrect, main_statusbar_crect, main_statusbar_ucrect, four_statusbars_crect, four_statusbars_ucrect, exif_statusbar_crect, exif_statusbar_ucrect, thumb_statusbars_crect, thumb_statusbars_ucrect, image_border_crect, image_border_ucrect, fit_image_rect, dirnum_colors_crect, dirnum_colors_ucrect, screen_bgcolor_rect, lock_zoom_crect, lock_zoom_ucrect, wrap_crect, wrap_ucrect, wrap_slideshow_crect, wrap_slideshow_ucrect, start_fullscreen_crect, start_fullscreen_ucrect, thumb_border_crect, thumb_border_ucrect, show_movies_crect, show_movies_ucrect, font_color_rect, font_bgcolor_rect, img_border_color_rect, thumb_border_color_rect, thumb_bgcolor_rect, four_divcolor_rect, button_bgcolor_rect, button_hover_color_rect, button_textcolor_rect, button_texthovercolor_rect, close_button_color_rect, gamma_rect, winsize_rect, thumbsize_rect, transeffect_rect, startdir_rect, external_editor_rect, fit_slideshow_rect, passwd_rect) = pref_options(screen) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() prefs_hover_fx(screen, pref_items, cursor, font) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect, transparent_text_crect, transparent_text_ucrect, main_statusbar_crect, main_statusbar_ucrect, four_statusbars_crect, four_statusbars_ucrect, exif_statusbar_crect, exif_statusbar_ucrect, thumb_statusbars_crect, thumb_statusbars_ucrect, image_border_crect, image_border_ucrect, fit_image_rect, dirnum_colors_crect, dirnum_colors_ucrect, screen_bgcolor_rect, lock_zoom_crect, lock_zoom_ucrect, wrap_crect, wrap_ucrect, wrap_slideshow_crect, wrap_slideshow_ucrect, start_fullscreen_crect, start_fullscreen_ucrect, thumb_border_crect, thumb_border_ucrect, show_movies_crect, show_movies_ucrect, font_color_rect, font_bgcolor_rect, img_border_color_rect, thumb_border_color_rect, thumb_bgcolor_rect, four_divcolor_rect, button_bgcolor_rect, button_hover_color_rect, button_textcolor_rect, button_texthovercolor_rect, close_button_color_rect, gamma_rect, winsize_rect, thumbsize_rect, transeffect_rect, startdir_rect, external_editor_rect, fit_slideshow_rect, passwd_rect]) if gl.NOT_HOVERED: show_message("%s%s" % (" " * 100, " " * 100), "bottom", 12, ("transparent")) prefs_blank_fx(screen, -1) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.ESCAPED = 1 paint_screen(gl.BLACK) return if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ESCAPED = 1 paint_screen(gl.BLACK) return if transparent_text_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.TOGGLE_TRANSPARENT ^= 1 write_cfg("TRANSPARENT_TEXT") if main_statusbar_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR ^= 1 write_cfg("MAIN_STATUS_BAR") if four_statusbars_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.FOUR_STATUS_BARS ^= 1 write_cfg("FOUR_AT_A_TIME_STATUS_BARS") if exif_statusbar_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ON_FLY_EXIF_STATUS_BAR ^= 1 write_cfg("ON_THE_FLY_EXIF_STATUS_BAR") if thumb_statusbars_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.THUMB_STATUS_BARS ^= 1 write_cfg("THUMBNAIL_STATUS_BARS") if image_border_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.IMG_BORDER ^= 1 write_cfg("IMAGE_BORDER") if lock_zoom_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.PERSISTENT_ZOOM_VAL ^= 1 write_cfg("PERSISTENT_ZOOM") if wrap_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.WRAP ^= 1 write_cfg("WRAP") if wrap_slideshow_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.WRAP_SLIDESHOW ^= 1 write_cfg("WRAP_SLIDESHOW") if start_fullscreen_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.START_FULLSCREEN ^= 1 write_cfg("FULLSCREEN") if thumb_border_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.THUMB_BORDER_VAL ^= 1 write_cfg("THUMB_BORDER") if show_movies_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.MOVIES_VAL ^= 1 show_message("(You must restart imgv for this change to take effect)", (375, 204), 10, ("bold", "transparent")) write_cfg("MOVIES") if fit_image_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Enter an option letter and press enter", (15, 20), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("A = Fit nothing.", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("B = Fit only large images to the window.", (15, 80), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("C = Fit all images to the window. (both in normal mode and Four-at-a-Time mode)", (15, 100), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("D = Fit the window to images.", (15, 120), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "Option") if answer != None and answer in ('a','A', 'b','B', 'c','C', 'd','D'): dmap = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3} gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL = dmap[answer.lower()] write_cfg("FIT_IMAGE", str(gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL)) clean_prefs(screen) if fit_slideshow_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Enter an option letter and press enter", (15, 20), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("A = Fit nothing.", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("B = Fit only large images to the window.", (15, 80), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("C = Fit all images to the window. (both in normal mode and Four-at-a-Time mode)", (15, 100), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("D = Fit the window to images.", (15, 120), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "Option") if answer != None and answer in ('a','A', 'b','B', 'c','C', 'd','D'): dmap = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3} gl.FIT_IMAGE_SLIDESHOW_VAL = dmap[answer.lower()] write_cfg("FIT_IMAGE_SLIDESHOW", str(gl.FIT_IMAGE_SLIDESHOW_VAL)) clean_prefs(screen) if gamma_rect.collidepoint(cursor): new_gamma = do_gamma(screen) if new_gamma != None: try: set_gamma(float(new_gamma)) except: print 'invalid gamma value: %s' % new_gamma clean_prefs(screen) if dirnum_colors_ucrect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.DIRNUM_COLORS ^= 1 write_cfg("COLOR_DIRECTORY_NUMBERS") if screen_bgcolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Set this to the color you want the background in imgv to be. (Default is BLACK)") (gl.IMGV_COLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.IMGV_COLOR) color_clean(screen, "IMGV_COLOR", cfg_str) if font_color_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Set this to the font color you want. (Default is WHITE)") (gl.MSG_COLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.MSG_COLOR) gl.MENU_COLOR = gl.MSG_COLOR color_clean(screen, "FONT_COLOR", cfg_str) if font_bgcolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Font background color you want. (Default is BLACK)") (gl.FONT_BG, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.FONT_BG) gl.MENU_COLOR = gl.MSG_COLOR color_clean(screen, "FONT_BGCOLOR", cfg_str) if img_border_color_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Set this to the color you want the image border to be when it's activated. (Default is LIGHT_GREEN)") (gl.IMG_BORDER_COLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.IMG_BORDER_COLOR) color_clean(screen, "IMAGE_BORDER_COLOR", cfg_str) if thumb_border_color_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Set this to the color you want the image divider to be in Four-at-a-Time mode. (Default is WHITE)") (gl.THUMB_BORDER_COLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.THUMB_BORDER_COLOR) color_clean(screen, "THUMB_BORDER_COLOR", cfg_str) if thumb_bgcolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Set this to the color you want the background of individual thumbnails to be. (Default is BLACK)") (gl.THUMB_BG_COLOR_VAL, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.THUMB_BG_COLOR_VAL) color_clean(screen, "THUMB_BG_COLOR", cfg_str) if four_divcolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Set this to the color you want the image divider to be in Four-at-a-Time mode. (Default is WHITE)") (gl.FOUR_DIV_COLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.FOUR_DIV_COLOR) color_clean(screen, "FOUR_AT_A_TIME_DIVIDER_COLOR", cfg_str) if button_bgcolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Background color of buttons. (Default is IMGV_LOGO_BLUE)") (gl.BUTTON_BGCOLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.BUTTON_BGCOLOR) color_clean(screen, "BUTTON_BGCOLOR", cfg_str) if button_hover_color_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Color of buttons when your mouse cursor hovers over them. (Default is SKY_BLUE)") (gl.BUTTON_HOVERCOLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.BUTTON_HOVERCOLOR) color_clean(screen, "BUTTON_HOVERCOLOR", cfg_str) if button_textcolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Color of text on buttons. (Default is BLACK)") (gl.BUTTON_TEXTCOLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.BUTTON_TEXTCOLOR) color_clean(screen, "BUTTON_TEXTCOLOR", cfg_str) if button_texthovercolor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Color of text on buttons when mouse cursor hovers over them. (Default is BLACK)") (gl.BUTTON_TEXTHOVERCOLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.BUTTON_TEXTHOVERCOLOR) color_clean(screen, "BUTTON_TEXTHOVERCOLOR", cfg_str) if close_button_color_rect.collidepoint(cursor): answer = color_msg(screen, "Color of the close/cancel buttons, the 'X' in the top/right corner of the screen. (Default is SADDLE_BROWN)") (gl.CLOSE_BUTTONCOLOR, cfg_str) = color_change(answer, gl.CLOSE_BUTTONCOLOR) color_clean(screen, "CLOSE_BUTTONCOLOR", cfg_str) if winsize_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Default Window Size or resolution of imgv (in the format: width x height. Default is: 800x600)", (15, 80), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "New window size") if answer != None: x = None if answer.find('x') != -1: x = 'x' elif answer.find('X') != -1: x = 'X' if x != None: gl.IMGV_RESOLUTION = int(answer.split(x)[0]), int(answer.split(x)[1]) write_cfg("IMGV_WINDOW_SIZE", answer) clean_prefs(screen) if thumbsize_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("The size you set will be used as the size of the thumbnail border/box, not the images themselves.", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("Values are in the format: width x height. Example: 100x100", (15, 100), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("To have imgv choose the best thumb size for a given default screen size use the default value of: AUTO", (15, 120), 13, ("transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "New thumbnail size") if answer != None: gl.THUMB_VAL = answer write_cfg("THUMB_SIZE", answer) clean_prefs(screen) if transeffect_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Valid values: NONE (default), MELT, FADE_IN", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("You can also apply multiple effects by separating them with |'s such as: MELT|FADE_IN", (15, 90), 13, ("transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "Transitional effect") if answer != None: gl.TRANS_FX = answer write_cfg("TRANSITIONAL_EFFECT", answer) clean_prefs(screen) if startdir_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Set this to an already existing directory that you want imgv to initially load images from.", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) if platform == 'win32': show_message("For example: C:\photos\\", (15, 80), 13, ("transparent")) else: show_message("For example: /home/photos/", (15, 80), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("Set to / (default) to have imgv load images from the root directory.", (15, 110), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("You an also specify a single image name.", (15, 150), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("For example: C:\pics\dog.jpg", (15, 170), 13, ("transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "Start directory") if answer != None: gl.START_DIRECTORY_VAL = answer write_cfg("START_DIRECTORY", answer) clean_prefs(screen) if external_editor_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Path to an external image editing application (You must put quotes around the value)", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("For example, if you want to use Adobe Photoshop with imgv you might put:", (15, 80), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Photoshop CS2\\Photoshop.exe\"", (15, 100), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("Set to \"None\" (default) if you don't need this feature.", (15, 130), 13, ("transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "External editor") if answer != None: gl.EXTERNAL_EDITOR = answer write_cfg("EXTERNAL_EDITOR", answer) clean_prefs(screen) if passwd_rect.collidepoint(cursor): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message("Set this to the password you want to be used in the 'Hide Image' feature.", (15, 60), 13, ("bold", "transparent")) show_message("It's case sensitive and don't use quotes.", (15, 90), 13, ("transparent")) show_message("Set to None (default) if you don't want to be prompted for a password.", (15, 110), 13, ("transparent")) answer = ask(screen, "New password") if answer != None: gl.CORRECT_PASSWORD = answer write_cfg("PASSWORD", answer) clean_prefs(screen) (transparent_text_crect, transparent_text_ucrect, main_statusbar_crect, main_statusbar_ucrect, four_statusbars_crect, four_statusbars_ucrect, exif_statusbar_crect, exif_statusbar_ucrect, thumb_statusbars_crect, thumb_statusbars_ucrect, image_border_crect, image_border_ucrect, fit_image_rect, dirnum_colors_crect, dirnum_colors_ucrect, screen_bgcolor_rect, lock_zoom_crect, lock_zoom_ucrect, wrap_crect, wrap_ucrect, wrap_slideshow_crect, wrap_slideshow_ucrect, start_fullscreen_crect, start_fullscreen_ucrect, thumb_border_crect, thumb_border_ucrect, show_movies_crect, show_movies_ucrect, font_color_rect, font_bgcolor_rect, img_border_color_rect, thumb_border_color_rect, thumb_bgcolor_rect, four_divcolor_rect, button_bgcolor_rect, button_hover_color_rect, button_textcolor_rect, button_texthovercolor_rect, close_button_color_rect, gamma_rect, winsize_rect, thumbsize_rect, transeffect_rect, startdir_rect, external_editor_rect, fit_slideshow_rect, passwd_rect) = pref_options(screen) gl.NOT_HOVERED = 1
def show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file): wait_cursor() if platform == 'win32': try: os.chdir(gl.DRIVE + ":") except: pass # Probably an OSError from not having a cd in the drive slash, get_curdir = os.sep, os.getcwd() fg_color = gl.SILVER font_size = 10 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) font.set_bold(1) # very important line = 55 name_max = 16 # dir name max menu_items = [] if get_curdir[-1] == slash: curdir = get_curdir else: curdir = get_curdir + slash paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) screen_height = screen.get_height() if not gl.BEEN_THERE_DONE_THAT: show_message(screen, "You can type in a directory number or shortcut (L/T/A/D/C/V/S/Q) instead of clicking: _", "bottom", 11) else: show_message(screen, "Directory number or shortcut: _", "bottom", 11) curdir_msg = check_truncate(screen.get_width(), curdir) all_files = os.listdir('.') all_files.sort() n_dirs = len([d for d in all_files if os.path.isdir(d)]) all_files = [f for f in all_files if not os.path.isdir(f)] n_files = len(all_files) all_images = get_imgs(os.getcwd(), 0) n_images = len(all_images) get_movies = lambda x, y: [i.upper().endswith(y) for i in all_images].count(True) n_movies = get_movies(all_images, ".MPG") + get_movies(all_images, ".MPEG") dirs_text = "Directories" files_text = "Files" images_text = "Images" movies_text = "MPEGs" if n_dirs == 1: dirs_text = "Directory" # unplural if n_files == 1: files_text = "File" if n_images == 1: images_text = "Image" if n_movies == 1: movies_text = "MPEG" files_msg = "[%d %s. %d %s. %d %s. %d %s]" % (n_dirs, dirs_text, n_files, files_text, n_images - n_movies, images_text, n_movies, movies_text) curdir_msg_wpos = (screen.get_width() / 2 - font.size(curdir_msg)[0] / 2) - font.size(files_msg)[0] / 2 + 10 files_msg_wpos = screen.get_width() / 2 + font.size(curdir_msg)[0] / 2 - font.size(files_msg)[0] / 2 + 20 if not gl.REFRESH_IMG_COUNT and gl.CACHE_DIR_OK: dirs = gl.CACHE_DIRS gl.REFRESH_IMG_COUNT = 1 set_caption(curdir) show_message(screen, curdir_msg, (curdir_msg_wpos, 4), 10, ("bold")) show_message(screen, files_msg, (files_msg_wpos, 4), 10) else: show_message(screen, curdir_msg, (curdir_msg_wpos, 4), 10, ("bold")) show_message(screen, files_msg, (files_msg_wpos, 4), 10) set_caption(curdir) dirs = os.listdir(curdir) dirs.sort() dirs = strip_dirs(dirs) # ensure the root dir and last dir items go at top dirs.insert(0, "..") dirs.insert(0, slash) gl.CACHE_DIRS = dirs ren_load_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (L)oad ", 0, 18, "topleft") ren_load_subdirs_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Subdirs (T)oo ", 62, 18, "topleft") if platform == 'win32': ren_drive_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Change (D)rive ", 271, 18, "topleft") dirpl_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (A)dd To Playlist ", 160, 18, "topleft") untag_all_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (C)lear Tags ", 380, 18, "topleft") view_tagged_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (V)iew Tags ", 472, 18, "topleft") filter_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (S)earch ", 559, 18, "topleft") col = 10 show_message(screen, "Right-Click directories to tag multiple directories to load. Ctrl+Left-Click to untag.", (10, 40), 10) if gl.MULT_DIRS != []: show_message(screen, "[Dirs tagged: %s]" % len(gl.MULT_DIRS), (440, 40), 10, "bold") if gl.FILTER_COMMAND != {}: show_message(screen, "[Filter: on]", (560, 40), 10, "bold") # add numbers to directory names if gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS == 0 and dirs[0] != '*': gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 1 for i, d in enumerate(dirs): dirs[i] = '*' + str(i) + gl.DIRNUMSEP + d for d in dirs: d = d[1:] # strip out the '*' marker if d[3:] == slash: if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS: dmsg = d else: ren = font.render(d, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR) else: if len(d) > name_max: if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS: dmsg = truncate_name(d, name_max) else: ren = font.render(truncate_name(d, name_max), 1, gl.MSG_COLOR) else: if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS: dmsg = d + slash else: ren = font.render(d + slash, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR) # print directory names on screen, wrapping if necessary font_height = font.size(' '.join(d.split(' ')[1:]))[1] if (line + font_height) >= (screen_height - 10): line = 55 # reset to beginning of screen col = col + (name_max + 130) # go to next column if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS: before_color = gl.MSG_COLOR if gl.MSG_COLOR == gl.SILVER: gl.MSG_COLOR = (142, 142, 142) else: gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.SILVER if before_color == gl.WHITE: ren_rect = show_message(screen, dmsg, (col, line), font_size, ("bold"), (len(dmsg[:dmsg.index(gl.DIRNUMSEP) + 1]), gl.SILVER)) else: ren_rect = show_message(screen, dmsg, (col, line), font_size, ("bold"), (len(dmsg[:dmsg.index(gl.DIRNUMSEP) + 1]), before_color)) else: ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = col ren_rect[1] = line screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) update(ren_rect) line = line + 12 menu_items.append((ren_rect, d)) if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS: gl.MSG_COLOR = before_color normal_cursor() pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) hover_fx(screen, curdir, menu_items, cursor) if platform == 'win32':# hover_cursor(cursor, [ren_load_rect, ren_load_subdirs_rect, ren_drive_rect, dirpl_rect, untag_all_rect, view_tagged_rect, filter_rect, esc_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items]) hover_button(ren_load_rect, cursor, screen, " (L)oad ", 0, 18, "topleft") hover_button(ren_load_subdirs_rect, cursor, screen, " Subdirs (T)oo ", 62, 18, "topleft") if platform == 'win32': hover_button(ren_drive_rect, cursor, screen, " Change (D)rive ", 271, 18, "topleft") hover_button(dirpl_rect, cursor, screen, " (A)dd To Playlist ", 160, 18, "topleft") hover_button(untag_all_rect, cursor, screen, " (C)lear Tags ", 380, 18, "topleft") hover_button(view_tagged_rect, cursor, screen, " (V)iew Tags ", 472, 18, "topleft") hover_button(filter_rect, cursor, screen, " (S)earch ", 559, 18, "topleft") if left_click(event): for item in menu_items: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and (pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_LCTRL] or\ pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_RCTRL]): try: # untag directory gl.MULT_DIRS.remove(os.getcwd() + slash + ' '.join(item[1].split(' ')[1:])) show_message(screen, " " * 30, (440, 40), 10, ("bold")) show_message(screen, "[Dirs tagged: %s]" % len(gl.MULT_DIRS), (440, 40), 10, "bold") except: pass else: # (normal mode) change to a single directory and load its images (num_imgs, file) = do_change_dir(screen, num_imgs, file, item[1]) return (num_imgs, file) if right_click(event): for item in menu_items: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): # tag directory if os.getcwd()[-1] != slash: gl.MULT_DIRS.append(os.getcwd() + slash + ' '.join(item[1].split(' ')[1:])) else: gl.MULT_DIRS.append(os.getcwd() + ' '.join(item[1].split(' ')[1:])) show_message(screen, " " * 30, (440, 40), 10, ("bold")) show_message(screen, "[Dirs tagged: %s]" % len(gl.MULT_DIRS), (440, 40), 10, "bold") # allow number keys to be used to change directories dirnum = None if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_5, K_6, K_7, K_8, K_9, K_0, K_KP1, K_KP2, K_KP3, K_KP4, K_KP5, K_KP6, K_KP7, K_KP8, K_KP9, K_KP0): dirnum = get_dirnum(screen, event.key) if dirnum != 'backspaced': for item in menu_items: if item[1].startswith(str(dirnum)): (num_imgs, file) = do_change_dir(screen, num_imgs, file, item[1]) return (num_imgs, file) break if hit_key(event, K_RETURN) or hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or hit_key(event, K_l): (num_imgs, file) = do_load_dir() break if hit_key(event, K_t): # load subdirs on keypress 't' (num_imgs, file) = do_subdirs_too() break if hit_key(event, K_s): # search command_get_filter_info(screen) (num_imgs, file) = show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file) break if hit_key(event, K_d): # change drives if platform == 'win32': gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 1 (num_imgs, file) = do_change_drive(screen, num_imgs, file) gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 0 break if hit_key(event, K_c): # clear tag list do_untag(screen) if hit_key(event, K_v): # view tagged dirs do_view_tagged(screen, num_imgs, file) break # break main loop to display properly if hit_key(event, K_a): # add curdir to playlist command_add_to_play_list(screen, curdir) return (num_imgs, file) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.ESCAPED = 1 gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 break if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ESCAPED = 1 gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 break if ren_load_rect.collidepoint(cursor): # load current dir (num_imgs, file) = do_load_dir() break if ren_load_subdirs_rect.collidepoint(cursor): # load subdirs too (num_imgs, file) = do_subdirs_too() break if platform == 'win32': if ren_drive_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 1 (num_imgs, file) = do_change_drive(screen, num_imgs, file) gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 0 break if dirpl_rect.collidepoint(cursor): command_add_to_play_list(screen, curdir) return (num_imgs, file) if untag_all_rect.collidepoint(cursor): do_untag(screen) if view_tagged_rect.collidepoint(cursor): do_view_tagged(screen, num_imgs, file) break # break main loop to display properly if filter_rect.collidepoint(cursor): command_get_filter_info(screen) (num_imgs, file) = show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file) break check_quit(event) gl.CACHE_DIR_OK = 1 return (num_imgs, file)
def get_speed(screen, new_img, rect, filename, file, num_imgs): "get input from keyboard (including number pad) and only accept/display digits" paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) normal_cursor() DEFAULT_SPEED = 5 MAX_SPEED = 100000 speed_msg = " Enter number of seconds to delay between images (Default=5): _ " speed = ['0'] char_space = 0 screen_midtop = (screen.get_rect().midtop[0], screen.get_rect().midtop[1] + 20) font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 13) ren_speed_msg = font.render(speed_msg, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR) ren_speed_msg_rect = ren_speed_msg.get_rect() ren_speed_msg_width = ren_speed_msg.get_width() ren_speed_msg_rect.midtop = screen_midtop screen.blit(ren_speed_msg, ren_speed_msg_rect) update(ren_speed_msg_rect) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) my_digits = [] # keypad number list. dirty_rects = [] for num in range(10): my_digits.append('[%d]' % num) # [0],[1]...[9] pygame.event.set_allowed(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_cursor(cursor, (esc_rect,)) if event.type == KEYDOWN and not event.key == K_RETURN: speed_input = try: check_quit(event) if speed_input in my_digits or speed_input in digits: # only echo digits (0-9) for i in speed_input: # extract n from brackets, [n] if i in digits: speed_input = i speed.append(speed_input) ren_speed = font.render(speed_input, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR, gl.BLACK) ren_speed_rect = ren_speed.get_rect() ren_speed_rect.midtop = screen_midtop # dividing by 2.12 allows to overwrite the "_" fake cursor marker: ren_speed_rect[0] = ren_speed_rect[0] + (char_space + (ren_speed_msg_width / 2.12) + 5) dirty_rects.append(ren_speed_rect) screen.blit(ren_speed, ren_speed_rect) update(ren_speed_rect) char_space = char_space + ren_speed.get_width() except TypeError: # don't crash if user hits Backspace, Esc, etc. pass if hit_key(event, K_RETURN) or hit_key(event, K_KP_ENTER): break if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) normal_cursor() return -1 if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): wait_cursor() my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) normal_cursor() return -1 if hit_key(event, K_BACKSPACE) or hit_key(event, K_DELETE) or hit_key(event, K_KP_PERIOD): # erase whatever text was inputed speed = ['0'] try: for rect in dirty_rects: paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK, rect) char_space = ren_speed.get_width() except: pass # convert to a valid speed if not len(speed) > 1: speed.append(str(DEFAULT_SPEED)) speed = int(''.join(speed)) if speed > MAX_SPEED: speed = DEFAULT_SPEED return speed
def thumbs_engine(screen, new_img, file): screen_pause = 0 SPACER = 5 x = [] place = file # start thumbing from current image position marker = 0 (i, j) = (SPACER, SPACER) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) font_size = 9 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_cursor(cursor, (esc_rect,)) gl.PAUSED = 0 # critical if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.ESCAPED = 1 return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file) if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ESCAPED = 1 break if hit_key(event, K_t) or hit_key(event, K_p) or hit_key(event, K_PAUSE): # pause set_caption("Thumbnails [Paused]") try: if place % gl.MAX_THUMBS_SET != 0: # only pause if it's not the last thumbnail on the page gl.PAUSED = 1 screen_pause = 1 except: gl.PAUSED = 1 screen_pause = 1 if screen_pause == 1: normal_cursor() while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) hover_fx(screen, x, cursor, marker) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect] + [y[0] for y in x]) if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ESCAPED = 1 return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file) for item in x: # load clicked image: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(item[1]) file = gl.files.index(item[1]) return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file) check_quit(event) if ( hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or hit_key(event, K_t) or hit_key(event, K_n) or hit_key(event, K_p) or hit_key(event, K_PAUSE) or right_click(event) ): if not place >= len(gl.files): if not gl.PAUSED: # go to next thumb page: paint_screen(gl.IMGV_COLOR) close_button(screen) set_caption("Thumbnails [Paused]") x = [] screen_pause = 0 marker = 0 break # unpause: gl.PAUSED = 0 screen_pause = 0 break if hit_key(event, K_BACKSPACE) or hit_key(event, K_b) or middle_click(event): # go back to previous thumb page, even if paused: if (place - marker) > 0: i = j = SPACER if gl.PAUSED: gl.PAUSED = 0 paint_screen(gl.IMGV_COLOR) close_button(screen) screen_pause = 0 place = place - (marker + gl.MAX_THUMBS) marker = 0 x = [] break if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.ESCAPED = 1 return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file) else: set_caption("Loading Thumbnails [%d] - imgv" % marker) (x, i, j, place, screen_pause, marker) = show_thumbs( screen, SPACER, x, i, j, place, marker, font, font_size ) pygame.time.delay(5) return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file)
def command_show_res_modes(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect): paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) set_caption("Resize Options - imgv") menu_items = [] (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) res_font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 18) res_font.set_bold(1) show_message(screen, "Choose a preset or custom window size for imgv", "top", 12, ("underline", "bold")) show_message(screen, "Use current window size as fullscreen resolution?", (170, 192), 10) show_message(screen, "No Yes", (430, 182), 10) show_message(screen, "Option: _", "bottom", 12) (menu_items, men_ops) = show_res_modes(screen, menu_items, res_font) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(35) # don't use 100% CPU cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_fx(screen, menu_items, cursor, res_font) if gl.NOT_HOVERED: show_message(screen, "%sOption: _%s" % (" " * 100, " " * 100), "bottom", 12) blank_fx(screen, 0) check_quit(event) if event.type == VIDEORESIZE: screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'], RESIZABLE) rect = get_center(screen, new_img) command_show_res_modes(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) break # draw checked box: checked_img = load_img(gl.CHECKED_BOX, screen, False) checked_img_rect = checked_img.get_rect() if gl.FULLSCREEN_SPECIAL == 0: checked_img_rect[0] = 432 else: checked_img_rect[0] = 455 checked_img_rect[1] = 195 screen.blit(checked_img, checked_img_rect) update(checked_img_rect) # draw unchecked box: unchecked_img = load_img(gl.UNCHECKED_BOX, screen, False) unchecked_img_rect = unchecked_img.get_rect() if gl.FULLSCREEN_SPECIAL == 0: unchecked_img_rect[0] = 455 else: unchecked_img_rect[0] = 432 unchecked_img_rect[1] = 195 screen.blit(unchecked_img, unchecked_img_rect) update(unchecked_img_rect) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect, checked_img_rect, unchecked_img_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items]) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): update_res_screen(screen, file, new_img) return rect if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, K_F6, K_c): if hit_key(event, K_F2): rect = command_640x480(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) if hit_key(event, K_F3): rect = command_800x600(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) if hit_key(event, K_F4): rect = command_1024x768(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) if hit_key(event, K_F5): rect = command_1280x1024(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) if hit_key(event, K_F6): screen = command_fullscreen(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) rect = get_center(screen, new_img) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) if hit_key(event, K_c): rect = do_custom(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) return rect if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.ESCAPED = 1 update_res_screen(screen, file, new_img) return rect if unchecked_img_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.FULLSCREEN_SPECIAL ^= 1 # toggle for it in menu_items: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor) and it[1] in men_ops: if it[1] == "F2) 640x480": rect = command_640x480(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == "F3) 800x600": rect = command_800x600(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == "F4) 1024x768": rect = command_1024x768(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == "F5) 1280x1024": rect = command_1280x1024(new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == "F6) Fullscreen": screen = command_fullscreen(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) rect = get_center(screen, new_img) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == "C) Custom": rect = do_custom(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) return rect gl.NOT_HOVERED = 1 return rect
def command_main_menu(refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, ns): menu_items = [] i = 23 cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() screen_width = screen.get_width() screen_height = screen.get_height() if screen_height < 600: font_size = 10 gl.MENU_DIVIDER_AMOUNT = 12 else: gl.MENU_DIVIDER_AMOUNT = 14 font_size = 11 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) font.set_bold(1) if gl.MENU_POS == -1: gl.MENU_POS = cursor[0] main_menu_fg(screen, font, i, menu_items) normal_cursor() last_rect = Rect(rect) new_img_width = new_img.get_width() new_img_height = new_img.get_height() if gl.REMOTE and not gl.ALREADY_DOWNLOADED: download_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Downlo(a)d Image ", None, None, "topright") while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) cursor2 = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == VIDEORESIZE:# gl.JUST_RESIZED = 1 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'], RESIZABLE) rect = get_center(screen, new_img) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) if gl.REMOTE and not gl.ALREADY_DOWNLOADED: hover_button(download_rect, cursor2, screen, " Downlo(a)d Image ", None, None, "topright") if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key in (K_c, K_h, K_UP, K_DOWN, K_RIGHT, K_LEFT): if event.key != K_c: pygame.event.set_allowed(MOUSEMOTION) gl.HAND_TOOL = 1 drag_hand_cursor() # close the menu gl.MENU_POS = -1 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) if event.key == K_c: normal_cursor() return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) (screen, rect, new_img, img, refresh_img, file, num_imgs,\ screen_width, screen_height, new_img_width, new_img_height, last_rect) =\ handle_keyboard(event, screen, rect, new_img, img, refresh_img, file, len(gl.files),\ screen_width, screen_height, new_img_width, new_img_height, last_rect, ns) break hover_cursor(cursor2, [x[0] for x in menu_items]) if left_click(event): if gl.REMOTE and not gl.ALREADY_DOWNLOADED: if download_rect.collidepoint(cursor2): wait_cursor() save_remote_img(screen, file) break for it in menu_items: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor2): if it[1] == " Next Image ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = command_next_img(new_img, screen, file, len(gl.files), rect) elif it[1] == " Previous Image ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = command_prev_img(new_img, screen, file, len(gl.files), rect) elif it[1] == " Directory Browser ": gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 1 # save current things in case the user ESCAPES out of show_dirs() gl.LAST_DIR = getcwd() last_files = gl.files (last_new_img, last_img, last_refresh_img, last_num_imgs, last_file, last_rect) =\ (new_img, img, refresh_img, num_imgs, file, rect) (new_img, img, refresh_img, num_imgs, file, rect) = command_show_dirs(new_img, img, screen, rect,\ file, num_imgs) # user ESCAPED from show_dirs, reset last values if gl.ESCAPED: (new_img, img, refresh_img, num_imgs, file, rect) =\ (last_new_img, last_img, last_refresh_img, last_num_imgs, last_file, last_rect) chdir(gl.LAST_DIR) gl.files = last_files gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 0 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) else: gl.REFRESH_IMG_COUNT = 0 gl.ESCAPED = 0 gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 0 elif it[1] == " Image Browser ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = command_img_names(screen, new_img, img, file,\ num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == " Thumbnails ": gl.THUMBING = 1 gl.CALC_ZOOM = 0 zoom_percent = gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT real_width = gl.REAL_WIDTH (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = command_thumbs(screen, new_img, file, ns) if gl.ESCAPED: gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT = zoom_percent gl.REAL_WIDTH = real_width gl.ESCAPED = 0 gl.THUMBING = 0 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == " Image Properties ": transparency = 0 if not gl.TOGGLE_TRANSPARENT: gl.TOGGLE_TRANSPARENT = 1 transparency = 1 command_verbose_info(screen, new_img, rect, file, num_imgs) if transparency: gl.TOGGLE_TRANSPARENT = 0 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == " Zoom Out ": if int(gl.N_MILLISECONDS) < gl.MAX_ZOOM_MAX_MS and gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT< gl.ZOOM_PERCENT_MAX: try: (new_img, img, rect) = command_zoom_out(new_img, new_img_width, new_img_height, img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect, "normal") except: print 'Out of memory.' else: print "Can't zoom out. Out of memory. Resetting the image." gl.SKIP_FIT = 1 gl.ZOOM_EXP = 0 start = start_timer() wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[file], screen) img = refresh_img = new_img rect = get_center(screen, new_img) ns = check_timer(start) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) normal_cursor() gl.N_MILLISECONDS = "0" elif it[1] == " Zoom In ": if int(gl.N_MILLISECONDS) < gl.MAX_ZOOM_MAX_MS and gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT < gl.ZOOM_PERCENT_MAX: try: # triple zoom crash protection (new_img, img, rect) = command_zoom_in(new_img, new_img_width, new_img_height, img, screen, gl.files, file, num_imgs, rect, "normal") except: print 'Zoom max reached.' else: print 'Zoom max reached.' elif it[1] == " Fit to Window ": gl.RESET_FIT = 0 gl.SCALE_UP = 1 if gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL: gl.RESET_FIT = 0 else: gl.RESET_FIT = 1 gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL = 1 start = start_timer() wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[file], screen) img = refresh_img = new_img rect = get_center(screen, new_img) ns = check_timer(start) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) if gl.RESET_FIT == 1: gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL = 0 normal_cursor() elif it[1] == " Lock Zoom ": gl.PERSISTENT_ZOOM_VAL ^= 1 if not gl.PERSISTENT_ZOOM_VAL: gl.ZOOM_EXP = 0 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) elif it[1] == " Actual Size ": gl.SKIP_FIT = 1 gl.ZOOM_EXP = 0 start = start_timer() wait_cursor() new_img = load_img(gl.files[file], screen) img = refresh_img = new_img rect = get_center(screen, new_img) ns = check_timer(start) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs, ns) normal_cursor() elif it[1] == " Close Image ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, num_imgs, rect) = command_remove_img(new_img, screen, file, rect) elif it[1] == " Rotate Right ": if int(gl.N_MILLISECONDS) < gl.MAX_ZOOM_MAX_MS and gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT < gl.ZOOM_PERCENT_MAX: gl.CALC_ZOOM = 0 (new_img, img, rect) = command_rotate_right(new_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect) else: print "Can't rotate. Out of memory." elif it[1] == " Rotate Left ": if int(gl.N_MILLISECONDS) < gl.MAX_ZOOM_MAX_MS and gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT < gl.ZOOM_PERCENT_MAX: gl.CALC_ZOOM = 0 (new_img, img, rect) = command_rotate_left(new_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect) else: print "Can't rotate. Out of memory." elif it[1] == " Four at a Time ": gl.CALC_ZOOM = 0 zoom_percent = gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT real_width = gl.REAL_WIDTH (file, new_img, img, refresh_img, rect) = command_four(screen, file, new_img, ns) if gl.ESCAPED: gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT = zoom_percent gl.REAL_WIDTH = real_width gl.ESCAPED = 0 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) normal_cursor() # elif it[1] == " Resize Options ":## # gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 1 # gl.CALC_ZOOM = 0 # zoom_percent = gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT # real_width = gl.REAL_WIDTH # rect = command_show_res_modes(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) # gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT = zoom_percent # gl.REAL_WIDTH = real_width # gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 0 elif it[1] == " Refresh ": (new_img, img, rect, file) = command_refresh(refresh_img, screen, gl.files, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == " First Image ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = command_first_img(new_img, screen, file, len(gl.files), rect) elif it[1] == " Last Image ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = command_last_img(new_img, screen, file, len(gl.files), rect) elif it[1] == " Shuffle ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, rect) = command_shuffle(new_img, img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == " Unshuffle ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, rect, file) = command_unshuffle(new_img, img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == " Flip Horizontal ": (new_img, img, rect) = command_horiz(new_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == " Flip Vertical ": (new_img, img, rect) = command_vert(new_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect) elif it[1] == " Slideshow ": (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = my_slideshow(new_img, img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) elif it[1] == " Playlists ": (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect, num_imgs) = command_play_list_options(screen, file) gl.SORT_HIT = 0 elif it[1] == " Add to Playlist ": command_add_to_play_list(screen, gl.files[file]) gl.SORT_HIT = 0 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) elif it[1] == " Edit ": (screen, before_winsize, not_accepted) = adjust_screen(screen) gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 1 (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, num_imgs, rect) = command_edit_menu(screen, file, new_img, num_imgs, rect) screen = restore_screen(screen, before_winsize, not_accepted, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, num_imgs) gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 0 elif it[1] == " Hide Image ": command_hide(screen, new_img, rect, file, num_imgs) elif it[1] == " Extract from Web ": (screen, before_winsize, not_accepted) = adjust_screen(screen) (new_img, num_imgs) = open_url(screen, img) gl.URL_ERROR = False file = 0 img = refresh_img = new_img screen = restore_screen(screen, before_winsize, not_accepted, new_img, file, num_imgs, rect) rect = get_center(screen, new_img) my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) normal_cursor() elif it[1] == " Help ": gl.CALC_ZOOM = 0 zoom_percent = gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT real_width = gl.REAL_WIDTH command_help(screen, new_img, file, rect, num_imgs) if gl.ESCAPED: gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT = zoom_percent gl.REAL_WIDTH = real_width gl.ESCAPED = 0 elif it[1] == " Close Menu " or it[1] == " Hand Tool ": if it[1] == " Hand Tool ": pygame.event.set_allowed(MOUSEMOTION) gl.HAND_TOOL = 1 drag_hand_cursor() gl.MENU_POS = -1 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) normal_cursor() return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) elif it[1] == " Exit ": clean_screen() raise SystemExit break if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL, K_TAB): return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) if middle_click(event): "close the menu upon middle click" gl.MENU_POS = -1 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) normal_cursor() return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) if right_click(event): wait_cursor() gl.MENU_POS = -1 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) =\ command_main_menu(refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, ns) return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # this needs to be down here to work if event.dict['button'] in (4, 5): # scroll wheel activated # allow for mouse dragging: pygame.event.set_allowed(MOUSEMOTION) gl.HAND_TOOL = 1 drag_hand_cursor() # close menu: gl.MENU_POS = -1 my_update_screen(new_img, screen, rect, file, len(gl.files)) return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) if gl.KEEP_MENU_OPEN == "1": # this code purposely closes the main menu by breaking the recursion to free up RAM memory gl.COUNT_CLICKS += 1 if gl.COUNT_CLICKS == 1: # free up ram every click return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect) =\ command_main_menu(refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, rect, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, ns) normal_cursor() return (refresh_img, screen, file, num_imgs, new_img, img, new_img_width, new_img_height, rect)
def command_edit_menu(screen, file, new_img, rect): menu_items = [] paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) show_message("%s" % os.path.basename(gl.files[file]), "top", 12, "bold") show_message("Option number: _", "bottom", 12) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_fx(screen, menu_items, men_ops, cursor, font) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items]) if gl.NOT_HOVERED: show_message("%sOption number: _%s" % (" " * 100, " " * 100), "bottom", 12) blank_fx(screen, -1) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 0 update_edit_screen(screen, file, new_img) return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect) if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.USING_SCROLL_MENU = 0 update_edit_screen(screen, file, new_img) return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect) if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_KP1, K_KP2, K_KP3, K_KP4): if hit_key(event, K_1) or hit_key(event, K_KP1): (new_img, img, refresh_img, file, rect) = do_delete_image(screen, new_img, file, rect) paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) if hit_key(event, K_2) or hit_key(event, K_KP2): do_set_wallpaper(screen, file, new_img, rect) paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) if hit_key(event, K_3) or hit_key(event, K_KP3): if gl.EXTERNAL_EDITOR not in ('"None"', '"none"', '"NONE"', ''): do_external_viewer(screen, file, new_img) paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) if hit_key(event, K_4) or hit_key(event, K_KP4): preferences(screen) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: for it in menu_items: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor) and it[1] in men_ops: if it[1] == "1) Delete image": (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect) = do_delete_image(screen, new_img, file, rect) paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) break if it[1] == "2) Set as wallpaper": do_set_wallpaper(screen, file, new_img, rect) paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) break if it[1] == "3) Open in external viewer": do_external_viewer(screen, file, new_img) paint_screen(gl.BLACK) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) break if it[1] == "4) Preferences": preferences(screen) (menu_items, men_ops) = edit_menu(screen, file, menu_items) break return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect) gl.NOT_HOVERED = 1 return (new_img, new_img, new_img, file, rect)