def follow_instructions():
     global has_escalated
     has_escalated = False     
     while True:      
         global instruction_thread_in_waiting
         instruction_thread_in_waiting = False
             instructions = database.db_adapter.get_all_instructions()                
             if len(instructions) > 1:
                 pretty_date = misc_utils.get_storeable_datetime_timestamp(time.time())
                 instructions_string = ',\n'.join(map(str, instructions))
                 message = "More than one instruction for time " + pretty_date + ":\n" + instructions_string                    
                 if not has_escalated:                        
                     emailer.escalate("Instruction error", message)
                     global has_escalated
                     has_escalated = True    
                 print message                
             elif len(instructions) == 1:
                 global current_instruction_id
                 instruction = instructions[0]
                 if (current_instruction_id != instruction.instruction_id):
                     current_instruction_id = instruction.instruction_id
                     global instruction_target_temperature_C                        
                     instruction_target_temperature_C = instruction.target_temperature_C
                     print 'Applying instruction #' + instruction.instruction_id + ', setting target temperature to: ' + str(instruction_target_temperature_C) + "C"
             elif len(instructions) == 0:
                 global current_instruction_id
                 current_instruction_id = None
         except Exception as e:
             print 'Error while looking at instructions:\n' + str(e)
         instruction_thread_in_waiting = True
def _store_instruction(instruction):
    """ stores or updates the given instruction. This is not safe! Do not call this directly, unless you know what you are doing. 
    Use the brew_logic method that safely stores instructions  """
    from_timestamp = misc_utils.get_storeable_datetime_timestamp(instruction.from_timestamp)    
    to_timestamp = misc_utils.get_storeable_datetime_timestamp(instruction.to_timestamp)
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM " + INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE instruction_id='" + instruction.instruction_id + "'")
    results = cursor.fetchall()    
    if len(results) == 0:
        if _is_memory_db():
            insert_sql = "INSERT INTO " + INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES ('" + str(instruction.instruction_id) + "','" + str(instruction.target_temperature_C) + "','" + from_timestamp + "','" + to_timestamp + "','" + instruction.description + "')"
            insert_sql = "INSERT INTO " + INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE_NAME + " (instruction_target_temperature_C,from_timestamp,to_timestamp,description) VALUES ('" + str(instruction.target_temperature_C) + "','" + from_timestamp + "','" + to_timestamp + "','" + instruction.description + "')"
    elif len(results) == 1:        
        update_sql = "UPDATE " + INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE_NAME + " SET instruction_target_temperature_C='" + str(instruction.target_temperature_C) + "',from_timestamp='" + from_timestamp + "',to_timestamp='" + to_timestamp + "',description='" + instruction.description + "'"
def store_temperatures(temperature_readings):
    """ stores the given list of temperature readings """
    for temperature_reading in temperature_readings:
        probe_id = temperature_reading.probe_id
        temperature_C = temperature_reading.temperature_C        
        timestamp = misc_utils.get_storeable_datetime_timestamp(temperature_reading.timestamp)
        sql_statement = "INSERT INTO " + TEMPERATURE_READINGS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES ('" + probe_id + "','" + str(temperature_C) + "','" + timestamp + "')"            