def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self._term = Terminal('OjoDnfExtractor> ') self._term.bind_function('open',, { 'type': {'type': str, 'help': 'open file type, img/npk'}, 'file': {'type': str, 'help': 'open file path'}, }, 'open a file.')
def __init__(self, p_help_w): """ p_help_w: representa una instancia de HelpWindow. Constructor de la clase ControlHelpWindow. """ self.__term = Terminal() self.__term.feed_child("\n")
class Command: def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self._term = Terminal('OjoDnfExtractor> ') self._term.bind_function('open',, { 'type': {'type': str, 'help': 'open file type, img/npk'}, 'file': {'type': str, 'help': 'open file path'}, }, 'open a file.') def start(self): files = self.args.files if len(files) > 0: self.open_auto(files[1]) else: self._term.start() return 0 @staticmethod def open(type_, path): if type_ == 'npk': with open(path, 'rb+') as io: NPKTerminal(NPK(io)).start() elif type_ == 'img': with open(path, 'rb+') as io: IMGTerminal(IMG(io)).start() else: raise Exception('Unsupport type_.') @staticmethod def open_auto(path): if os.path.exists(path): [dir, file] = os.path.split(path) if file[-4:].lower() == '.npk':'npk', path) elif file[-4:].lower() == '.img':'img', path) else: raise Exception('Unknown file type.', file) else: raise Exception('File not exists: %s' % path)
def update( self ): state = self._algorithm.get_state() # { # "problem" : self._problem_instance, # "iteration" : self._iteration, # "message" : message, # "solution" : self._solution, # "neighbor" : self._neighbor # } message = "" if "message" in state: message = state["message"] # started if message == LocalSearchMessage.Started: Terminal.clear() Terminal.print_box( messages = [, self._algorithm.description ] , font_color = FontColor.Green) Terminal.print_box( messages = [ "Problem: " + ], font_color = FontColor.Yellow) # initialized elif message == LocalSearchMessage.Initialized: Terminal.print_box( messages = [ "Initialized" ] ) Terminal.print_line( message= "Initial Solution:") print(f" Solution: {self._algorithm.solution.representation} - fitness: {}") Terminal.print_box( messages = [ "Iterations"]) elif message == LocalSearchMessage.ReplacementAccepted: iteration = -1 if "iteration" in state: iteration = state["iteration"] Terminal.print_line( message = f"Iteration {iteration:10d} | Solution: {self._algorithm.solution.representation } | Fitness: {}") elif message == LocalSearchMessage.ReplacementRejected: iteration = -1 if "iteration" in state: iteration = state["iteration"] Terminal.print_line( message = f"Iteration {iteration:10d} | Solution: {self._algorithm.solution.representation } | Fitness: {} *** (no change)") elif message == LocalSearchMessage.StoppedPrematurely: Terminal.print_box( messages = ["Stopped Prematurely!"], font_color = FontColor.Yellow ) elif message == LocalSearchMessage.Stopped: Terminal.print_box( messages = ["Stopped Max Iterations!"]) elif message == LocalSearchMessage.StoppedTargetAchieved: Terminal.print_box( messages = ["Stopped Target Achieved!"], font_color = FontColor.Green)
def __init__(self, p_path, p_conn, p_wspace, p_parent, p_lvars_model): """ p_path: una cadena que indica la direccion del fichero que contiene las variables. p_conn: un 'Connection' que es la conexion con Octave. p_wspace: un 'Workspace'. p_parent: un 'gtk.Window' que es la ventana principal. p_lvars_model: el 'gtk.ListStore' asociado al 'ListVars'. Retorna: un nuevo 'ImportWizard'. Crea un nuevo 'ImportWizard'. """ gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.__path = p_path self.__conn = p_conn self.__workspace = p_wspace self.__lvars_model = p_lvars_model self.set_title("Import Wizard") self.set_border_width(5) self.set_size_request(692, 406) self.set_transient_for(p_parent) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 5) self.add(vbox) # Direccion del archivo a importar. label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) text = "Variables in %s" % self.__path label.set_markup('<span foreground="#316AC4"><b>%s</b></span>' % text) vbox.pack_start(label, False) # Horizontal paned. hpaned = gtk.HPaned() hpaned.set_position(346) vbox.pack_start(hpaned) # Listado de variables. self.__model = gtk.ListStore("gboolean", gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, str, str, str) tree = gtk.TreeView(self.__model) self.__selec = tree.get_selection() self.__selec.connect("changed", self.on_selection_changed) # Columna Import. cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() cell.set_property("activatable", True) cell.connect("toggled", self.on_import_toggled) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Import", cell, active=0) col.set_resizable(True) tree.append_column(col) # Columna Name. col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Name") col.set_resizable(True) cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() col.pack_start(cell, False) col.add_attribute(cell, "pixbuf", 1) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(cell, False) col.add_attribute(cell, "text", 2) tree.append_column(col) # Columnas Size, Bytes, Class, Attributes. for pos, name in enumerate(["Size", "Bytes", "Class", "Attributes"]): cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, cell, text=pos + 3) col.set_resizable(True) tree.append_column(col) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.add(tree) hpaned.add1(scroll) # Vista previa. self.__textview = gtk.TextView() self.__textview.set_editable(False) self.__textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.__textview.modify_font( pango.FontDescription("monospace Expanded 10")) self.__textview.set_left_margin(3) self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text("Loading...") scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.add(self.__textview) hpaned.add2(scroll) # Caja de botones. buttonbox = gtk.HButtonBox() buttonbox.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_END) buttonbox.set_spacing(5) vbox.pack_start(buttonbox, False) # Boton aplicar. self.__apply_butt = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_APPLY) self.__apply_butt.set_sensitive(False) self.__apply_butt.connect("clicked", self.on_apply_clicked) buttonbox.pack_start(self.__apply_butt) # Boton cancelar. self.__cancel_butt = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_CANCEL) self.__cancel_butt.connect("clicked", lambda p_butt: self.cancel()) buttonbox.pack_start(self.__cancel_butt) # Terminal de la cual vamos a sacar los # datos para mostrarselos al usuario. self.__term = Terminal() self.__term.feed_child(self._get_cmds(), self.extract_names) self.__wait = False self.__update = False self.connect("delete-event", lambda p_wiz, p_event: self.cancel()) self.show_all()
class ImportWizard(gtk.Window): """ Asistente para importar variables al 'Workspace'. """ def __init__(self, p_path, p_conn, p_wspace, p_parent, p_lvars_model): """ p_path: una cadena que indica la direccion del fichero que contiene las variables. p_conn: un 'Connection' que es la conexion con Octave. p_wspace: un 'Workspace'. p_parent: un 'gtk.Window' que es la ventana principal. p_lvars_model: el 'gtk.ListStore' asociado al 'ListVars'. Retorna: un nuevo 'ImportWizard'. Crea un nuevo 'ImportWizard'. """ gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.__path = p_path self.__conn = p_conn self.__workspace = p_wspace self.__lvars_model = p_lvars_model self.set_title("Import Wizard") self.set_border_width(5) self.set_size_request(692, 406) self.set_transient_for(p_parent) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 5) self.add(vbox) # Direccion del archivo a importar. label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) text = "Variables in %s" % self.__path label.set_markup('<span foreground="#316AC4"><b>%s</b></span>' % text) vbox.pack_start(label, False) # Horizontal paned. hpaned = gtk.HPaned() hpaned.set_position(346) vbox.pack_start(hpaned) # Listado de variables. self.__model = gtk.ListStore("gboolean", gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, str, str, str) tree = gtk.TreeView(self.__model) self.__selec = tree.get_selection() self.__selec.connect("changed", self.on_selection_changed) # Columna Import. cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() cell.set_property("activatable", True) cell.connect("toggled", self.on_import_toggled) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Import", cell, active=0) col.set_resizable(True) tree.append_column(col) # Columna Name. col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Name") col.set_resizable(True) cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() col.pack_start(cell, False) col.add_attribute(cell, "pixbuf", 1) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(cell, False) col.add_attribute(cell, "text", 2) tree.append_column(col) # Columnas Size, Bytes, Class, Attributes. for pos, name in enumerate(["Size", "Bytes", "Class", "Attributes"]): cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, cell, text=pos + 3) col.set_resizable(True) tree.append_column(col) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.add(tree) hpaned.add1(scroll) # Vista previa. self.__textview = gtk.TextView() self.__textview.set_editable(False) self.__textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.__textview.modify_font( pango.FontDescription("monospace Expanded 10")) self.__textview.set_left_margin(3) self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text("Loading...") scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.add(self.__textview) hpaned.add2(scroll) # Caja de botones. buttonbox = gtk.HButtonBox() buttonbox.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_END) buttonbox.set_spacing(5) vbox.pack_start(buttonbox, False) # Boton aplicar. self.__apply_butt = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_APPLY) self.__apply_butt.set_sensitive(False) self.__apply_butt.connect("clicked", self.on_apply_clicked) buttonbox.pack_start(self.__apply_butt) # Boton cancelar. self.__cancel_butt = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_CANCEL) self.__cancel_butt.connect("clicked", lambda p_butt: self.cancel()) buttonbox.pack_start(self.__cancel_butt) # Terminal de la cual vamos a sacar los # datos para mostrarselos al usuario. self.__term = Terminal() self.__term.feed_child(self._get_cmds(), self.extract_names) self.__wait = False self.__update = False self.connect("delete-event", lambda p_wiz, p_event: self.cancel()) self.show_all() def on_import_toggled(self, p_cell, p_path): """ p_cell: el 'gtk.CellRendererToggle' que recibio la sennal. p_path: una cadena que representa un camino de arbol. Indica la fila de 'p_cell'. Se ejecuta cuando el usuario da click en los checkboxes de la columna 'Import'. Cambia el estado del checkbox correspondiente. """ self.__model[p_path][0] = not self.__model[p_path][0] def _get_cmds(self): """ Retorna: una cadena. Metodo auxiliar que retorna codigo Octave que permite determinar los nombres de las variables que estan en el archivo del cual se quiere importar. """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "disp_names.m") file_ = open(path, "r") code = file_.close() replacer = lambda match: { "var": VAR, "index": VAR + "1", "value": VALUE, "path": self.__path, "\n": "" }[] pattern = re.compile("(var|index|value|path|\n)") code = re.sub(pattern, replacer, code) return code + "\n" def extract_names(self, p_text): """ p_text: una cadena devuelta por 'Octave' la cual contiene los nombres de las variables contenidas en el archivo a importar. Extrae de 'p_text' los nombres de las variables. """ lines = p_text.split("\n") names = [] pos = -2 while lines[pos] != "***": names.insert(0, lines[pos]) pos -= 1 if names: self.__term.feed_child("whos;\n", self.show_vars, [names]) else: self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text( "Could not import any variable.") def _get_vars(self, p_text): """ p_text: una cadena que es la salida del comando 'whos;' enviado anteriormente a 'Octave'. Retorna: una lista('list') de listas, donde cada sublista contiene los datos de una variable determinada, los datos son: - atributos - nombre - tamanno - bytes - clase Metodo auxiliar que retorna los datos de las variables extraidas de 'p_text'. """ lines = p_text.splitlines() length = len(lines) pos = 0 find_equal = True pattern = re.compile("Total is \d+ elements? using \d+ bytes?", re.IGNORECASE) vars_ = [] while pos < length: line = lines[pos] if find_equal: if "=" in line: find_equal = False else: # find_vars if, line): break var = line.split() if var: if len(var) == 4: var.insert(0, "") vars_.append(var) pos += 1 return vars_ def show_vars(self, p_text, p_names): """ p_text: una cadena que es la salida del comando 'whos;' enviado anteriormente a 'Octave'. p_names: una lista('list') que contiene los nombres de las variables contenidas en el archivo a importar. Muestra en un listado las variables contenidas en el archivo a importar. De cada variable se expone su nombre, tamanno, bytes, clase y atributos. """ vars_ = self._get_vars(p_text) model = self.__model root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir, os.pardir)) images = { "double": "class_double.png", "char": "class_char.png", "struct": "class_struct.png", "cell": "class_cell.png", "sym": "class_sym.png" } for var in vars_: if var[1] in p_names: img = images.get(var[4], "class_double.png") pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( os.path.join(root, "images", img)) model.append( [True, pixbuf, var[1], var[2], var[3], var[4], var[0]]) self.__apply_butt.set_sensitive(True) self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text( "No variable selected for preview.") def on_selection_changed(self, p_selec): """ p_selec: el 'gtk.TreeSelection' asociado al listado de variables del 'ImportWizard'. Se ejecuta cuando cambia la seleccion en el listado de variables del 'ImportWizard'. Si hay alguna fila seleccionada entonces se obtiene el valor de la variable correspondiente y se llama el metodo 'ImportWizard.show_preview' pasandole como parametro dicho valor. """ if self.__wait: self.__update = True return model, iter_ = p_selec.get_selected() if iter_: size = 1 for dim in model.get_value(iter_, 3).split("x"): size *= int(dim) if size <= 2000: self.__term.feed_child( "disp(%s);\n" % model.get_value(iter_, 2), self.show_preview) self.__wait = True else: self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text( "Preview too large to be displayed properly.") else: self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text( "No variable selected for preview.") def show_preview(self, p_text): """ p_text: una cadena que es el valor de la variable seleccionada en el 'ImportWizard'. Muestra 'p_text' en la vista de texto del 'ImportWizard'. """ self.__textview.get_buffer().set_text(p_text[p_text.index("\n") + 1:p_text.rindex("\n")]) self.__wait = False if self.__update: self.on_selection_changed(self.__selec) self.__update = False def cancel(self): """ Cancela la importacion y cierra el asistente. """ self.__term.feed_child("exit\n") self.destroy() self.__workspace.import_wiz_closed() def on_apply_clicked(self, p_butt): """ p_butt: el 'gtk.Button' que recibio la sennal. Se ejecuta cuando el usuario da click en el boton 'Aplicar'. Chequea si alguna de las variables a importar ya existe en el 'Workspace', en dicho caso se le informa al usuario. Si el usuario confirma todo, entonces se importan hacia el 'Workspace' las variables marcadas en los checkboxes. """ new_names = [row[2] for row in self.__model if row[0]] if not new_names: self.cancel() return old_names = [row[1] for row in self.__lvars_model] equals = [] for new in new_names: if new in old_names: equals.append(new) if len(equals) == 3: break if equals: if len(equals) == 1: msg = "A variable named\n%s\n" \ "already exist in the EIDMAT Workspace." %equals[0] elif len(equals) == 2: msg = "Variables named\n%s and %s\n" \ "already exist in the EIDMAT Workspace." %tuple(equals) else: msg = "Variables with some of these names already exist\n" \ "in the EIDMAT Workspace." msg += "\n\nAre you sure that you want to overwrite them?" if not Confirm(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION, msg, "Import Wizard", self).run(): return if len(new_names) == len(self.__model): self.__conn.append_command(LoadVars([], self.__path)) else: self.__conn.append_command(LoadVars(new_names, self.__path)) self.cancel()
f" i: {_} - {solution.representation} - fitness: {}" ) _ += 1 # Knapsack Problem # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- knapsack_problem_instance = KnapsackProblem( decision_variables=knapsack_decision_variables_example, constraints=knapsack_constraints_example) ga1 = GeneticAlgorithm(problem_instance=knapsack_problem_instance, params={"Population-Size": 15}) ga1._initialize_randomly() Terminal.clear() Terminal.print_box(["Population Initialization"], font_color=FontColor.Yellow) print_population(population=ga1._population) # Parent Selection - Roulette Wheel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminal.print_box(["Parent Selection - Roulette wheel"], font_color=FontColor.Yellow) rws = RouletteWheelSelection() parent1, parent2 =, objective=knapsack_problem_instance.objective, params={}) print(str(parent1)) print(str(parent2))
def search(self): """ Genetic Algorithm Search Algorithm 1. Initial population 2. Repeat n generations )(#1 loop ) 2.1. Repeat until generate the next generation (#2 loop ) 1. Selection 2. Try Apply Crossover (depends on the crossover probability) 3. Try Apply Mutation (depends on the mutation probability) 2.2. Replacement 3. Return the best solution """ problem = self._problem_instance select = cross = self._crossover_approach mutate = self._mutation_approach replace = self._replacement_approach is_admissible = self._problem_instance.is_admissible Terminal.print_box(['Genetic Algorithms - Search Started'], font_color=FontColor.Green) print(f' - Crossover Probability : {self._crossover_probability}') print(f' - Mutation Probability : {self._mutation_probability}') self._generation = 0 # 1. Initial population self._population = self._initialize(problem, self._population_size) Terminal.print_line(message=f'\nGeneration # {0}') print( f' > Fittest # { self._population.fittest.representation } - fitness: {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( self._population.fittest )}' ) self._population.sort() for solution in print( f' > {} - {solution.representation} - Fitness : {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( solution )}' ) #2. Repeat n generations )(#1 loop ) for generation in range(1, self._number_of_generations): new_population = Population(problem=problem, maximum_size=self._population_size, solution_list=[]) i = 0 Terminal.print_line(message=f'\nGeneration # {generation}') # 2.1. Repeat until generate the next generation (#2 loop ) while new_population.has_space: #print('.', end = '') # 2.1.1. Selection parent1, parent2 = select(self._population, problem.objective, self._params) offspring1 = deepcopy(parent1) # parent1.clone() offspring2 = deepcopy(parent2) # parent2.clone() # 2.1.2. Try Apply Crossover (depends on the crossover probability) if self.apply_crossover: offspring1, Offspring2 = cross(problem, parent1, parent2) = [generation, i] i += 1 = [generation, i] i += 2 #print(f'XO') #print(f'P1: {}-{parent1.representation}') #print(f'P2: {}-{parent2.representation}') #print(f'O1: {}-{offspring1.representation}') #print(f'O2: {}-{offspring2.representation}') # 2.1.3. Try Apply Mutation (depends on the mutation probability) if self.apply_mutation: offspring1 = mutate(problem, offspring1) = [generation, i] i += 1 #print(f'MU : O1 {}-{offspring1.representation}') if self.apply_mutation: offspring2 = mutate(problem, offspring2) = [generation, i] i += 1 #print(f'MU : O2 {}-{offspring2.representation}') # add the offsprings in the new population (New Generation) if new_population.has_space and is_admissible(offspring1): problem.evaluate_solution(offspring1) #print(f'Added O1 - {}-{offspring1.representation}') if new_population.has_space and is_admissible(offspring2): problem.evaluate_solution(offspring2) #print(f'Added O2 - {}-{offspring2.representation}') # 2.2. Replacement #print('\n # NEW GENERATION *** BEFORE *** REPLACEMENT') #fittest = new_population.fittest #print( f' > Fittest # id: {} - { fittest.representation } - fitness: {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( fittest )}' ) #for solution in # print(f' > {} - {solution.representation} - Fitness : {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( solution )}') #print(' # CURRENT GENERATION' ) #fittest = self._population.fittest #print( f' > Fittest # id: {} - { fittest.representation } - fitness: {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( fittest )}' ) #for solution in # print(f' > {} - {solution.representation} - Fitness : {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( solution )}') self._population = replace(problem, self._population, new_population) #print(' # NEW GENERATION *** AFTER *** REPLACEMENT' ) fittest = self._population.fittest print( f' > Fittest # id: {} - { fittest.representation } - fitness: {} - weight: {self.calc_weights( fittest )}' )
class ControlHelpWindow: """ Clase controladora que permite realizar peticiones a Octave, leer las respuestas y busca palabras en componentes Web. """ def __init__(self, p_help_w): """ p_help_w: representa una instancia de HelpWindow. Constructor de la clase ControlHelpWindow. """ self.__term = Terminal() self.__term.feed_child("\n") def excec_command(self, p_command, p_method): """ p_command: representa una cadena de texto. p_method: representa un metodo de la clase HelpWindow. Metodo que solicita la ayuda correspondiente a un comando propio de Octave. """ self.__term.feed_child(p_command, p_method) def destroy_terminal(self): """ Metodo que destruye la instancia a Octave tras el cierre de la ventana Ayuda. """ self.__term.feed_child("exit\n") def web_search(self, p_localization, p_texto, p_sal = None): """ p_localization: representa una cadena de texto con la direccion de la pagina web solicitada. p_texto: representa una cadena de texto. p_sal: representa True o False en correspondencia con el tipo de busqueda. Retorna: el codigo de una pagina web con la frase contenida en <p_text> de color rojo o un mensaje dando a conocer que la misma no se encontro. En caso de que <p_sal!=None> y se encuentre la frase al menos una vez, se retorna tambien una cadena de control. Metodo que busca una palabra o frase en la documentacion de Octave retornando una pagina con la frase remarcada en color rojo si la busqueda es local o una cadena de control si la palabra o frase fue encontrada al menos una vez durante una busqueda global. """ web_code = "" if not p_localization: return "No se busco" loc = p_localization.replace("file:///", "/") if "#" in loc: aux = "" for i in loc: if i == "#": break aux += i loc = aux f = open(loc, "r") for linea in f: web_code += linea f.close() flag = False aux = "" cant_letters = len(p_texto) valid_word = "" iter1 = 0 ampersan = False valid_flag = False if p_texto in web_code: for i in web_code: if i == '>': flag = True if i == '<' : if len(valid_word) > 0: aux += valid_word flag = False if i == '&': if len(valid_word) > 0: aux += valid_word flag = False ampersan = True if i == ';' and ampersan: flag = True ampersan = False if flag == True: valid_word += i if p_texto[iter1].lower() == i.lower(): iter1 += 1 else: aux += valid_word valid_word = "" iter1 = 0 if iter1 == cant_letters: if p_sal: return "si" aux = aux + '<em style="color:red">' + valid_word \ + '</em>' iter1 = 0 valid_word = "" valid_flag = True else: aux += i valid_word = "" iter1 = 0 web_code = aux if valid_flag: return web_code else: return "No se encontro" else: return "No se encontro" def web_search_file(self, p_word, p_loc): """ p_word: representa la palabra a buscar. p_loc: representa la localizacion o direccion de la pagina web. Retorna: localizacion de la pagina web o la cadena <no> en caso de no encontrarse la palabra o frase deseada en la pagina. Metodo que busca una palabra o frase deseada dentro de una pagina web especificada. Solo se lee el fichero y se pregunta si esta o no la palabra sin diferenciar su estancia dentro de un tag. """ dir_ = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "help", "octave_doc", p_loc + ".html") f = open(dir_, "r") text = f.close() if p_word in text: return p_loc return "no"