Exemple #1
 def set_texcoord_sourceset(self, t):
     if len(t) != len(self._texcoord_sourceset):
         raise DaeMalformedError('Wrong number of texcoord sources')
     try: self._texcoordset = tuple([ 
                 checkSource(self.sourceById[c], ('S', 'T'), 
                              self.maxtexcoordsetindex[i]).data for i,c in enumerate(t)])
     except KeyError, ex: raise DaeBrokenRefError('Setting missing texcoord source in triangle set')
     self._texcoord_sourceset = tuple(t)
    def __init__(self, sourcebyid, bind_shape_matrix, joint_source, joint_matrix_source,
                 weight_source, weight_joint_source, vcounts, vertex_weight_index,
                 offsets, geometry, controller_node=None, skin_node=None):
        """Create a skin.

            A dict mapping id's to a collada source
            A numpy array of floats (pre-shape)
            The string id for the joint source
            The string id for the joint matrix source
            The string id for the weight source
            The string id for the joint source of weights
            A list with the number of influences on each vertex
            An array with the indexes as they come from <v> array
            A list with the offsets in the weight index array for each source
            in (joint, weight)
            The source geometry this should be applied to (geometry.Geometry)
            XML node of the <controller> tag which is the parent of this
            XML node of the <skin> tag if this is from there

        self.sourcebyid = sourcebyid
        self.bind_shape_matrix = bind_shape_matrix
        self.joint_source = joint_source
        self.joint_matrix_source = joint_matrix_source
        self.weight_source = weight_source
        self.weight_joint_source = weight_joint_source
        self.vcounts = vcounts
        self.vertex_weight_index = vertex_weight_index
        self.offsets = offsets
        self.geometry = geometry
        self.controller_node = controller_node
        self.skin_node = skin_node
        self.xmlnode = controller_node
        if not type(self.geometry) is Geometry:
            raise DaeMalformedError('Invalid reference geometry in skin')
        self.id = controller_node.get('id')
        if self.id is None:
            raise DaeMalformedError('Controller node requires an ID')
        self.nindices = max(self.offsets) + 1
        if len(bind_shape_matrix) != 16:
            raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted bind shape matrix in skin')
        self.bind_shape_matrix.shape = (4,4)
        if not(joint_source in sourcebyid and joint_matrix_source in sourcebyid):
            raise DaeBrokenRefError("Input in joints not found")
        if not(type(sourcebyid[joint_source]) is source.NameSource or type(sourcebyid[joint_source]) is source.IDRefSource):
            raise DaeIncompleteError("Could not find joint name input for skin")
        if not type(sourcebyid[joint_matrix_source]) is source.FloatSource:
            raise DaeIncompleteError("Could not find joint matrix source for skin")
        joint_names = [j for j in sourcebyid[joint_source]]
        joint_matrices = sourcebyid[joint_matrix_source].data
        joint_matrices.shape = (-1,4,4)
        if len(joint_names) != len(joint_matrices):
            raise DaeMalformedError("Skin joint and matrix inputs must be same length")
        self.joint_matrices = {}
        for n,m in zip(joint_names, joint_matrices):
            self.joint_matrices[n] = m
        if not(weight_source in sourcebyid and weight_joint_source in sourcebyid):
            raise DaeBrokenRefError("Weights input in joints not found")
        if not type(sourcebyid[weight_source]) is source.FloatSource:
            raise DaeIncompleteError("Could not find weight inputs for skin")
        if not(type(sourcebyid[weight_joint_source]) is source.NameSource or type(sourcebyid[weight_joint_source]) is source.IDRefSource):
            raise DaeIncompleteError("Could not find weight joint source input for skin")
        self.weights = sourcebyid[weight_source]
        self.weight_joints = sourcebyid[weight_joint_source]
            newshape = []
            at = 0
            for ct in self.vcounts:
                this_set = self.vertex_weight_index[self.nindices*at:self.nindices*(at+ct)]
                this_set.shape = (ct, self.nindices)
            self.index = newshape
            raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted vcounts or index in skin weights')
            self.joint_index = [influence[:, self.offsets[0]] for influence in self.index]
            self.weight_index = [influence[:, self.offsets[1]] for influence in self.index]
            raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted joint or weight index in skin')
        self.max_joint_index = numpy.max( [numpy.max(joint) if len(joint) > 0 else 0 for joint in self.joint_index] )
        self.max_weight_index = numpy.max( [numpy.max(weight) if len(weight) > 0 else 0 for weight in self.weight_index] )
        checkSource(self.weight_joints, ('JOINT',), self.max_joint_index)
        checkSource(self.weights, ('WEIGHT',), self.max_weight_index)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, sources, material, index, xmlnode=None):
        """A LineSet should not be created manually. Instead, call the
        :meth:`collada.geometry.Geometry.createLineSet` method after
        creating a geometry instance.

        if len(sources) == 0: raise DaeIncompleteError('A line set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
        if not 'VERTEX' in sources: raise DaeIncompleteError('Line set requires vertex input')

        #find max offset
        max_offset = max([ max([input[0] for input in input_type_array])
                          for input_type_array in sources.itervalues() if len(input_type_array) > 0])

        self.sources = sources
        self.material = material
        self.index = index
        self.indices = self.index
        self.nindices = max_offset + 1
        self.index.shape = (-1, 2, self.nindices)
        self.nlines = len(self.index)

        if len(self.index) > 0:
            self._vertex = sources['VERTEX'][0][4].data
            self._vertex_index = self.index[:,:, sources['VERTEX'][0][0]]
            self.maxvertexindex = numpy.max( self._vertex_index )
            checkSource(sources['VERTEX'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxvertexindex)
            self._vertex = None
            self._vertex_index = None
            self.maxvertexindex = -1

        if 'NORMAL' in sources and len(sources['NORMAL']) > 0 and len(self.index) > 0:
            self._normal = sources['NORMAL'][0][4].data
            self._normal_index = self.index[:,:, sources['NORMAL'][0][0]]
            self.maxnormalindex = numpy.max( self._normal_index )
            checkSource(sources['NORMAL'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxnormalindex)
            self._normal = None
            self._normal_index = None
            self.maxnormalindex = -1
        if 'TEXCOORD' in sources and len(sources['TEXCOORD']) > 0 and len(self.index) > 0:
            self._texcoordset = tuple([texinput[4].data for texinput in sources['TEXCOORD']])
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple([ self.index[:,:, sources['TEXCOORD'][i][0]]
                                             for i in xrange(len(sources['TEXCOORD'])) ])
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = [ numpy.max( tex_index ) for tex_index in self._texcoord_indexset ]
            for i, texinput in enumerate(sources['TEXCOORD']):
                checkSource(texinput[4], ('S', 'T'), self.maxtexcoordsetindex[i])
            self._texcoordset = tuple()
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple()
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = -1
        if xmlnode is not None:
            self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            """ElementTree representation of the line set."""
            self.index.shape = (-1)
            acclen = len(self.index)
            txtindices = ' '.join(map(str, self.index.tolist()))
            self.index.shape = (-1, 2, self.nindices)
            self.xmlnode = E.lines(count=str(self.nlines), material=self.material)
            all_inputs = []
            for semantic_list in self.sources.itervalues():
            for offset, semantic, sourceid, set, src in all_inputs:
                inpnode = E.input(offset=str(offset), semantic=semantic, source=sourceid)
                if set is not None:
                    inpnode.set('set', str(set))
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, sources, material, index, xmlnode=None):
        """Create a triangle set.

            A dict mapping source types to an array of tuples in the form:
            {input_type: (offset, semantic, sourceid, set, Source)}
            {'VERTEX': (0, 'VERTEX', '#vertex-inputs', '0', <collada.source.FloatSource>)}
            A string with the symbol of the material
            An array with the indexes as they come from the collada file
            An xml node in case this is loaded from there


        if len(sources) == 0: raise DaeIncompleteError('A triangle set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
        if not 'VERTEX' in sources: raise DaeIncompleteError('Triangle set requires vertex input')

        #find max offset
        max_offset = max([ max([input[0] for input in input_type_array])
                          for input_type_array in sources.itervalues() if len(input_type_array) > 0])

        self.material = material
        self.index = index
        self.indices = self.index
        self.nindices = max_offset + 1
        self.index.shape = (-1, 3, self.nindices)
        self.ntriangles = len(self.index)

        self._vertex = sources['VERTEX'][0][4].data
        self._vertex_index = self.index[:,:, sources['VERTEX'][0][0]]
        self.maxvertexindex = numpy.max( self._vertex_index )
        checkSource(sources['VERTEX'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxvertexindex)

        if 'NORMAL' in sources and len(sources['NORMAL']) > 0:
            self._normal = sources['NORMAL'][0][4].data
            self._normal_index = self.index[:,:, sources['NORMAL'][0][0]]
            self.maxnormalindex = numpy.max( self._normal_index )
            checkSource(sources['NORMAL'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxnormalindex)
            self._normal = None
            self._normal_index = None
            self.maxnormalindex = -1
        if 'TEXCOORD' in sources and len(sources['TEXCOORD']) > 0:
            self._texcoordset = tuple([texinput[4].data for texinput in sources['TEXCOORD']])
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple([ self.index[:,:, sources['TEXCOORD'][i][0]]
                                             for i in xrange(len(sources['TEXCOORD'])) ])
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = [ numpy.max( tex_index ) for tex_index in self._texcoord_indexset ]
            for i, texinput in enumerate(sources['TEXCOORD']):
                checkSource(texinput[4], ('S', 'T'), self.maxtexcoordsetindex[i])
            self._texcoordset = tuple()
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple()
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = -1
        if xmlnode is not None: self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            self.xmlnode = ElementTree.fromstring("<triangles> <p></p> </triangles>")
Exemple #5
 def set_normal_source(self, c):
     try: self._normal = checkSource(self.sourceById[c],
                                      ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxnormalindex).data
     except KeyError, ex: raise DaeBrokenRefError('Setting missing normal source in triangle set')
     self._normal_source = c
Exemple #6
 def set_vertex_source(self, c):
     try: self._vertex = checkSource(self.sourceById[c], 
                                      ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxvertexindex).data
     except KeyError, ex: raise DaeBrokenRefError('Setting missing vertex source in triangle set')
     self._vertex_source = c
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, sources, material, index, vcounts, xmlnode=None):
        """Create a polygon list.

            A dict mapping source types to an array of tuples in the form:
            {input_type: (offset, semantic, sourceid, set, Source)}
            {'VERTEX': (0, 'VERTEX', '#vertex-inputs', '0', <collada.source.FloatSource>)}
            A string with the symbol of the material
            An array with the indexes as they come from the collada file
            A list with the lengths of each individual polygon
            An xml node in case this is loaded from there

        if len(sources) == 0: raise DaeIncompleteError('A polylist set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
        if not 'VERTEX' in sources: raise DaeIncompleteError('Polylist requires vertex input')

        #find max offset
        max_offset = max([ max([input[0] for input in input_type_array])
                          for input_type_array in sources.itervalues() if len(input_type_array) > 0])

        self.material = material
        self.index = index
        self.indices = self.index
        self.nindices = max_offset + 1
        self.vcounts = vcounts

        self.nvertices = 0
            newshape = []
            at = 0
            for ct in self.vcounts:
                thispoly = self.index[self.nindices*at:self.nindices*(at+ct)]
                thispoly.shape = (ct, self.nindices)
                self.nvertices += ct
            self.index = newshape
            raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted vcounts or index in polylist')

        self.npolygons = len(self.index)

        self._vertex = sources['VERTEX'][0][4].data
        self._vertex_index = [poly[:,sources['VERTEX'][0][0]] for poly in self.index]
        self.maxvertexindex = numpy.max( [numpy.max(poly) for poly in self._vertex_index] )
        checkSource(sources['VERTEX'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxvertexindex)

        if 'NORMAL' in sources and len(sources['NORMAL']) > 0:
            self._normal = sources['NORMAL'][0][4].data
            self._normal_index = [poly[:,sources['NORMAL'][0][0]] for poly in self.index]
            self.maxnormalindex = numpy.max( [numpy.max(poly) for poly in self._normal_index] )
            checkSource(sources['NORMAL'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxnormalindex)
            self._normal = None
            self._normal_index = None
            self.maxnormalindex = -1
        if 'TEXCOORD' in sources and len(sources['TEXCOORD']) > 0:
            self._texcoordset = tuple([texinput[4].data for texinput in sources['TEXCOORD']])
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple([ [poly[:,sources['TEXCOORD'][i][0]] for poly in self.index]
                                             for i in xrange(len(sources['TEXCOORD'])) ])
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = [ numpy.max([ numpy.max([p for p in poly])
                                        for poly in each ]) for each in self._texcoord_indexset ]
            for i, texinput in enumerate(sources['TEXCOORD']):
                checkSource(texinput[4], ('S', 'T'), self.maxtexcoordsetindex[i])
            self._texcoordset = tuple()
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple()
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = -1
        if xmlnode is not None: self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            self.xmlnode = ElementTree.fromstring("<polylist> <vcount></vcount> <p></p> </polylist>")
    def __init__(self, sources, material, index, xmlnode=None):
        """A TriangleSet should not be created manually. Instead, call the
        :meth:`collada.geometry.Geometry.createTriangleSet` method after
        creating a geometry instance.

        if len(sources) == 0: raise DaeIncompleteError('A triangle set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
        if not 'VERTEX' in sources: raise DaeIncompleteError('Triangle set requires vertex input')

        max_offset = max([ max([input[0] for input in input_type_array])
                          for input_type_array in sources.itervalues() if len(input_type_array) > 0])

        self.material = material
        self.index = index
        self.indices = self.index
        self.nindices = max_offset + 1
        self.index.shape = (-1, 3, self.nindices)
        self.ntriangles = len(self.index)
        self.sources = sources

        if len(self.index) > 0:
            self._vertex = sources['VERTEX'][0][4].data
            self._vertex_index = self.index[:,:, sources['VERTEX'][0][0]]
            self.maxvertexindex = numpy.max( self._vertex_index )
            checkSource(sources['VERTEX'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxvertexindex)
            self._vertex = None
            self._vertex_index = None
            self.maxvertexindex = -1

        if 'NORMAL' in sources and len(sources['NORMAL']) > 0 and len(self.index) > 0:
            self._normal = sources['NORMAL'][0][4].data
            self._normal_index = self.index[:,:, sources['NORMAL'][0][0]]
            self.maxnormalindex = numpy.max( self._normal_index )
            checkSource(sources['NORMAL'][0][4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxnormalindex)
            self._normal = None
            self._normal_index = None
            self.maxnormalindex = -1
        if 'TEXCOORD' in sources and len(sources['TEXCOORD']) > 0 and len(self.index) > 0:
            self._texcoordset = tuple([texinput[4].data for texinput in sources['TEXCOORD']])
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple([ self.index[:,:, sources['TEXCOORD'][i][0]]
                                             for i in xrange(len(sources['TEXCOORD'])) ])
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = [ numpy.max( tex_index ) for tex_index in self._texcoord_indexset ]
            for i, texinput in enumerate(sources['TEXCOORD']):
                checkSource(texinput[4], ('S', 'T'), self.maxtexcoordsetindex[i])
            self._texcoordset = tuple()
            self._texcoord_indexset = tuple()
            self.maxtexcoordsetindex = -1
        if 'TEXTANGENT' in sources and len(sources['TEXTANGENT']) > 0 and len(self.index) > 0:
            self._textangentset = tuple([texinput[4].data for texinput in sources['TEXTANGENT']])
            self._textangent_indexset = tuple([ self.index[:,:, sources['TEXTANGENT'][i][0]]
                                             for i in xrange(len(sources['TEXTANGENT'])) ])
            self.maxtextangentsetindex = [ numpy.max( tex_index ) for tex_index in self._textangent_indexset ]
            for i, texinput in enumerate(sources['TEXTANGENT']):
                checkSource(texinput[4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxtextangentsetindex[i])
            self._textangentset = tuple()
            self._textangent_indexset = tuple()
            self.maxtextangentsetindex = -1
        if 'TEXBINORMAL' in sources and len(sources['TEXBINORMAL']) > 0 and len(self.index) > 0:
            self._texbinormalset = tuple([texinput[4].data for texinput in sources['TEXBINORMAL']])
            self._texbinormal_indexset = tuple([ self.index[:,:, sources['TEXBINORMAL'][i][0]]
                                             for i in xrange(len(sources['TEXBINORMAL'])) ])
            self.maxtexbinormalsetindex = [ numpy.max( tex_index ) for tex_index in self._texbinormal_indexset ]
            for i, texinput in enumerate(sources['TEXBINORMAL']):
                checkSource(texinput[4], ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), self.maxtexbinormalsetindex[i])
            self._texbinormalset = tuple()
            self._texbinormal_indexset = tuple()
            self.maxtexbinormalsetindex = -1
        if xmlnode is not None: self.xmlnode = xmlnode