def on_btnPreProccess_clicked(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ source = self.edit_source_preprocessing_tab.text() target = self.edit_target_preprocessing_tab.text() lm_text = self.edit_lm_text_preprocessing_tab.text() output = self.edit_output_preprocessing_tab.text() source_language = self.preprocessing_source_language target_language = self.preprocessing_target_language if not source: doAlert("Please choose a source text first.") return elif not target: doAlert("Please choose a target text first.") return elif not output: doAlert("Please choose an output directory first.") return elif not source_language: doAlert( "Please choose an preprocessing_source_language directory first." ) return elif not target_language: doAlert( "Please choose an preprocessing_target_language directory first." ) return else: text = self.core._prepare_corpus(output, source_language, target_language, source, target, lm_text) self.results_preprocessing.setText(text)
def on_buttonBox_accepted(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ def checkEmpty(mystr): return len(str(mystr).strip()) <= 0 # Check everything. self.modelName = self.editName.text() if checkEmpty(self.modelName): doAlert("Please provide non-empty Model Name") return if self.grpBoxInternet.isChecked(): self.source = self.editInternet.text() self.sourceMode = "Internet" elif self.grpBoxLocal.isChecked(): self.source = self.editLocal.text() self.sourceMode = "Local" if not os.path.exists(str(self.source)): doAlert("Please provide valid local file as source") return else: doAlert("Please provide Install Source") return if checkEmpty(self.source): doAlert("Please provide non-empty Install Source") return self.dest = self.editPath.text() if checkEmpty(self.dest): doAlert("Please provide non-empty Install Destination Folder") return self.accept()
def detect(self): pf = platform.system() if pf == 'Windows': self.mosesPath = self.findRegistryPath() if self.mosesPath: return self.checkMosesInstall() else: if not doQuestion( 'Cannot find Moses installation, click "Yes" to ' 'manually set the Moses path, click "No" to exit.'): return False # If not found, use a dialog. startdir = 'C:\\' if "ProgramFiles(x86)" in os.environ: startdir = os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"] elif "ProgramFiles" in os.environ: startdir = os.environ["ProgramFiles"] else: pass dialog = QFileDialog(None, directory=startdir) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory) dialog.setViewMode(QFileDialog.Detail) dialog.setOptions(QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) if dialog.exec_(): self.mosesPath = str(dialog.selectedFiles()[0]) return self.checkMosesInstall() else: doAlert("Failed to find Moses Installation path, exit.") return False else: doAlert("Platform %s not supported yet" % pf) return False
def newEntry(self): import random rec = self.record() for i in xrange(1, 10): rec.setValue(i, QVariant(str(random.random()))) self.insertRecord(-1, rec) doAlert(self.query().lastInsertId().toString())
def checkMosesInstall(self): for func in (self.getMosesCmd, self.getTokenizer, self.getDetokenizer, self.getTruecase, self.getDetruecase): if not os.path.exists(func()): doAlert( "Missing executables in Moses installation path [%s], " "exit." % self.mosesPath) return False return True
def checkMosesInstall(self): for func in (self.getMosesCmd, self.getTokenizer, self.getDetokenizer, self.getTruecase, self.getDetruecase): if not os.path.exists(func()): doAlert("Missing executables in Moses installation path [%s], " "exit." % self.mosesPath) return False return True
def on_btnMachineTranslation_clicked(self): source = self.edit_source_machine_translation_tab.text() if not source: doAlert("Please choose a source text first.") return text = self.migrated_backend_main._machine_translation( source, self.chooseModel).decode('utf8') self.results_machine_translation.setText(text)
def on_btnMachineTranslation_clicked(self): source = self.edit_source_machine_translation_tab.text() if not source: doAlert("Please choose a source text.") return self.results_machine_translation.setText( "Running decoder, please wait\n\n") text = self.core._machine_translation(source, self.chooseModel).decode('utf8') self.results_machine_translation.setText(text)
def on_btnTraining_clicked(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ text = self.core._train() if text == "ERR": text = "ERROR: missing corpus to train model" doAlert("Please provide corpus to train model") self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) return else: self.results_training.setText(text)
def on_buttonBox_accepted(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ current = self.selTableView.currentIndex() if not current: doAlert("Please choose a model to start.") return record = self.model.record(current.row()) self.ID = record.value("ID").toString() self.modelName = record.value("name").toString() self.srcLang = record.value('srclang').toString() self.trgLang = record.value('trglang').toString() self.path = record.value("path").toString() self.mosesini = record.value("mosesini").toString() self.accept()
def detect(self): doQuestion('Cannot find Moses installation, click "Yes" to ' 'manually set the Moses path, click "No" to exit.') # If not found, use a dialog. startdir = 'C:\\' if "ProgramFiles(x86)" in os.environ: startdir = os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"] elif "ProgramFiles" in os.environ: startdir = os.environ["ProgramFiles"] else: pass dialog = QFileDialog(None, directory=startdir) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory) dialog.setViewMode(QFileDialog.Detail) dialog.setOptions(QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) if dialog.exec_(): self.mosesPath = str(dialog.selectedFiles()[0]) return self.mosesPath else: doAlert("Failed to find Moses Installation path, exit.") return "Failed to find Moses Installation path, exit."
def on_btnEvaluation_clicked(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ source = self.edit_source_evaluation_tab.text() target = self.edit_target_evaluation_tab.text() output = self.edit_output_evaluation_tab.text() if not source: doAlert("Please choose a source text first.") return elif not target: doAlert("Please choose a target text first.") return elif not output: doAlert("Please choose an output directory first.") return checkbox_indexes = [ ] #[False] * 8 #checkbox_indexes["WER","PER","HTER", "BLEU","BLEU2GRAM","BLEU3GRAM"] checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_WER.isChecked()) checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_PER.isChecked()) checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_HTER.isChecked()) checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_BLEU.isChecked()) checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_BLEU2GRAM.isChecked()) checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_BLEU3GRAM.isChecked()) checkbox_indexes.append(self.btn_check_BLEU4GRAM.isChecked()) text = self.migrated_backend_main._evaluate(checkbox_indexes, source, target) self.results_evaluation.setText(text)
def __init__(self, model, moses): super(Engine, self).__init__() self.model = model self.moses = moses self.check(self.model) # Determine how many steps by num of modules in the model directory # (moses + tok/detok + ...) + 1 modelini = model['path'] + os.sep + 'model' + os.sep + 'model.ini' if not os.path.exists(modelini): raise Exception( "Model ini file doesn't exist, please check model dir %s" % modelini) cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cp.readfp(open(modelini)) truemodel = None try: truemodel = cp.get("Preprocess", 'Truemodel') truemodel_path = os.path.join(model['path'], 'model', truemodel) if not os.path.exists(truemodel_path): doAlert("Truemodel doesn't exist, ignore %s" % truemodel) truemodel = None except: # doAlert("Truemodel not configured") truemodel = None self.cmds = [] # tok self.cmds.append( '"%s" -q -l %s -noxml' % (self.moses.getTokenizer(), str(model['srclang']).lower())) if truemodel is not None: self.cmds.append('"%s" -model "%s"' % (self.moses.getTruecase(), truemodel)) self.cmds.append('"%s" -f moses.ini' % self.moses.getMosesCmd()) self.cmds.append('"%s"' % self.moses.getDetruecase()) self.cmds.append( '"%s" -q -noxml -l %s' % (self.moses.getDetokenizer(), str(model['trglang']).lower())) self.process = []
def __init__(self, model, moses): super(Engine, self).__init__() self.model = model self.moses = moses self.check(self.model) # Determine how many steps by num of modules in the model directory # (moses + tok/detok + ...) + 1 modelini = model['path'] + os.sep + 'model' + os.sep + 'model.ini' if not os.path.exists(modelini): raise Exception( "Model ini file doesn't exist, please check model dir %s" % modelini) cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cp.readfp(open(modelini)) truemodel = None try: truemodel = cp.get("Preprocess", 'Truemodel') truemodel_path = os.path.join(model['path'], 'model', truemodel) if not os.path.exists(truemodel_path): doAlert("Truemodel doesn't exist, ignore %s" % truemodel) truemodel = None except: # doAlert("Truemodel not configured") truemodel = None self.cmds = [] # tok self.cmds.append( '"%s" -q -l %s -noxml' % (self.moses.getTokenizer(), str(model['srclang']).lower())) if truemodel is not None: self.cmds.append( '"%s" -model "%s"' % (self.moses.getTruecase(), truemodel)) self.cmds.append('"%s" -f moses.ini' % self.moses.getMosesCmd()) self.cmds.append('"%s"' % self.moses.getDetruecase()) self.cmds.append( '"%s" -q -noxml -l %s' % (self.moses.getDetokenizer(), str(model['trglang']).lower())) self.process = []
def on_btnTranslate_clicked(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ if self.engine is None: doAlert("Please load MT model first.") return self.btnTranslate.setEnabled(False) self.editTrg.setText("") try: texts = str(self.editSrc.toPlainText().toUtf8()).split('\n') trans = [] for text in texts: if text.strip() == "": trans.append(text) else: trans.append( self.engine.translate(text.replace( '\r', ' ').strip()).decode('utf8')) self.editTrg.setText('\n'.join(trans)) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, str(e) doAlert("Translation failed!")
def installModel(self, installParam): dest = installParam['dest'] # Make dir. if not os.path.exists(dest): try: os.makedirs(str(dest)) except: doAlert("Failed to create install directory: %s" % dest) return # Create entry in db. rec = self.record() rec.setValue('name', installParam['modelName']) rec.setValue('status', 'Fetching Source...') rec.setValue('path', dest) rec.setValue('origin', installParam['source']) rec.setValue('originMode', installParam['sourceMode']) rec.setValue('date', QDateTime.currentDateTime()) rec.setValue('deleted', 'False') self.insertRecord(-1, rec) rowid = self.query().lastInsertId() # Start thread. def installThread(irowid): # Find the current row in model. def updateRecord(keyvalues): curRow = None # TODO: use binary search instead of linear for i in xrange(0, self.rowCount()): if self.record(i).value("ID") == rowid: curRow = i break if curRow is not None: record = self.record(curRow) for key in keyvalues: record.setValue(key, keyvalues[key]) self.changeRecord(curRow, record) return curRow def checkExit(): # Check thread is ok to run. if irowid not in self.installThreads or not self.installThreads[irowid][1]: return True else: return False def markExit(): if irowid in self.installThreads: # Set thread to dead. self.installThreads[irowid][1] = False def statusMessageLogMarkExit(status=None, message=None, exception=None): if status is not None: updateRecord({'status': status}) if message is not None: self.emit(SIGNAL("messageBox(QString)"), message) print >> sys.stderr, message if exception is not None: print >> sys.stderr, str(exception) markExit() # 1. Download or copy from local. # Where the downloaded/copied zip file is: destFile = os.path.join(str(dest), "") # Where the unzipped contents are: destDir = os.path.join(str(dest), "model") if installParam['sourceMode'] == 'Local': fin = fout = None try: inFile = str(installParam['source']) total_size = os.path.getsize(inFile) fin = open(inFile, 'rb') chunk_size = 52428800 # 50MB as chunk size fout = open(destFile, 'wb') content = download_size = content_size = len(content) lastMsg = "" while content_size > 0: # Check if thread is notified as exit. if checkExit(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit() fout.write(content) if total_size > 0: msg = 'COPY %.0f%%' % ( download_size * 100.0 / total_size) else: msg = 'COPY %d MB' % (download_size / 1048576) if msg != lastMsg: updateRecord({'status': msg}) lastMsg = msg content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=( 'Failed copying from: %s' % installParam['source']), message=( "Failed copy model: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) finally: if fin: fin.close() if fout: fout.close() elif installParam['sourceMode'] == 'Internet': conn = fout = None try: conn = urllib2.urlopen(str(installParam['source'])) total_size = int(conn.headers['Content-Length']) chunk_size = 1048576 # 1MB as chunk size fout = open(destFile, 'wb') content = download_size = content_size = len(content) lastMsg = "" while content_size > 0: # Check if thread is notified as exit. if checkExit(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit() fout.write(content) if total_size > 0: msg = 'DOWNLOAD %.0f%%' % ( download_size * 100.0 / total_size) else: msg = 'DOWNLOAD %d MB' % (download_size / 1048576) if msg != lastMsg: updateRecord({'status': msg}) lastMsg = msg content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=( 'Failed downloading from: %s' % installParam['source']), message=( "Failed download model: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) finally: if conn: conn.close() if fout: fout.close() else: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status='Unsupported source mode: %s' % installParam['sourceMode']) # 2. Unzip. zfile = fout = None try: zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(destFile) # Check property files. if "model.ini" not in zfile.namelist(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=( 'Missing model.ini in model file: %s' % installParam['sourceMode']), message=( "Invalid modle file format because model.ini " "is missing in the zipped model file, exit " "installation for model %s" % installParam['modelName'])) chunk_size = 52428800 # 50MB as chunk size # Get file size uncompressed. total_size = 0 for name in zfile.namelist(): total_size += zfile.getinfo(name).file_size download_size = 0 lastMsg = "" for i, name in enumerate(zfile.namelist()): (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(name) outDir = os.path.join(destDir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) if filename: fin =, 'r') outFile = os.path.join(destDir, name) fout = open(outFile, 'wb') content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size while content_size > 0: # Check if thread is notified as exit. if checkExit(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit() fout.write(content) if total_size > 0: msg = 'UNZIP %.0f%%' % ( download_size * 100.0 / total_size) else: msg = 'UNZIP %d MB' % ( download_size / 1048576) if msg != lastMsg: updateRecord({'status': msg}) lastMsg = msg content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size fin.close() fout.close() except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=( 'Failed unzipping from: %s' % installParam['source']), message=( "Failed unzip model: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) finally: if zfile: zfile.close() if fin: fin.close() if fout: fout.close() # 3 Post process and check data validity. try: modelini = os.path.join(destDir, "model.ini") cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() mosesini = os.path.join(destDir, 'moses.ini') if not os.path.exists(mosesini): raise Exception("Moses ini doesn't exist") updateRecord({ 'srclang': cp.get("Language", 'Source Language').upper(), 'trglang': cp.get("Language", 'Target Language').upper(), 'mosesini': mosesini}, ) except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status='ERROR model format %s' % installParam['source'], message=( "Unspported model format: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) statusMessageLogMarkExit( status='READY', message="Model %s Installed!" % installParam['modelName']) # Send new model signal. self.emit(SIGNAL("modelInstalled()")) # Record selection. return # End of thread func. # Start the thread. irowid, _ = rowid.toInt() t = threading.Thread(target=installThread, args=(irowid, )) if irowid in self.installThreads: # If old thread is there. print >> sys.stderr, ( "table rowid %d already has a thread running, stop it" % irowid) self.installThreads[irowid][1] = False self.installThreads[irowid] = [t, True] t.start()
def on_btnPostEditing_clicked(self): source = self.edit_source_post_editing.text() #print source target = self.edit_target_post_editing.text() #print target output = self.edit_output_post_editing.text() if not source and self.btn_bilingual_post_edition.isChecked(): doAlert("Please choose a source text first.") return if not target: doAlert("Please choose a target text first.") return if not output: doAlert("Please choose an output directory first.") return self.source_text = [] self.unchanged_target_text = [] self.target_text = [] with open(target) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.decode("utf-8") if line != '\n': self.unchanged_target_text.append(line) self.target_text.append(line) if self.btn_bilingual_post_edition.isChecked(): with open(source) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.decode("utf-8") if line != '\n': self.source_text.append(line) else: self.source_text = self.target_text self.post_editing_data["source"] = self.source_text self.post_editing_data["target"] = self.target_text self.table_offset_PostEdition = 0 self.table_rows_PostEdition = 100 #delete these vars if nav butons not used <<,>>,+,- self.table_rows_Differences = 50 self.table_offset_Differences = 0 self.lastChangedSegmentIndex = -1 self.modified_references_indices = [] self.modified_table_items_coordinates = [] self.lastChangedTableItemCoordinates = (-1, -1) #CHECK WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE CLEARED #TO SHOW DIFFERENCES CORRECTLY AFTER REOADING FILES FOR PE #AGREGAR LIMPIAR BUSQEUDAS self.saved_modified_references = [] self.differences = None #self.post_editing_data = {} self.differences_data = {} self.unmodified_target = [] self.modified_target = [] self.last_changed_item_in_post_edition = None self.last_selected_search = None self.log = {} self.update_table_PostEdition() #THE FOLLOWING CODE CREATES A NICE SIMPLE TABLE WITH WRAPPED #TEXT IN THE CELLS, COULD BE USED AS REFERENCE TO REFACTOR CODE #P self.table_post_editing.clear() #Pfor y, key in enumerate(sorted(self.post_editing_data.keys())): #P for x, item in enumerate(self.post_editing_data[key]): #P #P newitem = QTableWidgetItem(textwrap.fill(item, width=70)) #Pif key != "Post-edited": #P newitem.setReadOnly(True) #P self.table_post_editing.setItem(x, y, newitem) #P self.table_post_editing.setTextElideMode(QtCore.Qt.ElideNone) #P self.table_post_editing.resizeColumnsToContents() #P self.table_post_editing.resizeRowsToContents() #P self.table_post_editing.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.Stretch)
def on_btnEvaluation_clicked(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ hyp = self.edit_hyp_evaluation_tab.text() ref = self.edit_ref_evaluation_tab.text() output = "" #self.edit_output_evaluation_tab.text() if not hyp: doAlert("Please choose MTed text.") return elif not ref: doAlert("Please choose reference text.") return #elif not output: ## doAlert("Please choose an output directory first.") # return if self.btn_check_WER.isChecked(): pathEval = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) cmd = "perl " + pathEval + "/evaluation_scripts" + "/" + " -t " + hyp + " -r " + ref proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() output += "WER: %s (Execution errors: %s)\n" % (out, err) #print cmd if self.btn_check_PER.isChecked(): cmd = "perl " + pathEval + "/evaluation_scripts" + "/" + " -t " + hyp + " -r " + ref proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() output += "PER: %s (Execution errors: %s)\n" % (out, err) #print cmd if self.btn_check_HTER.isChecked(): cmd = "perl " + pathEval + "/evaluation_scripts" + "/" + " -h " + hyp + " -r " + ref + " -o sum_doc " proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() output += "HTER: %s (Execution errors: %s)\n" % (out, err) #print cmd if self.btn_check_BLEU.isChecked(): cmd = "perl " + pathEval + "/evaluation_scripts" + "/ " + ref + " < " + hyp proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() output += "BLEU: %s (Execution errors: %s)\n" % (out, err) #print cmd self.results_evaluation.setText(output)
def on_btnPostEditing_clicked(self): self.post_editing_data = {'Source/MT': [], 'Post-edited': []} self.log = {} self.modified_target = [] self.timestamps = [] self.table_post_editing.clear() self.table_post_editing.blockSignals(True) source = self.edit_source_post_editing.text() # print source target = self.edit_target_post_editing.text() #print target output = self.edit_output_post_editing.text() if not source and self.btn_bilingual_post_edition.isChecked(): doAlert("Please choose a source text first.") return if not target: doAlert("Please choose a target text first.") return if not output: doAlert("Please choose an output directory first.") return with open(target) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.decode("utf-8") if line != '\n': self.post_editing_data['Post-edited'].append(line) self.timestamps.append([(0, 0) ]) #initial time for PE timestamps self.modified_target.append(None) if self.btn_bilingual_post_edition.isChecked(): with open(source) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.decode("utf-8") if line != '\n': self.post_editing_data['Source/MT'].append(line) else: self.post_editing_data['Source/MT'] = self.post_editing_data[ 'Post-edited'] self.table_post_editing.setRowCount( len(self.post_editing_data['Post-edited'])) if len(self.post_editing_data['Source/MT']) != len( self.post_editing_data['Post-edited']): doAlert("Please choose an output directory first.") return for y, key in enumerate(['Source/MT', 'Post-edited']): for x, item in enumerate(self.post_editing_data[key]): newitem = QTableWidgetItem(textwrap.fill(item, width=70)) #print x, y if key == 'Source/MT': newitem.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable) self.table_post_editing.setItem(x, y, newitem) self.table_post_editing.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Source/MT", "Post-edited"]) self.table_post_editing.setTextElideMode(QtCore.Qt.ElideNone) self.table_post_editing.resizeColumnsToContents() self.table_post_editing.resizeRowsToContents() self.table_post_editing.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode( QtGui.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.table_post_editing.setMouseTracking(True) #use the events below to calculate time spent per segment self.table_post_editing.cellChanged.connect(self.endPESeg) self.table_post_editing.cellEntered.connect(self.startPESeg) self.table_post_editing.blockSignals(False)
def installModel(self, installParam): dest = installParam['dest'] # Make dir. if not os.path.exists(dest): try: os.makedirs(str(dest)) except: doAlert("Failed to create install directory: %s" % dest) return # Create entry in db. rec = self.record() rec.setValue('name', installParam['modelName']) rec.setValue('status', 'Fetching Source...') rec.setValue('path', dest) rec.setValue('origin', installParam['source']) rec.setValue('originMode', installParam['sourceMode']) rec.setValue('date', QDateTime.currentDateTime()) rec.setValue('deleted', 'False') self.insertRecord(-1, rec) rowid = self.query().lastInsertId() # Start thread. def installThread(irowid): # Find the current row in model. def updateRecord(keyvalues): curRow = None # TODO: use binary search instead of linear for i in xrange(0, self.rowCount()): if self.record(i).value("ID") == rowid: curRow = i break if curRow is not None: record = self.record(curRow) for key in keyvalues: record.setValue(key, keyvalues[key]) self.changeRecord(curRow, record) return curRow def checkExit(): # Check thread is ok to run. if irowid not in self.installThreads or not self.installThreads[ irowid][1]: return True else: return False def markExit(): if irowid in self.installThreads: # Set thread to dead. self.installThreads[irowid][1] = False def statusMessageLogMarkExit(status=None, message=None, exception=None): if status is not None: updateRecord({'status': status}) if message is not None: self.emit(SIGNAL("messageBox(QString)"), message) print >> sys.stderr, message if exception is not None: print >> sys.stderr, str(exception) markExit() # 1. Download or copy from local. # Where the downloaded/copied zip file is: destFile = os.path.join(str(dest), "") # Where the unzipped contents are: destDir = os.path.join(str(dest), "model") if installParam['sourceMode'] == 'Local': fin = fout = None try: inFile = str(installParam['source']) total_size = os.path.getsize(inFile) fin = open(inFile, 'rb') chunk_size = 52428800 # 50MB as chunk size fout = open(destFile, 'wb') content = download_size = content_size = len(content) lastMsg = "" while content_size > 0: # Check if thread is notified as exit. if checkExit(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit() fout.write(content) if total_size > 0: msg = 'COPY %.0f%%' % (download_size * 100.0 / total_size) else: msg = 'COPY %d MB' % (download_size / 1048576) if msg != lastMsg: updateRecord({'status': msg}) lastMsg = msg content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=('Failed copying from: %s' % installParam['source']), message=("Failed copy model: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) finally: if fin: fin.close() if fout: fout.close() elif installParam['sourceMode'] == 'Internet': conn = fout = None try: conn = urllib2.urlopen(str(installParam['source'])) total_size = int(conn.headers['Content-Length']) chunk_size = 1048576 # 1MB as chunk size fout = open(destFile, 'wb') content = download_size = content_size = len(content) lastMsg = "" while content_size > 0: # Check if thread is notified as exit. if checkExit(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit() fout.write(content) if total_size > 0: msg = 'DOWNLOAD %.0f%%' % (download_size * 100.0 / total_size) else: msg = 'DOWNLOAD %d MB' % (download_size / 1048576) if msg != lastMsg: updateRecord({'status': msg}) lastMsg = msg content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=('Failed downloading from: %s' % installParam['source']), message=("Failed download model: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) finally: if conn: conn.close() if fout: fout.close() else: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status='Unsupported source mode: %s' % installParam['sourceMode']) # 2. Unzip. zfile = fout = None try: zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(destFile) # Check property files. if "model.ini" not in zfile.namelist(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=('Missing model.ini in model file: %s' % installParam['sourceMode']), message=("Invalid modle file format because model.ini " "is missing in the zipped model file, exit " "installation for model %s" % installParam['modelName'])) chunk_size = 52428800 # 50MB as chunk size # Get file size uncompressed. total_size = 0 for name in zfile.namelist(): total_size += zfile.getinfo(name).file_size download_size = 0 lastMsg = "" for i, name in enumerate(zfile.namelist()): (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(name) outDir = os.path.join(destDir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) if filename: fin =, 'r') outFile = os.path.join(destDir, name) fout = open(outFile, 'wb') content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size while content_size > 0: # Check if thread is notified as exit. if checkExit(): return statusMessageLogMarkExit() fout.write(content) if total_size > 0: msg = 'UNZIP %.0f%%' % (download_size * 100.0 / total_size) else: msg = 'UNZIP %d MB' % (download_size / 1048576) if msg != lastMsg: updateRecord({'status': msg}) lastMsg = msg content = content_size = len(content) download_size += content_size fin.close() fout.close() except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status=('Failed unzipping from: %s' % installParam['source']), message=("Failed unzip model: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) finally: if zfile: zfile.close() if fin: fin.close() if fout: fout.close() # 3 Post process and check data validity. try: modelini = os.path.join(destDir, "model.ini") cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() mosesini = os.path.join(destDir, 'moses.ini') if not os.path.exists(mosesini): raise Exception("Moses ini doesn't exist") updateRecord( { 'srclang': cp.get("Language", 'Source Language').upper(), 'trglang': cp.get("Language", 'Target Language').upper(), 'mosesini': mosesini }, ) except Exception as e: return statusMessageLogMarkExit( status='ERROR model format %s' % installParam['source'], message=("Unspported model format: %s" % installParam['modelName']), exception=e) statusMessageLogMarkExit(status='READY', message="Model %s Installed!" % installParam['modelName']) # Send new model signal. self.emit(SIGNAL("modelInstalled()")) # Record selection. return # End of thread func. # Start the thread. irowid, _ = rowid.toInt() t = threading.Thread(target=installThread, args=(irowid, )) if irowid in self.installThreads: # If old thread is there. print >> sys.stderr, ( "table rowid %d already has a thread running, stop it" % irowid) self.installThreads[irowid][1] = False self.installThreads[irowid] = [t, True] t.start()