def plot_line(xdata, ydata, title, xlbl, ylbl, out_name, color, lbl, stdev=None, do_save=True, black_bg=False): ##### # Plot ##### plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'o', markersize=5, markeredgewidth=0, color=color) #hdl, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '-', linewidth=2, color=color, label=lbl) # Plot error bars # # Plot error bar without line, fmt='': # if stdev: plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, fmt='', capthick=2, yerr=stdev, color=color) plt.grid(True, color='gray') #plt.grid (False) if title: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlbl) plt.ylabel(ylbl) if black_bg: black_background() # Save to file if do_save: plt.savefig(out_name, bbox_inches='tight') print('Plot saved to %s' % out_name)
def plot_hist( hist, edges, ax, ylbl, strict_lims=True, #, xlbl_suffix=''): bg_color='white', fg_color='g', tick_rot=0): # MATLAB "hold on" ax.hold(True) # MATLAB "grid on" ax.grid(True, color='gray') # Ref font size of labels: #ax.set_xlabel ('Bins' + xlbl_suffix, fontsize=6) ax.set_ylabel(ylbl) if strict_lims: ax.set_xlim(edges[0], edges[len(edges) - 1]) # Get histogram centers from edges. n+1 edges means there are n centers. centers = (edges[0:len(edges) - 1] + edges[1:len(edges)]) * 0.5 width = (edges[1] - edges[0]) * .5 #print (edges) #print (centers) #print (hist), hist, width=width, color=fg_color, edgecolor='none') # Rotate tick orientation # Diagonal 45-degree slanted tick labels # Ref: # axes API: if tick_rot != 0: ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), rotation=tick_rot) if bg_color == 'black': black_background(ax=ax)
def main(): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Variable number of args arg_parser.add_argument( '--display', action="store_true", help= 'Specify for debugging one by one. Displays matplotlib plots. This will block program flow and require user interaction to close window to move on to next data sample.' ) arg_parser.add_argument('--no-save', action='store_true', help='Specify to NOT save any visualized images.') arg_parser.add_argument( '--uinput', action='store_true', help='Specify to use keyboard interaction, useful for debugging.') arg_parser.add_argument( '--scale-heatmaps', action='store_true', help= 'Specify the flag if it was specified to occlusion_test.cpp to generate the heatmaps. Rescale heatmaps back to min/max depth values.' ) arg_parser.add_argument('--black-bg', action='store_true', help='Generate plots with black background.') args = arg_parser.parse_args() SCALE_HEATMAPS = args.scale_heatmaps BLACK_BG = args.black_bg DISPLAY_IMAGES = args.display UINPUT = args.uinput SAVE_IMG = not args.no_save # Number of grasps per object to save images N_TO_SAVE = 1 # User adjust parameter. Save just a single axis, for paper or presentation # Indices in the 3 subplots DEPTH_IDX = 1 VIS_IDX = 2 OCC_IDX = 3 # NOTE: Make sure these names match with the subplot indices! SUBPLOT_NAMES = [get_vis_depth_fmt(), get_vis_vis_fmt(), get_vis_occ_fmt()] #SAVE_SUBPLOTS = [DEPTH_IDX] SAVE_SUBPLOTS = [DEPTH_IDX, VIS_IDX, OCC_IDX] pkg_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('depth_scene_rendering') scene_list_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, "config/scenes_noisy.yaml") scene_list_f = open(scene_list_path, 'rb') renders_dir = get_renders_data_path() heatmaps_dir = get_heatmaps_data_path() heatmap_fmts = get_heatmap_blob_fmt() vis_fmt = heatmap_fmts[0] occ_fmt = heatmap_fmts[1] scaler = RawDepthScaling() success, depth_range = scaler.load_depth_range() if not success: return MIN_DEPTH = depth_range[0] MAX_DEPTH = depth_range[1] vis_dir = get_vis_path() contacts_dir = get_contacts_path() # scenes.yaml objs = ConfigReadYAML.read_scene_paths() # String obj_names = objs[0] # List of list of strings, paths to .pcd scene files scene_paths = objs[2] # For each object terminate = False for o_i in range(len(obj_names)): #for o_i in [7]: obj_name = obj_names[o_i] # Contacts meta file, number of elements in the list is number of grasps obj_meta_path = os.path.join(contacts_dir, obj_name + '_meta.csv') with open(obj_meta_path, 'rb') as obj_meta_f: obj_meta_reader = csv.reader(obj_meta_f) # Only 1 row in file. List of strings separated by comma for row in obj_meta_reader: n_grasps = len(row) skip_obj = False # For each scene for this object for s_i in range(len(scene_paths[o_i])): # For each grasp for this object for g_i in range(n_grasps): scene_path = scene_paths[o_i][s_i] scene_base = os.path.basename(scene_path) print( 'Object [%d], Scene [%d], Grasp [%d], Loading triplet files for %s' % (o_i, s_i, g_i, scene_path)) depth_name = os.path.join( renders_dir, os.path.splitext(scene_base)[0] + 'crop.png') vis_name = os.path.join( heatmaps_dir, vis_fmt % (os.path.splitext(scene_base)[0], g_i)) occ_name = os.path.join( heatmaps_dir, occ_fmt % (os.path.splitext(scene_base)[0], g_i)) depth_im = np_from_depth(depth_name) vis_im = np_from_depth(vis_name) occ_im = np_from_depth(occ_name) if depth_im is None or vis_im is None or occ_im is None: print( '%sERROR: One or more of (depth, vis_tac, occ_tac) images does not exist. Did you forget to run rosrun depth_scene_generation postprocess_scenes? Run it to generate the cropped images. Terminating...%s' % (ansi.FAIL, ansi.ENDC)) return # Calculate raw depths from the integers in image depth_im = scaler.scale_ints_to_depths(depth_im) if SCALE_HEATMAPS: vis_im = scaler.scale_ints_to_depths(vis_im) occ_im = scaler.scale_ints_to_depths(occ_im) else: vis_im = vis_im.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 occ_im = occ_im.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) # gray_r depth_obj = plt.imshow(depth_im[:, :, 0], #clim=[MIN_DEPTH, MAX_DEPTH]) tt1 = plt.title('Raw Depth') cb1 = plt.colorbar(depth_obj, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01) if BLACK_BG: black_background(title_hdl=tt1) black_colorbar(cb1) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) # Plot a white background first, so that black background plots produce # the same heatmap appearances as white background ones. # Ref plot white image plt.imshow(np.ones((depth_im.shape[0], depth_im.shape[1])), cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1, alpha=1.0) plt.imshow(depth_im[:, :, 0],, alpha=0.4) vis_obj = plt.imshow(vis_im[:, :, 0],, alpha=0.7) #clim=[MIN_DEPTH, MAX_DEPTH]) tt2 = plt.title('Visible') cb2 = plt.colorbar(vis_obj, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01) if BLACK_BG: black_background(title_hdl=tt2) black_colorbar(cb2) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.imshow(np.ones((depth_im.shape[0], depth_im.shape[1])), cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1, alpha=1.0) plt.imshow(depth_im[:, :, 0],, alpha=0.4) occ_obj = plt.imshow(occ_im[:, :, 0],, alpha=0.7) #clim=[MIN_DEPTH, MAX_DEPTH]) tt3 = plt.title('Occluded') # Flush colorbar with image cb3 = plt.colorbar(occ_obj, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01) if BLACK_BG: black_background(title_hdl=tt3) black_colorbar(cb3) fig.tight_layout() if SAVE_IMG: dest = os.path.join( vis_dir, get_vis_heatmap_fmt() % (os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(scene_base))[0], g_i)) if BLACK_BG: plt.savefig(dest, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none', transparent=True) else: fig.savefig(dest) print('%sWritten entire plot to %s%s' % (ansi.OKCYAN, dest, ansi.ENDC)) # Save an individual axis for subplot_i in SAVE_SUBPLOTS: # For depth image, only need to save 1st one, `.` all the same if subplot_i == DEPTH_IDX and g_i != 0: continue ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, subplot_i) ax.set_aspect(1) plt.axis('off') # To save individual axis cleanly depth_dest = os.path.join( vis_dir, SUBPLOT_NAMES[subplot_i - 1] % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scene_base))[0])) extent = ax.get_window_extent().transformed( fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) fig.savefig(depth_dest, bbox_inches=extent) print('%sWritten depth image axis to %s%s' % (ansi.OKCYAN, depth_dest, ansi.ENDC)) if DISPLAY_IMAGES: plt.close(fig) if g_i >= N_TO_SAVE - 1: break if UINPUT: uinput = raw_input( 'Press s to skip to next scene, o to skip to next objet, q to quit, or anything else to go to next grasp in this scene: ' ) if uinput.lower() == 's': break elif uinput.lower() == 'o': skip_obj = True break elif uinput.lower() == 'q': terminate = True break # Break out of s_i if skip_obj or terminate: break # Break out of o_i if terminate: break
def main(): ORDERED = False TOP_ONLY = True BLACK_BG = True plot_all = False if ORDERED: pos, quats = test_ordered_poses(topOnly=TOP_ONLY) if TOP_ONLY: out_name = 'test_spherical_pose_generation_top' else: out_name = 'test_spherical_pose_generation_full' else: n_rand_pts = 100 pos, quats = test_rand_poses(n_rand_pts, topOnly=TOP_ONLY) if TOP_ONLY: out_name = 'test_spherical_pose_generation_rand_top' else: out_name = 'test_spherical_pose_generation_rand_full' #print quats.shape n_pts = quats.shape[1] ##### # Use quaternion rotation only, plot rotations on unit sphere # 3 x n XYZ = np.tile(np.array([[0, 0, 0]]).T, (1, n_pts)) # 3 x n UVW = np.zeros((3, n_pts)) for i in range(n_pts): mat = quaternion_matrix(quats[:, i]) # Multiply the rotation by x-axis, to get a vector UVW[:, i] =[0:3, 0:3], [1, 0, 0]) if plot_all: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) # Ref 3D plot ax = fig.add_subplot(131, projection='3d') # Ref # First three xyzs are start point, last three are vector. # pivot specifies the part of the arrow that is at the grid point, 1st xyzs # passed in. Arrow rotates about this point. Default is 'tip', regardless # of what API says. Arrowheads end at first set of xyzs passed in. Other # option is 'tail' or 'middle'. ax.quiver(UVW[0, :], UVW[1, :], UVW[2, :], -UVW[0, :], -UVW[1, :], -UVW[2, :], color='orange', length=0.4, arrow_length_ratio=0.5, pivot='tail') ax.scatter(UVW[0, :], UVW[1, :], UVW[2, :], c='orange') ax.set_title('By quaternion only') ax.set_aspect(1) ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) ##### # Use position only, plot positions on sphere ax = fig.add_subplot(132, projection='3d') ax.scatter(pos[0, :], pos[1, :], pos[2, :], c='red') ax.set_title('By position only') ax.set_aspect(1) ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) ##### # Overlap position and quaternion, to see if they overlap exactly # Result: They do NOT overlap exactly. So the best option to generate both # position and quaternion is using the quaternion way, where quats variable # gives the quaternions, UVW gives the positions. ax = fig.add_subplot(133, projection='3d') # Quaternion #ax.quiver (XYZ[0, :], XYZ[1, :], XYZ[2, :], UVW[0, :], UVW[1, :], UVW[2, :], # color='orange', length=1, arrow_length_ratio=0.1, pivot='tail') ax.scatter(UVW[0, :], UVW[1, :], UVW[2, :], c='orange', alpha=0.5) # Position ax.scatter(pos[0, :], pos[1, :], pos[2, :], c='red', alpha=0.5) # Text label, for easier debugging of mismatches between positions and quats for i in range(pos.shape[1]): ax.text(UVW[0, i], UVW[1, i], UVW[2, i], str(i), color='orange') ax.text(pos[0, i], pos[1, i], pos[2, i], str(i), color='red') ax.set_title('Overlay quaternion and position') ax.set_aspect(1) ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) fig.tight_layout() ''' # Save png fig.savefig (out_name + '.png') print ('Written plot to %s.png' % out_name) # Save eps fig.savefig (out_name + '.eps') print ('Written plot to %s.eps' % out_name) ''' # Plot an individual image for thesis writing fig2 = plt.figure() ax = fig2.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') cm_name = custom_colormap_neon() color = mpl_color(1, 8, colormap_name=cm_name) #color = np.array ((252, 149, 11)) / 255.0 # Ref # First three xyzs are start point, last three are vector. # pivot specifies the part of the arrow that is at the grid point, 1st xyzs # passed in. Arrow rotates about this point. Default is 'tip', regardless # of what API says. Arrowheads end at first set of xyzs passed in. Other # option is 'tail' or 'middle'. ax.quiver(UVW[0, :], UVW[1, :], UVW[2, :], -UVW[0, :], -UVW[1, :], -UVW[2, :], color=color, length=0.4, arrow_length_ratio=0.5, pivot='tail') # 1, 4 go together well, dark blue, light green # 1, 3 okay too, dark blue, cyan # 1, 5 good too, dark blue, yellow color = mpl_color(4, 8, colormap_name=cm_name) ax.scatter(UVW[0, :], UVW[1, :], UVW[2, :], c=color) ax.set_title('Random poses') ax.set_aspect(1) ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) fig2.tight_layout() if BLACK_BG: black_3d_background(ax) black_background(ax) single_out_base = out_name + '_single_black' single_out_name = single_out_base + '.eps' fig2.savefig(single_out_name, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=fig2.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none', transparent=True) print('Written plot to %s' % single_out_name) single_out_name = single_out_base + '.png' fig2.savefig(single_out_name, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=fig2.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none', transparent=True) print('Written plot to %s' % single_out_name)
def plot_bars(obj_ids, obj_errs, obj_names_ordered, lbls_by_value, out_name): truetype() cm_name = custom_colormap_neon() # 2 (light sky blue) and 7 (noen orange) look good color = mpl_color(2, 8, colormap_name=cm_name) _, title_hdl = plot_line(obj_ids, obj_errs, 'Per-Object-Class Errors', 'Object', 'Error', out_name='', color=color, lbl='', style='bar', dots=False, grid=True, do_save=False, do_show=False, return_title_hdl=True) black_background(title_hdl=title_hdl) # Limit ticks to object IDs, not the extra columns on left and right mpl_diagonal_xticks(plt.gca(), obj_ids, obj_names_ordered, rot_degs=0) ## Plot a horizontal line across, at average per-class error # Dashed line # API mean_err = np.mean(obj_errs) plt.gca().axhline(y=mean_err, linewidth=1, color='w', linestyle='--', label='Mean per-class') mean_err_obj = plt.text(0, mean_err + 0.01, '%.3f' % mean_err, color='w') if len(lbls_by_value) > 0: smaller_proportion = np.min(lbls_by_value) / float( np.sum(lbls_by_value)) plt.gca().axhline(y=smaller_proportion, linewidth=1, color='r', linestyle='--', label='Labels portion') plt.text(0, smaller_proportion + 0.01, '%.3f' % smaller_proportion, color='r') # Positive is good, negative is bad mean_err_obj.set_text (mean_err_obj.get_text () + \ ' (%.3f lower)' % (smaller_proportion - mean_err)) legend_hdl = plt.legend() black_legend(legend_hdl) # y-axis is percentage plt.gca().set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) ## Plot plt.savefig(out_name, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=plt.gcf().get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none', transparent=True) print('%sWritten plot to %s%s' % (ansi.OKCYAN, out_name, ansi.ENDC))
def draw_confusion_matrix_per_sample(unsorted_idx, distance_matrix, ticks=[], img_name='', title_prefix='', draw_title=True, draw_xylbls=True, draw_xticks=True, draw_yticks=True, fontsize=10, bg_color='white', cmap_name='jet_r'): # Matrix is n x n nSamples = np.shape(unsorted_idx)[0] dists_sorted = np.zeros(np.shape(distance_matrix)) for i in range(0, nSamples): # Sort the ith row of sample IDs. Save the indexes from sorting. # Ref: sorted_idx_rowi = np.argsort(unsorted_idx[i, :]) # Take ith row of distance matrix, index it using the sorted indices dists_sorted[i, :] = distance_matrix[i, :][sorted_idx_rowi] print('') print ('Max distance: %f. Min distance: %f. Mean distance: %f' % \ (np.max (dists_sorted), np.min (dists_sorted), np.mean (dists_sorted))) print('Confusion matrix:') print(dists_sorted) # Show confusion matrix in a separate window # Using a figure makes colorbar same length as main plot! fig = plt.figure() plt.matshow(dists_sorted, fignum=fig.number) if draw_title: if ticks: plt.title(title_prefix + 'Confusion matrix', y=1.3) else: plt.title(title_prefix + 'Confusion matrix') # Use jet_r. Reverse colors, so that small dists are hot, far dists are cold. # # Save orig cmap so can set it back for future plots #orig_cmap = plt.get_cmap () plt.set_cmap(cmap_name) colorbar = plt.colorbar() if draw_xylbls: plt.ylabel('Objects') plt.xlabel('Objects') ax = plt.gca() # Display class names on the axes ticks if draw_xticks or draw_yticks: # Custom ticks passed in if len(ticks) > 0: draw_classname_ticks(dists_sorted, ticks, draw_x=draw_xticks, draw_y=draw_yticks, fontsize=fontsize) # Automatically generate numerical ticks, every 20 units else: units_per_tick = 20.0 if draw_xticks: # You can adjust these to make as frequent or as rare ticks as you want plt.xticks(np.arange(0, nSamples, units_per_tick)) if draw_yticks: plt.yticks(np.arange(0, nSamples, units_per_tick)) #print (nSamples) #print (np.arange (0, nSamples, units_per_tick)) if not draw_xticks: # #ax.get_xaxis ().set_visible (False) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if not draw_yticks: #ax.get_yaxis ().set_visible (False) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): # tick.label.set_fontsize(10) # specify integer or one of preset strings, e.g. #tick.label.set_fontsize('x-small') #tick.label.set_rotation('vertical') # Set background color if bg_color == 'black': black_background() black_colorbar(colorbar) if img_name: # Ref savefig() black background: plt.savefig(img_name, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none', transparent=True) print('Plot saved to %s' % img_name)
def draw_confusion_matrix(true_lbls, predicted_lbls, ticks=[], img_name='', title_prefix='', draw_title=True, raw=False, bg_color='white'): # Compute confusion matrix # Make sure you keep order the same. In (true, predicted) order, the y-axis # is true label, the x-axis is predicted. If you swap these, then the # plot's x- and y-labels need to swap as well. # Ref: cm = confusion_matrix(true_lbls, predicted_lbls) print('Confusion matrix:') print(cm) # Do percentages, instead of raw numbers that are returned by default if not raw: # Sum each row to get total number of objects in each category (y-axis # label of confusion mat is true labels, so sum rows, not columns). # Need floating point so cm divided by this array gives floats, not ints! nTtl = np.sum(cm, axis=1).astype(np.float32) # Reshape to column vector, so element-wise divide would divide each row of # conf mat by total object sum in that row. nTtl = nTtl.reshape((np.size(nTtl), 1)) # Element-wise divide each row of confusion matrix by the total # objects cm = np.divide(cm, nTtl) #print (cm) # Show confusion matrix in a separate window # Using a figure makes colorbar same length as main plot! fig = plt.figure() plt.matshow(cm, fignum=fig.number) plt.set_cmap('jet') colorbar = plt.colorbar() if draw_title: # Ref move title up: plt.title(title_prefix + 'Confusion matrix', y=1.2) plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') # Display class names on the axes ticks if ticks: draw_classname_ticks(cm, ticks) # Set background color if bg_color == 'black': black_background() black_colorbar(colorbar) if img_name: # Ref savefig() black background: plt.savefig(img_name, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none', transparent=True) print('Plot saved to %s' % img_name)
def save_individual_subplots(figs, ylbls, ylbl_to_save, nRows, nCols, scale_xmin=1.1, scale_x=1.2, scale_y=1.15, ndims=3, show=True, bg_color='white', tick_rot=0): x_expand_idx = [] y_expand_idx = [] # Expand horizontal space for plots on left column for i in range(0, nRows): # Subplots on left have indices 0*n, 1*n, 2*n, ..., (n-1)*n. Add margin on # x on left. x_expand_idx.append(i * nRows) # Expand vertical space for plots on botom row for i in range(0, nCols): # Subplots at bottom have indices (n-1)*n+0, (n-1)*n+1, (n-1)*n+2, ..., # (n-1)*n+(n-1). Add margin on y at bottom. y_expand_idx.append((nRows - 1) * nCols + i) # Constants for scaling bbox, tuned for ticks and labels with fontsize 6 SCALE_XMIN = scale_xmin SCALE_YMIN = 1.1 SCALE_X = scale_x SCALE_Y = scale_y # Find the figure that matches the desired ylbl for f_i in range(0, len(ylbls)): if ylbls[f_i] != ylbl_to_save: continue # Found the figure with desired ylbl else: imgpath = get_img_path('hists') imgname = os.path.join( imgpath, 'triangle_' + str(ndims) + 'Dhist_' + ylbls[f_i]) axes = figs[f_i].get_axes() for sp_i in range(0, len(axes)): curr_imgname = imgname + ('_%02d' % sp_i) + '.eps' # Ref save a subplot (axis) in a figure to file: # extent = axes[sp_i].get_window_extent().transformed( figs[f_i].dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) # Default. Need 1.05 to show entire plot, 1 doesn't show whole thing! # 1.3 shows axes labels (font size 6) perfectly, for x or y bbox_inches = extent.expanded(SCALE_XMIN, SCALE_YMIN) # Record original x y position of box, before expanding # xmax_orig = bbox_inches.xmax ymax_orig = bbox_inches.ymax # expanded() works outwards from center only, can't make box fixed # in one corner. So have to manually move box back after expand. # extent is a matplotlib.transforms.BboxBase type # Ref # Subplot on lower-left needs to expand in both x and y if sp_i in x_expand_idx and sp_i in y_expand_idx: bbox_inches = extent.expanded(SCALE_X, SCALE_Y) # Only expand x, on left elif sp_i in x_expand_idx: # x should be same as above, so last row is same width as prev rows bbox_inches = extent.expanded(SCALE_X, SCALE_YMIN) # Only expand y, on bottom elif sp_i in y_expand_idx: # Need extra y to show bottom x label, need extra x to show left-most # tick. bbox_inches = extent.expanded(SCALE_XMIN, SCALE_Y) # Shift content in bbox to sit at upper-right of the expanded bbox xmax_new = bbox_inches.xmax ymax_new = bbox_inches.ymax bbox_inches = bbox_inches.translated(xmax_orig - xmax_new, ymax_orig - ymax_new) if bg_color == 'black': black_background(axes[sp_i]) # Ref savefig() black background: figs[f_i].savefig(curr_imgname, bbox_inches=bbox_inches, facecolor=bg_color, edgecolor='none', transparent=True) print ('Individual axes %d in dimension %s saved to %s' % ( \ sp_i, ylbl_to_save, curr_imgname)) break