def common_file_token(dev_filter, cur_account, fn, mode, ref): """ 获取文件上传/下载token,用于file模块认证(时效) :param dev_filter: redis object :param cur_account: 当前用户 :param pid: 设备id :param fn: 上传/下载文件名 :param share: 是否共享 :param mode: 模式,0:上传;1:下载 :param ref: 上传凭据 """ if not cur_account or not is_num(mode): return ul = int(mode) == 0 # share = int(share) # if share: # primary_account, is_sa = dev_filter.send_multi_cmd( # *combine_redis_cmds( # test_primary_bound(pid), # is_dev_subaccounted(pid, cur_account) # ) # ) # #主帐号必须有 # if primary_account: # primary_account = primary_account.split(':')[-1] # if not (primary_account == cur_account or is_sa): # logger.warn('{0} not pa even sa {1}'.format(pid, cur_account)) # return # else: # logger.warn('{0} not bound'.format(pid)) # return if not ul: #下载 _ = extract_ref(ref) if not _: logger.warn('downloading, ref extract fail: {0}'.format(ref)) return ref_share, ref_by_app, ref_unique_key, ref_fn = _ if ref_fn != fn: logger.warn('downloading, fn {0} not match {1}'.format(ref_fn, fn)) return else: ref_by_app = True # ref_share = share return { 'tk': gen_file_tk(cur_account, fn, ul, ref_by_app # ref_share ), 'by': rc4_encrypt(cur_account, BY_CIPHER_KEY), }
def down_file(http_rpc_client, user_name, fn, ref): """ 下载贝启文件 :param http_rpc_client: http连接 :param user_name: 用户名 :param fn: 文件名 :param ref: 文件ref :return: file_body """ tk = gen_file_tk(user_name, fn, 0, 0) url = 'down?tk={tk}&r={ref}'.format(tk=urllib.quote(tk), ref=urllib.quote(ref)) return http_rpc_client.fetch_async(url)
def down_beiqi_file( user_name, fn, ref, down_file_url='http://localhost:8106/down?tk={tk}&r={ref}'): """ 下载贝启文件 :param user_name: 用户名 :param fn: 文件名 :param ref: 文件ref :param down_file_url: 贝启文件下载地址 :return: file_body """ tk = gen_file_tk(user_name, fn, 0, 0) file_url = down_file_url.format(tk=tk, ref=ref) return urllib2.urlopen(file_url).read()
def msg_2_wechat(cli_user, file_type, fn, ref, thumb_fn, thumb_ref, text): """ 客户端发送消息给微信用户 :param cli_user: 客户端用户 :param file_type:文件类型 :param fn: 文件名 :param ref: 文件标识符 :param thumb_fn: 快照文件名 :param thumb_ref: 快照文件标识符 :param text: 文本 :return: None """ # 查找微信用户 groups = get_user_gids(cli_user) logger.error('msg_2_wechat:cli_user=%s, groups=%r', cli_user, groups) followers = set([]) [ followers.update(dev_filter.send_cmd(*get_group_followers(gid))) for gid in groups ] wechat_followers = filter( lambda user: user[:3] == 'wx#' and user != cli_user, followers) logger.error('msg_2_wechat:cli_user=%s, ref=%r, wechat_followers= %r', cli_user, ref, wechat_followers) if not wechat_followers: return msg_type = file_type_2_msg_type_dic.get(file_type, "") if not msg_type: logger.error('msg_2_wechat not msg_type, file_type=%s', file_type) return sender = msg_type_2_wechat_msg_sender.get(msg_type) if not sender: logger.debug('msg_2_wechat not sender:msg_type=%s', msg_type) return logger.debug('msg_2_wechat sender:sender=%s', sender.__name__) tk = gen_file_tk(cli_user, fn, 0, 0) file_url = SSP_DOWNLOAD_FILE_URL % (tk, ref) [sender(wc_user.split("#")[1], file_url) for wc_user in wechat_followers]
def gen_leveldb_file(CalcRdsInts, user_name, file_type, fn): """ 获取leveldb的文件名 :param CalcRdsInts: rds对象 :param user_name: 用户名 :param file_type: 文件类型 :param fn: 文件名 :return: file """ ul = 1 by_app = 0 usage = 'share' tk = gen_file_tk(user_name, fn, ul, by_app) tk_params, file_source, usage, unique_sn = ul_args_ok( CalcRdsInts, *(bs2utf8(tk), file_type, usage)) leveldb_fn = gen_lvl_fn(*tk_params) return leveldb_fn
def up_file(http_rpc_client, user_name, file_type, fn, file_body): """ 上传贝启文件 :param http_rpc_client: http连接 :param user_name: 发送者用户名 :param file_type: 文件类型 :param fn: 文件名 :param file_body: 文件内容,二进制 :param up_file_url: 贝启文件上传地址 :return: ref: 文件ref """ ul = 1 by_app = 0 tk = gen_file_tk(user_name, fn, ul, by_app) up_args = {'tk': tk, 'src': file_type, 'by': user_name, 'usage': 'share'} url = "up?%s" % urllib.urlencode(up_args) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} return ujson.loads( http_rpc_client.fetch_async(url, headers=headers, body=file_body))
def test_upload_file_to_wechat(self): access_token = gen_wechat_access_token(GCalcRdsInts) print "access_token,",access_token self.assertTrue(access_token) mp3_path = "test.mp3" mp3_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), mp3_path) up_file_data = open(mp3_path, 'rb').read() fn = str(mp3_path.split('\\')[-1]) up_resp = up_file(FileSvrHttpRpcClt,TEST_USER_NAME, 3, fn, up_file_data) down_url = 'http://{ip}:{port}/down?tk={tk}&r={ref}'.format( ip=SERVER_IP, port=FILE_SERVER_PORT, tk=urllib.quote(gen_file_tk(TEST_USER_NAME, fn, 0, 0)), ref=urllib.quote(up_resp['r'])) wechat_up_res = wechat_file_up(access_token, down_url, fn) print "wechat_up_res,",wechat_up_res self.assertTrue('media_id' in wechat_up_res) wechat_down_res = wechat_file_down(access_token, wechat_up_res['media_id']) self.assertTrue(len(wechat_down_res) > 0)
def up_beiqi_file(user_name, file_type, fn, file_body, up_file_url='http://localhost:8106/up?'): """ 上传贝启文件 :param user_name: 发送者用户名 :param file_type: 文件类型 :param fn: 文件名 :param file_body: 文件内容,二进制 :param up_file_url: 贝启文件上传地址 :return: ref: 文件ref """ ul = 1 by_app = 0 tk = gen_file_tk(user_name, fn, ul, by_app) up_args = {'tk': tk, 'src': file_type, 'by': user_name, 'usage': 'share'} resp = urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request(up_file_url + urllib.urlencode(up_args), file_body)).read() resp = json.loads(resp) return resp.get('r')
def post(self, user_name, share_id, reply_to='', comment_id='', text='', type='', file='', *args, **kwargs): share_info = GDevRdsInts.send_cmd(*retrieve_share_info(share_id)) if share_info is None: return {'status': 1} comment_id_list = GDevRdsInts.send_cmd(*get_comment(share_id)) if comment_id != '' and comment_id not in comment_id_list: logger.debug('comment, comment_id={0}'.format(comment_id)) return {'status': 2} now = str(time.time()) new_comment_id = ':'.join(('comment', now, user_name)) GDevRdsInts.send_multi_cmd(*combine_redis_cmds( add_comment(share_id, new_comment_id), save_comment_info(share_id, new_comment_id, reply_to, comment_id, text, type, file))) accounts = [reply_to] if reply_to is not None else [] accounts += [share_id.split(':')[-1]] like_list = GDevRdsInts.send_cmd(*get_like(share_id)) accounts += like_list for acc in accounts: if acc[:3] == 'wx#': files = json.loads(share_info.get('files')) fn, ref = files.popitem() fn = bs2utf8(fn) ref = bs2utf8(ref) logger.debug('files = %r, fn = %r, ref = %r', files, fn, ref) tk = gen_file_tk(acc, fn, 0, 0) if fn[-4:] == '.jpg': pic_url = BEIQI_FILE_DOWN_URL + urllib.urlencode({ 'tk': tk, 'r': ref }) url = "" if not file: url = WECHAT_COMMENT_PAGE_URL + urllib.urlencode( {'text': text}) token = gen_wechat_access_token(GAccRdsInts) customerServiceUrl = '' + token nickname = GDevRdsInts.send_cmd(*get_user_nickname(user_name)) payload = { "touser": acc[3:], "msgtype": "news", "news": { "articles": [{ "title": nickname + "评论了你的回复", "description": text, "url": url, "picurl": pic_url }] } } logger.debug('pic_url = %r', pic_url) resp = HttpRpcClient().fetch_async(url=customerServiceUrl, body=ujson.dumps( payload, ensure_ascii=False)) logger.debug('custom service send. resp = %r, payload = %r', resp.body, payload) else: GMQDispRdsInts.send_cmd(*shortcut_mq( 'cloud_push', # sourcer, cb, from, description push_pack(user_name, 'comment', 2, ':'.join((user_name, share_id, reply_to, comment_id, text, type, file)), account=acc))) return {'comment_id': new_comment_id}
logger.error(u'get wechat file failed: {0}'.format(ex), exc_info=True) if media_id: fn = bs2utf8( img.headers.get('Content-disposition').split(';')[1].split('=') [1].strip('"')) logger.debug('fn = %r', fn) content_type = img.headers.get('Content-Type') logger.debug(u'content_type = %s' % content_type) if content_type.split('/')[0] == 'image': file_type = '1' logger.debug(u'from_user_name=%s, fn=%s', from_user_name, fn) ul = 0 by_app = 0 tk = gen_file_tk(from_user_name, fn, ul, by_app) logger.debug(u'save wechat file. tk = %r' % tk) up_args = { 'tk': tk, 'src': file_type, 'by': from_user_name, 'usage': 'share' } for _ in xrange(3): logger.debug(u'save wechat file. up_url = %s' % (BEIQI_FILE_UP_URL + urllib.urlencode(up_args))) resp = HttpRpcClient().fetch_async(url=BEIQI_FILE_UP_URL + urllib.urlencode(up_args), body=img.body) if resp.code == 200: break