Exemple #1
def RunImplTestCase(fullName, lang, posdef):

    ok = convert.ConvertLanguage(lang, fullName)

    # Remove the files we expect output in to
    if ok:
        util.RemoveTestFiles(fullName, [".arg.res"])

    # Run the test
    if ok:
        interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('tc', lang, 'impl', 'interpreter',
        if posdef == 'pos':
            defFlg = ""
            defFlg = " -d "
        localName = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".vdm"
        resName = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".arg.res"

        cmd = interpreter + defFlg + " -t -f " + localName + " 2>" + resName

        # Now run the interpreter
        (exitCode, stdout, stderr) = util.RunCommand(cmd, None, None, true,

        # Ensure that the interpreter actually did type check anything.
        # That is in contract to if it stoped due to a syntax error or a core dump.
#    if re.search("Type checking [^\n]* done", stdout) == None:
#      report.Error("text 'type check ... done' not found on stdout while running the type checker",
#                   "This might be due to a core dump, a syntax error or the like\n" +
#                   "This does anyway indicate that the type checking was never done",
#                   stdout, stderr)
#      ok = false

    if ok:
        expResName = resfile.FindResFile(fullName)

        # read the result from the result file, and translate it to a list of numbers
        #    result = TranslateResultImpl(stdout)
        result = TranslateResultImpl(util.ReadFile(resName))
        if result == None:
            ok = false

    if ok:
        if expResName == None:
            print("Not validating result (2)")
            if util.KeepFile(false):
                WriteResult(fullName, result)
            ok = false

    if ok:
        # Validate the result.
            4, "Validating result with result file: '" + expResName + "'")
        ok = ValidateResult(fullName, expResName, result, stdout, stderr)

        if util.KeepFile(ok):
            WriteResult(fullName, result)

    return ok
Exemple #2
def StripSemValue(fullName, lang, dtc):
  interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('ip', lang, 'spec', 'sem-backend', dtc)

  inNm = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".arg.res"
  outNm = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".res"
  cmd = interpreter + " < " + inNm + " > " + outNm
  return util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Error while stripping semantic values")
Exemple #3
def StripSemValue(fullName, lang, dtc):
    interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('pog', lang, 'spec', 'sem-backend')

    inNm = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".arg.res"
    outNm = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".res"
    #  cmd = interpreter + " < " + inNm + " > " + outNm
    #  return util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Error while stripping semantic values")
    return util.WriteFile(outNm, util.ReadFile(inNm))
Exemple #4
def RunImplTestCase(fullName, lang, dtc):

    # Remove the files we expect output in to
    util.RemoveTestFiles(fullName, [".arg.res"])

    # Run the test
    interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('pog', lang, 'impl', 'interpreter')

    localName = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".vdm"
    outputFile = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".res"
    argFile = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".arg"

    ok = SetupArgFile(fullName, lang)
    if not ok:
        return false

    if dtc == 'dtcon':
        dtccmd = "-DPIQ"
        dtccmd = ""

    cmd = interpreter + " -G -O " + outputFile + " " + localName

    # Now run the interpreter
    (exitCode, stdout, stderr) = util.RunCommand(cmd, None, None, true)

    expResultFile = resfile.FindResFile(fullName)
    if expResultFile == None:
        ok = false

    if ok:

        if exitCode != 0:
            ## Maybe a runtime error occured.

            # Note the order of the next binary expression ensures that
            # CompareRunTimeError is executed even though no expected result was
            # found! This is necesary as this function generates the result one
            # can copy in place
            ok = CompareRunTimeError(fullName, expResultFile, stdout) and ok
            return ok

        # Was output produced?
        if not os.path.exists(outputFile):
                ` cmd ` + " didn't produce the expected result file: " +
                ` outputFile `,
                "Either command was malformed, or the interpreter crashed.")
            return false

        interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('pog', lang, 'impl',
        #    ok = resfile.CompareResult(fullName, outputFile, expResultFile, interpreter)
        ok = CompareResult(fullName, outputFile, expResultFile, interpreter)
        return ok
Exemple #5
def executeImpl(lang):
  global srcext, binext
  # counter to indicate progress
  total = 1

  # jobSize is used to give a low level of outputting
  jobSize = cmdline.LookUp('spec-job-size')

  # Initialize the extraction of test cases.
  gentestcases.StartSearch('cpp', lang, 'impl')
  name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

  while (name != None):
    if (total % jobSize) == 1:
      report.Progress(2, "Handling test cases " + `total` + "..." + `total + jobSize-1`)
    report.Progress(3, "Running " + name)

    (ok, modules) = RunImplTestCase(name, lang)

    if util.CleanFile(ok):
      bn = util.ExtractName(name)
      util.DeleteFiles([bn+".vdm",bn+".res", "icode." + srcext, "icode" + binext,"CGBase." + srcext, "CGBase.h", "CGBase.obj", "icode.obj", "compare.arg", "compare.vdm"])
      if modules:
        for mod0 in modules:
          mod = string.replace(mod0, "_", "_u")
          util.DeleteFiles([mod+"." + srcext, mod+".h", mod+"_anonym." + srcext, mod+"_anonym.h",mod+"_userdef.h", mod + ".obj"])
    name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()
    total = total +1
Exemple #6
def CreateDebugFile(fileName, templateName, extra):
  base = util.ExtractName(fileName)
  astFile   = base + ".ast"
  debugFile = base + ".debug"  
  report.Progress(4, "Creating debug (" + debugFile +")")

  ast = util.ReadFile(astFile)
  if ast == None:
    return false

  template = util.GetTemplate(templateName)
  if template == None:
    return false
  data = util.SubString("<<AST>>", ast, template)
  for key in extra.keys():
    data = util.SubString(key, extra[key], data)

  ok = util.WriteFile(debugFile, data)
  if not ok:
    return false

  # Make a symlink from the debug file til debug.arg
  ok = util.SymLink(debugFile, "debug.arg")
  return ok
Exemple #7
def PrepareSpecCase(fullName, lang):
  report.Progress(3, "preparing " + fullName)

  ok = convert.ConvertLanguage(lang, fullName)

  if ok:
    parser = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('cpp', lang, 'spec', 'parser')
    ok = convert.VDM2AST(fullName, parser, true)

  if ok:
    ok = convert.CreateOptionsFile(fullName)

  if ok:
    convert.CreateDebugFile(fullName, "debug-file-cpp", {'<<CGKIND>>' : '<CPP>'} )

  if ok:
    ok = convert.CreateArgFile(fullName, "arg-file-cpp",  {'<<CGKIND>>' : '<CPP>'} )

  if ok:
    ok = convert.AppendToDotVdmtest(fullName)

  # Clean up if test case failed
  if not ok and util.CleanFile(ok):
    baseName = util.ExtractName(fullName)
    util.DeleteFiles([baseName+".vdm", baseName+".ast", baseName+".arg", baseName+".debug", "debug.arg"])
  return ok
Exemple #8
def RunTestCase(name, lang, type):
  baseName = util.ExtractName(name)
  #compile and run
  compiler = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('metaiv', lang, type, 'compiler')
  flags = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('metaiv', lang, type, 'cflags')
  cmd = compiler + " -o driver driver.cc " + name + " " + flags
  (exitCode, dummy1, dummy2) = util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Problem whith compiling")

  ok = (exitCode == 0)
  if ok:
    if not os.path.exists("driver"):
      report.Error("Driveri binary is not created")

  (exitCode, stdout, stderr) = util.RunCommand("./driver" + binext, 0, "Error running c++ generated c++ binary", true)
  ok = (exitCode == 0)

  #compare results with expected result files
  if ok:
    ok = util.WriteFile(baseName + ".res", stdout)
    report.Error("Output", None, stdout, stderr)
  if ok:
    resFile = resfile.FindResFile(name)
    ok = (resFile != None)
  if ok:
    resfile.CompareResult(name, baseName + ".res", resFile, None)

  return ok
Exemple #9
def CodeGenerateImpl(fullName, lang, modules):
    localName = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".vdm"

    # Clean out the files we expect as output from the code generation.
    for mod in modules:
        util.DeleteFiles([mod + ".java", "external_" + mod + ".java"])

    exitCode0 = os.system("rm -f ./quotes/* ./*.class")

    CopyFilesForMerging(fullName, modules)

    # Run the code generation
    interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, 'impl',

    options = convert.ParseOptionsFile(fullName)

    cmd = interpreter + options + " -j -e -P " + localName
    #cmd = interpreter + options + " -j -e -P -L " + localName
    (exitCode, dummy1, dummy2) = util.RunCommand(
        cmd, 0, "Problem code generating specification, " +
        "maybe syntax or type error in test case")
    ok = (exitCode == 0)

    if ok:
        ok = VerifyPresenceOfGeneratedFiles(fullName, modules)

    return ok
Exemple #10
def RunTestCases(lang, vdmApp, clientID):
    toolMediator = ToolMediator(vdmApp, clientID)

    total = 1

    # jobSize is used to give a low level of outputting
    jobSize = cmdline.LookUp('spec-job-size')

    # Initialize the extraction of test cases.
    gentestcases.StartSearch('api', lang, 'impl')
    name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

    while (name != None):
        if (total % jobSize) == 1:
                2, "Handling test cases " + str(total) + "..." +
                str(total + jobSize - 1))
        report.Progress(3, "Running " + name)

        ok = RunApiTestCase(name, lang, toolMediator)

        if util.CleanFile(ok):
            bn = util.ExtractName(name)
            util.DeleteFiles([bn + ".vdm"])
        name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()
        total = total + 1

    return true
Exemple #11
def RunTestCase(name, lang, type, coverageFile):

    stdout = None
    stderr = None

    baseName = util.ExtractName(name)
    ok = true

    #run the test cases
    cmd = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('cpp', lang, 'spec', 'interpreter')
    cmd = cmd + " -D -P -a -b -R " + coverageFile
    exitCode = util.RunCommand(
        cmd, 0, "Possible core dump while interpreting specification.")

    # See if a result file was created
    if ok:
        if not os.path.exists(baseName + ".arg.res"):
            report.Error("No result file generated for test case " + name,
                         "Maybe it failed before")
            ok = false

    if ok:
        resFile = resfile.FindResFile(name)
        ok = (resFile != None)
    if ok:
        ok = resfile.CompareResult(name, baseName + ".arg.res", resFile, None)

    return ok
Exemple #12
def executeImpl(lang):
    # counter to indicate progress
    total = 1

    # jobSize is used to give a low level of outputting
    jobSize = cmdline.LookUp('spec-job-size')

    # Initialize the extraction of test cases.
    gentestcases.StartSearch('java', lang, 'impl')
    name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

    while (name != None):
        if (total % jobSize) == 1:
                2, "Handling test cases " + str(total) + "..." +
                str(total + jobSize - 1))
        report.Progress(3, "Running " + name)

        (ok, modules) = RunImplTestCase(name, lang)

        if util.CleanFile(ok):
            bn = util.ExtractName(name)
                bn + ".vdm", bn + ".res", "TMAIN.java", "compare.arg",
            if modules:
                for mod in modules:
                        mod + ".java", "external_" + mod + ".java",
                        mod + ".class"
        name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()
        total = total + 1
Exemple #13
def execute(lang, type):
    global ext, binext

    #  ok = convert.SetupSpecification(lang, 'j2vtf')
    #  if not ok:
    #    report.Error("ABORTING specification test for " + `lang`)
    #    return

    #counter to indicate progress
    total = 1

    #setting the coverage file
    coverageFile = "rtinfo.ast"

    #Set expected results
    expSet = resfile.MakeStdExpansionSet('j2vtf', lang, type)

    #jobSize is used to give a low level of outputting
    jobSize = cmdline.LookUp('spec-job-size')

    #initialize the extraction of test cases
    gentestcases.StartSearch('j2vtf', lang, type)
    name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

    while (name != None):

        #setting report

        if (total % jobSize) == 1:
                2, "Handling test cases " + ` total ` + "..." +
                ` total + jobSize - 1 `)
        report.Progress(3, "Running " + name)

        ok = convert.ConvertLanguage(lang, name)

        if ok:
            ok = PrepareSpecCase(name, lang)

        if ok:
            ok = RunTestCase(name, lang, type, coverageFile)

        #cleaning up
        if ok:
            if util.CleanFile(ok):
                baseName = util.ExtractName(name)
                    baseName + ".vdm", baseName + ".ast", baseName + ".arg",
                    baseName + ".debug", baseName + ".res",
                    baseName + ".arg.res", baseName + ".arg.pt", "debug.arg"
        #  break

        #generates next test case
        name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

        total = total + 1
Exemple #14
def PrepareSpecCase(name, lang):

    report.Progress(3, "Preparing " + name)

    parser = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('j2vtf', lang, 'spec', 'parser')
    ok = convert.VDM2AST(name, parser, false)

    if ok:
        ok = convert.CreateOptionsFile(name)

    if ok:
        extra = GetIdSet()
        ok = convert.CreateDebugFile(name, "debug-file-j2vtf", extra)

    if ok:
        ok = convert.CreateArgFile(name, "arg-file-j2vtf", extra)


    if ok:
        ok = convert.AppendToDotVdmtest(name)

    # Clean up if preparation failed
    if not ok and util.CleanFile(ok):
        baseName = util.ExtractName(name)
            baseName + ".arg", baseName + ".ast", baseName + ".debug",

    return ok
Exemple #15
def executeImpl(lang, posdef):

    # counter to indicate progress
    total = 1

    # jobSize is used to give a low level of outputting
    jobSize = cmdline.LookUp('spec-job-size')

    # Initialize the extraction of test cases.
    gentestcases.StartSearch('tc', lang, 'impl')
    name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

    while (name != None):
        if (total % jobSize) == 1:
                2, "Handling test cases " + ` total ` + "..." +
                ` total + jobSize - 1 `)
        report.Progress(3, "Running " + name)

        ok = RunImplTestCase(name, lang, posdef)

        if util.CleanFile(ok):
            bn = util.ExtractName(name)
            util.DeleteFiles([bn + ".vdm"])
        name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()
        total = total + 1
Exemple #16
def CodeGenerateImpl(fullName, lang, modules):
    global srcext
    localName = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".vdm"

    # Clean out the files we expect as output from the code generation.
    for mod0 in modules:
        mod = mod0.replace("_", "_u")
            mod + "." + srcext, mod + ".h", mod + "_anonym." + srcext,
            mod + "_anonym.h", mod + "_userdef.h"

    # Run the code generation
    interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('cpp', lang, 'impl', 'code-generator')

    cmd = interpreter + " -c -P " + localName
    (exitCode, dummy1, dummy2) = util.RunCommand(
        cmd, 0,
        "Problem code generating specification, maybe syntax or type error in test case"
    ok = (exitCode == 0)

    if ok:
        ok = VerifyPresenceOfGeneratedFiles(fullName, modules)

    return ok
Exemple #17
def TranslateResultSpec(fullName):
    bn = util.ExtractName(fullName)
    testName = bn + ".arg.res"

    data = util.ReadFile(testName)
    if data == None:
        return None

    return TranslateResultCommon(data)
Exemple #18
def CreateArgFile(fileName, templateName, extra):
  argFile = util.ExtractName(fileName) + ".arg"  
  astFile = util.ExtractName(fileName) + ".ast"
  report.Progress(4, "Creating arg file (" + argFile +")")
  template = util.GetTemplate(templateName)
  if template == None:
    return false
  ast = util.ReadFile(astFile)
  if ast == None:
    return false

  data = util.SubString('<<AST>>', ast, template)
  for key in extra.keys():
    data = util.SubString(key, extra[key], data)

  ok = util.WriteFile(argFile, data)
  return ok
Exemple #19
def RunSpecTestCases(fullNames, lang, coverageFile):

    # remove files we expect output in to.
    for fullName in fullNames:
                             [".arg.pt", ".arg.res", ".arg.err", ".arg.msg"])

    exitCode0 = os.system("rm -f quotes/*.java")

    # run the test cases
    cmd = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, 'spec', 'code-generator')
    cmd = cmd + " -D -a -b -R " + coverageFile
    exitCode = util.RunCommand(
        cmd, 0, "Possible core dump while interpreting specification.")

    okNames = []
    # Now validate the results
    for fullName in fullNames:
        bn = util.ExtractName(fullName)
        semResName = bn + ".arg.res"
        resName = bn + ".res"
        ok = true

        if ok:
            # Find the module or class names of the input specification.
            modules = convert.ModulesInSpecification(fullName, lang)
            if modules == None:
                ok = false

        # Clean out the files we expect as output from the code generation.
        for mod in modules:
            util.DeleteFiles([mod + ".java", "external_" + mod + ".java"])

        # See if a result file was created
        if ok:
            if not os.path.exists(semResName):
                    "No result file generated for test case " + fullName,
                    "Maybe the code generation failed for " +
                    "one of the previous test cases")
                ok = false


        if ok:
            ok = ExtractSourceFiles(fullName, lang, modules)

        if ok:
            ok = CompileRunAndCompare(fullName, lang, 'spec', modules)

        if ok:

    return (okNames, modules)
Exemple #20
def RunSpecTestCases(fullNames, lang, dtc, coverageFile):
  # remove files we expect output in to.
  for fullName in fullNames:
    util.RemoveTestFiles(fullName, [".arg.pt", ".arg.res", ".arg.err", ".arg.msg"])

  # run the test cases
  interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('pog', lang, 'spec', 'interpreter')
#  cmd = interpreter + " -a -b -R " + coverageFile + " ../pog/test.vdm"
  cmd = interpreter + " -a -b -R " + coverageFile
  exitCode = util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Possible core dump while interpreting specification.")

  okNames = []
  # Now validate the results
  for fullName in fullNames:
    bn = util.ExtractName(fullName)
    semResName = bn + ".arg.res"
    resName = bn + ".res"
    errName = bn + ".arg.msg"

    # See if a result file was created
    if not os.path.exists(semResName) and not os.path.exists(errName):
      report.Error("No result or error file generated for test case " + fullName, 
                "Maybe the interpreting toolbox failed for one of the previous test cases")

    # Find expected result file
    ok = true
    expResultFile = FindResFile(fullName)
    if expResultFile == None:
      ok = false
    if os.path.exists(errName):
      # See if an error file is generated.
      data = util.ReadFile(errName)
      if data == None:
      # Note the order of the next binary expression ensures that
      # CompareRunTimeError is executed even though no expected result was
      # found! This is necesary as this function generates the result one
      # can copy in place
      ok = CompareRunTimeError(fullName, expResultFile, data) and ok
      # Strip sem values
      ok = ok and StripSemValue(fullName, lang, dtc)
      # validate expected result then
      if ok:
        interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('pog', lang, 'spec', 'spec-compare')
        ok = CompareResult(fullName, resName, expResultFile, interpreter)

    if ok:

  return okNames
Exemple #21
def ExtractSourceFiles(fullName, lang, modules):
  resName = util.ExtractName(fullName) + ".arg.res"
  cmd = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('cpp', lang, 'spec', 'extract-source-backend')

  cmd = cmd + " cpp " + resName
  (exitCode, dummy1, dummy2) = util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Problem extracting source files from output from C++ code generator specification")
  ok = (exitCode == 0)

  if ok:
    ok = VerifyPresenceOfGeneratedFiles(fullName, modules)
  return ok
Exemple #22
def RunSpecTestCases(names, lang, posdef, coverageFile):

    # remove files we expect output in to.
    for fullName in names:
        util.RemoveTestFiles(fullName, [".arg.pt", ".arg.res"])

    # run the test cases
    interpreter = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('tc', lang, 'spec', 'interpreter',
    cmd = interpreter + " -a -b -I -D -P -R " + coverageFile
    exitCode = util.RunCommand(
        cmd, 0, "Possible core dump while interpreting specification.", false,

    okNames = []
    # Now validate the results
    for fullName in names:
        bn = util.ExtractName(fullName)
        resName = bn + ".arg.res"

        # See if a result file was created
        if not os.path.exists(resName):
                "No result generated for test case " + fullName,
                "Maybe the interpreting toolbox failed for one of the previous test cases"

        # read the result from the result file, and translate it to a list of numbers
        result = TranslateResultSpec(fullName)
        if result == None:

        # Find the expected result file
        expResName = resfile.FindResFile(fullName)

        if expResName == None:
            if util.KeepFile(false):
                WriteResult(fullName, result)

        # Validate the result.
            4, "Validating result with result file: " + ` expResName `)
        ok = ValidateResult(fullName, expResName, result, None, None)
        if ok:

        if util.KeepFile(ok):
            WriteResult(fullName, result)

    return okNames
Exemple #23
def CompileRunAndCompare(fullName, lang, type, modules):
    global packageMap
    baseName = util.ExtractName(fullName)
    ok = true

    if ok:
        ok = CreateArgFile(fullName, lang, modules)

    standardlibs = convert.GetStandardLibs()
    libdir = os.path.expandvars(cmdline.LookUp('java-stdlib-dir'))
    for lib in standardlibs:
        libfile = lib + ".java"
        util.CopyFile(libdir + "/" + libfile, libfile)

    if ok:
        ok = CompileJavaFiles(fullName, lang, type, modules)

    interpreter = os.path.expandvars(
        cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type, 'interpreter'))

    if ok:
        # Execute the binary
        flags = os.path.expandvars(
            cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type, 'rtflags'))

        (exitCode, stdout,
         stderr) = util.RunCommand(interpreter + " " + flags + " TMAIN", 0,
                                   "Error running Java " + "generated  binary",
        print("java " + flags + " TMAIN run")
        ok = (exitCode == 0)

    if ok:
        ok = util.WriteFile(baseName + ".res", stdout)

    if ok:
        resFile = resfile.FindResFile(fullName)
        ok = (resFile != None)

    if ok:
        ok = CompareRunTimeError(fullName, resFile)

        lib = ""

        if ok == None:  # It was not a runtime error
            interpreter = lib + cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type,

            # Compare the result
            ok = resfile.CompareResult(fullName, baseName + ".res", resFile,

    return ok
Exemple #24
def execute(lang, type):
  global ext, binext

  #counter to indicate progress
  total = 1
  #os type
  if util.IsWindowsOS() and os.environ.get('OSTYPE') == 'win32':
    ext = "cpp"
    binext = ".exe"
    ext = "cc"
  #main() file
  compiler = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('metaiv', lang, type, 'compiler')
  flags = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('metaiv', lang, type, 'cflags')
  MakeDriverAndObjectFiles("driver." + ext, compiler, flags)
  #Set expected results  
  expSet = resfile.MakeStdExpansionSet('metaiv', lang, 'impl')
  #jobSize is used to give a low level of outputting
  jobSize = cmdline.LookUp('spec-job-size')
  #initialize the extraction of test cases
  gentestcases.StartSearch('metaiv', lang, type)
  name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()

  while (name != None):

    #setting report
    if (total % jobSize) == 1:
      report.Progress(2, "Handling test cases " + str(total) + "..." + str(total + jobSize - 1))
    report.Progress(3, "Running " + name)
    ok = RunTestCase(name, lang, type)

    #cleaning up
    if ok:  
      if util.CleanFile(ok):
        baseName = util.ExtractName(name)  
        util.DeleteFiles([baseName + ".res"])#, "driver" + binext]) 

    #generates next test case
    name = gentestcases.NextTestCase()
    total = total + 1
Exemple #25
def VDM2AST(fileName, parser, typeCheck):
    base = util.ExtractName(fileName)
    vdmFile = base + ".vdm"
    astFile = base + ".ast"
        4, "Converting testcase from VDM to AST (creating " + astFile + ")")

    # First delete the m4pp file.
    if (os.path.exists("m4pp")):
        except os.error, (no, msg):
            report.Error("Error while removing 'm4pp': " + msg)
            return false
Exemple #26
def SetupArgFile(fullName,lang):
  argNm = util.StripExt(fullName)+".arg"
  localNm = util.ExtractName(fullName)+".arg"
  if os.path.exists(argNm):
    data = util.ReadFile(argNm)
    if data == None:
      return false
    if lang != 'sl':
      data = re.sub("^(.*)`(.*)\s*$", "new \\1().\\2", data, re.M)
    return util.WriteFile(localNm, data)
    argFile = sys.path[0]+"/ip-files/iprun-" + lang + ".arg"
    return util.CopyFile(argFile,localNm)
Exemple #27
def RunSpecTestCases(fullNames, lang, coverageFile):

    # remove files we expect output in to.
    for fullName in fullNames:
                             [".arg.pt", ".arg.res", ".arg.err", ".arg.msg"])

    # run the test cases
    #cmd = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/omniORB/lib "
    #cmd = cmd + cmdline.LookUpWildCard('cpp', lang, 'spec', 'interpreter')
    cmd = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('cpp', lang, 'spec', 'interpreter')

    cmd = cmd + " -D -P -a -b -R " + coverageFile
    exitCode = util.RunCommand(
        cmd, 0, "Possible core dump while interpreting specification.")

    okNames = []
    # Now validate the results
    for fullName in fullNames:
        bn = util.ExtractName(fullName)
        semResName = bn + ".arg.res"
        resName = bn + ".res"
        ok = true

        if ok:
            # Find the module or class names of the input specification.
            modules = convert.ModulesInSpecification(fullName, lang)
            if modules == None:
                ok = false

        # See if a result file was created
        if ok:
            if not os.path.exists(semResName):
                    "No result file generated for test case " + fullName,
                    "Maybe the code generation failed for one of the previous test cases"
                ok = false

        if ok:
            ok = ExtractSourceFiles(fullName, lang, modules)

        if ok:
            ok = CompileRunAndCompare(fullName, lang, 'spec', modules)

        if ok:

    return okNames
Exemple #28
def VDM2AST(fileName,parser, typeCheck):
  base = util.ExtractName(fileName)
  vdmFile = base + ".vdm"
  astFile = base + ".ast" 
  report.Progress(4, "Converting testcase from VDM to AST (creating " + astFile + ")")

  # First delete the m4pp file.
  if (os.path.exists("m4pp")):
    except os.error:
      _, (_, msg), _ = sys.exc_info()
      report.Error("Error while removing 'm4pp': " + msg)
      return false

  # run the parser
  if typeCheck:
    cmd = parser + " -ta " + vdmFile
    cmd = parser + " -pa " + vdmFile

  (exitCode, stdout, stderr) = util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Error in input file (" + vdmFile +"), possible syntax error")
  if exitCode != 0:
    return false

  # verify that a m4pp file has been created.
  if not os.path.exists("m4pp"):
    report.Error("command '" + cmd + "' didn't produce a m4pp file, though return code was 0",
          "Command may not be a vdmde command with -pa flag")
    return false

  # Finally move m4pp to 'astFile'
  if (os.path.exists(astFile)):
    except os.error:
      _, (_, msg), _ = sys.exc_info()
      report.Error("Error while removing " + astFile + ": " + msg)
      return false

    os.rename('m4pp', astFile)
  except os.error:
    _, (_, msg), _ = sys.exc_info()
    report.Error("Couldn't move file 'm4pp' to " + astFile + ": " + msg)
    return false

  return true
Exemple #29
def CompileJavaFiles(fullName, lang, type, modules):
    baseName = util.ExtractName(fullName)

    # Find the compiler to use
    compiler = os.path.expandvars(
        cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type, 'compiler'))

    # figure out the names of all the Java files
    javaFiles = "TMAIN.java"

    for mod in modules:
        if os.path.exists(mod + ".java"):
            javaFiles = javaFiles + " " + mod + ".java"
            package = convert.GetModCls()
            packageStrings = package.split('.')
            packageDir = util.join(packageStrings, '/')
            if os.path.exists(packageDir +
                              ".java") and not packageDir in modules:
                print("-------> here")
                javaFiles = javaFiles + " " + packageDir + ".java"

        if os.path.exists("external_" + mod + ".java"):
            javaFiles = javaFiles + " external_" + mod + ".java"

    # Find the flags for the compiler
    flags = os.path.expandvars(
        os.path.expanduser(cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type,

    # First delete the binary.

    # build the command and execute it.
    cmd = compiler + " -d . " + flags + " " + javaFiles

    (exitCode, dummy1,
     dummy2) = util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Problem when compiling generated code")
    ok = (exitCode == 0)

    if ok:
        if not os.path.exists("TMAIN.class"):
                "TMAIN.class was not created as a result of compiling the generated Java files"
            return false

    return ok
Exemple #30
def PrepareSpecCase(fullName, lang, dtc):
    report.Progress(3, "preparing " + fullName)

    ok = convert.ConvertLanguage(lang, fullName)

    if ok:
        parser = cmdline.LookUpWildCard('ip', lang, 'spec', 'parser', dtc)
        ok = convert.VDM2AST(fullName, parser, false)

    if ok:
        ok = convert.CreateOptionsFile(fullName)

    argStr = CreateArgumentAst(fullName, lang)
    if argStr == None:
        ok = false

    if dtc == 'dtcon':
        dtcbool = 'true'
        dtcbool = 'false'

    if ok:
        convert.CreateDebugFile(fullName, "debug-file-ip", {
            '<<ARG>>': argStr,
            '<<DTC>>': dtcbool

    if ok:
        ok = convert.CreateArgFile(fullName, "arg-file-ip", {
            '<<ARG>>': argStr,
            '<<DTC>>': dtcbool

    if ok:
        ok = convert.AppendToDotVdmtest(fullName)

    # Clean up if test case failed
    if not ok and util.CleanFile(ok):
        baseName = util.ExtractName(fullName)
            baseName + ".vdm", baseName + ".ast", baseName + ".arg",
            baseName + ".debug"

    return ok