Exemple #1
def read_geofon_hyp(filename, phase_data=False):
    Read a GEOFON hypocenter-phase file.

    :param str filename:
        Full or relative path and name for hypocenter-phase file.
    :param bool phase_data:
        If True, the phase block in the file is read as well and returned.

    # error handling
    if not isinstance(filename, basestring):
        raise InputError(filename, "Need string or buffer")
    if not op.exists(filename):
        raise InputError(filename, "No such file or directory")

    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        data = f.read()

        # --- READ ORIGIN BLOCK ---
        public_ID = re.search(r'\s+Public ID\s+(gfz\d\d\d\d[a-z]+)', data)
        public_ID = public_ID.group(1)

        odate = re.search(r'\s+Date\s+(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)', data)
        otime = re.search(r'\s+Time\s+(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+)', data)
        origin_time_str = ' '.join((odate.group(1), otime.group(1)))
        origin_time = datetime.strptime(origin_time_str,
                                        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")

        Latitude = re.search(r'\s+Latitude\s+(-?\d{1,2}\.\d\d)\sdeg', data)
        latitude = float(Latitude.group(1))

        Longitude = re.search(r'\s+Longitude\s+(-?\d{1,3}\.\d\d)\sdeg',
        longitude = float(Longitude.group(1))

        Depth = re.search(r'\s+Depth\s+(\d{1,3})\skm', data)
        depth = float(Depth.group(1))

        ResRMS = re.search(r'\s+Residual RMS\s+(\d+\.\d\d)\ss', data)
        residual_rms = float(ResRMS.group(1))

        AzmGap = re.search(r'\s+Azimuthal gap\s+(\d+)\sdeg', data)
        azimuthal_gap = int(AzmGap.group(1))

        # --- READ MAGNITUDE BLOCK ---
        mag = float(re.search('\s+.(\d.\d\d).+preferred', data).group(1))

        # --- READ PHASE BLOCK ---
        used_picks = None

        if phase_data is True:
            # exclude picks with MX and AX qulity (picks weighted to zero)!
            phase_pattern = re.compile(r'\s+([A-Z0-9]+)\s+([A-Z]+)\s+'

            phase_block = phase_pattern.findall(data)
            narr = len(phase_block)
            index = xrange(narr)
            columns = ['Phase', 'Time', 'Quality', 'Residual', 'Distance',
            used_picks = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns)

            for i, q in enumerate(phase_block):
                sta, net = q[0].strip(), q[1].strip()
                if net == 'AD':
                    net = 'RM'
                if net == 'EV':
                    net = 'IO'
                staCode = "_".join((net, sta))
                dist = deg2m(float(q[2]))
                azi = float(q[3])
                phase = q[4].strip()

                arrtime = datetime.strptime(q[5], "%H:%M:%S.%f")
                if arrtime.time() < origin_time.time():
                    arrdate = origin_time.date() + timedelta(days=1)
                    arrdate = origin_time.date()
                arrDateTime = datetime.combine(arrdate, arrtime.time())

                    res = float(q[6])
                except ValueError:
                    res = np.nan

                quality = q[7]

                used_picks.ix[i, columns] = (phase, arrDateTime, quality, res,
                                             dist, azi)
                # Rename indexes to station codes
                used_picks.rename(index={i: staCode}, inplace=True)

            # Just to be on the safe side!

            # --- make a DataFrame with 2-level MultiIndex indexes
            stations = used_picks.index
            phases = used_picks['Phase']
            tuples = zip(stations, phases)
            # drop the `Phase` column
            used_picks.drop(labels='Phase', axis=1, inplace=True)
            # construct a 2-level MultiIndex
            new_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples,
                                                names=['Station', 'Phase'])
            used_picks.index = new_idx

            # Convert columns to numeric and datetime types
            for column in used_picks.columns:
                if column in ['Residual', 'Distance', 'Azimuth']:
                    used_picks[column] = pd.to_numeric(used_picks[column])
                elif column == 'Time':
                    used_picks[column] = pd.to_datetime(used_picks[column])

    return GeofonEvent(public_ID, origin_time, origin_time_str, latitude,
                       longitude, depth, residual_rms, azimuthal_gap, mag,
Exemple #2
def read_nlloc_hyp(filename, phase_data=False):
    """Read a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-phase file."""

    if not isinstance(filename, basestring):
        raise InputError(filename, "need string or buffer")
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise InputError(filename, "no such file or directory")

    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        data = f.read()
        data = data.splitlines()
        # remove the empty lines
        data = filter(None, data)

        # determine indices of block start/end of the NLLOC output file
        indices_hypo_block = [None, None]
        indices_phase_block = [None, None]
        for i, line in enumerate(data):
            if line.startswith("NLLOC "):
                indices_hypo_block[0] = i
            elif line.startswith("END_NLLOC"):
                indices_hypo_block[1] = i
            elif line.startswith("PHASE "):
                indices_phase_block[0] = i
            elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"):
                indices_phase_block[1] = i
        if any([i is None for i in indices_hypo_block]):
            msg = 'Input NLLOC Hypocenter-Phase file is corrupt'
            raise InputError(filename, msg)

        # To skip any other lines around NLLOC block
        lines = data[indices_hypo_block[0]:indices_hypo_block[1]]
        i1, i2 = indices_phase_block
        hypo_lines, phase_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2+1:], lines[i1+1:i2]

        hypo_lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in hypo_lines])

        # NLLOC line: Specifies the beginning of a NLLoc Hypocenter-Phase
        # description block and gives the location status.
        line = hypo_lines["NLLOC"]
        status = filter(None, line.split('"'))[-1].strip('.')

        # SIGNATURE Line: Signature text and program run stamp.
        line = hypo_lines["SIGNATURE"]
        obsfile = re.search('obs:(.+)\s+NLLoc', line).group(1).strip(None)

        # TRANSFORM line:
        # Geographic to rectangular transformation parameters.
        line = hypo_lines["TRANSFORM"]
        trans = line.split(None)[0]

        # GEOGRAPHIC line:
        # Maximum likelihood hypocenter - Geographic coordinates.
        line = hypo_lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]
        items = line.split()
        d = '-'.join(items[1:4])
        t = ':'.join(items[4:7])
        origin_time_str = ' '.join((d, t))
            origin_time = dt.datetime.strptime(origin_time_str,
                                               "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
        except ValueError:
            # there is a bug (simplification) in NLLoc; negative
            # origin-time for those events occurred just before midnight!
            year, month, day = map(int, items[1:4])
            microsec, sec = np.modf(float(items[6]))
            sec = abs(int(sec))
            microsec = abs(int(microsec * 1.0e+6))

            midnight = dt.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0)

            origin_time = midnight - dt.timedelta(days=0,

        latitude, longitude = map(float, items[-5:-2:2])
        depth = float(items[-1]) * km2m

        if trans == 'GLOBAL':
            X, Y, Z = geodetic2ecef(latitude, longitude, (-1*depth))
            # HYPOCENTER line: Maximum likelihood hypocenter - xyz coordinates.
            line = hypo_lines["HYPOCENTER"]
            items = line.split(None)
            X, Y, Z = map(lambda q: float(q)*km2m, items[1:6:2])   # meters!

        # STATISTICS line: "Traditional" Gaussian (normal) statistics
        # of PDF (evaluated for PROB_DENSITY grids only).
        line = hypo_lines["STATISTICS"]
        items = line.split(None)
        covXX = float(items[7].strip())
        covYY = float(items[13].strip())
        covZZ = float(items[17].strip())
        latUnc = np.sqrt(covXX)*km2m       # meters!
        longUnc = np.sqrt(covYY)*km2m      # meters!
        depthUnc = np.sqrt(covZZ) * km2m   # meters!

        # QML_OriginQuality line: Specifies QuakeML OriginQuality measures.
        line = hypo_lines["QML_OriginQuality"]
        items = line.split(None)
        assocPhCt, usedPhCt = map(int, items[1:4:2])
        resRms, aziGap, secAziGap = map(float, items[11:16:2])
        minDist, maxDist, medianDist = [(x*km2m) for x in
                                        map(float, items[-5::2])]   # meters!

        # QML_OriginUncertainty line: Specifies QuakeML
        # OriginUncertainty measures.
        line = hypo_lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"]
        items = line.split()
        horUnc, minHorUnc, maxHorUnc = [(x*km2m) for x in
                                        map(float, items[1:6:2])]   # meters!
        aziMaxHorUnc = float(items[-1])

        # --- PHASE PICK INFORMATION ---
        used_picks = None
        if phase_data:
            index = xrange(len(phase_lines))
            columns = ['Phase', 'Residual', 'Distance', 'Azimuth', 'TimeCorr']
            used_picks = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns)

            for i, line in enumerate(phase_lines):
                items = line.split()
                ttpred, ttres, ttweight = map(float, items[15:18])
                if ttpred != 0.0 and ttweight != 0.0:
                    staCode = items[0].strip()
                    phase = items[4].strip()
                    staDist = deg2m(float(items[21]))   # meters!
                    staAzi = float(items[22])
                    ttcorr = float(items[26])
                    used_picks.ix[i, columns] = (phase, ttres, staDist, staAzi,
                    used_picks.rename(index={i: staCode}, inplace=True)


            # --- make a DataFrame with 2-level MultiIndex indexes
            stations = used_picks.index
            phases = used_picks['Phase']
            tuples = zip(stations, phases)
            # drop the `Phase` column
            used_picks.drop(labels='Phase', axis=1, inplace=True)
            # construct a 2-level MultiIndex
            new_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples,
                                                names=['Station', 'Phase'])
            used_picks.index = new_idx

            # convert objects to numeric types. possible for all columns.
            used_picks = used_picks.apply(pd.to_numeric)

    return NLLocEvent(status, obsfile, X, Y, Z, latitude, longitude, depth,
                      origin_time, origin_time_str, latUnc, longUnc, depthUnc,
                      assocPhCt, usedPhCt, resRms, aziGap, secAziGap, minDist,
                      maxDist, medianDist, horUnc, minHorUnc, maxHorUnc,
                      aziMaxHorUnc, used_picks)