async def GET_Group(request): """HTTP method to return JSON for group""" log.request(request) app = params = request.rel_url.query h5path = None getAlias = False include_links = False include_attrs = False group_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not group_id and "h5path" not in params: # no id, or path provided, so bad request msg = "Missing group id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if group_id:"GET_Group, id: {group_id}") # is the id a group id and not something else? if not isValidUuid(group_id, "Group"): msg = f"Invalid group id: {group_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if "getalias" in params: if params["getalias"]: getAlias = True if "h5path" in params: h5path = params["h5path"] if not group_id and h5path[0] != '/': msg = "h5paths must be absolute if no parent id is provided" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)"GET_Group, h5path: {h5path}") if "include_links" in params and params["include_links"]: include_links = True if "include_attrs" in params and params["include_attrs"]: include_attrs = True username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) if username is None and app['allow_noauth']: username = "******" else: await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) if h5path and h5path[0] == '/': # ignore the request path id (if given) and start # from root group for absolute paths domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain) if "root" not in domain_json: msg = f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) group_id = domain_json["root"] if h5path: group_id = await getObjectIdByPath(app, group_id, h5path, bucket=bucket ) # throws 404 if not found if not isValidUuid(group_id, "Group"): msg = f"No group exist with the path: {h5path}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPNotFound()"get group_id: {group_id} from h5path: {h5path}") # verify authorization to read the group await validateAction(app, domain, group_id, username, "read") # get authoritative state for group from DN (even if it's in the meta_cache). group_json = await getObjectJson(app, group_id, refresh=True, include_links=include_links, include_attrs=include_attrs, bucket=bucket) log.debug(f"domain from request: {domain}") group_json["domain"] = getPathForDomain(domain) if bucket: group_json["bucket"] = bucket if getAlias: root_id = group_json["root"] alias = [] if group_id == root_id: alias.append('/') else: idpath_map = {root_id: '/'} h5path = await getPathForObjectId(app, root_id, idpath_map, tgt_id=group_id, bucket=bucket) if h5path: alias.append(h5path) group_json["alias"] = alias hrefs = [] group_uri = '/groups/' + group_id hrefs.append({'rel': 'self', 'href': getHref(request, group_uri)}) hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'links', 'href': getHref(request, group_uri + '/links') }) root_uri = '/groups/' + group_json["root"] hrefs.append({'rel': 'root', 'href': getHref(request, root_uri)}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'home', 'href': getHref(request, '/')}) hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'attributes', 'href': getHref(request, group_uri + '/attributes') }) group_json["hrefs"] = hrefs resp = await jsonResponse(request, group_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def DELETE_Domain(request): """HTTP method to delete a domain resource""" log.request(request) app = params = request.rel_url.query meta_only = False # if True, just delete the meta cache value keep_root = False if request.has_body: body = await request.json() if "meta_only" in body: meta_only = body["meta_only"] if "keep_root" in body: keep_root = body["keep_root"] else: if "meta_only" in params: meta_only = params["meta_only"] if "keep_root" in params: keep_root = params["keep_root"] domain = None try: domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) except ValueError: log.warn(f"Invalid domain: {domain}") raise HTTPBadRequest(reason="Invalid domain name") bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) log.debug(f"GET_Domain domain: {domain}") if not domain: msg = "No domain given" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)"meta_only domain delete: {meta_only}") if meta_only: # remove from domain cache if present domain_cache = app["domain_cache"] if domain in domain_cache:"deleting {domain} from domain_cache") del domain_cache[domain] resp = await jsonResponse(request, {}) return resp username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) parent_domain = getParentDomain(domain) if not parent_domain or getPathForDomain(parent_domain) == '/': is_toplevel = True else: is_toplevel = False if is_toplevel and username != "admin": msg = "Deletion of top-level domains is only supported by admin users" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPForbidden() try: domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True) except ClientResponseError as ce: if ce.code == 404: log.warn("domain not found") raise HTTPNotFound() elif ce.code == 410: log.warn("domain has been removed") raise HTTPGone() else: log.error(f"unexpected error: {ce.code}") raise HTTPInternalServerError() aclCheck(domain_json, "delete", username) # throws exception if not allowed # check for sub-objects if this is a folder if "root" not in domain_json: index = domain.find('/') s3prefix = domain[(index + 1):] + '/'"checking s3key with prefix: {s3prefix} in bucket: {bucket}") s3keys = await getS3Keys(app, include_stats=False, prefix=s3prefix, deliminator='/', bucket=bucket) for s3key in s3keys: if s3key.endswith("/"): log.warn(f"attempt to delete folder {domain} with sub-items") log.debug(f"got prefix: {s3keys[0]}") raise HTTPConflict(reason="folder has sub-items") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, domain) req += "/domains" params = {} # for http_delete requests to DN nodes params["domain"] = domain rsp_json = await http_delete(app, req, params=params) if "root" in domain_json and not keep_root: # delete the root group root_id = domain_json["root"] req = getDataNodeUrl(app, root_id) req += "/groups/" + root_id await http_delete(app, req, params=params) # remove from domain cache if present domain_cache = app["domain_cache"] if domain in domain_cache: del domain_cache[domain] # delete domain cache from other sn_urls sn_urls = app["sn_urls"] params = {} params["domain"] = getPathForDomain(domain) params["bucket"] = getBucketForDomain(domain) params[ "meta_only"] = 1 # can't pass booleans as params, so use 1 instead of True for node_no in sn_urls: if node_no == app["node_number"]: continue # don't send to ourselves sn_url = sn_urls[node_no] req = sn_url + "/""sending sn request: {req}") try: sn_rsp = await http_delete(app, req, params=params)"{req} response: {sn_rsp}") except ClientResponseError as ce: log.warn(f"got error for sn_delete: {ce}") resp = await jsonResponse(request, rsp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def GET_Domain(request): """HTTP method to return JSON for given domain""" log.request(request) app = params = request.rel_url.query (username, pswd) = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) if username is None and app['allow_noauth']: username = "******" else: await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = None try: domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) except ValueError: log.warn(f"Invalid domain: {domain}") raise HTTPBadRequest(reason="Invalid domain name") bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) log.debug(f"GET_Domain domain: {domain} bucket: {bucket}") if not bucket and not config.get("bucket_name"): # no bucket defined, raise 400 msg = "Bucket not provided" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) verbose = False if "verbose" in params and params["verbose"]: verbose = True if not domain:"no domain passed in, returning all top-level domains") # no domain passed in, return top-level domains for this request domains = await get_domains(request) rsp_json = {"domains": domains} rsp_json["hrefs"] = [] resp = await jsonResponse(request, rsp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp"got domain: {domain}") domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True) if domain_json is None: log.warn(f"domain: {domain} not found") raise HTTPNotFound() if 'owner' not in domain_json: log.error("No owner key found in domain") raise HTTPInternalServerError() if 'acls' not in domain_json: log.error("No acls key found in domain") raise HTTPInternalServerError() log.debug(f"got domain_json: {domain_json}") # validate that the requesting user has permission to read this domain aclCheck(domain_json, "read", username) # throws exception if not authorized if "h5path" in params: # if h5path is passed in, return object info for that path # (if exists) h5path = params["h5path"] root_id = domain_json["root"] obj_id = await getObjectIdByPath(app, root_id, h5path, bucket=bucket ) # throws 404 if not found"get obj_id: {obj_id} from h5path: {h5path}") # get authoritative state for object from DN (even if it's in the meta_cache). obj_json = await getObjectJson(app, obj_id, refresh=True, bucket=bucket) obj_json["domain"] = domain # Not bothering with hrefs for h5path lookups... resp = await jsonResponse(request, obj_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp # return just the keys as per the REST API rsp_json = await get_domain_response(app, domain_json, bucket=bucket, verbose=verbose) # include domain objects if requested if "getobjs" in params and params["getobjs"] and "root" in domain_json: root_id = domain_json["root"] include_attrs = False if "include_attrs" in params and params["include_attrs"]: include_attrs = True domain_objs = await getDomainObjects(app, root_id, include_attrs=include_attrs, bucket=bucket) rsp_json["domain_objs"] = domain_objs hrefs = [] hrefs.append({'rel': 'self', 'href': getHref(request, '/')}) if "root" in domain_json: root_uuid = domain_json["root"] hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'database', 'href': getHref(request, '/datasets') }) hrefs.append({'rel': 'groupbase', 'href': getHref(request, '/groups')}) hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'typebase', 'href': getHref(request, '/datatypes') }) hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'root', 'href': getHref(request, '/groups/' + root_uuid) }) hrefs.append({'rel': 'acls', 'href': getHref(request, '/acls')}) parent_domain = getParentDomain(domain) if not parent_domain or getPathForDomain(parent_domain) == '/': is_toplevel = True else: is_toplevel = False log.debug(f"href parent domain: {parent_domain}") if not is_toplevel: hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'parent', 'href': getHref(request, '/', domain=parent_domain) }) rsp_json["hrefs"] = hrefs resp = await jsonResponse(request, rsp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def PUT_Domain(request): """HTTP method to create a new domain""" log.request(request) app = params = request.rel_url.query # verify username, password username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest( request) # throws exception if user/password is not valid await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) # inital perms for owner and default owner_perm = { 'create': True, 'read': True, 'update': True, 'delete': True, 'readACL': True, 'updateACL': True } default_perm = { 'create': False, 'read': True, 'update': False, 'delete': False, 'readACL': False, 'updateACL': False } try: domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) except ValueError: msg = "Invalid domain" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain)"PUT domain: {domain}, bucket: {bucket}") body = None if request.has_body: body = await request.json() log.debug(f"PUT domain with body: {body}") if ("flush" in params and params["flush"]) or (body and "flush" in body and body["flush"]): # flush domain - update existing domain rather than create a new resource domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True) log.debug(f"got domain_json: {domain_json}") if domain_json is None: log.warn(f"domain: {domain} not found") raise HTTPNotFound() if 'owner' not in domain_json: log.error("No owner key found in domain") raise HTTPInternalServerError() if 'acls' not in domain_json: log.error("No acls key found in domain") raise HTTPInternalServerError() aclCheck(domain_json, "update", username) # throws exception if not allowed if "root" in domain_json: # nothing to do for folder objects await doFlush(app, domain_json["root"], bucket=bucket) # flush successful resp = await jsonResponse(request, None, status=204) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp is_folder = False owner = username linked_domain = None linked_bucket = None root_id = None if body and "folder" in body: if body["folder"]: is_folder = True if body and "owner" in body: owner = body["owner"] if body and "linked_domain" in body: if is_folder: msg = "Folder domains can not be used for links" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) linked_domain = body["linked_domain"] if not isValidDomain(linked_domain): msg = f"linked_domain: {linked_domain} is not valid" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if "linked_bucket" in body: linked_bucket = body["linked_bucket"] elif bucket: linked_bucket = bucket elif "bucket_name" in and["bucket_name"]: linked_bucket =["bucket_name"] else: linked_bucket = None if not linked_bucket: msg = "Could not determine bucket for linked domain" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if owner != username and username != "admin": log.warn("Only admin users are allowed to set owner for new domains") raise HTTPForbidden() parent_domain = getParentDomain(domain) log.debug(f"Parent domain: [{parent_domain}]") if not parent_domain or getPathForDomain(parent_domain) == '/': is_toplevel = True else: is_toplevel = False if is_toplevel and not is_folder: msg = "Only folder domains can be created at the top-level" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if is_toplevel and username != "admin": msg = "creation of top-level domains is only supported by admin users" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPForbidden() parent_json = None if not is_toplevel: try: parent_json = await getDomainJson(app, parent_domain, reload=True) except ClientResponseError as ce: if ce.code == 404: msg = f"Parent domain: {parent_domain} not found" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPNotFound() elif ce.code == 410: msg = f"Parent domain: {parent_domain} removed" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPGone() else: log.error(f"Unexpected error: {ce.code}") raise HTTPInternalServerError() log.debug(f"parent_json {parent_domain}: {parent_json}") if "root" in parent_json and parent_json["root"]: msg = "Parent domain must be a folder" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if parent_json: aclCheck(parent_json, "create", username) # throws exception if not allowed if linked_domain: linked_json = await getDomainJson(app, linked_bucket + linked_domain, reload=True) log.debug(f"got linked json: {linked_json}") if "root" not in linked_json: msg = "Folder domains cannot ber used as link target" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) root_id = linked_json["root"] aclCheck(linked_json, "read", username) aclCheck(linked_json, "delete", username) else: linked_json = None if not is_folder and not linked_json: # create a root group for the new domain root_id = createObjId("roots") log.debug(f"new root group id: {root_id}") group_json = {"id": root_id, "root": root_id, "domain": domain} log.debug("create group for domain, body: " + json.dumps(group_json)) # create root group req = getDataNodeUrl(app, root_id) + "/groups" params = {} bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket try: group_json = await http_post(app, req, data=group_json, params=params) except ClientResponseError as ce: msg = "Error creating root group for domain -- " + str(ce) log.error(msg) raise HTTPInternalServerError() else: log.debug("no root group, creating folder") domain_json = {} domain_acls = {} # owner gets full control domain_acls[owner] = owner_perm if config.get("default_public") or is_folder: # this will make the domain public readable log.debug(f"adding default perm for domain: {domain}") domain_acls["default"] = default_perm # construct dn request to create new domain req = getDataNodeUrl(app, domain) req += "/domains" body = {"owner": owner, "domain": domain} body["acls"] = domain_acls if root_id: body["root"] = root_id log.debug(f"creating domain: {domain} with body: {body}") try: domain_json = await http_put(app, req, data=body) except ClientResponseError as ce: msg = "Error creating domain state -- " + str(ce) log.error(msg) raise HTTPInternalServerError() # domain creation successful # maxin limits domain_json["limits"] = getLimits() domain_json["version"] = getVersion() resp = await jsonResponse(request, domain_json, status=201) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def GET_Dataset(request): """HTTP method to return JSON description of a dataset""" log.request(request) app = params = request.rel_url.query include_attrs = False h5path = None getAlias = False dset_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not dset_id and "h5path" not in params: msg = "Missing dataset id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if "include_attrs" in params and params["include_attrs"]: include_attrs = True if dset_id: if not isValidUuid(dset_id, "Dataset"): msg = f"Invalid dataset id: {dset_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if "getalias" in params: if params["getalias"]: getAlias = True else: group_id = None if "grpid" in params: group_id = params["grpid"] if not isValidUuid(group_id, "Group"): msg = f"Invalid parent group id: {group_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if "h5path" not in params: msg = "Expecting either ctype id or h5path url param" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) h5path = params["h5path"] if not group_id and h5path[0] != '/': msg = "h5paths must be absolute" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)"GET_Dataset, h5path: {h5path}") username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) if username is None and app['allow_noauth']: username = "******" else: await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) verbose = False if "verbose" in params and params["verbose"]: verbose = True if h5path: if group_id is None: domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain) if "root" not in domain_json: msg = f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) group_id = domain_json["root"] dset_id = await getObjectIdByPath(app, group_id, h5path, bucket=bucket ) # throws 404 if not found if not isValidUuid(dset_id, "Dataset"): msg = f"No dataset exist with the path: {h5path}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPNotFound()"get dataset_id: {dset_id} from h5path: {h5path}") # get authoritative state for dataset from DN (even if it's in the meta_cache). dset_json = await getObjectJson(app, dset_id, refresh=True, include_attrs=include_attrs, bucket=bucket) # check that we have permissions to read the object await validateAction(app, domain, dset_id, username, "read") log.debug(f"got dset_json: {dset_json}") resp_json = {} resp_json["id"] = dset_json["id"] resp_json["root"] = dset_json["root"] resp_json["shape"] = dset_json["shape"] resp_json["type"] = dset_json["type"] if "creationProperties" in dset_json: resp_json["creationProperties"] = dset_json["creationProperties"] else: resp_json["creationProperties"] = {} if "layout" in dset_json: resp_json["layout"] = dset_json["layout"] resp_json["attributeCount"] = dset_json["attributeCount"] resp_json["created"] = dset_json["created"] resp_json["lastModified"] = dset_json["lastModified"] resp_json["domain"] = getPathForDomain(domain) if getAlias: root_id = dset_json["root"] alias = [] idpath_map = {root_id: '/'} h5path = await getPathForObjectId(app, root_id, idpath_map, tgt_id=dset_id, bucket=bucket) if h5path: alias.append(h5path) resp_json["alias"] = alias if include_attrs: resp_json["attributes"] = dset_json["attributes"] hrefs = [] dset_uri = '/datasets/' + dset_id hrefs.append({'rel': 'self', 'href': getHref(request, dset_uri)}) root_uri = '/groups/' + dset_json["root"] hrefs.append({'rel': 'root', 'href': getHref(request, root_uri)}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'home', 'href': getHref(request, '/')}) hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'attributes', 'href': getHref(request, dset_uri + '/attributes') }) # provide a value link if the dataset is relatively small, # otherwise create a preview link that shows a limited number of data values dset_shape = dset_json["shape"] if dset_shape["class"] != 'H5S_NULL': count = 1 if dset_shape["class"] == 'H5S_SIMPLE': dims = dset_shape["dims"] count = getNumElements(dims) if count <= 100: # small number of values, provide link to entire dataset hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'data', 'href': getHref(request, dset_uri + '/value') }) else: # large number of values, create preview link previewQuery = getPreviewQuery(dset_shape["dims"]) hrefs.append({ 'rel': 'preview', 'href': getHref(request, dset_uri + '/value', query=previewQuery) }) resp_json["hrefs"] = hrefs if verbose: # get allocated size and num_chunks for the dataset if available dset_detail = await getDatasetDetails(app, dset_id, dset_json["root"], bucket=bucket) if dset_detail is not None: if "num_chunks" in dset_detail: resp_json["num_chunks"] = dset_detail["num_chunks"] if "allocated_bytes" in dset_detail: resp_json["allocated_size"] = dset_detail["allocated_bytes"] if "lastModified" in dset_detail: resp_json["lastModified"] = dset_detail["lastModified"] resp = await jsonResponse(request, resp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp