def build_pages(id_): """Walk user through building multiple new page documents. :return a page object """ pages = list()"Getting Page Metadata") # Looks through to get the number of pages as a number with error checking num_pages = get_number(" How many pages do you need?") for page_num in range(int(num_pages)):"Building Page {page_num + 1}") temp_page = Page() auto_forward = yes_no_prompt(" Will this page auto forward?") temp_page.capture_credentials = False temp_page.capture_passwords = False if auto_forward == "yes": setattr(temp_page, "name", f"{id_}-{page_num+1}-AutoForward") temp_page.html = AUTO_FORWARD temp_page.redirect_url = get_input(" URL to Redirect to:") else: = f"{id_}-{page_num+1}-Landing" forward = yes_no_prompt(" Will this page forward after action? (yes/no)") if forward == "yes": temp_page.redirect_url = get_input(" URL to Redirect to:") # Receives the file name and checks if it exists. while True: try: landing_file_name = get_input("Landing Page File name:") # Drops .html if included so it can always be added as fail safe. landing_file_name = landing_file_name.split(".", 1)[0] with open(landing_file_name + ".html") as landingFile: temp_page.html = break except EnvironmentError: logging.critical( f"ERROR- Landing Page File not found: {landing_file_name}.html" ) print("Please try again...") # Debug page information logging.debug(f"Page Name: {}") logging.debug(f"Redirect ULR: {temp_page.redirect_url}") logging.debug(f"Capture Credentials: {temp_page.capture_credentials}") logging.debug(f"Capture Passwords: {temp_page.capture_passwords}") temp_page = review_page(temp_page) pages.append(temp_page) return pages
def review_page(page): """Review page.""" # Loops until not changes are required. while True: print("\n") page_keys = list() for key, value in page.as_dict().items(): if key != "html": print("{}: {}".format(key, value)) page_keys.append(key) if yes_no_prompt("Changes Required") == "yes": completer = WordCompleter(page_keys, ignore_case=True) # Loops to get valid Field name form user. while True: update_key = prompt( "Which Field: ", completer=completer, validator=BlankInputValidator(), ).lower() try: update_value = prompt( "{}: ".format(update_key), default=page.as_dict()[update_key], validator=BlankInputValidator(), ) except KeyError: logging.error("Incorrect Field!") else: setattr(page, update_key, update_value) break else: break return page
def build_groups(id, target_domains): """Build groups.""""Getting Group Metadata") groups = list() # Looks through to get the number of groups as a number with error checking num_groups = get_number(" How many groups do you need?") if num_groups > 1: logging.warning("NOTE: Please load each group as a different CSV") labels = yes_no_prompt(" Are there customer labels?") for group_num in range(int(num_groups)):"Building Group {group_num + 1}") new_group = Group(name=f"{id}-G{str(group_num + 1)}") new_group.targets = build_emails(target_domains, labels)"Group Ready: {}") groups.append(new_group) return groups
def build_emails(domains, labels): """Build emails.""" # Holds list of Users to be added to group. targets = list() domain_miss_match = list() format_error = list() # Receives the file name and checks if it exists. while True: try: email_file_name = get_input(" E-mail CSV name:") # Drops .csv if included so it can always be added as fail safe. email_file_name = email_file_name.split(".", 1)[0] with open(email_file_name + ".csv") as csv_file: read_csv = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=",") next(read_csv) for row in read_csv: # Checks e-mail format, if false prints message. if not validate_email(row[2]): format_error.append(row) # Checks that the domain matches, if false prints message, elif not validate_domain(row[2], domains): domain_miss_match.append(row) else: target = Target(first_name=row[0], last_name=row[1], email=row[2]) target = target_add_label(labels, row, target) targets.append(target) # Works through emails found to include formatting errors. print("\n") if len(format_error) < 2: for email in format_error: email[2] = prompt( "Correct Email Formatting: ", default=email[2], validator=EmailValidator(), ) if not validate_domain(email[2], domains): domain_miss_match.append(email) else: target = Target(first_name=email[0], last_name=email[1], email=email[2]) target = target_add_label(labels, email, target) targets.append(target) else: logging.error("{} Formatting Errors".format( len(format_error))) if yes_no_prompt( "Would you like to correct each here") == "yes": for email in format_error: email[2] = prompt( "Correct Email Formatting: ", default=email[2], validator=EmailValidator(), ) if not validate_domain(email[2], domains): domain_miss_match.append(email) else: target = Target(first_name=row[0], last_name=row[1], email=row[2]) target = target_add_label( labels, email, target) targets.append(target) else: logging.warning( "Incorrectly formatted Emails will not be added, continuing..." ) # Works through emails found to have domain miss match. if len(domain_miss_match) < 2: for email in domain_miss_match: email[2] = prompt( "Correct Email Domain: ", default=email[2], validator=EmailValidator(), ) else: logging.error("{} Domain Miss Match Errors".format( len(format_error))) if yes_no_prompt( "Would you like to correct each here") == "yes": for email in domain_miss_match: while True: email[2] = prompt( "Correct Email Domain: ", default=email[2], validator=EmailValidator(), ) if validate_domain(email[2], domains): target = Target( first_name=row[0], last_name=row[1], email=row[2], ) target = target_add_label( labels, email, target) targets.append(target) break else: logging.warning( "Incorrectly formatted Emails will not be added, continuing..." ) if len(targets) == 0: raise Exception("No targets loaded") break except EnvironmentError: logging.critical( "Email File not found: {}.csv".format(email_file_name)) print("\t Please try again...") except Exception: # Logs and indicates the user should correct before clicking ok which will re-run the import. logging.critical("No targets loaded") message_dialog( title="Missing Targets", text= "No targets loaded from file, please check file before clicking Ok.", ) continue return targets
def review_campaign(campaign): """Review a campaign.""" # TODO Review group name and page name. campaign_dict = campaign.as_dict() while True: print("\n") # Outputs relevent fields except Email Template. for field, value in campaign_dict.items(): if field in [ "launch_date", "complete_date", "url", "name", "group_name", "page_name", ]: print("{}: {}".format(field.replace("_", " ").title(), value)) elif field == "smtp": print("SMTP: ") for smtp_key, smtp_value in campaign_dict["smtp"].items(): print("\t{}: {}".format( smtp_key.replace("_", " ").title(), smtp_value)) if yes_no_prompt("\nChanges Required") == "yes": completer = WordCompleter(campaign_dict.keys().remove("template"), ignore_case=True) # Loops to get valid Field name form user. while True: update_key = prompt( "Which Field: ", completer=completer, validator=BlankInputValidator(), ).lower() if update_key != "smtp": try: update_value = prompt( "{}: ".format(update_key), default=campaign_dict[update_key], validator=BlankInputValidator(), ) except KeyError: logging.error("Incorrect Field!") else: setattr(campaign, update_key, update_value) break else: # Builds a word completion list with each word of the option being capitalized. sub_completer = WordCompleter( list( map( lambda sub_field: sub_field.replace("_", " "). title(), campaign_dict[update_key].as_dict().keys(), )), ignore_case=True, ) update_sub = prompt( "Which Indicator: ", completer=sub_completer, validator=BlankInputValidator(), ).lower() try: update_value = prompt( "{}: ".format(update_sub), default=campaign_dict[update_key].as_dict() [update_sub], validator=BlankInputValidator(), ) except KeyError: logging.error("Incorrect Field!") else: setattr(campaign_dict[update_key], update_sub, update_value) break else: break return campaign