Exemple #1
def test_routing_structure():
	with NixServer(modules=[module]) as server:
		client = NixClient(server.get_address())
		result = client.call(module, "list_routes", {}, 2000)
		# print(json.dumps(result.data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
		assert_false(result.is_rejected(), "not rejected")
		assert_false(result.is_abandoned(), "not abandoned")
		assert_true(result.is_replied(), "is replied")
		assert_equal(expected_routing, result.data)
		routing = result.data.get("routing")
		auth_error_code = 101
		# routes with access mod != ANY require api key -> code 101
		for route in routing:
			if routing[route]["access_modifier"] != "ANY":
				response = client.call(module, route, {}, 2000)
				if routing[route]["processing_type"] != "VOID":
					status_code = response.data.get("@status_code")
					assert_equal(status_code, auth_error_code)

		# test API_PRIVATE with invalid key (public) -> code 101
		for route in routing:
			am = routing[route]["access_modifier"]
			if am == "API_PRIVATE" and route != "list_routes":
				params = {"@api_key" : development_key_public}
				response = client.call(module, route, params, 2000)
				status_code = response.data.get("@status_code")
				assert_equal(status_code, 101)
Exemple #2
def test_routing_structure():
    with NixServer(modules=[module]) as server:
        client = NixClient(server.get_address())
        result = client.call(module, "list_routes", {}, 2000)
        # print(json.dumps(result.data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        assert_false(result.is_rejected(), "not rejected")
        assert_false(result.is_abandoned(), "not abandoned")
        assert_true(result.is_replied(), "is replied")
        assert_equal(expected_routing, result.data)
Exemple #3
def test_basic():
	with NixServer(modules=["cache"]) as server:
		client = NixClient(server.get_address())
		result = client.call("Invalid", "invalid", {}, 2000)
		assert_true(result.is_rejected(), "Invalid route (reject)")

		result = client.call("Cache", "store", {}, 2000)
		assert_true(result.is_status_fail(), "Is failed?")
		assert_equal(result.status_code(), 101, "Auth error")

		params = {
			"@api_key" : development_key,
			"key" : "key",
			"value" : []
		result = client.call("Cache", "store", params, 2000)
		assert_true(result.is_status_ok(), "succeeded with auth")
		assert_equal(result.status_code(), 0, "success indicated by 0")
Exemple #4
def test_basic():
    with NixServer(modules=server_modules) as server:
        params = {
            "@api_key": development_key,
            "server": True,
            "stats": True,
            "module_stats": True,
            "routing": True,
        client = NixClient(server.get_address())
        response = client.call("Status", "status", params)
        # print(json.dumps(response.data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Got server status")
        data = response.data
        assert_true(data.get("nodename", ""), "has nodename")
        assert_true(data.get("server", {}).get("routing", ""), "has routing")
        assert_true(data.get("stats", {}), "stats")
        for name in server_modules_names:
            assert_true(data["stats"].get(name), "has stats for: %s" % name)
Exemple #5
 def run(self, event):
     client = NixClient(self._server_address, verbose=False)
     loop = 0
     while not event.is_set():
         for loop in range(0, 20):
             if loop == 20:
             elif loop % 4 == 0:
                 self.register_node(client, loop)
Exemple #6
def test_nodes():
	test_node = "unittest-01"
	test_address = "tcp://"
	with NixServer(modules=[module]) as server:
		client = NixClient(server.get_address())
		params = {"@api_key" : development_key}

		# testing 'bind' route

		invalid_params = params.copy()
		response = client.call(module, "node/bind", invalid_params, 2000)
			"Code 501 - indicates invalid parameters"

		# valid
			"nodename" : test_node,
			"address" : test_address
		response = client.call(module, "node/bind", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Bind succeeded")

		# testing 'resolve' route
		params = {"@api_key" : development_key}
		invalid_params = params.copy()
		response = client.call(module, "node/resolve", invalid_params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "Resolve fails without node")

		# valid
		params.update({"nodename" : test_node})
		response = client.call(module, "node/resolve", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Is resolved ok?")
			"Is resolved address correct?"

		# testing 'unbind' route
		response = client.send_one_way(module, "node/unbind", params)
		# after unbind node cannot be resolved
		response = client.call(module, "node/resolve", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "Is node unbound?")
Exemple #7
	def run(self, event):
		client = NixClient(self._server_address, verbose=False)
		cache_key = "cache-key-%d-" % threading.current_thread().ident
		cache_value = "Random value %d: " % threading.current_thread().ident
		while not event.is_set():
			time.sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 100.0)
			# print("this is", threading.current_thread().ident)

			params = {
				"@api_key" : self._api_key,
				"key" : "test",  # cache_key,
				"value" : "test",  # cache_value,
			response = client.call("Cache", "store", params, 2000)
			if response.is_status_fail():
				print("%s %d" % ("Store failed", threading.current_thread().ident))
			response = client.call("Cache", "retrieve", params, 5000)
			if response.is_status_fail():
				print("Retrieve failed", response.data)
			response.data.get(cache_key) == cache_value
			# client.send_one_way("Cache", "remove", params)
		print("CacheClient finished")
Exemple #8
def test_service():
    test_key = "unittest"
    test_value = {"a_string": "some string"}
    with NixServer(modules=[module]) as server:
        client = NixClient(server.get_address())
        params = {"@api_key": development_key}

        # testing 'store' route

        invalid_params = params.copy()
        response = client.call(module, "store", invalid_params, 2000)
        assert_equal(response.status_code(), 501,
                     "Code 501 - indicates invalid parameters")

        # valid
        params.update({"key": test_key, "value": test_value})
        response = client.call(module, "store", params, 2000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Store succeeded")

        # # testing 'retrieve' route

        params = {"@api_key": development_key}
        invalid_params = params.copy()
        response = client.call(module, "retrieve", invalid_params, 2000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "Retrieve fails without key")

        # valid
        params = {"@api_key": development_key, "key": test_key}
        response = client.call(module, "retrieve", params, 2000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Is retrieve call ok?")
        assert_equal(response.data.get(test_key), test_value,
                     "Is retrieved value correct?")

        # testing 'remove' route
        response = client.send_one_way(module, "remove", params)
        # after remove key cannot be retrieved
        response = client.call(module, "retrieve", params, 2000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "Is key removed?")
Exemple #9
if __name__ == "__main__":
    event = threading.Event()
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda: event.set())
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda: event.set())

    threads = []
    with NixServer(modules=SERVER_MODULES) as server:
        for i in range(0, 50):
            for cls in [ResolverClient, CacheClient]:
                worker = cls(server.get_address(), DEVELOPMENT_KEY)
                t = threading.Thread(target=worker.run, args=(event, ))

            client = NixClient(server.get_address())
            while True:
                params = {
                    "@api_key": DEVELOPMENT_KEY,
                    "stats": True,
                    "module_stats": True,
                response = client.call("Status", "status", params)
                print(json.dumps(response.data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        except Exception as e:
            for t in threads:
Exemple #10
def test_services():
	test_service = "some_implementation"
	test_nodename1 = "service-node-1"
	test_address1 = "tcp://"
	test_nodename2 = "service-node-2"
	test_address2 = "tcp://"

	with NixServer(modules=[module]) as server:
		client = NixClient(server.get_address())
		params = {"@api_key" : development_key}
		invalid_params = params.copy()
		response = client.call(module, "service/bind", invalid_params, 2000)
			"Code 501 - indicates invalid parameters"

		# fail bind when node is not yet known
		invalid_params = params.copy()
			"service" : "test",
			"nodename" : test_nodename1
		response = client.call(module, "service/bind", params, 2000)
			"bind service fails (node not bound yet)"

		# bind nodes
		node_bind_params = params.copy()
			"nodename" : test_nodename1,
			"address" : test_address1

		response = client.call(module, "node/bind", node_bind_params)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "node 1 bound")

			"nodename" : test_nodename2,
			"address" : test_address2
		response = client.call(module, "node/bind", node_bind_params)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "node 2 bound")

		# first node
			"service" : test_service,
			"nodename" : test_nodename1

		response = client.call(module, "service/bind", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "1st bind service ok")

		response = client.call(module, "service/resolve", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "resolved after 1st bind")
			response.data.get("addresses", []),
			"resolved to a single address (1 elem array)"

		# second node
			"service" : test_service,
			"nodename" : test_nodename2
		response = client.call(module, "service/bind", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "2nd bind service ok")

		response = client.call(module, "service/resolve", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "resolved after 2nd bind")
			response.data.get("addresses", []),
			[test_address1, test_address2],
			"resolved both addresses single address (1 elem array)"
		response = client.call(module, "service/unbind", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "unbind 2nd address")

		response = client.call(module, "service/resolve", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "resolved after unbinding")
			response.data.get("addresses", []),
			"resolved a single address after unbind (1 elem array)"

			"nodename" : test_nodename1
		response = client.call(module, "node/unbind", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "unbind node1")

			"nodename" : test_nodename2
		response = client.call(module, "node/unbind", params, 2000)
		assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "unbind node1")

		response = client.call(module, "service/resolve", params, 2000)
			"Unbinding nodes unbinds services"
		assert_equal(response.status_msg(), "Unknown service.")
Exemple #11
def test_submit():
    with NixServer(modules=["job-queue", "resolver"]) as server:
        client = NixClient(server.get_address())
        params = {"@api_key": development_key}

        # testing 'submit' route

        response = client.call(module, "job/submit", params, 100)
        assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "Fails without params")

        job_module = "test"
        job_action = "test"
        job_param_name = "param"
        job_param_value = "πœę©ß←"

        # first: create the queue
        create_params = {
            "@api_key": development_key_admin,
            "queue": job_module,
            "create": {
                "size": 256,

        response = client.call(module, "manage", create_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "created queue")

            "@origin_node": server.get_nodename(),
            "module": job_module,
            "action": job_action,
            "parameters": {
                job_param_name: job_param_value

        response = client.call(module, "job/submit", params, 1000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Submit ok")

        JOB_ID = response.data["@job_id"]

        params = {"@api_key": development_key, "@job_id": JOB_ID}
        response = client.call(module, "job/result/get", params, 100)
        assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "Fail - job not started")

        params = {
            "@api_key": development_key,
            "module": "test"  # queue name
        response = client.call(module, "job/work/get", params, 1000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "Got job to process")
        # this does not happen in real world, but this is a test
        # and this is the only submitted job
        assert_equal(response.data["@job_id"], JOB_ID, "Job id")
        # ---
        assert_equal(response.data["@origin_node"], server.get_nodename(),
                     "Origin node name set")
        job_parameters = response.data["parameters"]
        job_payload = response.data
        # no need to test module - it was a name of the queue
        assert_equal(job_payload["action"], job_action, "action")
        assert_equal(job_parameters.get(job_param_name), job_param_value,
                     "API key")

        # simulate some processing
        total = 121
        for processed in range(0, total, 20):
            params = {
                "@api_key": development_key,
                "@job_id": JOB_ID,
                "progress": float(processed) / total * 100
            client.send_one_way(module, "job/progress/set", params)
            response = client.call(module, "job/result/get", params, 100)
            if processed < total:
                assert_equal(response.status_code(), 2,
                             "Got progress report (code 2: not_ready)")

        params = {
            "@api_key": development_key,
            "@job_id": JOB_ID,
            "parameters": {
                job_param_name: "Result: %s" % job_param_value

        response = client.call(module, "job/result/set", params, 100)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "set response")

        params = {
            "@api_key": development_key,
            "@job_id": JOB_ID,
        response = client.call(module, "job/result/get", params, 100)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got result")
        data = response.data
        assert_equal(data["@api_key"], development_key, "result: api key")
        assert_equal(data["@job_id"], JOB_ID, "result: job_id")
            data.get("parameters", {}).get(job_param_name, ""),
            "Result: %s" % job_param_value, "result: job value")
Exemple #12
def test_queue_management():
    with NixServer(modules=["job-queue"]) as server:
        client = NixClient(server.get_address())

        params = {
            "@api_key": development_key,

        invalid_auth_params = {
            "@api_key": development_key_public,
        response = client.call(module, "manage", invalid_auth_params)
        assert_equal(response.status_code(), 101, "Auth error")

        status_params = {
            "@api_key": development_key_admin,
        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params, 2000)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["total_completed"], 0, "no jobs done yey")
        assert_equal(status["results_awaiting"], 0, "no results awaiting")
        assert_equal(status["in_progress"], 0, "no jobs in progress")
        assert_equal(status["total_pending"], 0, "no pending jobs")

        queue_name_1 = "unittest-queue-%d" % os.getpid()
        queue_name_2 = "second-queue-%d" % os.getpid()
        create_params = {
            "@api_key": development_key_admin,
            "queue": queue_name_1,
            "create": {
                "size": 256,
        response = client.call(module, "manage", create_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "created queue")

        create_params["queue"] = queue_name_2
        response = client.call(module, "manage", create_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "created second queue")

        response = client.call(module, "manage", create_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_fail(), "queue already exists")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_1]["closed"], False,
                     "created queue is not closed")

        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["closed"], False,
                     "second created queue is not closed")

        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_1]["pending"], 0,
                     "no jobs in created queue")

        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["pending"], 0,
                     "no jobs in second created queue")

        # FIRST queue - submit jobs

        submitted_jobs = []
        batch_size = 10
        submit_params = params.copy()
        for i in range(0, batch_size):
                "parameters": [i, "a string", True, {
                    "test": []
                }, None]

            response = client.call(module, "job/submit", submit_params)

            assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "submitted job")
            job_id = response.data["@job_id"]
            assert_true(len(job_id), "got job id")

        assert_equal(len(set(submitted_jobs)), batch_size,
                     "submitted jobs have unique ids")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["total_pending"], batch_size,
                     "number of pending jobs")

        # SECOND queue - submit jobs

        for i in range(0, batch_size):
                "parameters": [i, "a string", True, {
                    "test": []
                }, None]

            response = client.call(module, "job/submit", submit_params)

            assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "submitted job")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["pending"], batch_size,
                     "second queue got jobs")
        assert_equal(status["total_pending"], batch_size * 2,
                     "number of pending jobs")

        # Close second queue
        switch_params = params.copy()
        switch_params["queue"] = queue_name_2
        switch_params["enable"] = False
        response = client.call(module, "manage", switch_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "close queue call")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status after close")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["closed"], True,
                     "second queue is now closed")
        # Reopen second queue
        switch_params = params.copy()
        switch_params["queue"] = queue_name_2
        switch_params["enable"] = True
        response = client.call(module, "manage", switch_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "close queue call")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status after reopen")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["closed"], False,
                     "second queue is now enabled")
        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["pending"], batch_size,
                     "second queue still has pending jobs")

        # clear jobs in SECOND queue
        clear_params = params.copy()
        clear_params["queue"] = queue_name_2
        clear_params["clear"] = True
        response = client.call(module, "manage", clear_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "close queue call")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status after reopen")
        status = response.data
        assert_equal(status["queues"][queue_name_2]["pending"], 0,
                     "second queue cleared")

        # remove SECOND queue
        remove_params = params.copy()
        remove_params["queue"] = queue_name_2
        remove_params["remove"] = True
        response = client.call(module, "manage", remove_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "remove queue call")

        response = client.call(module, "status", status_params)
        assert_true(response.is_status_ok(), "got status after remove")
        status = response.data
        assert_false(queue_name_2 in status["queues"], "second queue removed")

        params = {
            "@api_key": development_key,
            "server": True,
            "stats": True,
            "module_stats": True,
            "routing": True,