def run(): with db.common_db() as con: cur = con.cursor() drop_table = "DROP TABLE to_survive" try: cur.execute(drop_table) except: pass create_table = """ CREATE TABLE to_survive ( region_id INT, district_id INT, year_code VARCHAR, sex INT, value_ FLOAT, PRIMARY KEY (region_id, district_id, year_code, sex, value_) ); """ cur.execute(create_table) con.commit() for fname in os.listdir(DATA_DIR): if fname not in (".", ".."): parse(DATA_DIR + fname) with db.common_db() as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("VACUUM")
def run(): with db.common_db() as con: cur = con.cursor() drop_table = "DROP TABLE unemployed" try: cur.execute(drop_table) except: pass create_table = """ CREATE TABLE unemployed ( municipality_id INT, year_ INT, month_ INT, type_ VARCHAR, value_ FLOAT, PRIMARY KEY (municipality_id, year_, month_, type_, value_) ); """ cur.execute(create_table) con.commit() for fname in os.listdir(DATA_DIR): if fname not in (".", ".."): parse(DATA_DIR + fname) with db.common_db() as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("VACUUM")
def parse(path: str): with db.common_db() as con: cur = con.cursor() insert_query = "INSERT INTO unemployed VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" values = [] i = 0 with open(path, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in reader: i += 1 values.append(( row[8], # municipality_id row[5], # year_ row[6], # month_ row[2], # type_ row[1].replace(",", "."), # value_ )) if i > 10000: cur.executemany(insert_query, values) con.commit() i = 0 values = [] cur.executemany(insert_query, values) con.commit()
def get_death_causes(): """ Vrati nejcastejsi umrti. """ args = json.loads( district_code = int(args['district_code']) with db.common_db(cursor=True) as cursor: query = """ select dc.year as year, dc.cause_id as cause_id, sum(dc.value) as val, as disease_name FROM death_cause dc, disease d where district_id=? and dc.value > 0 and d.code=dc.cause_id GROUP BY dc.year, dc.cause_id, ORDER BY val DESC LIMIT 8 """ cursor.execute(query, (district_code, )) data = [{ 'x': item['disease_name'], 'y': item['val'], 'color': color } for item, color in zip(cursor.fetchall(), COLORS) if item] return dict(result=True, data={ 'data': data, 'title': "Nemoci na které se v okresu nejčastěji umírá" })
def prepare_data(request_args: Dict[str, str], data_type: str) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], str]: """ Jelikoz vsechny 3 datove sady maji stejny format, lze se na ne dotazovat stejnou funkci a staci jen menit nazvy tabulek. """ municipality_code = request_args.get('municipality_code') response_data = [] with db.common_db() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() # Obec if municipality_code: data = cursor.execute( '''SELECT metric_id, metric, value FROM {}_obec WHERE municipality_id=?''' .format(data_type), (municipality_code, )) else: data = [] # Pripravim data pro view data = list(data) data_sum = sum([x[2] for x in data if x[0] != 'voters']) # Pocet volicu celkem data_voters = sum([x[2] for x in data if x[0] == 'voters']) # Pocet potencialnich volicu label = 'Volby do Poslanecké sněmovny 2013 (Účast {:.2f} % ({}/{}))'.format( ((data_sum / data_voters) * 100) if data_voters else 0, '{:,}'.format(int(data_sum)).replace(',', ' '), '{:,}'.format(int(data_voters)).replace(',', ' ')) for item in data: if item[0] == 'voters': # Celkovy pocet volicu nechceme continue # Data pro celkovy pocet volicu muze byt 0 a v tom pripade bych delil 0 if data_sum: percent = (item[2] / data_sum) * 100 else: percent = 0 response_data.append({ 'x': '{} {:.2f} %'.format(item[1], percent), 'y': percent, }) # Zajima nas prvnich 9 a 10. je soucet vsech ostatnich response_data = sorted(response_data, key=lambda x: x['y'], reverse=True) new_response_data = response_data[:9] others_sum = sum([x['y'] for x in response_data[9:]]) percents = others_sum new_response_data.append({ 'x': 'Ostatní {:.2f} %'.format(percents), 'y': percents }) return new_response_data, label
def parse(path): """ Naliti dat z :param path: :return: """ region_district_query = "SELECT vusc_kod, kod FROM okresy WHERE nazev = ?" insert_query = "INSERT INTO to_survive VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" with db.ruian_db(True) as ruian_cur: with db.common_db() as con: cur = con.cursor() values = [] i = 0 with open(path, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in reader: i += 1 if int(row[7]) == 101: # hnusny hack :-) if row[14] == "Praha": row[14] = "Hlavní město Praha" ruian_cur.execute(region_district_query, (row[14], )) ruian_response = [ dict(item) for item in ruian_cur.fetchall() ] ruian_row = ruian_response[0] values.append(( ruian_row['vusc_kod'], # region_id ruian_row['kod'], # district_id row[6], # year_code row[4], # sex row[1].replace(",", "."), # value_ )) if i > 10000: cur.executemany(insert_query, values) con.commit() i = 0 values = [] cur.executemany(insert_query, values) con.commit()
def prepare_data(request_args, data_type): """ Jelikoz vsechny 3 datove sady maji stejny format, lze se na ne dotazovat stejnou funkci a staci jen menit nazvy tabulek. """ municipality_code = request_args.get('municipality_code') district_code = request_args.get('district_code') region_code = request_args.get('region_id') response_data = [] with db.common_db() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() # Obec if municipality_code: data = cursor.execute( '''SELECT metric, value FROM {}_obec WHERE city_id=?'''.format( data_type), (municipality_code, )) # Okres elif district_code: data = cursor.execute( '''SELECT metric, value FROM {}_okres WHERE district_id=?'''. format(data_type), (district_code, )) # Kraj elif region_code: data = cursor.execute( '''SELECT metric, value FROM {}_kraj WHERE region_id=?'''. format(data_type), (region_code, )) else: data = [] # Pripravim data pro view data = list(data) data_sum = sum([x[1] for x in data]) for item in data: percent = (item[1] / data_sum) * 100 response_data.append({ 'key': '{} {:.2f} %'.format(item[0], percent), 'value': item[1], }) return sorted(response_data, key=lambda x: x['value'], reverse=True)
def get_data_from_query(region_id, district_code): # type: (str, str) -> list(dict) """ Vraci stredni delka zivota a prumer nad celym statem. Metoda radi dle pohlavi (muzi/zeny) """ with db.common_db(cursor=True) as cur: query = """ SELECT value_ AS value, sex FROM to_survive WHERE region_id = ? AND district_id = ? AND year_code = ? GROUP BY sex ORDER BY sex ASC """ cur.execute(query, (region_id, district_code, CHILD_YEAR_CODE)) return [dict(x) for x in cur.fetchall()]
def get_data_from_query(municipality_code, type_): # type: (str, str) -> list(dict) """ Vytazeni poslednich 10ti zaznamu z tabulky nezamestnanosti :param municipality_code: ... :param type_: ... :return: ... """ with db.common_db(cursor=True) as cur: query = """ SELECT value_ AS y, month_ || '/ ' || year_ AS x, '#1f77b4' as color FROM unemployed WHERE municipality_id = ? AND type_ = ? ORDER BY year_ DESC, month_ DESC LIMIT ? """ cur.execute(query, (municipality_code, type_, LIMIT)) return [dict(x) for x in cur.fetchall()]