Exemple #1
    def tshark(self, pcap, options=""):
        """tshark(pcap, options):
              DESCRIPTION: Run tshark on the specified pcap file with the specified options
                           Return the text file name

        outfile = utilities.snip(pcap, 0, ".pcap") + ".tshark"
        self.local_shell.run("tshark -r " + pcap + " > " + outfile, 0)
        return outfile
Exemple #2
    def tshark(self, pcap, options=""):
        """tshark(pcap, options):
              DESCRIPTION: Run tshark on the specified pcap file with the specified options
                           Return the text file name

        outfile = utilities.snip(pcap, 0, ".pcap") + ".tshark"
        self.local_shell.run("tshark -r " + pcap + " > " + outfile, 0)
        return outfile
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, transfer_parent, dpr_client, transfer_filenames, options, transfer_id):
     super(transferThread, self).__init__()
     self.transfer_parent = transfer_parent
     self.dpr_client = dpr_client
     self.transfer_filenames = transfer_filenames
     self.options = options
     self.transfer_id = transfer_id
     self.data = {}
     self.stop_transfer = 0
     self.transfer_running = 1
     self.thread_name = utilities.snip(str(self), "(", ",")
         self.count = options['COUNT']
         self.count = 1
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, transfer_parent, dpr_client, transfer_filenames,
              options, transfer_id):
     super(transferThread, self).__init__()
     self.transfer_parent = transfer_parent
     self.dpr_client = dpr_client
     self.transfer_filenames = transfer_filenames
     self.options = options
     self.transfer_id = transfer_id
     self.data = {}
     self.stop_transfer = 0
     self.transfer_running = 1
     self.thread_name = utilities.snip(str(self), "(", ",")
         self.count = options['COUNT']
         self.count = 1
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self):
              This is the initialization constructor for reporting and initalizes the meta data

        # File to write results to
        self.results_filename = utilities.snip(sys.argv[0], 0, ".py") + ".results.log"
        # default the meta data
        self.result = "N/A"
        self.elapsed_time = "N/A"
        self.remark=" "
Exemple #6
    def run(self):

        # Indicate that we have a transfer thread running
        self.transfer_running = 1

        # Set up the transfer command as part of this thread we are in
        # sadly the upload sequence needs the proxy before the upload cmds
        if 'UPLOAD' in self.options and self.options['PROXY'] != 'DIRECT':
            cmd = ""
            # pageload requires a different transfer strategy. Mote: page files objects 
            # for transfer MUST be loaded on a local server accessable by the test server.
            if 'PAGELOAD' in self.options:
                cmd = "cd /home/qfreleng/testmget; export http_proxy=; mget -r -p -nc -H --max-redirect 1 --num-threads " +str(self.options['PAGELOAD'])+ " --level 1 "
                cmd = "curl"

        # Check if they want HTTP 1.0
        if 'http' in self.options and self.options['http'] == '1.0':
            cmd = cmd + " -0"

        # check and verify curl options if any
        if 'curlopt' in self.options:
            if const_curl_opts[self.options['curlopt']]:
                cmd = cmd + " " +  const_curl_opts[self.options['curlopt']]

        outfile = self.options['OUTFILE']
        outfiles = []
        upld_cmd = ""

        dnldpath = ""
        if 'CURL_DNLD_DIR' in self.options:
            dnldpath = self.options['CURL_DNLD_DIR']

        i = 1
        j = 0
        for file in self.transfer_filenames:
            if outfile == "":
                # when in continuous transfer mode a new file of size n gets created every time
                # it runs which means depending on the length of the run the HD starts to fill up.
                # and can eventually max out. So to protect against that use a more common name for resuse.
                if self.options['CONTINUOUS']:
                    if not self.options['PROXY'] == "HTTP_PROXY":
                        # going direct
                        if 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                            cmd += cmd + " -F 'uploaded=@" +str(file)+ "; filename=" +os.path.split(file)[1] + ".CONT." + str(self.dpr_client.proxyPort) + "." +self.thread_name+ "." +str(i)+".tmp' -H \"Expect:\" http://" +self.options['CSERVER']+ "/cgi-bin/upload.php"
                            outfile = dnldpath + os.path.split(file)[1] + ".CONT." + str(self.dpr_client.proxyPort) + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(i) + ".tmp"
                        # DRM http proxy
                        if 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                            cmd += cmd + " -F 'uploaded=@" +str(file)+ "; filename=" +os.path.split(file)[1] + ".CONT." + str(self.dpr_client.currentClientConfig['nonDprProxyPort']) + "." +self.thread_name+ "." +str(i)+".tmp' -H \"Expect:\" http://" +self.options['CSERVER']+ "/cgi-bin/upload.php"
                            outfile = dnldpath + os.path.split(file)[1] + "." + str(self.dpr_client.proxyPort) + "." + str(i) + ".tmp"
                    if 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                        # add in the upload xfer directives and temp file name.. index needs to be i-1
                        cmd += cmd + " -F 'uploaded=@" +str(file)+ "; filename=" +os.path.split(file)[1] + "." + str(self.dpr_client.proxyPort) + "." +self.thread_name+ "." +str(i)+".tmp' -H \"Expect:\" http://" +self.options['CSERVER']+ "/cgi-bin/upload.php"
                        outfile = dnldpath + os.path.split(file)[1] + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(i) + ".tmp"
                    i += 1

            if 'UPLOAD' not in self.options:
                # pageload is file/obj based cannot redirect output here
                if 'PAGELOAD' in self.options:
                    cmd = cmd + " " +file
                    cmd = cmd + " " + file + " -o " + outfile


        log("CURL CMD : " + cmd)

        # NOTE_TO_SELF - Change to .launch and check for completion while looking if the user called stop thread
        while not self.stop_transfer:

            # Start the transfer
            if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                log('DEBUG', "Transfer " + self.thread_name + ":" + str(self.transfer_id) + " started via: " + cmd)

            output = self.test_client.shell.run(cmd, 1, 1, 1, 0)

            if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                log('DEBUG', "Transfer" + self.thread_name + ":" + str(self.transfer_id) + " ended \nLOCAL FILE: " + str(outfiles) + "\nCURL OUTPUT:\n" + output)

            # Parse the output for errors
            errmsg = utilities.snip(output, "curl: ")

            # Get each stat line
            lines = output.split("\r")

            # Get the values from the last line of output (this will have the best average, but the intermediate ones are available
            values = lines[-1].split()
            stats = {}
            stats["time_finished"] = strftime("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

            if errmsg:
                stats["error"] = self.__class__.__name__ + "() " + errmsg + "\n"
                self.stop_transfer = 1
                    stats["total_%"]       = values[0]
                    stats["total_bytes"]   = values[1]
                    stats["rcvd_%"]        = values[2]
                    stats["rcvd_bytes"]    = values[3]
                    stats["xfer_%"]        = values[4]
                    stats["xfer_bytes"]    = values[5]
                    stats["avg_dload"]     = values[6]
                    stats["avg_uload"]     = values[7]
                    stats["time_total"]    = values[8]
                    stats["time_spent"]    = values[9]
                    stats["time_left"]     = values[10]
                    stats["current_speed"] = values[11]
                    if output.strip() != "":
                        errmsg = "Transfer encountered abnormal output: " + str(output)
                        if "ssh_exchange_identification" in output:
                            errmsg = errmsg + "\nConsider modifying /etc/ssh/ssd_config on the client machine:  MaxStartups 30     (remove the :10:20)"
                        stats["error"] = self.__class__.__name__ + "() " + errmsg + "\n"
                        self.stop_transfer = 1

                    if not 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                        # Process curl download stats. The throughput numbers like avg_dload are like 12K. 
                        # Make them graphable like 12300
                        stats["down_throughput"] = 0
                        if stats["avg_dload"] != "":
                            for unit in ['k', 'M', 'G', 'none']:
                                if unit in stats["avg_dload"]:
                                if unit == 'none':
                                    stats["avg_dload"] = stats["avg_dload"] + "B"
                                    unit = "B"

                                avg_dload = utilities.snip(stats["avg_dload"], 0, unit)

                                # There appears to be a bug in Python where sometimes a string like "13.8" 
                                # when passed to float has unseen garbage.  Maybe it's a fault of utilities.snip
                                # Anyway, reassigning the variable seems to clean up the garbage
                                if avg_dload == "":
                                    avg_dload = 0
                                x = avg_dload

                                # 02/06/15 - DRM: well the above does not always work. Multi-client
                                # force kill causes garbage to be collected as avg_dload and the float
                                # aborts on string data this will overide the Python val error
                                    y = float(x)
                                except ValueError:
                                    y = float(0)
                                    if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                                        log("FLOAT ERROR: converting: " +x+ " to float")

                                multiplier = {"B":1, "k":1024, "M":1024*1024, "G":1024*1024*1024}
                                y = multiplier[unit] * y
                                down_throughput = float(int(y))
                                stats["down_throughput"] = str(down_throughput)

                        # Process curl upload stats. The throughput numbers like avg_dload are like 12K. 
                        # Make them graphable like 12300
                        stats["up_throughput"] = 0
                        if stats["avg_uload"] != "":
                            for unit in ['k', 'M', 'G', 'none']:
                                if unit in stats["avg_uload"]:
                                if unit == 'none':
                                    stats["avg_uload"] = stats["avg_uload"] + "B"
                                    unit = "B"

                                avg_uload = utilities.snip(stats["avg_uload"], 0, unit)

                                # There appears to be a bug in Python where sometimes a string like "13.8" 
                                # when passed to float has unseen garbage.  Maybe it's a fault of utilities.snip
                                # Anyway, reassigning the variable seems to clean up the garbage
                                x = avg_uload

                                # 02/06/15 - DRM: well the above does not always work. Multi-client
                                # force kill causes garbage to be collected as avg_dload and the float
                                # aborts on string data this will overide the Python val error
                                    y = float(x)
                                except ValueError:
                                    y = float(0)
                                    if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                                        log("FLOAT ERROR: converting: " +x+ " to float")

                                multiplier = {"B":1, "k":1024, "M":1024*1024, "G":1024*1024*1024}
                                y = multiplier[unit] * y
                                up_throughput = float(int(y))
                                stats["up_throughput"] = str(up_throughput)

            # Append the stats dictionary onto the parents lists of transfer statistics
            #print("              IN THREAD APPENDING STATS: " + str(stats))

            # Quit if we got a curl error
            if not errmsg == "" and not self.stop_transfer:
                if getOpt('VERBOSE'):
                    msg = "Transfer: " + cmd + " encountered an error:\n\n" + cmd + "\n\n" + output + "\n"
                    msg = self.__class__.__name__ + "() " + msg
                    log('ERROR', "")
                    log('ERROR', "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                    log('ERROR', msg)
                    log('ERROR', "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                    log('ERROR', "")

            # They may have requested a single transfer or continuous or multiple transfers
            if self.count > 0:
                self.count -= 1

            if not self.options['CONTINUOUS'] and self.count <= 0:
                self.stop_transfer = 1

            if 'DELAY_XFER_RESTART' in self.options:

        # Indicate we are no longer running
        self.transfer_running = 0
Exemple #7
    def run(self):

        # Indicate that we have a transfer thread running
        self.transfer_running = 1

        # Set up the transfer command as part of this thread we are in
        # sadly the upload sequence needs the proxy before the upload cmds
        if 'UPLOAD' in self.options and self.options['PROXY'] != 'DIRECT':
            cmd = ""
            # pageload requires a different transfer strategy. Mote: page files objects
            # for transfer MUST be loaded on a local server accessable by the test server.
            if 'PAGELOAD' in self.options:
                cmd = "cd /home/qfreleng/testmget; export http_proxy=; mget -r -p -nc -H --max-redirect 1 --num-threads " + str(
                    self.options['PAGELOAD']) + " --level 1 "
                cmd = "curl"

        # Check if they want HTTP 1.0
        if 'http' in self.options and self.options['http'] == '1.0':
            cmd = cmd + " -0"

        # check and verify curl options if any
        if 'curlopt' in self.options:
            if const_curl_opts[self.options['curlopt']]:
                cmd = cmd + " " + const_curl_opts[self.options['curlopt']]

        outfile = self.options['OUTFILE']
        outfiles = []
        upld_cmd = ""

        dnldpath = ""
        if 'CURL_DNLD_DIR' in self.options:
            dnldpath = self.options['CURL_DNLD_DIR']

        i = 1
        j = 0
        for file in self.transfer_filenames:
            if outfile == "":
                # when in continuous transfer mode a new file of size n gets created every time
                # it runs which means depending on the length of the run the HD starts to fill up.
                # and can eventually max out. So to protect against that use a more common name for resuse.
                if self.options['CONTINUOUS']:
                    if not self.options['PROXY'] == "HTTP_PROXY":
                        # going direct
                        if 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                            cmd += cmd + " -F 'uploaded=@" + str(
                            ) + "; filename=" + os.path.split(
                            )[1] + ".CONT." + str(
                            ) + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(
                            ) + ".tmp' -H \"Expect:\" http://" + self.options[
                                'CSERVER'] + "/cgi-bin/upload.php"
                            outfile = dnldpath + os.path.split(
                                file)[1] + ".CONT." + str(
                                ) + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(
                                    i) + ".tmp"
                        # DRM http proxy
                        if 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                            cmd += cmd + " -F 'uploaded=@" + str(
                            ) + "; filename=" + os.path.split(
                            )[1] + ".CONT." + str(
                            ) + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(
                            ) + ".tmp' -H \"Expect:\" http://" + self.options[
                                'CSERVER'] + "/cgi-bin/upload.php"
                            outfile = dnldpath + os.path.split(
                                file)[1] + "." + str(self.dpr_client.proxyPort
                                                     ) + "." + str(i) + ".tmp"
                    if 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                        # add in the upload xfer directives and temp file name.. index needs to be i-1
                        cmd += cmd + " -F 'uploaded=@" + str(
                        ) + "; filename=" + os.path.split(file)[1] + "." + str(
                        ) + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(
                            i) + ".tmp' -H \"Expect:\" http://" + self.options[
                                'CSERVER'] + "/cgi-bin/upload.php"
                        outfile = dnldpath + os.path.split(file)[
                            1] + "." + self.thread_name + "." + str(i) + ".tmp"
                    i += 1

            if 'UPLOAD' not in self.options:
                # pageload is file/obj based cannot redirect output here
                if 'PAGELOAD' in self.options:
                    cmd = cmd + " " + file
                    cmd = cmd + " " + file + " -o " + outfile

            outfile = ""

        log("CURL CMD : " + cmd)

        # NOTE_TO_SELF - Change to .launch and check for completion while looking if the user called stop thread
        while not self.stop_transfer:

            # Start the transfer
            if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                    'DEBUG', "Transfer " + self.thread_name + ":" +
                    str(self.transfer_id) + " started via: " + cmd)

            output = self.test_client.shell.run(cmd, 1, 1, 1, 0)

            if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                    'DEBUG', "Transfer" + self.thread_name + ":" +
                    str(self.transfer_id) + " ended \nLOCAL FILE: " +
                    str(outfiles) + "\nCURL OUTPUT:\n" + output)

            # Parse the output for errors
            errmsg = utilities.snip(output, "curl: ")

            # Get each stat line
            lines = output.split("\r")

            # Get the values from the last line of output (this will have the best average, but the intermediate ones are available
            values = lines[-1].split()
            stats = {}
            stats["time_finished"] = strftime("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

            if errmsg:
                    "error"] = self.__class__.__name__ + "() " + errmsg + "\n"
                self.stop_transfer = 1
                    stats["total_%"] = values[0]
                    stats["total_bytes"] = values[1]
                    stats["rcvd_%"] = values[2]
                    stats["rcvd_bytes"] = values[3]
                    stats["xfer_%"] = values[4]
                    stats["xfer_bytes"] = values[5]
                    stats["avg_dload"] = values[6]
                    stats["avg_uload"] = values[7]
                    stats["time_total"] = values[8]
                    stats["time_spent"] = values[9]
                    stats["time_left"] = values[10]
                    stats["current_speed"] = values[11]
                    if output.strip() != "":
                        errmsg = "Transfer encountered abnormal output: " + str(
                        if "ssh_exchange_identification" in output:
                            errmsg = errmsg + "\nConsider modifying /etc/ssh/ssd_config on the client machine:  MaxStartups 30     (remove the :10:20)"
                            "error"] = self.__class__.__name__ + "() " + errmsg + "\n"
                        self.stop_transfer = 1


                    if not 'UPLOAD' in self.options:
                        # Process curl download stats. The throughput numbers like avg_dload are like 12K.
                        # Make them graphable like 12300
                        stats["down_throughput"] = 0
                        if stats["avg_dload"] != "":
                            for unit in ['k', 'M', 'G', 'none']:
                                if unit in stats["avg_dload"]:
                                if unit == 'none':
                                        "avg_dload"] = stats["avg_dload"] + "B"
                                    unit = "B"

                                avg_dload = utilities.snip(
                                    stats["avg_dload"], 0, unit)

                                # There appears to be a bug in Python where sometimes a string like "13.8"
                                # when passed to float has unseen garbage.  Maybe it's a fault of utilities.snip
                                # Anyway, reassigning the variable seems to clean up the garbage
                                if avg_dload == "":
                                    avg_dload = 0
                                x = avg_dload

                                # 02/06/15 - DRM: well the above does not always work. Multi-client
                                # force kill causes garbage to be collected as avg_dload and the float
                                # aborts on string data this will overide the Python val error
                                    y = float(x)
                                except ValueError:
                                    y = float(0)
                                    if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                                        log("FLOAT ERROR: converting: " + x +
                                            " to float")

                                multiplier = {
                                    "B": 1,
                                    "k": 1024,
                                    "M": 1024 * 1024,
                                    "G": 1024 * 1024 * 1024
                                y = multiplier[unit] * y
                                down_throughput = float(int(y))
                                stats["down_throughput"] = str(down_throughput)

                        # Process curl upload stats. The throughput numbers like avg_dload are like 12K.
                        # Make them graphable like 12300
                        stats["up_throughput"] = 0
                        if stats["avg_uload"] != "":
                            for unit in ['k', 'M', 'G', 'none']:
                                if unit in stats["avg_uload"]:
                                if unit == 'none':
                                        "avg_uload"] = stats["avg_uload"] + "B"
                                    unit = "B"

                                avg_uload = utilities.snip(
                                    stats["avg_uload"], 0, unit)

                                # There appears to be a bug in Python where sometimes a string like "13.8"
                                # when passed to float has unseen garbage.  Maybe it's a fault of utilities.snip
                                # Anyway, reassigning the variable seems to clean up the garbage
                                x = avg_uload

                                # 02/06/15 - DRM: well the above does not always work. Multi-client
                                # force kill causes garbage to be collected as avg_dload and the float
                                # aborts on string data this will overide the Python val error
                                    y = float(x)
                                except ValueError:
                                    y = float(0)
                                    if getOpt('VERBOSE_TRANSFER'):
                                        log("FLOAT ERROR: converting: " + x +
                                            " to float")

                                multiplier = {
                                    "B": 1,
                                    "k": 1024,
                                    "M": 1024 * 1024,
                                    "G": 1024 * 1024 * 1024
                                y = multiplier[unit] * y
                                up_throughput = float(int(y))
                                stats["up_throughput"] = str(up_throughput)

            # Append the stats dictionary onto the parents lists of transfer statistics
            #print("              IN THREAD APPENDING STATS: " + str(stats))

            # Quit if we got a curl error
            if not errmsg == "" and not self.stop_transfer:
                if getOpt('VERBOSE'):
                    msg = "Transfer: " + cmd + " encountered an error:\n\n" + cmd + "\n\n" + output + "\n"
                    msg = self.__class__.__name__ + "() " + msg
                    log('ERROR', "")
                    log('ERROR', msg)
                    log('ERROR', "")

            # They may have requested a single transfer or continuous or multiple transfers
            if self.count > 0:
                self.count -= 1

            if not self.options['CONTINUOUS'] and self.count <= 0:
                self.stop_transfer = 1

            if 'DELAY_XFER_RESTART' in self.options:

        # Indicate we are no longer running
        self.transfer_running = 0