async def MainParser(args): user = args.user password = args.password new_password = args.new_password token_limit = args.token_limit time_cost = args.time_cost memory_cost = args.memory_cost parallelism = args.parallelism remote = args.remote network = server_key = args.server_key public_key = args.public_key private_key = args.private_key if not (remote): config = parse_config.parse() server_conf = config["Server"] crypt_limits = config["Crypt Limits"] db = await create_pool.create(server_conf.get("mysql_db")) userid = await db.return_first_result("extract_userid", user) if (userid is None): logging.error(_("El usuario '%s' no existe"), user) return else: (userid, ) = userid logging.warning(_("Cambiando contraseña del usuario: %s"), user) logging.debug(_("Generando hash...")) time_init = time.time() logging.debug(_("Generando hash...")) time_end = time.time() - time_init pass2hash = generate_hash.generate(new_password, time_cost, memory_cost, parallelism, crypt_limits) await db.return_first_result("change_password", pass2hash, userid) if (token_limit is not None): logging.warning( _("Cambiando el límite de token's permitidos para el usuario: %s (%d)" ), user, userid) await db.return_first_result("change_token_limit", token_limit, userid)"Hecho.")) else: if (password is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir la contraseña actual")) return if (network is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir la dirección de la red")) return try: (addr, port, path) = netparse.parse(network, default_path="/generate_token") except Exception as err: logging.error(_("La dirección '%s' no es válida: %s"), network, err) return if (server_key is None) or (public_key is None) or (private_key is None): logging.error( _("Se debe definir absolutamente todas las claves para poder continuar" )) return if not (os.path.isfile(server_key)): logging.error(_("¡La clave pública del servidor no existe!")) return elif not (os.path.isfile(public_key)) or not ( os.path.isfile(private_key)): logging.error( _("¡La clave pública o privada del usuario no existe!")) return else: with open(server_key, "rb") as fd: server_key = with open(public_key, "rb") as fd: public_key = with open(private_key, "rb") as fd: private_key = try: (UControl, UClient, __) = await client.simple_client( addr, port, user, server_key, public_key=public_key, private_key=private_key, uteslaclient=uteslaclient.UTeslaClient()) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error conectado a %s:%d: %s"), addr, port, err) return UClient.set_stream_control(UControl) try: await UClient.change_passwd(password, new_password, token_limit, path) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error interpretando los datos: %s"), err) if (UControl.request.get_status_code() != 0) and (UControl.request.get_status_code() != -1): logging.error(_("Posible error: %s"), UControl.request.get_status()) else: status = UControl.request.get_status() status_code = UControl.request.get_status_code() if (status is None) or (status_code == -1): logging.error( _("Error, no se definió correctamente el estado.")) return if (status_code == 0):"Contraseña cambiada satisfactoriamente")) else: logging.warning( _("Se obtuvo un código de estado diferente a 0.")) logging.warning(_("Código de estado: %d"), status_code) logging.warning(_("Estado: %s"), status)
async def MainParser(args): network = token = args.token username = args.username password = args.password server_key = args.server_key public_key = args.public_key private_key = args.private_key try: (addr, port, path) = netparse.parse(network, default_path="/generate_token") except Exception as err: logging.error(_("La dirección '%s' no es válida: %s"), network, err) return try: (UControl, UClient, __) = await client.simple_client( addr, port, username,,,, uteslaclient=uteslaclient.UTeslaClient()) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error conectado a %s:%d: %s"), addr, port, err) return else: UClient.set_stream_control(UControl) UControl.set_token(token) try: token = await UClient.renew_token(password, path) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error interpretando los datos: %s"), err) if (UControl.request.get_status_code() != 0) and (UControl.request.get_status_code() != -1): logging.error(_("Posible error: %s"), UControl.request.get_status()) else: status = UControl.request.get_status() status_code = UControl.request.get_status_code() if (status is None) or (status_code == -1): logging.error(_("Error, no se definió correctamente el estado.")) return if (status_code == 0): print(_("Nuevo Token:"), token) else: logging.warning(_("Se obtuvo un código de estado diferente a 0.")) logging.warning(_("Código de estado: %d"), status_code) logging.warning(_("Estado: %s"), status)
async def MainParser(args): limit = args.limit only = args.only remote = args.remote network = token = args.token username = args.username server_key = args.server_key public_key = args.public_key private_key = args.private_key n = 1 if (remote): if (network is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir la dirección de la red")) return if (token is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir el token de acceso")) return if (username is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir el nombre de usuario")) return if (server_key is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir la clave pública del servidor")) return if (public_key is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir la clave pública del usuario")) return if (private_key is None): logging.error(_("Es necesario definir la clave privada del usuario")) return try: (addr, port, path) = netparse.parse(network, default_path="/get_services") except Exception as err: logging.error(_("La dirección '%s' no es válida: %s"), network, err) return try: (UControl, UClient, __) = await client.simple_client( addr, port, username,, public_key =, private_key =, uteslaclient = uteslaclient.UTeslaClient() ) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error conectado a %s:%d: %s"), addr, port, err) return UClient.set_stream_control(UControl) UControl.set_token(token) services = UClient.get_services(path) logging.warning(_("Obteniendo servicios...")) async for service in services: service_number = " %d " % (n) n += 1; headers = [ _("Nombre del servicio"), _("Ruta de acceso") ] values = [ service, "%s:%d/%s" % (addr, port, service) ] print(, "=")) table.print_table(headers, values) if (UControl.request.get_status_code() != -1) and (UControl.request.get_status_code() != 0): logging.error(_("Error obteniendo los servicios: %s"), UControl.request.get_status()) else: db = await create_pool.create() services = db.execute_command("get_services", limit, only=only, basic=False ) init = False async for id_service, id_network, service, priority in services: if not (init): init = True headers = [ _("Identificador"), _("Le pertenece a"), _("Nombre del servicio"), _("Prioridad") ] (network,) = await db.return_first_result("id2network", id_network) values = [ id_service, "%d (%s)" % (id_network, network), service, priority ] service_number = " %d " % (n) n += 1 print(, "=")) table.print_table(headers, values) if only is not None and not init: logging.error(_("No se pudo encontrar ningún servicio que le pertenezca al nodo '%d'"), only) elif not (init): print(_("Aún no hay servicios registrados :-("))
async def MainParser(args): _ = create_translation.create( "add_network", os.getenv("UTESLA_LOCALES_PLUGINS") or \ "modules/Cmd/locales-shared" ) network = token = args.token username = args.username server_key = args.server_key public_key = args.import_public_key private_key = args.import_private_key only = array_strip.strip(args.only) exclude = array_strip.strip(args.exclude) priority = args.priority if not (os.path.isfile(server_key)): logging.error(_("¡La clave pública del servidor no existe!")) return elif not (os.path.isfile(public_key)) or not (os.path.isfile(private_key)): logging.error(_("¡La clave pública o privada del usuario no existe!")) return else: with open(server_key, "rb") as fd: server_key_data = with open(public_key, "rb") as fd: public_key_data = with open(private_key, "rb") as fd: private_key_data = config = parse_config.parse() server_conf = config.get("Server") try: (addr, port, path) = netparse.parse(network, default_path="/get_services") except Exception as err: logging.error(_("La dirección '%s' no es válida: %s"), network, err) return net = "%s:%d" % (addr, port) net_hash = hashlib.sha3_224(net.encode()).hexdigest() db = await create_pool.create(server_conf.get("mysql_db")) init_path = server_conf.get("init_path") server_key_dst = "%s/servkeys/%s" % (init_path, net_hash) service_path = server_conf["services"] networkid = await db.return_first_result("extract_networkid", net) try: (UControl, UClient, __) = await client.simple_client( addr, port, username, server_key_data, public_key=public_key_data, private_key=private_key_data, uteslaclient=uteslaclient.UTeslaClient()) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error conectado a %s:%d: %s"), addr, port, err) return UClient.set_stream_control(UControl) UControl.set_token(token) services = UClient.get_services(path) logging.warning(_("Obteniendo servicios...")) try: async for service_name in services: status_code = UControl.request.get_status_code() status = UControl.request.get_status() if (status_code == 0): service_name = os.path.basename(service_name) service_abs = "%(service_path)s/%(service_name)s/%(service_name)" % { "service_path": service_path, "service_name": service_name } for __ in range(2): if (networkid is None): logging.debug( _("La red '%s' no existe, pero se agregará..."), net) await db.return_first_result("insert_network", net, token, username) networkid = await db.return_first_result( "extract_networkid", net) else: break if (networkid is None): logging.error( _("¡No se pudo obtener el identificador de la red '%s' en la base de datos!" ), net) continue else: if (isinstance(networkid, tuple)): (networkid, ) = networkid if (os.path.isfile(service_abs)): logging.warning( _("El servicio '%s' ya existe de manera local. No se agregará." ), service_name) continue if (service_name in exclude): logging.warning( _("El servicio '%s' no se agregará o actualizará porque está en la lista de exclusión" ), service_name) elif (only != []) and not (service_name in only): logging.warning( _("No se incluirá el servicio %s porque sólo se prefieren algunos servicios y éste no está incluido ahí" ), service_name) else: serviceid = await db.return_first_result( "extract_serviceid", service_name) if (serviceid is None) or not (await db.return_first_result( "network_in_service", networkid, *serviceid)): _("Agregando servicio '%s' de la red '%s'"), service_name, net) await db.return_first_result("insert_service", networkid, service_name, priority) else: logging.warning( _("'%s' ya está registrado en la red '%s'"), service_name, net) else: logging.error(_("Ocurrió un error con la petición: %s"), status) break if (UControl.request.get_status_code() != -1) and (UControl.request.get_status_code() != 0): logging.error(_("Error obteniendo los servicios: %s"), UControl.request.get_status()) except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError as err: logging.error(_("Hubo un error interpretando los datos: %s"), err) if (UControl.request.get_status_code() != 0) and (UControl.request.get_status_code() != -1): logging.error(_("Posible error: %s"), UControl.request.get_status()) else: if not (os.path.isfile(server_key_dst)): logging.debug(_("Copiando '%s' a '%s'..."), server_key, server_key_dst) shutil.copy(server_key, server_key_dst)"Hecho."))