class DanmuService(Service): def __init__(self): self.danmu = Danmu() self.log = Log('Danmu Service') self.command = _Operation() self.command_map = { '点歌': self.command.order_song, 'Nami': '' } def run(self): try: self.parse_danmu() time.sleep(10) except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) def parse_danmu(self): """解析弹幕""" danmu_list = self.danmu.get() if danmu_list: for danmu in danmu_list: self.log.debug('%s: %s' % (danmu['name'], danmu['text'])) self.danmu_map_func(danmu) def danmu_map_func(self, danmu): """将对应的指令映射到对应的Action上""" text = danmu['text'] for key in self.command_map.keys(): # 遍历查询comand是否存在 若存在则反射到对应的Action if text.find(key) == 0: danmu['command'] = danmu['text'][len(key): len(danmu['text'])].strip() self.command_map[key](danmu) break
class DanmuService(Service): def __init__(self): self.danmu = Danmu() self.musicDownloader = NeteaseMusic() self.log = Log('Danmu Service') self.commandMap = { '点歌': 'selectSongAction', 'id': 'selectSongByIdAction' } pass def run(self): try: self.parseDanmu() time.sleep(1.5) except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) # 解析弹幕 def parseDanmu(self): danmuList = self.danmu.get() if danmuList: for danmu in danmuList: self.log.debug('%s: %s' % (danmu['name'], danmu['text'])) self.danmuStateMachine(danmu) # 将对应的指令映射到对应的Action上 def danmuStateMachine(self, danmu): text = danmu['text'] commandAction = '' for key in self.commandMap: # 遍历查询comand是否存在 若存在则反射到对应的Action if text.find(key) == 0 and hasattr(self, self.commandMap[key]): danmu['command'] = danmu['text'][len(key) : len(danmu['text'])] getattr(self, self.commandMap[key])(danmu) break pass # 歌曲名点歌 def selectSongAction(self, danmu):'%s 点歌 [%s]' % (danmu['name'], danmu['command'])) command = danmu['command'] song = [] # 按歌曲名-歌手点歌 if command.find('-') != -1: detail = command.split('-') if len(detail) == 2: song = self.musicDownloader.searchSingle(detail[0], detail[1]) else: # 查询失败 song = {} pass # 直接按歌曲名点歌 else: song = self.musicDownloader.searchSingle(danmu['command']) if song: self.danmu.send('%s点歌成功' % song['name']) DownloadQueue.put({ 'type': 'music', 'id': song['id'], 'name': song['name'], 'singer': song['singer'], 'username': danmu['name'] }) else: # 未找到歌曲 self.danmu.send('找不到%s' % danmu['command'])'找不到%s' % danmu['command']) pass # 通过Id点歌 def selectSongByIdAction(self, danmu): command = danmu['command'] try: song = self.musicDownloader.getInfo(command) if song: self.danmu.send('%s点歌成功' % song['name']) DownloadQueue.put({ 'type': 'music', 'id': song['id'], 'name': song['name'], 'singer': song['singer'], 'username': danmu['name'] }) else: # 未找到歌曲 raise Exception('未找到歌曲') except Exception as e: self.danmu.send('找不到%s' % danmu['command'])'找不到%s' % danmu['command'])
class MediaService(Service): def __init__(self): self.danmu = Danmu() self.log = Log('Media Service') self.config = Config() def run(self): try: # 判断队列是否为空 if PlayQueue.empty(): # 获取随机文件,播放 musicPath = './resource/music/' randomMusic = self.getRandomFile(musicPath) musicName = os.path.basename(randomMusic) musicName = musicName.replace(os.path.splitext(randomMusic)[1], '') self.playMusic({ 'username': '******', 'name': musicName, 'filename': musicPath + randomMusic }, True) return # 获取新的下载任务 task = PlayQueue.get() if task and 'type' in task: if task['type'] == 'music': self.playMusic(task) elif task['type'] == 'vedio': pass except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) # 播放音乐 def playMusic(self, music, autoPlay=False): imagePath = './resource/img/' randomImage = imagePath + self.getRandomFile(imagePath)'[Music] 开始播放[%s]点播的[%s]' % (music['username'], music['name'])) self.danmu.send('正在播放 %s' % music['name']) # 获取歌词 assPath = './resource/lrc/default.ass' if 'lrc' in music: assPath = music['lrc'] # 开始播放 command = ffmpeg().getMusic(music=music['filename'], output=self.getRTMPUrl(), image=randomImage, ass=assPath) command = "%s 2>> ./log/ffmpeg.log" % command self.log.debug(command) process = subprocess.Popen(args=command, cwd=os.getcwd(), shell=True) process.wait() # 播放完毕 if not autoPlay: os.remove(path=music['filename'])'[Music] [%s]播放结束' % music['name']) # 获取推流地址 def getRTMPUrl(self): url = self.config.get(module='rtmp', key='url') code = self.config.get(module='rtmp', key='code') return url + code # 获取随机文件 def getRandomFile(self, path): fileList = os.listdir(path) if len(fileList) == 0: raise Exception('无法获取随机文件,%s为空' % path) index = random.randint(0, len(fileList) - 1) return fileList[index]
class MsgService(Service): def __init__(self): # 初始化变量 self.config = Config() self.cookies = self.config.getCookies() self.log = Log('service/Msg') self.msg = Msg(self.cookies) self.robot = Robot(self.config.get('api_keys')) self.uid = int(self.cookies['DedeUserID']) self.admin_ids = self.config.get('admin_ids') self.receiver_ids = self.config.get('receiver_ids') self.cookies_str = self.config.get('cookies') self.userList = {} self.groupList = {} self.is_private = self.config.get('is_private') # self.msg.send('start') def run(self): try: self.parseMsg() time.sleep(2) except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) # 解析消息 def parseMsg(self): msgList = self.msg.get() for msg in msgList: self.log.debug(msg) # 私信 if msg['receiver_type'] == 1: if msg['msg_type'] == 1: text = json.loads(msg['content'])['content'].lstrip() self.handler(text, msg['sender_uid'], 0) pass # 应援团 elif msg['receiver_type'] == 2: if (0 in self.receiver_ids or int(msg['receiver_id'] in self.receiver_ids)) \ and msg['msg_type'] == 1 and 'at_uids' in msg and self.uid in msg['at_uids']: # 处理@ text = json.loads(msg['content'])['content'].lstrip() text = text.replace('\u0011', '') # IOS客户端的@前后有这两个控制字符 text = text.replace('\u0012', '') if text.find('@' + self.getUserName(self.uid)) == 0: text = text[len(self.getUserName(self.uid)) + 1:].lstrip() self.handler(text, msg['sender_uid'], msg['receiver_id']) pass pass # 消息处理函数 def handler(self, text, user_id, group_id): # 管理员命令 ot = '' if text.find('#') == 0 \ and (user_id == self.groupList[group_id]['admin'] or user_id in self.admin_ids): text = text[1:] if user_id in self.admin_ids: if text == '切换': old = self.robot.swiRobot() ot = '已从%d号切换到%d号(我比前一位聪明哦~)' % (old, self.robot.apiKeyNo) if text == '睡觉': self.groupList[group_id]['off'] = 1 ot = '已准备睡觉,各位晚安~' elif text == '醒醒': self.groupList[group_id]['off'] = 0 ot = '又是全新的一天,早安!' if ot == '': ot = '对方不想理你,并抛出了个未知的异常(◔◡◔)' # 聊天 else: # 私信关闭状态 if group_id == 0 and self.is_private == 0: return # 睡觉 if group_id not in self.groupList: self.getGroupDetail(group_id) if self.groupList[group_id]['off'] == 1: return if text == '': text = '?' # 转发消息给机器人 self.log.success('[in][%s][%s] %s' % (self.groupList[group_id]['name'], self.getUserName(user_id), text)) ot = self.robot.send(text, user_id, group_id) self.log.success('[out][%s][%s] %s' % (self.groupList[group_id]['name'], self.getUserName(user_id), ot)) # 回复 # 私信 if group_id == 0: self.msg.send(ot, user_id, receiver_type=1) # 群聊 else: self.msg.send('@%s %s' % (self.getUserName(user_id), ot), group_id, receiver_type=2, at_uid=user_id) # 获取用户名 uid -> 昵称 def getUserName(self, user_id): # 每300s(5min)更新一次昵称 if user_id not in self.userList or self.userList[user_id][1] - int( time.time()) > 300: url = '' postData = { 'uids[0]': user_id, 'attributes[0]': 'info', 'csrf_token': self.msg.cookies['bili_jct'] } response =, data=postData, cookies=self.cookies).json() self.log.debug('[查询用户]' + str(response)) self.userList[user_id] = [ response['data'][str(user_id)]['info']['uname'], int(time.time()) ] return self.userList[user_id][0] # 获取群信息 群主&勋章名(替代群名) def getGroupDetail(self, group_id): if group_id not in self.groupList: if group_id == 0: self.groupList[group_id] = {'admin': 0, 'name': '私信', 'off': 0} else: url = '' % str( group_id) response = requests.get(url).json() self.log.debug('[查询群]' + str(response)) self.groupList[group_id] = { 'admin': response['data']['owner_uid'], 'name': response['data']['fans_medal_name'], 'off': 0 }
class MediaService(Service): def __init__(self): self.danmu = Danmu() self.log = Log('Media Service') self.config = Config() self.ass = AssMaker() def run(self): try: # 判断队列是否为空 if PlayQueue.empty(): time.sleep(3) # 获取随机文件,播放 musicPath = './resource/music/' musicName = self.getRandomFile(musicPath, '.mp3') # musicName = os.path.basename(musicName) musicName = os.path.splitext(musicName)[0] task = {} # 存在详情文件 if os.path.isfile('%s%s.mp3.json' % (musicPath, musicName)): f = open('%s%s.mp3.json' % (musicPath, musicName), 'rt') task = json.loads( f.close() else: pass self.playMusic(task) else: # 获取新的下载任务 task = PlayQueue.get() if task and 'type' in task: if task['type'] == 'id': self.playMusic(task) elif task['type'] == 'mv': self.playVedio(task) pass except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) # 播放音乐 def playMusic(self, music):'[Music] 开始播放[%s]点播的[%s]' % (music['username'], music['info']['name'])) self.danmu.send('正在播放%s' % music['info']['name']) # 生成背景字幕 self.ass.make_ass(music, './resource/bak.ass') # 处理图片 imagePath = './resource/img/' randomImage = imagePath + self.getRandomFile(imagePath) command = ffmpeg().getImage(image=randomImage, output='./resource/bak.jpg', ass='./resource/bak.ass') command = "%s 2>> ./log/ffmpeg_img.log" % command self.log.debug(command) process = subprocess.Popen(args=command, cwd=os.getcwd(), shell=True) process.wait() # 获取歌词 assPath = '' if 'lrc' in music['info']: assPath = './resource/music/%s.mp3.ass' % music['info']['id'] # 开始播放 mp3Path = './resource/music/%s.mp3' % music['info']['id'] command = ffmpeg().getMusic(music=mp3Path, output=self.getRTMPUrl(), image='./resource/bak.jpg', ass=assPath) command = "%s 2>> ./log/ffmpeg.log" % command self.log.debug(command) process = subprocess.Popen(args=command, cwd=os.getcwd(), shell=True) process.wait()'[Music] [%s]播放结束' % music['info']['name']) # 播放视频 def playVedio(self, music):'[Music] 开始播放[%s]点播的[%s]' % (music['username'], music['info']['name'])) self.danmu.send('正在播放%s' % music['info']['name']) # 开始播放 vedioPath = './resource/video/%s_mv.flv' % music['info']['id'] command = ffmpeg().getVedio(vedio=vedioPath, output=self.getRTMPUrl()) command = "%s 2>> ./log/ffmpeg.log" % command self.log.debug(command) process = subprocess.Popen(args=command, cwd=os.getcwd(), shell=True) process.wait()'[Music] [%s]播放结束' % music['info']['name']) # 获取推流地址 def getRTMPUrl(self): url = self.config.get(module='rtmp', key='url') code = self.config.get(module='rtmp', key='code') return url + code # 获取随机文件 def getRandomFile(self, path, type=None): fileList = [] if type: for filename in os.listdir(path): if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == type: fileList.append(filename) else: fileList = os.listdir(path) if len(fileList) == 0: raise Exception('无法获取随机文件,%s为空' % path) index = random.randint(0, len(fileList) - 1) return fileList[index]
class DownloadService(Service): def __init__(self): self.danmu = Danmu() self.ass = AssMaker() self.log = Log('Download Service') self.neteaseMusic = NeteaseMusic() # 获取下载队列 分发至下载函数 def run(self): try: # 判断队列是否为空 if DownloadQueue.empty(): return # 获取新的下载任务 task = DownloadQueue.get() if task and 'type' in task: PlayQueue.put(task)'播放列表+1') except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) # 下载媒体 def download(self, info, filename=None, callback=None): self.danmu.send('正在下载%s' % info['info']['name']) # 名称处理 if not filename: filename = info['info']['id'] if info['type'] == 'id': songId = info['info']['id'] # 本地不存在此歌曲 if (str(songId) + '.mp3') not in os.listdir('./resource/music/'): # 下载歌曲 musicUrl = self.neteaseMusic.getSingleUrl(songId) mp3_filename = './resource/music/%s.mp3' % filename, mp3_filename, callback) # 获取歌词文件 lyric = self.neteaseMusic.getLyric(songId) if lyric: ass_filename = '%s.ass' % mp3_filename self.ass.make_lrc_ass(ass_filename, lyric['lyric'], lyric['tlyric']) info['info']['lrc'] = True else: info['info']['lrc'] = False # 保存点歌信息 file = open('%s.json' % mp3_filename, 'w') file.write(json.dumps(info, ensure_ascii=False)) file.close()'歌曲下载完毕 %s - %s' % (info['info']['name'], info['info']['singer'])) else: # 更新点歌信息 pass return filename elif info['type'] == 'mv': mvId = info['info']['id'] # 本地不存在此mv if (str(mvId) + '_mv.flv') not in os.listdir('./resource/video/'): # 下载mv mvUrl = '' if '720' in info['info']['brs']: mvUrl = info['info']['brs']['720'] elif '480' in info['info']['brs']: mvUrl = info['info']['brs']['480'] else: return None downPath = './resource/video/%s_mv.down' % filename, downPath, callback)'MV下载完毕 %s - %s' % (info['info']['name'], info['info']['singer'])) # 生成背景字幕 self.ass.make_ass(info, './resource/video/bak.ass') # 渲染MV renderPath = './resource/video/%s_mv.render' % filename command = ffmpeg().renderVedio(vedio=downPath, output=renderPath, ass='./resource/video/bak.ass') command = "%s 2>> ./log/ffmpeg.log" % command self.log.debug(command) process = subprocess.Popen(args=command, cwd=os.getcwd(), shell=True) process.wait() # 渲染完成,修改文件名 os.remove(downPath) mp4Path = './resource/video/%s_mv.flv' % filename os.rename(renderPath, mp4Path) # 保存点歌信息 file = open('%s.json' % mp4Path, 'w') file.write(json.dumps(info, ensure_ascii=False)) file.close()'MV渲染完毕 %s - %s' % (info['info']['name'], info['info']['singer'])) else: # 更新点歌信息 pass return filename
class DanmuService(Service): def __init__(self): self.danmu = Danmu() self.config = Config() self.neteaseMusic = NeteaseMusic() self.log = Log('Danmu Service') self.commandMap = { '点歌=': 'selectSongAction', 'id=': 'selectSongByIdAction', 'mv=': 'selectMvByIdAction', '切歌': 'DebugAction' } pass def run(self): try: self.parseDanmu() time.sleep(1.5) except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) # 解析弹幕 def parseDanmu(self): danmuList = self.danmu.get() if danmuList: for danmu in danmuList: self.log.debug('%s: %s' % (danmu['name'], danmu['text'])) if danmu['name'] != self.config.get('miaoUser'): # 不响应弹幕姬的弹幕 danmu['text'] = danmu['text'].replace(' ', '') # 删除空格防和谐 self.danmuStateMachine(danmu) pass # 将对应的指令映射到对应的Action上 def danmuStateMachine(self, danmu): text = danmu['text'] commandAction = '' for key in self.commandMap: # 遍历查询comand是否存在 若存在则反射到对应的Action if text.find(key) == 0 and hasattr(self, self.commandMap[key]): danmu['command'] = danmu['text'][len(key):len(danmu['text'])] getattr(self, self.commandMap[key])(danmu) break pass # 歌曲名点歌 def selectSongAction(self, danmu):'%s 点歌 [%s]' % (danmu['name'], danmu['command'])) command = danmu['command'] song = [] # 按歌曲名-歌手点歌 if command.find('-') != -1: detail = command.split('-') if len(detail) == 2: song = self.neteaseMusic.searchSingle(detail[0], detail[1]) else: # 查询失败 song = {} # 直接按歌曲名点歌 else: song = self.neteaseMusic.searchSingle(danmu['command']) if song: self.danmu.send('%s点歌成功' % song['name']) DownloadQueue.put({ 'type': 'id', 'info': song, 'username': danmu['name'], 'time': danmu['time'] }) else: # 未找到歌曲 self.danmu.send('找不到%s' % danmu['command'])'找不到%s' % danmu['command']) # 通过Id点歌 def selectSongByIdAction(self, danmu):'%s ID [%s]' % (danmu['name'], danmu['command'])) command = danmu['command'] try: song = self.neteaseMusic.getInfo(command) if song: self.danmu.send('%s点歌成功' % song['name']) DownloadQueue.put({ 'type': 'id', 'info': song, 'username': danmu['name'], 'time': danmu['time'] }) else: # 未找到歌曲 raise Exception('未找到歌曲') except Exception as e: self.danmu.send('找不到%s' % danmu['command'])'找不到%s' % danmu['command']) # 通过Id点Mv def selectMvByIdAction(self, danmu):'%s MV [%s]' % (danmu['name'], danmu['command'])) command = danmu['command'] try: mv = self.neteaseMusic.getMv(command) if mv: self.danmu.send('%s点播成功' % mv['name']) DownloadQueue.put({ 'type': 'mv', 'info': mv, 'username': danmu['name'], 'time': danmu['time'] }) else: # 未找到歌曲 raise Exception('未找到MV') except Exception as e: self.danmu.send('找不到%s' % danmu['command'])'找不到%s' % danmu['command']) def DebugAction(self, danmu): if danmu['name'] in self.config.get('adminUser'): if danmu['text'] == '切歌': os.system( "kill `ps a|grep 'ffmpeg -re'|grep -v 'sh'|grep -v 'grep'|awk '{print $1}'`" ) self.danmu.send('切歌成功')